RIP George Floyd

"4 More Years" Philly Italians Pull Up To A BLM Protest.. Claiming To Protect Their Hood & Camera Man Got Stole On!
What do ya know, racism & italians going together like alcoholics & alcohol. Such a surprise.

look this is my hood ill tell you right now there was a post on facebook going around saying antifa was gonna try to destroy the community yesterday starting at 3pm

my hood clearly wasnt having that no randoms gonna come and destroy property in this community.. there was carts full of bricks all lined up and down broad st yesterday

yes few in the video took it to another level with hostility but believe me when i say this, about 80% of south philly is out to protect our community and the areas around it, we wasnt gonna let the lootin and destroying of property happen at the end of the day
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look this is my hood ill tell you right now there was a post on facebook going around saying antifa was gonna try to destroy the community yesterday starting at 3pm

my hood clearly wasnt having that no randoms gonna come and destroy property in this community.. there was carts full of bricks all lined up and down broad st yesterday

yes few in the video took it to another level with hostility but believe me when i say this, about 80% of south philly is out to protect our community and the areas around it, we wasnt gonna let the lootin and destroying of property happen at the end of the day

Just curious what is antifa to you? I assume you are also of Italian decent based on the screen name, so I understand you sticking up for your people but I do want to know how those rumors start and why people from your hood felt that somehow that aligned with a BLM protest which have been mostly peaceful for the last couple weeks (to my knowledge).

I understand caping for your hood but let's really have a discussion about the relationship between Blacks and Italians if your open to it.

Ps I see so many people using white power symbolism/ salutes while propelling our current president, and people wonder why say **** him.
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I’m not condoning either but if you from nyc you know a ton of non black people drop that word excessively with no damns given


If it's said by a racist white / non black POS to a black person then its assault.

If it's said by a black person to another black person then cool.

Do it EXACTLY like America has been doing it for 400 years...

If I'm at Starbucks chillin then...trespassing.

If you're at Starbucks chillin then...Welcome Sir...the wifi password is _______.

Or is justice and equality a thing now?

So cops who probably don't live in LA come into cities to abuse its citizens, and other citizens of that city pay for the damages caused by cops, which eats into the money allocated for essential services.

Of course they have zero incentive to change. Not their money, not their city, not their problem.
Just curious what is antifa to you? I assume you are also of Italian decent based on the screen name, so I understand you sticking up for your people but I do want to know how those rumors start and why people from your hood felt that somehow that aligned with a BLM protest which have been mostly peaceful for the last couple weeks (to my knowledge).

I understand caping for your hood but let's really have a discussion about the relationship between blacks and Italians if your open to it.

Ps I see so many people using white power symbolism/ salutes while propelling our current president, and people wonder why say **** him.

Yes im Italian and Irish also dont post much in here but always reading and looking to understand more

i lived here in south philly for 29 years since i was born. im with the BLM movement completely just not with the coming to the area which i grew up in to see try and be destroyed.. I COULDNT CARE LESS BOUT THAT DAMN STATUE, CAUSE I KNOW SOMEONE IS GOING TO ASK. TAKE IT DOWN FOR ALL I CARE

i personally ain't following along much to be completely honest with you man, IMO i want to say Antifa is a group of protesters which can EITHER have a very peaceful protest or the other side of like most things where it brings the bad apples out and instigates certain things..

The history is bad between us no doubt and still is a main concern, What would you like to talk about fam? ill be first to say im not very knowledgeable when it comes to this but will chill in here and have that convo
Yes im Italian and Irish also dont post much in here but always reading and looking to understand more

i lived here in south philly for 29 years since i was born. im with the BLM movement completely just not with the coming to the area which i grew up in to see try and be destroyed.. I COULDNT CARE LESS BOUT THAT DAMN STATUE, CAUSE I KNOW SOMEONE IS GOING TO ASK. TAKE IT DOWN FOR ALL I CARE

i personally ain't following along much to be completely honest with you man, IMO i want to say Antifa is a group of protesters which can EITHER have a very peaceful protest or the other side of like most things where it brings the bad apples out and instigates certain things..

The history is bad between us no doubt and still is a main concern, What would you like to talk about fam? ill be first to say im not very knowledgeable when it comes to this but will chill in here and have that convo

I will say what many others have said before me "if you care more about the destruction of property than the loss of countless lives, you are on the wrong side of history".

