RIP George Floyd

Disband Police Dept? Yea that'll never happen.

I actually like the idea of getting adequately trained officers to protect and serve their actual neighborhoods though. Lots of potential here.

Yea this **** hitting different
:wow: :pimp:

All these actions being taken towards reform on an institutional level would've never in a million years been even imaginable let alone feasible without all the collective action we've seen these last 2 weeks

On a lot of different levels,we've seen more change come from all this than we have from the ballot box.

Not to diminish the impact of voting which definitely still matters in the big picture but most of the longest lasting changes we've seen throughout modern history came as a result of direct civilian action
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i don't, direct me to this please.

one thing the NYPD is notorious for is "proactive policing" which is basically putting cops in "high crime" areas, aka high minority, and having them over-police by trying to "prevent" crimes before they happen. Their thinking was that by stopping these low level crimes, it was preventing bigger crimes from happening. They stopped this procedure and during the period that it was stopped, Major crime declined.
You acknowledge Jordan's growth and seem to respect it by saying if he continues he can open the minds of racists but say you saw no growth from Kobe in the 8 years after his comments about Trayvon. If you're unbiased you can acknowledge the change from both of them.
Nope, I am not saying something good about Jordan. He is way too late to the party. All he is doing is to maintain his business. I said this path not as an example of success, but as a example of someone who has something to lose. Like Jordan, Bryant never said a thing about being Black, during his playing career. Once retired? That may be a different story.
Nothing to lose unless you are of Jordan’s level, profile. With Goodell making his apology, dudes who have been silent, are now very comfortable with speaking out. Too late for those of us watched you stay silent at the height of your powers.
Nope, I am not saying something good about Jordan. He is way too late to the party. All he is doing is to maintain his business. I said this path not as an example of success, but as a example of someone who has something to lose. Like Jordan, Bryant never said a thing about being Black, during his playing career. Once retired? That may be a different story.
Nothing to lose unless you are of Jordan’s level, profile. With Goodell making his apology, dudes who have been silent, are now very comfortable with speaking out. Too late for those of us watched you stay silent at the height of your powers.

If you're going to continue down this path at least be accurate.

Literally DURING HIS PLAYING CAREER. You can hold it against him that it wasn't on your schedule as far as when you though he should have spoken up. But you're being inaccurate in all of this.

He literally said "Players such as myself and others who have the platform, our responsibility is more than putting the ball in the basket but helping them have the platform [to tell their story]".

You also didn't address (as of the time I typed this) any of the other proof I gave you that you are pretty much saying whatever you want to believe despite the fact that there is hard evidence that what you're saying is simply untrue.

I've told you this privately, publicly and here again I'm saying it- I agree with some of the things you say but the problems you run into here sometimes are that you just ignore the facts and say what you want to say. There's nothing wrong with being adamant about your beliefs, but you can't just be on here making stuff up then getting upset about it when you're challenged on it.
Come to Ghana if you’re unwanted – Tourism Minister to African Americans

Nope, I am not saying something good about Jordan. He is way too late to the party. All he is doing is to maintain his business. I said this path not as an example of success, but as a example of someone who has something to lose. Like Jordan, Bryant never said a thing about being Black, during his playing career. Once retired? That may be a different story.
Nothing to lose unless you are of Jordan’s level, profile. With Goodell making his apology, dudes who have been silent, are now very comfortable with speaking out. Too late for those of us watched you stay silent at the height of your powers.
Don't necessarily disagree with any of this. But I can't really accept the 'too late' way of thought, so long as the actions are consistent. When it comes down to it that's all I really want. If someone like Goodell is a closet racist but says 'Black lives matter' and then puts his money where his mouth is and opens up opportunities for people that look like me? I'll accept that. Just like how Jordan is likely thinking of his brand but if his contributions actually make a difference in the world, I'll take the effect and leave the cause in the back of my mind. Ideally these people would be sincere with their intentions but as long as the follow thru is consistent with the words out their mouth I'm not that mad about it.
Cause that’s that man’s livelihood for him and his family, and the others that work for him probably. It’s pathetic by that landlord/closet racist.

Nah Fam...PLENTY of other spaces to rent. Especially now with the COVID thing.

Businesses get new locations all the time. If you arent ready to sacrifice for your dignity then you dont have any.

No excuse for him going back and forth with a racist and even more reason for him to get to steppin vs put more money in a racists hand.

I'm sure there were signs way before now.

As black people in America we can't afford to expect white folks to be fair, honest, decent, or civil. If it happens then cool, but to expect it? Nah.

Seems to me that the only reason he's so dissapointed is because he allowed himself to believe something different.

I've been fired from / walked off way too many jobs in my life over this EXACT same thing to ever believe the "pay / work for a racist to feed my family / because I got bills" narrative.

These days I go to work and come home - interactions / exposure to white (and black) folks is kept at a bare minimum and ABSOLUTELY no personal information excchanged.

How was your weekend? Fine.

What did you do? Nothing really.

You doing anything this weekend? Maybe.

Anything deeper = No thanks.

People are NOSEY = especially white folks!

I don't even talk on the phone w/o going outside, far away from the building.


People treat you the way you allow them to treat you.

Oh that's how you feel Fam?

Say less.

Lets pack it up fellas.

To a deeeelux apartment....
With how these protests are continuing daily and getting bigger each day, do you believe this energy will carry into November and more importantly oust Trump from office?
I hope people understand it’s not just voting out the president. Trump might be hyping them up and defunding/sabotaging efforts to investigate brutality, but local and state officials are the main reason why police are able to get away with what they’re doing. It’s not enough to vote just once every 4 years. People not voting at every non-presidential election during the Obama years led to this type of violence happening under a black Democrat president
If you're going to continue down this path at least be accurate.

