RIP George Floyd

After that photo op stunt and threat to the American Citizen, anyone who keeps bringing up, "but why loot" is just racist or simply slow in the head
you gotta be kidding me
please tell me youre not advocating ppl to go and loot for some skull candy headphones and risk taking a bullet

statements like yours are why ppl need to really think smarter
I find it interesting as to how people choose to say Black people hate, instead of Black people distrust. Black people have a right to distrust each and every minority and ethnic group that has planted foot post Slavery, in these United States of America. Many are too gullible to realize how they’ve been used to enhance white supremacy, buying right into the system of oppression. You learn to talk white, live white, then looking down upon Black people, as if white supremacy is simply a mirage. You only got crumbs from the table, and you think that you are living large now due to the impoverished conditions that you may have come from. But who and what created those conditions in the first place, in the land of your ancestors? There hasn’t been a place on this planet where white people have gone, with their leaving the indigenous people of that land better off than whence they came. Ya’ll keep trusting them!
Guess what is to blame for this? It all comes down to white supremacy, then who embraces it the hardest, trying to fit in. That is the sole reason for the divide between minorities, and Black people. The minorities fall for the okeydoke every single time, once they think that they’ve been accepted, then gaining a seat at the table of white supremacy. Don’t get me started on the Japanese, and how that country sided with Hitler.
Exactly facts.
I find it interesting as to how people choose to say Black people hate, instead of Black people distrust. Black people have a right to distrust each and every minority and ethnic group that has planted foot post Slavery, in these United States of America. Many are too gullible to realize how they’ve been used to enhance white supremacy, buying right into the system of oppression. You learn to talk white, live white, then looking down upon Blsck people, as if white supremacy is simply a mirage. You only got crumbs from the table, and you think that you are living large now due to the impoverished conditions that you may have come from. But who and what created those conditions in the first place, in the land of your ancestors? There hasn’t been a place on this planet where white people have gone, with their leaving the indigenous people of that land better off than whence they came. Ya’ll keep trusting them!
Exactly many of them would give up everything they have to be white or closer to massa. It’s truly sickening.
There is truth.

I remember when my friend's older brother committed suicide. I went over a month after and all photos of him were replaced on the wall. There was only one photo of him, but it was upstairs.

Idk if that was due to his parents coping with the lose. But I vividly remember his mom tell us both during dinner to not be like 'your brother, who quit'. I was shook.
Yesterday, while trying to dig out from beneath the avalanche of messages, notifications, and news that await us each morning, and especially Monday mornings, a friend and I paused to catch up with each other. She shared a statement released by the founder of a company she works with - late arriving, but well-intended. Like a disproportionate number of well-off executives in America, the founder of this particular company is a White man. Most of us have, by now, become inured to and skeptical of the insipid and innumerable corporate statements of "solidarity" interspersed throughout not only this weekend, but the preceding weeks in response the global pandemic. What struck both of us, with this all too typical attempt, was how a benign, trite statement like "I stand against racism and violence" feels hostile.

How, some might wonder, could anyone object to that? Do you support violence? And that's precisely the problem. Due to the predictably racist and sensationalized framing of this weekend's largely peaceful and non-violent protests, appeals to "both sides" are now being crafted such that a "respectable" position must denounce both racism and, for some reason, violence in general.

Why must we explicitly denounce violence rather than focus exclusively on what is, in this context, both its root cause and primary means of expression: anti-Black racism?

We shouldn't have to mollify concerns about property damage in the same breath, the same statement, the same day, or the same year that we focus on the murder of Black Americans at the hands of law enforcement.

This is “all lives matter” for inanimate objects.

I don't want to hear about how riots "undermine the message." The message is only unclear for those who refuse to listen - and what is it, if not grotesque privilege, that allows someone to determine the conditions under which they are willing to entertain recognizing the basic humanity of another group?

For centuries now, America has resisted every call to reckon with its brutal and murderous oppression. It's like broaching an uncomfortable subject with a selfish, disinterested relationship partner.

Last time, it was, "I don't want to talk about it now, I'm trying to watch football." Now, it's, "I can't talk to you when you're angry. Maybe if you calm down."

Calls for justice should not wait until White America decides it's a "convenient time," nor should they only count if they are considered uniformly palatable and nonthreatening.

Equality will not be delayed another 400 years because Jake Paul looted a Big Lots.

For the same reason that all lives cannot matter unless and until Black lives matter, generic platitudes about unity, peace, and the abhorrence of violence in general are utterly meaningless if we are to give broken glass the same priority as broken bodies or a broken system.

When nonviolence is preached as an attempt to evade the repercussions of political brutality, it betrays itself. When nonviolence begins halfway through the war with the aggressor calling time out, it exposes itself as a ruse. When nonviolence is preached by the representatives of the state, while the state doles out heaps of violence to its citizens, it reveals itself to be a con. And none of this can mean that rioting or violence is "correct" or "wise," any more than a forest fire can be "correct" or "wise." Wisdom isn't the point tonight. Disrespect is. In this case, disrespect for the hollow law and failed order that so regularly disrespects the community.

