RIP George Floyd

It means Antifacism. They are trying to align it with anarchist/ communist/ and of course BLM. The term itself is actually pretty broad.

In truth Antifa could be used right now to describe anyone who isn't cool with the current state of our government which should be everyone.
Copy thanks
AHAHHAHAHAH these are not rumors pics were clear as day my guy


these were placed all up and down broad st yesterday...

So youd be cool with antifa coming to your neighborhood and lets just say **** did get out of hand and they started throwing bricks and one hit your car/house ? You cool with that ? Ohh okay ... waits for the reply but did they do that

yesterday ended up being peaceful for the protestors until they got to broad and oregon where marconi park is... there was rumblings all day bout this ****, like i said yes the Italians handled it wrong and was no need for it.. i got no problem with wanting to protect community but the way they went about it was wrong and continue to give us the city of philly a bad look..

ill say that 100x over

Rumors from where tho? You have yet to post anything showing credible sources of these rumors. Did the local newspaper report these rumors? Did the local NBC news reporter say there was Antifa rumors? Did the police commissioner tell the community they've received threats of Antifa coming into South Philly?

I bet majority of those south philly dudes love Trump and will shout fake news at anything from cable news, but will believe "news" someone posted on their Instagram feed.
So youd be cool with antifa coming to your neighborhood and lets just say **** did get out of hand and they started throwing bricks and one hit your car/house ? You cool with that ? Ohh okay ... waits for the reply but did they do that

I'm not going to say Antifa but let's just say if there is a Large % of people in this country who are proving to you that they have been oppressed for hundreds of year and are asking for change somehow end up in my neighborhood and burn my **** down or destroy my property because they are tired of asking for such changes peacefully. Let me be the first to say yeah I'm cool with it.

If destruction of my property is what it takes for someone to have an equal opportunity in this country I will be the guy to throw the first brick.
Rumors from where tho? You have yet to post anything showing credible sources of these rumors. Did the local newspaper report these rumors? Did the local NBC news reporter say there was Antifa rumors? Did the police commissioner tell the community they've received threats of Antifa coming into South Philly?

I bet majority of those south philly dudes love Trump and will shout fake news at anything from cable news, but will believe "news" someone posted on their Instagram feed.

A9896749-4D0F-490C-847F-5A066404A00D.jpeg so not sure how or why you know how this all started in the first place ? Well if not its all because of that Christopher Columbus Statue (which please i already said get rid of it)

this has been going on for I want to say 2 weeks ? Maybe alil less ( honestly losing track of days)

antifa has been slowly coming to that statue to protest each day until they boarded it up bout 4 days ago until they decide what they wanted to do with it (still standing i believe, havent walked my dog by it in last 2 days)

each day leading up to yesterday was getting a bit more hectic

so yesterday or day before that post was posted in a group of south philly people (as you see antifa made the post) obviously with wanting to defund police

its been going on for weeks at that park, obviously the post dont explain much but certain members of philly took it too far and extreme in protecting the city yesterday
A9896749-4D0F-490C-847F-5A066404A00D.jpeg so not sure how or why you know how this all started in the first place ? Well if not its all because of that Christopher Columbus Statue (which please i already said get rid of it)

this has been going on for I want to say 2 weeks ? Maybe alil less ( honestly losing track of days)

antifa has been slowly coming to that statue to protest each day until they boarded it up bout 4 days ago until they decide what they wanted to do with it (still standing i believe, havent walked my dog by it in last 2 days)

each day leading up to yesterday was getting a bit more hectic

so yesterday or day before that post was posted in a group of south philly people (as you see antifa made the post) obviously with wanting to defund police

its been going on for weeks at that park, obviously the post dont explain much but certain members of philly took it too far and extreme in protecting the city yesterday
Four hundred years on our end bub, 400.
I'm not going to say Antifa but let's just say if there is a Large % of people in this country who are proving to you that they have been oppressed for hundreds of year and are asking for change somehow end up in my neighborhood and burn my **** down or destroy my property because they are tired of asking for such changes peacefully. Let me be the first to say yeah I'm cool with it.

