RIP George Floyd

pro or anti police

pro or anti riot

black verse white

we are forgetting one important thing even before george floyd
there is still a virus going around

Riots Breed Chaos, Violence and Most Likely Covid-19
The pandemic seems to be forgotten amid the rage, but the demonstrations will only make it worse.

Like so many Americans, I didn’t get much sleep Friday night. All night long, I kept refreshing my Twitter feed, watching and re-watching the videos of the rioting that took place in cities nationwide in reaction to the killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis earlier in the week.

I saw a New York police officer throwing a young protester to the ground, calling her a vile name as he did; a police car going up in flames in Dallas; an assault on the CNN building in Atlanta; a police officer in Louisville, Kentucky, shooting a pepper-spray ball at a camera operator. And on and on.

My feelings watching the riots unfold weren’t much different from most people’s: horror, revulsion and a powerful sadness that this is what it had come to, perhaps inevitably, three and a half years into the presidency of Donald Trump. I recalled watching the Democratic convention in Chicago in 1968. I thought about Ferguson, Missouri, and about the way so many police forces across the country seem to operate with impunity. I thought about that appalling tweet the president sent earlier on Friday: “When the looting starts, the shooting starts.”

And I thought about one other thing: Philadelphia in late September 1918. The U.S. had entered World War I the year before, and the city had planned an enormous parade — It would stretch two miles — to raise money for the war effort. The 1918 pandemic, which would eventually kill an estimated 675,000 Americans, was in its early stages, just beginning to jump from military bases, where it began, to the broader population.

Several doctors urged the city to cancel the parade because the hundreds of thousands of onlookers it would attract would surely cause the virus to spread widely. John M. Barry, in “The Great Influenza,” 1 describes what happened in the city after the parade:

On Friday night, the current pandemic seemed to be forgotten. Most police officers either wore face shields or masks, but most protesters did not. They crowded together, stumbled over one another as they ran from the police, engaged in shoving matches and more, ignoring weeks of warnings about the importance of social distancing.

In the heat of the moment, it’s understandable, I suppose, that angry protesters would forget that we are in the midst of a pandemic. But the consequence is likely to be severe. In many of the cities where the rioting took place, it had begun to seem as if the worst was behind them, with the number of hospitalizations and deaths declining steadily. There is no question that adherence to social-distancing guidelines, the use of masks, regular hand-washing and the cancellation of professional sports and other events that draw crowds have played a huge role in getting the pandemic under some semblance of control.

Over the next two weeks, as those infected during the riots show symptoms — and spread the virus to others — those gains are likely to be reversed. People have a right to be angry about Floyd’s needless death. But an upsurge in Covid-19 deaths is likely to be a result of the riots. It may not be as bad as Philadelphia in 1918, but it’s not going to be good.

I spent a good portion of last week reading papers by economists that attempted to calculate how the country can reopen in a way that would maximize economic activity while minimizing Covid-19 hospitalizations and deaths. Although the papers didn’t necessarily agree on the best way to proceed, they collectively offered hope — that we were far enough along that we could start calculating the best way to get back on our feet. Now, after the riots, those papers may have been wasted effort.

I’ve seen suggestions on Twitter that the lockdown was part of the reason the riots took place. “When the only party youth is permitted to attend is a riot, we shouldn’t act surprised when they all show up,” read one tweet. I’m no fan of full-fledged lockdowns, but I don’t think that had much to do with the riots.

But I do think Trump’s lack of leadership since the beginning of the pandemic played a role. His refusal to wear a mask or insist on social distancing at his press conferences; his urging red states to reopen well before it was safe; his support of the armed citizens in Michigan who invaded the statehouse because they didn’t want to have their “freedom” curtailed — they all sent a message that he viewed the measures being urged by scientists as examples of “political correctness.” A real leader would have reinforced the message that measures aimed at tamping down a killer virus, however inconvenient, were in the best interest of everyone.

Without that reinforcement from a trusted leader, it’s been all too easy for angry protesters to forget that we are still in the middle of a pandemic and that people who don’t take precautions can still die. Some surely will in the coming weeks.
Maybe the protests will bring about herd immunity
:rofl::rofl: QFE

my cousin's wife unfollowed me on IG. my cousin works for the oakland police department (trust me, I know, I know...I've been thru it with homeboy) and I've always been vocal about my opposition towards the PD. my comments must be hittin different because she unfollowed and blocked me yesterday. like *****, aint no one hurtin to see your 5th grader graduate and some bootsy *** finger paintings. matter of fact, **** all your kids too

Man, it's really crazy how the "police life" can overtake people's mindset so frequently. they're trained by their fellow tenured officers to believe it's them vs everyone else when that's not even how most people view police. They get so defense.