I'll spare the thread this discussion.

Me - You should really look up the definition of racist
You - **** your dictionary, here's my made up definition to fit my agenda
Me - You don't get to make up your own definitions
You - Don't tell me what I can't do

The end. Have a good day.
You will spare the thread this discussion, because you've been removed from it.

If anyone else would like to make the same argument.

1.) Don't.
2.) I've explained this already here and here:

We do not utilize the lay, dictionary definition of "racism" in our content moderation. The academic definition of racism may be simplified as: racism = prejudice + power.
Systemic inequality exists in our societies along axes such as race, gender, sex, class, ability, and spiritual/cultural affiliation. For each, there exists a normative, structural, hierarchical direction that serves to the advantage of certain groups at the detriment of all others. This is what is tacitly acknowledged through phrases like "reverse racism." Prejudice carries far greater heft and consequence when backed by the weight of history, enacted by institutions, and represents prevailing social biases.

This is not to say that prejudice is only hurtful or wrong when aligned with prevailing, structurally enforced biases. It is, of course, wrong if a woman sexually harasses a man - but such incidents do not leverage or contribute to the broader objectification, degradation, and oppression of men as a sex.

In that same vein, it must be acknowledged that men, collectively, are responsible for sexism. If a man's relative success or inaction serve to perpetuate sex or gender inequality, should he be absolved of any and all association with or accountability for sexism by merely maintaining a theoretical opposition to it? That, in essence, is why many, if not most, social justice educators and activists, including White educators like Dr. Robin DiAngelo, seek to maintain a sense of accountability among their peers through the use of phrases like "anti-racist racists." 1 2 3

If this strikes you as a double standard, this is so only because it describes the double standards of racism, sexism, et al.

If this bothers anyone else, don't clutter this thread. Either take it up with me or seek out one of the many, many other websites that are designed around your perspective to the exclusion of all others.

To everyone who wishes to use this thread as intended, please continue to alert our moderation team to such disruptions by tapping the "report" link beneath any offending posts.
I find it interesting as to how people choose to say Black people hate, instead of Black people distrust. Black people have a right to distrust each and every minority and ethnic group that has planted foot post Slavery, in these United States of America. Many are too gullible to realize how they’ve been used to enhance white supremacy, buying right into the system of oppression. You learn to talk white, live white, then looking down upon Black people, as if white supremacy is simply a mirage. You only got crumbs from the table, and you think that you are living large now due to the impoverished conditions that you may have come from. But who and what created those conditions in the first place, in the land of your ancestors? There hasn’t been a place on this planet where white people have gone, with their leaving the indigenous people of that land better off than whence they came. Ya’ll keep trusting them!

Wow for the first time I gotta say

This MF Spittin'
Yeah, caught on live TV. Ran out with surf boards and other items.


Lost count of the amount of times I saw vids the last few days of them doing performative **** like kneeling or hugging protesters only to see videos of the same PD's busting unarmed heads and firing chemical weapons indiscriminately hours later that night...

The ones who seem to truly be about it show this kind of energy

Asian culture is cold bruh. My pops never told me he loved me, was proud of me or anything. My conversations with him were always centered around money. I think he's an undercover racist as well. I remember when I started dating my last girlfriend, she was black and it really made my dad uncomfortable to a point where he wasn't talking to me.
Thank you for being honest about the anti-blackness in your culture.
I find it interesting as to how people choose to say Black people hate, instead of Black people distrust. Black people have a right to distrust each and every minority and ethnic group that has planted foot post Slavery, in these United States of America. Many are too gullible to realize how they’ve been used to enhance white supremacy, buying right into the system of oppression. You learn to talk white, live white, then looking down upon Black people, as if white supremacy is simply a mirage. You only got crumbs from the table, and you think that you are living large now due to the impoverished conditions that you may have come from. But who and what created those conditions in the first place, in the land of your ancestors? There hasn’t been a place on this planet where white people have gone, with their leaving the indigenous people of that land better off than whence they came. Ya’ll keep trusting them!

Mental colonization. Everywhere the European man has gone this is the case. Imagine the inferiority complex you must have to actively plant the seed of hate for the African man around the globe.

@Methodical Management

When nonviolence is preached as an attempt to evade the repercussions of political brutality, it betrays itself. When nonviolence begins halfway through the war with the aggressor calling time out, it exposes itself as a ruse. When nonviolence is preached by the representatives of the state, while the state doles out heaps of violence to its citizens, it reveals itself to be a con. And none of this can mean that rioting or violence is "correct" or "wise," any more than a forest fire can be "correct" or "wise." Wisdom isn't the point tonight. Disrespect is. In this case, disrespect for the hollow law and failed order that so regularly disrespects the community.

Well said dude. I might have to steal that for future use. :lol:

Thanks for removing the, "I am not racist" dude. He was clueless as hell.
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