If destruction of my property is what it takes for someone to have an equal opportunity in this country I will be the guy to throw the first brick.

well thats your opinion my guy.. im all for change but aint noone dont care what color they are is ******* with my property, That is something im not cool with miss me with that one
A9896749-4D0F-490C-847F-5A066404A00D.jpeg so not sure how or why you know how this all started in the first place ? Well if not its all because of that Christopher Columbus Statue (which please i already said get rid of it)

this has been going on for I want to say 2 weeks ? Maybe alil less ( honestly losing track of days)

antifa has been slowly coming to that statue to protest each day until they boarded it up bout 4 days ago until they decide what they wanted to do with it (still standing i believe, havent walked my dog by it in last 2 days)

each day leading up to yesterday was getting a bit more hectic

so yesterday or day before that post was posted in a group of south philly people (as you see antifa made the post) obviously with wanting to defund police

its been going on for weeks at that park, obviously the post dont explain much but certain members of philly took it too far and extreme in protecting the city yesterday

A Facebook post. I rest my case .
nothing for me to argue what do you want a like or something ?

i understand that
Not looking for likes, you simply need to understand the threat, and why that threat is necessary. If you aren't guilty of anything, then you have nothing to fear. You'll be on the right side of history.
A Facebook post. I rest my case .

nice reply bud, it was a event organized by the anitifa protesters buddy

not sure what else you wanted or were looking for as far a evidence goes?? what did you want

i live here and know whats been going on, you just been reading from news, media etc soooo uhh ya
like i literally live 3 blocks from that park

well thats your opinion my guy.. im all for change but aint noone dont care what color they are is ****ing with my property, That is something im not cool with miss me with that one

While I understand where you come from. I want you to know that you speak from a place of privilege. You're not willing to lose property because for the most part the law is on your side (although as an Italian you should know this wasn't always the case).

Being targeted because you look a certain way isn't a real worry for you but it's very much an issue for me and mine. If all it cost were a couple dollars to make sure we are treated fairly I'd gladly give that up.

I'm black so yeah you're gonna have to miss me with that.
A9896749-4D0F-490C-847F-5A066404A00D.jpeg so not sure how or why you know how this all started in the first place ? Well if not its all because of that Christopher Columbus Statue (which please i already said get rid of it)

this has been going on for I want to say 2 weeks ? Maybe alil less ( honestly losing track of days)

antifa has been slowly coming to that statue to protest each day until they boarded it up bout 4 days ago until they decide what they wanted to do with it (still standing i believe, havent walked my dog by it in last 2 days)

each day leading up to yesterday was getting a bit more hectic

so yesterday or day before that post was posted in a group of south philly people (as you see antifa made the post) obviously with wanting to defund police

its been going on for weeks at that park, obviously the post dont explain much but certain members of philly took it too far and extreme in protecting the city yesterday

A Facebook post. I rest my case.
nice reply bud, it was a event organized by the anitifa protesters buddy

not sure what else you wanted or were looking for as far a evidence goes?? what did you want

i live here and know whats been going on, you just been reading from news, media etc soooo uhh ya
like i literally live 3 blocks from that park


You posted a Facebook post that called PROTESTORS terrorists, not Antifa. Plus, what makes you able to identify someone as Antifa? You can't just blow up a building then claim ISIS when you get arrested. Seems like anytime someone does something in the middle of a protest, they're labeled an Antifa member without any evidence they're in the mythical Antifa group.
While I understand where you come from. I want you to know that you speak from a place of privilege. You're not willing to lose property because for the most part the law is on your side (although as an Italian you should know this wasn't always the case).

Being targeted because you look a certain way isn't a real worry for you but it's very much an issue for me and mine. If all it cost were a couple dollars to make sure we are treated fairly I'd gladly give that up.

