RIP George Floyd

Dude, everybody from whoever wrote the initial report to the coroner was in on it.
Yea I'm glad that the 4 directly involved are getting held to the fire but the whole PD that tried to protect them deserve to be held accountable too.

Hoping that comes with the civil rights investigation into the PD that got announced cause the medical examiner at least needs to face consequences for that transparent attempted spin they released. MPD as well given the history with Philando Castille and other unarmed murders

the police here marched on our city with protesters too. they detained and released people after curfew with no arrests besides one guy who damaged property.

I appreciate how our local officers are working with the citizens, and I know that the majority of our force is local so they know the people here.

With that said..... when a snake sheds its skin, it is still a snake.
tough question here:
how far are some of us gonna take this?
cause dudes gonna go back to watching the NFL and openly spend their money on team merch
ppl gonna still eat at wendys, chick fil a, in n out etc...
ppl will still be entering raffles for off-white shoes

does that water down support for social justice ?

I stopped watching NFL games after Kaepernick - then I realized something…

Institutional and structural racism was brought to us by LEGISLATION.

LEGISLATION is the only means by which to destroy it

Racism, bias, and prejudice must be LEGISLATED out of existence by criminalizing offenses / passing laws that prohibit these occurrences in employment, banking, housing, and all other facets of public life.

I could not care less if my neighbor or anyone else hates black people.

I only care when that hate is weaponized / makes contact with me or others that look like me and impedes our life liberty or pursuit happiness without consequence.

Equal justice under law!

Refusing to eat at Chic –Fila aint gonna do jack…especially when the franchise owner is Puerto Rican and the faces I see behind the counter are mostly black and brown.

Voting, Legislation is the way forward IMHO.

If they aren’t willing to give us anything for our votes / support then they gotta go.

Read the proper use is to shoot at the ground to make it bounce off to lose some steam but cops shooting them like a regular gun. Also read those are filled with some heavy substance inside the rubber smh. I dont see how these cant kill someone if it hits someone a certain way. Someone could get hit in the eye, which has happened or even hit somewhere on the face, they fall back and slam their head on the ground.
Didn’t expect the charges for the guy who stood watch. Good. Hope they don’t think protests will stop. It needs to keep going til laws aren’t in place, the election in November and the officers responsible for Ms. Taylor are in custody.

Oh he was the one who coudve stopped it at that point, “Lets get him up now”. Thats it.
Read the proper use is to shoot at the ground to make it bounce off to lose some steam but cops shooting them like a regular gun. Also read those are filled with some heavy substance inside the rubber smh. I dont see how these cant kill someone if it hits someone a certain way. Someone could get hit in the eye, which has happened or even hit somewhere on the face, they fall back and slam their head on the ground.

Maga brees still using the same old talking points. "Disrespecting the flag" blah blah..:smh:

Brees is 40 years old white man born and raised and Texas, it's not the he 'doesn't get it' more like he doesn't want to get it. Doesn't care because he's never had to worry for his life over the color of his skin
agreed. at this point there's really no need to convince or change the mind of a person like that. he's part of that old wave of amerikkkans who are willing to spend their last breath to prevent YOU from having a voice. everyone would be better off shunning people like that from the spotlight. it would help if people spoke out against fellow athletes like him, but there's a whole lot of white athletes with his kind of regressive mentality
SMH She's gonna be forever scarred.


Brother and sister responsible from Bring 3rd world education and 3rd world private army tactics to America.
Something something chickens coming home to roost......

Weren't we just having a debats in a thread about 2 weeks ago about America being a 3rd world country on the low and people just not hip yet.
How quickly all that change....
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