RIP George Floyd

LA showing out too I see

'I'm not a racist but I like to minimize the murder of unarmed black folks and find media coverage of it 'race-baiting'' >D

Dudes always expose themselves anytime they use the terms 'race bait' or 'race card' like this type of **** is some sort of sick game that minorities enjoy playing with their lives :stoneface:
Amy Klobuchar declined to prosecute officer at center of George Floyd's death after previous conduct complaints
^looks photoshopped for attention..

But anyways...these cops that are trying to stop the protesting, rather have another paycheck versus standing up for what's right... sad.
I've always thought but doubted it every time. That theres a family of caucasians that have an explainable amount of power over America that favors themselves and their skin color. Events like this and other evidence remind me that I should never doubt it.
Amy Klobuchar declined to prosecute officer at center of George Floyd's death after previous conduct complaints

For those who don't understand how this continues to happen and have faith in the "system".
Damn. Racist white people won again. I swear theres a white family with extraordinary power that made this call.

If theres no basis for criminal charges, then I'm about to find me a racist white neck to kneel on ASAP!!! I should be able to go home the same night right?
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Nobody from Minneapolis is shocked. Liberal hypocrisy (Speaking to Elected officials) has gone on for years. Was on the phone with my Pops who still lives there, he says if they don't convict on murder charges the entire city will burn.
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