Literally DURING HIS PLAYING CAREER. You can hold it against him that it wasn't on your schedule as far as when you though he should have spoken up. But you're being inaccurate in all of this.

He literally said "Players such as myself and others who have the platform, our responsibility is more than putting the ball in the basket but helping them have the platform [to tell their story]".

You also didn't address (as of the time I typed this) any of the other proof I gave you that you are pretty much saying whatever you want to believe despite the fact that there is hard evidence that what you're saying is simply untrue.

I've told you this privately, publicly and here again I'm saying it- I agree with some of the things you say but the problems you run into here sometimes are that you just ignore the facts and say what you want to say. There's nothing wrong with being adamant about your beliefs, but you can't just be on here making stuff up then getting upset about it when you're challenged on it.

Was this AFTER he was reamed about the Trayvon Martin comments? If so? Yeah, some self reflection was needed! Also, he did indeed call himself Italian, as opposed to BLACK, in the spot in Real Sports with Bryant Gumble. Kobe Bryant, Jordan AND Tiger Woods are utter and complete failures in the OJ Simpson model, in regard to what it meant to be a socially conscious Black Athlete, in america.
Was this AFTER he was reamed about the Trayvon Martin comments? If so? Yeah, some self reflection was needed! Also, he did indeed call himself Italian, as opposed to BLACK, in the spot in Real Sports with Bryant Gumble. Kobe Bryant, Jordan AND Tiger Woods are utter and complete failures in the OJ Simpson model, in regard to what it meant to be a socially conscious Black Athlete, in america.

Don't hurt yourself reaching like that with the OJ comparison as it pertains to Kobe.

You are aware that he spent roughly ages 6-13 in Italy, speaking italian, immersing himself in the culture because his dad was playing there, right? Referring to himself as Italian is not denying his African-American roots. It's acknowledging his upbringing. He's spoken at length about moving back to the states for high school and feeling like an outcast as far as not knowing the customs, lingo etc.

You're just not going to address the quote I posted where he literally acknowledged his blackness?
Don't necessarily disagree with any of this. But I can't really accept the 'too late' way of thought, so long as the actions are consistent. When it comes down to it that's all I really want. If someone like Goodell is a closet racist but says 'Black lives matter' and then puts his money where his mouth is and opens up opportunities for people that look like me? I'll accept that. Just like how Jordan is likely thinking of his brand but if his contributions actually make a difference in the world, I'll take the effect and leave the cause in the back of my mind. Ideally these people would be sincere with their intentions but as long as the follow thru is consistent with the words out their mouth I'm not that mad about it.
Well I disagree. I am angry about it, and then am not trusting of any of them. Including Goodell nor Mitt Romney. Brothers of convenience are simply untrustworthy, because when the pendulum had swung the other way? It was always “what black people need to do”, versus what WE SHOULD DO. What also followed was silence. Many of these athletes are nothing but a bunch of selfish pricks, and we KNOW this to be true because ALL pale in comparison the The Greatest. It is also why I have come to respect Colin so much more. Dude lost it all, but now? Things are coming for that Brother, good things. I will br very happy to see it, not being in the example of Jordan, Bryant, Woods, and OJ Simpson.
Nah Fam...PLENTY of other spaces to rent. Especially now with the COVID thing.

Businesses get new locations all the time. If you arent ready to sacrifice for your dignity then you dont have any.

No excuse for him going back and forth with a racist and even more reason for him to get to steppin vs put more money in a racists hand.

I'm sure there were signs way before now.

As black people in America we can't afford to expect white folks to be fair, honest, decent, or civil. If it happens then cool, but to expect it? Nah.

Seems to me that the only reason he's so dissapointed is because he allowed himself to believe something different.

I've been fired from / walked off way too many jobs in my life over this EXACT same thing to ever believe the "pay / work for a racist to feed my family / because I got bills" narrative.

These days I go to work and come home - interactions / exposure to white (and black) folks is kept at a bare minimum and ABSOLUTELY no personal information excchanged.

How was your weekend? Fine.

What did you do? Nothing really.

You doing anything this weekend? Maybe.

Anything deeper = No thanks.

People are NOSEY = especially white folks!

I don't even talk on the phone w/o going outside, far away from the building.


People treat you the way you allow them to treat you.

Oh that's how you feel Fam?

Say less.

Lets pack it up fellas.

To a deeeelux apartment....

I agree with ya, personally, I couldn’t break bread with someone like that, but all that easier said than done. I don’t know dude or his situation or his peoples situation. I just hope with the exposure, dude can find a better place for his shop.
Well I disagree. I am angry about it, and then am not trusting of any of them. Including Goodell nor Mitt Romney. Brothers of convenience are simply untrustworthy, because when the pendulum had swung the other way? It was always “what black people need to do”, versus what WE SHOULD DO. What also followed was silence. Many of these athletes are nothing but a bunch of selfish pricks, and we KNOW this to be true because ALL pale in comparison the The Greatest. It is also why I have come to respect Colin so much more. Dude lost it all, but now? Things are coming for that Brother, good things. I will br very happy to see it, not being in the example of Jordan, Bryant, Woods, and OJ Simpson.
I guess I'm left wondering what is it that you want? Don't you want people to change their ways? I'm not saying I trust these people either. I want to see the system rebuilt one way or the other.
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