I know that you don't frequently visit this thread so I will try to be concise. BLM is not antifa, in fact most of the antifa stuff that is being perpetuated by the media and our government stems from non-Black agitators that are using this moment to cause chaos (which I personally don't mind).

What your people did yesterday is despicable for several reasons but let's start with the main point they whether knowingly or unknowingly were being used to uphold a system of white supremacy. In fact it's very clear in the video that you posted many of them agreed with those the white power rhetoric and wanted such a system to continue. If they really cared only about the community and the well being of their personal property they easily could've joined the protest and stopped agitators (I've literally seen this done countless times over the last several weeks, often times by people that look like me (black) that inform the agitators that this isn't what we are here for).

Its ironic that descendents of Italians and irish would oppose civil rights when both of those groups have been historically oppressed by the same system (hence formation of various mobs).

By no means am I condemning you personally but I would like you to ask yourself why certain messages or rumors are being started now in regards to BLM/ ANTIFA. I'd also like you to think about who you align yourself with. The dudes in that video looked pretty extreme to me. I get that there's "a few bad apples" but why would you want to be even remotely associated with such behavior.
You referring to a white kid talking to his friends or something and using the word to try and fit in in convo with them, someone shouting it at you as an obvious insult, or both?
Both. If you are not Black, you should be aware of the origins, and then meaning of the term. Don't use it. Granted, the educational system has indeed failed, with even states like Texas who gloss over slavery, then calling everyone immigrants to this country. So all slurs are made to seem created equal, yet they are not. Therein lies the problem. The term has been normalized, and there are those of us who know exactly what the term means, and the offensive intent behind the term.
I’m not condoning either but if you from nyc you know a ton of non black people drop that word excessively with no damns given
No, I do not know anyone that is NOT Black who'll even attempt to use the term around me. Even in my circle of friends of which we are ancestrally connected, we do not use the term at all. So those no damns that you speak of? Does not occur where I am, nor around who I know. We know better. If I speak to you intelligently, I expect the same in return. The problem here is, white people such as yourself have been made too comfortable amongst a group that is poorly educated and not aware.
The "we heard rumors of antifa coming to destroy our neighborhood" is the biggest crock of ********. This happens in EVERY white neighborhood. I spent most of my life in Brooklyn and moved to Staten Island (not super racist but has a good chunk of racists living there) for work purposes and the young Black men on Staten Island organized a protest on a side of the city that's mostly white Italians because they wanted their voices heard. And once the old Italian community heard about this, they started making up rumors that the protesters were "secretly" planning to break into houses and destroy property to make their point and there were Facebook groups made where the white residents were saying they had guns ready and would shoot from their porch if someone even stepped foot on their block. The made up rumors were so bad the NYPD even issued a statement telling the residents not to believe the Facebook rumors.

In Long Island, an area in NY that is also segregated, the protesters wanted to also go into white neighborhoods to protest and the SAME EXACT THING happened. Old racist *******s went on social media and made up stories about how the protestors were coming and ready to burn down the community despite all the organizers having previously protested in nearby towns with 0 violence. And those Long Island residents were outside screaming and being hostile towards the protestors.

so no offense but save that "rumors about our neighborhood being destroyed" ******** because all those rumors come from within those communities so they can have an excuse to greet the protestors with rifles and anger and justify screaming at people for peacefully protesting. Everyone knows Philly PD is racist AF and majority of them live in south Philly and that's why these people act out when they hear anti cop stuff.
The "we heard rumors of antifa coming to destroy our neighborhood" is the biggest crock of bull****. This happens in EVERY white neighborhood. I spent most of my life in Brooklyn and moved to Staten Island (not super racist but has a good chunk of racists living there) for work purposes and the young Black men on Staten Island organized a protest on a side of the city that's mostly white Italians because they wanted their voices heard. And once the old Italian community heard about this, they started making up rumors that the protesters were "secretly" planning to break into houses and destroy property to make their point and there were Facebook groups made where the white residents were saying they had guns ready and would shoot from their porch if someone even stepped foot on their block. The made up rumors were so bad the NYPD even issued a statement telling the residents not to believe the Facebook rumors.