The other day someone who's boyfriend is a cop told me "like 99% of cops are good" and I was like ***** there's not 99% of ANYTHING that's good. You can't name a single profession in the existence of the world where 99% of the people doing that job are good at it. Doctors, lawyers, strippers, trash collectors, masseuses, etc. but there's NINETY NINE PERCENT of cops that are good at their job?
the threat of coronavirus has definitely crossed my mind the last couple days of protests. folks are trying to be mindful of physical space but when you've got 10,000-20,000 people moving in unison it's impossible to maintain 6'

i just saw in the coronavirus thread

i saw this tweet in the coronavirus thread

I dont want anyone to take this the wrong way but i don't want my loved ones coming in contact and myself included with anyone that was protesting a senseless death of a man that should not have happened for passing a fake $20.00 and neither should any of you

protest even loot if you want but with the coronavirus still around its going to kill alot more people then a dirty cop did to one man or the destruction luxury stores
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Maybe the protests will bring about herd immunity

i doubt it

let the cops who killed george floyd catch herd immunity in prison so they will have the chance to stand trial for the murder the committed so justice will be served or better yet let them die from it and spare the rest of us from it
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Got protests in Africa now too :pimp: :pimp:

From Victoria Island in Lagos State, Nigeria







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We’d find out in a month or two not while they’re still on going lol

dude where going to find out in 1 to 2 weeks time

im sure alot of people are going to get sick all around the country from the protests and the riots or we will see how good masks really work
if people are using them
BTW im sure there are alot of people who protested that didnt know they was sick or if they did and still went and knew they was sick their no different then the cops their protesting against

everyone protesting or not in this thread please be safe
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dude where going to find out in 1 to 2 weeks time

im sure alot of people are going to get sick all around the country from the protests and the riots or we will see how good masks really work
if people are using them
I’m saying after that initial batch. It’ll be a spike and then I’m interested to see what happens after in terms of herd immunity
If any of yall in Chicago, stay safe. My cousin just hit me up about the race war going down there between blacks and latinos. SMH. We're crabs in a bucket.
Black Americans need to be more vocal on and offline. No so called poc or minority should ever fix their lips and/or fingers to speak or type some ******** about black ppl when it comes to police brutality (among other things) given the fact that if it werent black americans no one would have civil rights in this country other than white ppl. If ppl dont want to respect black ppl then we should make ppl fear us IMO. Worldwide.

The disrespect...also **** truijillo. He was a piece of **** and ushered in a culture of Stockholm syndrome.
I've been seeing these corny chicks who date/married cops with these dumb posts saying "If you're anti-police, unfollow me."
But the ironic part is all the women posting it have the driest social media pages in town.

Like people are gonna be like damn I'm anti-police but I don't wanna miss out on the photos of her son riding his bike, or a photo of her trip to Six Flags.

Lol, had to unfriend this girl I used to wotk with a couple of days ago for something like that... ***** had the nerve when she used to be married to this cops son. Key word is used, as in past tense, because she knows exactly what kind of a POS dude and his son really is. Same cop that pulled over my friend on private property and illegally searched his car and tried to steal thousands of dollars from him. My car was already parked in their drive way when I called them out on the ****, so dude arrests me for a DUI (no sobriety test or anything, and my car wasn't even on) AFTER he TOLD me to leave. No Miranda rights, towed my car off private property and I had to pay the lot to get it back.

Had to get a lawyer to "beat" it aka keep my bail and time served etc etc, only for me to find out that my lawyer was actually friends with the dude snd that theyball regularly had breakfast with the ******* judge. That's when I learned you never retain small town lawyers, they're all with the ****.

Anyway I digress... so I posted something like "**** that dude" talking about Trump and unfriended her ***. A fee hours later she sends me a text apologizing for something her current BFs dad said in response, that I'm sure was racist af but I never saw it. By thr way I'm pretty sure both of them are fire fighters near Peoria, IL. These racist mofos are everywhere, not just in the police departments. I remember the scandal of the Chicago FD back when I was younger... having family that is in the CFD.
On a more positive note... I am surprised and proud of the white folk here in Castle Rock, CO...

Hardly see any black people here, had no idea they were even protesting. Castle Rock is the type of place where you find Mexican Trump supporters, no lie. Also saw 1 person with a sign over the highway on my way to Breckinridge yesterday, which is somehow even more white that CR.
Imagine costing your fellow Americans millions in taxes, DURING a Virus outbreak, while sparking protests that violate our social distance measures and 2 weeks later being the sole reason for a second wave of Covid 19 that ends up killing some 50k more americans....yup THATS Derek Chauvin and his comrades.....
Price of herd immunity is more lives smh.

this man understands and it’s not worth looting rioting or protesting For more Innocent people to die from this disease

im 100% for payback from what happened to George Floyd it’s just that people that are sick or have low immunity shouldn’t be sacrificed for it because someone wants free Gucci Or Nike’s

Because let’s face of the people that are boosting aren’t fighting for George Floyd there fighting each other
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