RIP George Floyd

****** broke and hungry and frustrated. And pissed off. I blame capitalism.

Another symptom of a broken system.

Saw a dude rolling a washer/dryer combo home last night online.

Wish the people obsessed with "why are they looting :frown: " would just acknowledge this. This type of looting happens in every country when there's no social safety net for people falling on hard times. On top of that, it has to be a huge slap in the face when the tone deaf government is sending you one check that doesn't even cover a full month of rent, and celebrities are donating $50 thinking that it's enough to help you out .

Also, when Trump put out that challenge for people to loot, I'm not sure why people are shocked that the challenge was accepted :lol: It's in American nature to challenge authority. Wasn't it just a week ago when white people were openly defying stay at home orders?
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Band-Aid meet Broken Leg.

How about demanding equal justice under law???

How about ending police / prosecutorial immunity?

How about ending the cash bail system?

How about demanding community policing...cops, prosecutors, AND Judges must LIVE IN the community in which they are employed.

How about creating laws against harassing black people for being black?

How about criminalizing banking employment and housing bias?

How about DEMANDING an end to systemic and institutional racism?

I guess these fine institutions dont want to work themselves out of a job. SMH.

yeah a lot of this is the same ol same ol. massive police reform needs to be effected and this falls way short of what the public should be demanding from police and politicians. i understand the talking heads gotta work with these obstructionist politicians and police, but this is the best time to get one's demands met. they don't have much bargaining power at the moment
yeah a lot of this is the same ol same ol. massive police reform needs to be effected and this falls way short of what the public should be demanding from police and politicians. i understand the talking heads gotta work with these obstructionist politicians and police, but this is the best time to get one's demands met. they don't have much bargaining power at the moment


How’s that blackout on social media going? Nice one Jay.. cancel out an entire hashtag... great.
Crazy thing is there’s truth to this statement. Probably would cut him out of all photos and pretend he never existed
There is truth.

I remember when my friend's older brother committed suicide. I went over a month after and all photos of him were replaced on the wall. There was only one photo of him, but it was upstairs.

Idk if that was due to his parents coping with the lose. But I vividly remember his mom tell us both during dinner to not be like 'your brother, who quit'. I was shook.
Crazy thing is there’s truth to this statement. Probably would cut him out of all photos and pretend he never existed
There is truth.

I remember when my friend's older brother committed suicide. I went over a month after and all photos of him were replaced on the wall. There was only one photo of him, but it was upstairs.

Idk if that was due to his parents coping with the lose. But I vividly remember his mom tell us both during dinner to not be like 'your brother, who quit'. I was shook.

Ya'll are weird. Talking about Asians by using a family who lost their son to suicide.

Shut up and get back on topic.
There is truth.

I remember when my friend's older brother committed suicide. I went over a month after and all photos of him were replaced on the wall. There was only one photo of him, but it was upstairs.

Idk if that was due to his parents coping with the lose. But I vividly remember his mom tell us both during dinner to not be like 'your brother, who quit'. I was shook.

Asian culture is cold bruh. My pops never told me he loved me, was proud of me or anything. My conversations with him were always centered around money. I think he's an undercover racist as well. I remember when I started dating my last girlfriend, she was black and it really made my dad uncomfortable to a point where he wasn't talking to me.
Ya'll are weird. Talking about Asians by using a family who lost their son to suicide.

Shut up and get back on topic.
It was a response to the the post stating an Asian family being embarrassed by an action their child that what the law did.
How’s that blackout on social media going? Nice one Jay.. cancel out an entire hashtag... great.

It started with the industry, but a lot of folks in groups I'm in are expressing concern over the blackout effectively silencing the movement and blocking valuable resource sharing
I love my city, and it's NOT everyone but we got issues.

Mexicans consume black culture, want a "pass" on the N word and hate black folk
Same with Asians and Middle Easterners.

This is why outside of NT I dont speak about sneakers to people in line. We gotta have more in common than a pair of shoes for me to want to converse with you. And being the lone, silent one in line, I observe and listen. I observed and watched what goes on here and A LOT of sneaker heads HATE black people. It's not a fact, but in my field surveys, my theory holds weight.
**** out of here with that. I keep reading the same bs on NT like it's a one way st.
Asian culture is cold bruh. My pops never told me he loved me, was proud of me or anything. My conversations with him were always centered around money. I think he's an undercover racist as well. I remember when I started dating my last girlfriend, she was black and it really made my dad uncomfortable to a point where he wasn't talking to me.
This was pretty much my relationship with my mom and grandma (dad's mom) growing up.
Looters trashed my hometown of Fairfield, CA last night and was told that the people that were caught weren't even from Fairfield.

The drove one of those mobile cranes into the entrance of the Best Buy. But the cops got there as it happened. Crazy.
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