In Long Island, an area in NY that is also segregated, the protesters wanted to also go into white neighborhoods to protest and the SAME EXACT THING happened. Old racist *******s went on social media and made up stories about how the protestors were coming and ready to burn down the community despite all the organizers having previously protested in nearby towns with 0 violence. And those Long Island residents were outside screaming and being hostile towards the protestors.

so no offense but save that "rumors about our neighborhood being destroyed" bull**** because all those rumors come from within those communities so they can have an excuse to greet the protestors with rifles and anger and justify screaming at people for peacefully protesting. Everyone knows Philly PD is racist AF and majority of them live in south Philly and that's why these people act out when they hear anti cop stuff.

U said it so I didn't have to. I was hoping homie would see that pattern for himself but thank you.
I will say what many others have said before me "if you care more about the destruction of property than the loss of countless lives, you are on the wrong side of history".

I know that you don't frequently visit this thread so I will try to be concise. BLM is not antifa, in fact most of the antifa stuff that is being perpetuated by the media and our government stems from non-Black agitators that are using this moment to cause chaos (which I personally don't mind).

What your people did yesterday is despicable for several reasons but let's start with the main point they whether knowingly or unknowingly were being used to uphold a system of white supremacy. In fact it's very clear in the video that you posted many of them agreed with those the white power rhetoric and wanted such a system to continue. If they really cared only about the community and the well being of their personal property they easily could've joined the protest and stopped agitators (I've literally seen this done countless times over the last several weeks, often times by people that look like me (black) that inform the agitators that this isn't what we are here for).

Its ironic that descendents of Italians and irish would oppose civil rights when both of those groups have been historically oppressed by the same system (hence formation of various mobs).

By no means am I condemning you personally but I would like you to ask yourself why certain messages or rumors are being started now in regards to BLM/ ANTIFA. I'd also like you to think about who you align yourself with. The dudes in that video looked pretty extreme to me. I get that there's "a few bad apples" but why would you want to be even remotely associated with such behavior.

interesting... why cant i feel the same about lives and my neighborhood? Obviously more so worried bout the lives of human beings but seriously why cant i care about somewhere where i grew up at and will continue to live for rest of my life? Cmon thats nonsense i can equally care about both but go ahead and reach i guess it dont phase me

I also dont remember saying Antifa was BLM..

Yes antifa is non-black agitators some good some bad just like most things , is that not what i said ? I just didnt give a race cause its pretty obvious its mainly whites

Like i said there was carts full of bricks up and down broad st yesterday being ready to get thrown and cause a ruckus.

Police got to it quick and took care of it

im not condoning the way the Italians handled it but when facebook post and carts full of bricks show up, a crowd of people feel some way
Both. If you are not Black, you should be aware of the origins, and then meaning of the term. Don't use it. Granted, the educational system has indeed failed, with even states like Texas who gloss over slavery, then calling everyone immigrants to this country. So all slurs are made to seem created equal, yet they are not. Therein lies the problem. The term has been normalized, and there are those of us who know exactly what the term means, and the offensive intent behind the term.

No, I do not know anyone that is NOT Black who'll even attempt to use the term around me. Even in my circle of friends of which we are ancestrally connected, we do not use the term at all. So those no damns that you speak of? Does not occur where I am, nor around who I know. We know better. If I speak to you intelligently, I expect the same in return. The problem here is, white people such as yourself have been made too comfortable amongst a group that is poorly educated and not aware.
You’ve never in your life sat in the subway and heard kids coming back from school use the word amongst themselves? You never heard dudes beefing calling each other that word or just in general? I find that hard to believe.
I don’t use the word
Stop assuming whoever I associate myself with is poorly educated and unaware, I don’t condescendingly speak about people you could or do know
You’ve never in your life sat in the subway and heard kids coming back from school use the word amongst themselves? You never heard dudes beefing calling each other that word or just in general? I find that hard to believe.
I don’t use the word
Stop assuming whoever I associate myself with is poorly educated and unaware, I don’t condescendingly speak about people you could or do know
This is not about what I've heard. Of course I've heard many things. However, what I am addressing is what is directed toward Black people like myself, regardless of intent. If you refer to me as something that has an intent to dehumanize me, or as you tried to do by suggesting that I am uppity?

