RIP George Floyd

Dyckman had the city looking like trash last night. I’m only now waking up to this what a joke.
Brick on deck just in case she gotta get busy. :lol:
They were getting ready to let the man walk until the fam got their own autopsy done. Holding to my prediction that the main piglet will get manslaughter and will do less than 25 and the rest will walk. Even then I don't think it'll have anything to do with justice. Purely damage control on some "if we let him walk the city will burn."...
They were getting ready to let the man walk until the fam got their own autopsy done. Holding to my prediction that the main piglet will get manslaughter and will do less than 25 and the rest will walk. Even then I don't think it'll have anything to do with justice. Purely damage control on some "if we let him walk the city will burn."...

If they know whats good for the country, not the city, they wont let anyone walk. :lol:
So this chick was on CSpan's The Washington Journal:

Most callers had a jerk off session about the state of the black family, as if that had something to do with police shooting rubber bullets at journalists.

Of course, she didn't touch the FBI report about law enforcement being infiltrated by white supremacists groups.

The myth is strong.

I was out on the plaza Saturday. The group of cops that did this are **** and the ones that watched are cowards. My son asked could he go out there with me, but I’m not sure. Cops seem to be under orders to intimidate, even if we’re being peaceful. He’s 12. Don’t want him pepper sprayed. I’d end up in cuffs if they hurt my boy.

Saw a wild poll were 96% of respondents hadn't heard of the Tulsa massacre in school and neither had I the whole time I was in school in Florida

America bombing Americans in an American town on American soil by air didn't make the curriculum for whatever reason...>D
I had never heard of the Tulsa Bombings til 2015. It would have been the only piece of history I remembered from school if it was taught.

“riots are the language of the unheard”
Those of you who have issues with the destruction, how do you expect anything to change without it?
Kaep got called a son of a ***** by the potus and lost his job for silently protesting this same ****. Without making elected officials and police and others feel uncomfortable (or unsafe for that matter), this **** is just going to continue to happen. The rednecks in GA were going about their every day lives after killing Ahmaud Arbery. Most of the public didn’t even know it happened until the video surfaced. They weren’t even cops, but were protected cause they worked for the d.a. Before people could mourn the death of another young black man, Breonna Taylor was killed in her bed. The cops responsible, who are still walking around free, put out a ******** statement saying they announced themselves. Turns out it was a no knock warrant which means they burst the door down. Her boyfriend, who was defending his girl and their home, was arrested for firing at who he thought were intruders still sits in jail as far as I know. Throw in the fact that the guy the cops were looking for was already in custody and that **** sounds like a bad movie. And again, before people could grieve and mourn her death, George Floyd was murdered by a gang of cops on video. The man was in cuffs on his stomach with 2 other cops on top of him. The last one of these murders I saw was the Tamir Rice vid. I can’t bear to watch another one of these vids, but I read that he called out for his Mother who has been dead for years. That **** is heart wrenching. There’s a pattern here. This **** is going to keep happening unless something drastic happens. That something is not chanting with signs when and where local govt/law enforcement says it’s okay to do so, then by going home at 8:00. I can appreciate the go vote part, but when I heard it from the mayor of Atlanta, all I could think about was how their current governor got into his position; or the purging of voters and reduction of polling stations. Voting isn’t the single solution to this. Once they realize that they can’t afford to keep replacing **** after black lives are taken without cause, change will come.

I was out on the plaza Saturday. The group of cops that did this are **** and the ones that watched are cowards. My son asked could he go out there with me, but I’m not sure. Cops seem to be under orders to intimidate, even if we’re being peaceful. He’s 12. Don’t want him pepper sprayed. I’d end up in cuffs if they hurt my boy.

Good call leaving lil' man at home. Kids should NOT be anywhere near these things right now. Not even at the peaceful ones because you'll never know when **** will pop off. I'm sure you can trust yourself around your son, but you can't trust these cops, as evident by the video.
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