I'm black so yeah you're gonna have to miss me with that.

fam your own color wasn't even willing to lose its property in certain areas where the looting was happening.. people work VERY hard for theirs man and i would hate to see that AND a life lost.

did you not see the vids of your color with guns protecting there stores and fronts ? what did you have to say about that ? did you not want them protecting or you wanted them to get looted as well

im here to fight with you fam i truly am i understand i am privileged as i even witnessed it while smoking with my black homies out on the blocks
nice reply bud, it was a event organized by the anitifa protesters buddy

not sure what else you wanted or were looking for as far a evidence goes?? what did you want

i live here and know whats been going on, you just been reading from news, media etc soooo uhh ya
like i literally live 3 blocks from that park


Maybe I missed something in your previous post but who are the "antifa protestors". Are you saying that there is a broadcasted message signed by "the antifa group" that organized this protest.

I'm trying to surmise how you and the people of your community came to this conclusion. You've already concedeed that the statue should come down so wouldn't you be in agreeance with said Antifa movement (which as previously stated, you have yet to prove is even a real thing in your community).
nice reply bud, it was a event organized by the anitifa protesters buddy

not sure what else you wanted or were looking for as far a evidence goes?? what did you want

i live here and know whats been going on, you just been reading from news, media etc soooo uhh ya
like i literally live 3 blocks from that park

Must suck to live in fear of violence and destruction in your own community but this is exactly what folks are protesting. Systemic inequality
fam your own color wasn't even willing to lose its property in certain areas where the looting was happening.. people work VERY hard for theirs man and i would hate to see that AND a life lost.

did you not see the vids of your color with guns protecting there stores and fronts ? what did you have to say about that ? did you not want them protecting or you wanted them to get looted as well

im here to fight with you fam i truly am i understand i am privileged as i even witnessed it while smoking with my black homies out on the blocks

uh oh.....
Maybe I missed something in your previous post but who are the "antifa protestors". Are you saying that there is a broadcasted message signed by "the antifa group" that organized this protest.

I'm trying to surmise how you and the people of your community came to this conclusion. You've already concedeed that the statue should come down so wouldn't you be in agreeance with said Antifa movement (which as previously stated, you have yet to prove is even a real thing in your community).

I feel like MAGA call anyone white that doesn't share their opinion "ANTIFA." :lol: Pretty much "protesting libtards" in their eyes.
uh oh what ? dont even start that bs man

let me guess that makes me a racist because i spoke on exactly what it is, he said he was black. did he not?

what would have been the correct way to say that
fam your own color wasn't even willing to lose its property in certain areas where the looting was happening.. people work VERY hard for theirs man and i would hate to see that AND a life lost.

did you not see the vids of your color with guns protecting there stores and fronts ? what did you have to say about that ? did you not want them protecting or you wanted them to get looted as well

im here to fight with you fam i truly am i understand i am privileged as i even witnessed it while smoking with my black homies out on the blocks

You're moving the goal post but I realize not everyone is built like me and people have a right o protect their business. Protection however is not showing up on the offensive against people who are looking for civil rights. In fact it's be much easier to just show your support and work with the protestors acknowledging the wrongdoings of our system and working to change it.

A Black store owner not wanting to have his business looted by young whites who are looking to cause chaos not in the name of civil rights but only to cause chaos is well within their rights (same for a white store owner).

However this is very different from pre-emptively showing up to what have largely been peaceful protest based on a rumor that "antifa" is coming.
uh oh what ? dont even start that bs man

let me guess that makes me a racist because i spoke on exactly what it is, he said he was black. did he not?

what would have been the correct way to say that
WTH do you mean dont even start that ?!

YOU SAID IT. If you do not know how to speak respectfully to people who are rightfully angered about a situation, DON'T SPEAK. If you have a hard time understanding such, then it is YOUR fault if you are not understood.
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