I'll beat you to the very inch of your life.
Let's turn the tables and say a group of police officers was killed in a Black neighborhood and families of those cops came to protest in that area on behalf of the victims. And the Black citizens had an open carry permit and there was men lined up and down the block with assault rifles because there were "rumors the Boogaloo boys were coming in to destroy the neighborhood." I wonder what the reaction from the police would be 🤔.
This is not about what I've heard. Of course I've heard many things. However, what I am addressing is what is directed toward Black people like myself, regardless of intent. If you refer to me as something that has an intent to dehumanize me, or as you tried to do by suggesting that I am uppity?

I'll beat you to the very inch of your life.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

interesting... why cant i feel the same about lives and my neighborhood? Obviously more so worried bout the lives of human beings but seriously why cant i care about somewhere where i grew up at and will continue to live for rest of my life? Cmon thats nonsense i can equally care about both but go ahead and reach i guess it dont phase me

I also dont remember saying Antifa was BLM..

Yes antifa is non-black agitators some good some bad just like most things , is that not what i said ? I just didnt give a race cause its pretty obvious its mainly whites

Like i said there was carts full of bricks up and down broad st yesterday being ready to get thrown and cause a ruckus.

Police got to it quick and took care of it

im not condoning the way the Italians handled it but when facebook post and carts full of bricks show up, a crowd of people feel some way

Many have speculated that those carts full of bricks are actually placed in certain areas by not by agitators but by racist themselves hoping to further prove their point that BLM is just a cover for Antifa which isn't the case. Not to turn this into a conspiracy theory but if I'm coming to **** up a neighborhood why would I need to drop the bricks off the day before basically giving you signage that I'm coming back with some bs tomorrow?

Your original post insinuated that there were rumors of antifa coming to mess up the neighborhood. Its ironic that that somehow aligned with the BLM protest. You can say that you didn't say the two are one in the same but that's obviously the assumption when the community shows up to a BLM rally on bs.

And lastly as to why you couldn't and shouldn't feel the same about property damage and the loss human life is rather simple, one can be fixed, replaced, and possibly even improved upon. The other can not. When a life is taken that's the end of that story. So no you shouldn't care about those things equally. I'm a little older than you so I forgive your ignorance but I'd trade every material object I have to keep my family safe without question.
The "we heard rumors of antifa coming to destroy our neighborhood" is the biggest crock of bull****. This happens in EVERY white neighborhood. I spent most of my life in Brooklyn and moved to Staten Island (not super racist but has a good chunk of racists living there) for work purposes and the young Black men on Staten Island organized a protest on a side of the city that's mostly white Italians because they wanted their voices heard. And once the old Italian community heard about this, they started making up rumors that the protesters were "secretly" planning to break into houses and destroy property to make their point and there were Facebook groups made where the white residents were saying they had guns ready and would shoot from their porch if someone even stepped foot on their block. The made up rumors were so bad the NYPD even issued a statement telling the residents not to believe the Facebook rumors.

In Long Island, an area in NY that is also segregated, the protesters wanted to also go into white neighborhoods to protest and the SAME EXACT THING happened. Old racist *******s went on social media and made up stories about how the protestors were coming and ready to burn down the community despite all the organizers having previously protested in nearby towns with 0 violence. And those Long Island residents were outside screaming and being hostile towards the protestors.

so no offense but save that "rumors about our neighborhood being destroyed" bull**** because all those rumors come from within those communities so they can have an excuse to greet the protestors with rifles and anger and justify screaming at people for peacefully protesting. Everyone knows Philly PD is racist AF and majority of them live in south Philly and that's why these people act out when they hear anti cop stuff.

AHAHHAHAHAH these are not rumors pics were clear as day my guy


these were placed all up and down broad st yesterday...

So youd be cool with antifa coming to your neighborhood and lets just say **** did get out of hand and they started throwing bricks and one hit your car/house ? You cool with that ? Ohh okay ... waits for the reply but did they do that

yesterday ended up being peaceful for the protestors until they got to broad and oregon where marconi park is... there was rumblings all day bout this ****, like i said yes the Italians handled it wrong and was no need for it.. i got no problem with wanting to protect community but the way they went about it was wrong and continue to give us the city of philly a bad look..

ill say that 100x over
Wtf is antifa anyways, never heard of that **** til a few weeks ago

It means Antifacism. They are trying to align it with anarchist/ communist/ and of course BLM. The term itself is actually pretty broad.

In truth Antifa could be used right now to describe anyone who isn't cool with the current state of our government which should be everyone.
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