RIP George Floyd

Must be different - my father stood outside once with me fighting someone as a teen to make sure I don’t get jumped because he brought 2-3 of his friends.

Can’t say what was going on because we weren’t there; the parents perspective.

The excessive force was not needed - 4 shots? There could of been another decision made here.

This the only argument, should he have grabbed his taser first before grabbing his gun. Other than that, whatever he grabbed he had to use cause all of this just happens SO fast. Girl came through with the knife aggressively, theres little time to react.
How about you control the scene. Before the cop arrives. Once again who tf let’s kids fight in front of them!?
Yea imma just let these lil girls fight until the cops get here I’ll just watch.

Many parents does - not uncommon. Perhaps for you.
yea, again in the U.K. they use non-lethal force for active knifing situations. U.K. police also respond to active knife attacks and don't have to fire 5 rounds to save lives.

I live in the UK man.

They will shoot people in active knife attacks here. Majority of the terrorist attacks here involve mass stabbing events and they all get smoked on sight as the attacks are on going.

Obvioulsy thats a different level to what happened here but it happens sometimes and its necessary.
I’ve seen parents send their own kids outside to get their asses kicked, it was either that or the parents were getting beat down. Pretty foul but I’ve seen it.
You don't know what's happening in this still shot

if he's going to the police for help, trying to stop the cop from shooting, getting out the way

From what I saw he kicked the girl to the ground. If I was a parent I would let me kids square up if it was a one on one. I wouldn’t sit back and watch them get jumped and for sure wouldn’t let them have a weapon in hand. They probably didn’t know she had the knife on her.
I know this depends on a lot of factore, type of gun, type of knife etc but if someone were to get shot with a .22 and stabbed with a knife similar in damage capacity in the same spot (stomach say) which would be more devastating? Might be a dumb question buth” hey.

not really a dumb question my g but impossible to say. there have been people who have lived after being impaled from wooden beams. simply because the trajectory missed this or that organ. medicine isn't cut and dry like that. weirder things have happened...people have survived trauma you'd swear is an instant kill.

I'm not a ballistics guy nor do i own any type of firearms. a bullet can pass through, or can shatter within the body *shrug*. a small knife can enter the abdomen and miss, say, the gastric artery. but a large and long knife can clip that and the others. if the angle is right, you can snag aorta. either way, you'd run the risk of hemothorax and/or pneumothorax.

i or ksteezy ksteezy can go on, but the bottomline is, its a game of chance whether which one causes more damage. but both will have you in the ER then sent to surgery at any level 1 trauma center.

i don't want to take away from the main discussion of this incident but all we're saying is, you'd want neither. that's all.

(source: clinical background in cardiology, but not a BSN or doctor)

sidenote: take care of yourselves y'all. take a mental day off. if the weather is hittin, get outside and catch a vibe. kick it with some friends (safely if possible). in this age of social media we are constantly bombarded with...death. no other way to put it. i think it is good to step away for a bit and focus on yourself, feel me?

carry on
I don’t define that as a parent I actually care about my kids.

You’re wanting your kid to learn to defend themselves - especially with a fair fight doesn’t make you NOT care about them.

As a parent, I don’t want my child being bullied. If you’re going to fight, I’ll be there - so that you don’t get jumped, stabbed, shot, or beaten up badly.

Can’t always call the police - clearly you see why
He did his job by neautralizing the threat to the other girls life...

Weak. Weak excuse to take the life of another. I was born in Los Angeles and have attended gang infested schools from 2nd grade to graduating high school. COUNTLESS COUNTLESS times I have either been involved(young&dumb) or seen with my own eyes SCHOOL SECURITY GUARDS handle tougher situations than this. With and without weapons.

With or without a weapon. Do you know how many people would be dead if a cop is trained and instructed to kill onsite on arrival per every fight they show up to? Granted in your words "neutralize the aggressor".

*Cops arrive to domestic violence call.* "KILL HER KILL HER, THE WIFE IS BEATING ON THE HUSBAND WITH A CROWBAR"......Since the wife is the aggressor, should she be shot and killed?

Did she need to be coming at him?
If the parents were just gonna let them fight which it appears to be, why even call the cops?

The only justifiable reason to shoot is if she was coming at him and threatening the cops life. I'm not sure who called the cops but if your neighbors are having what looks to be an uncontrollable fight then yes the cops should be called. Living here as an US citizen you presume to think if cops are called they are looking to help/diffuse the situation instead of shooting to kill on arrival.
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You’re wanting your kid to learn to defend themselves - especially with a fair fight doesn’t make you NOT care about them.

As a parent, I don’t want my child being bullied. If you’re going to fight, I’ll be there - so that you don’t get jumped, stabbed, shot, or beaten up badly.

Can’t always call the police - clearly you see why
And what if your kid is the one that beats the other kid up badly or pulls a knife as you clearly see in this case then what?
You do know as an adult you’re responsible for all those kids right?
First question any logical adult will ask why would you let them fight in the first place.
Let’s see if that answer you Just gave me flies.
I mean in general, a cop is always gonna neutralize a threat (not necessarily shoot but all too common) if someones life is seemingly in danger, whether its them or someone else.
Hostage situation. Yes.
(With or without a weapon(not a gun)) Two girls fighting. No.
Weak. Weak excuse to take the life of another. I was born in Los Angeles and have attended gang infested schools from 2nd grade to graduating high school. COUNTLESS COUNTLESS times I have either been involved(young&dumb) or seen with my own eyes SCHOOL SECURITY GUARDS handle tougher situations than this. With and without weapons.

With or without a weapon. Do you know how many people would be dead if a cop is trained and instructed to kill onsite on arrival per every fight they show up to? Granted in your words "neutralize the aggressor".

*Cops arrive to domestic violence call.* "KILL HER KILL HER, THE WIFE IS BEATING ON THE HUSBAND WITH A CROWBAR"......Since the wife is the aggressor, should she be shot and killed?


The only justifiable reason to shot is if she was coming at him and threatening the cops life. I'm not sure who called the cops but if your neighbors are having what looks to be an uncontrollable fight then yes the cops should be called. Living here as an US citizen you presume to think if cops are called they are looking to help/diffuse the situation instead of shooting to kill on arrival.
So as an adult if u see 4 little girls fighting outside one of which is your let’s say little niece or cousin which of the following are you doing?

A. Let them fight
B. Break it up yourself
C.Call the cops and let them handle it
First question anybody should ask when these videos surface is if the person was white would they be dead, in this case (as with most) the answer is no
Which is why you don’t call the cops in the first place these are little teenage girls you can break that ish up yourself.
And what if your kid is the one that beats the other kid up badly or pulls a knife as you clearly see in this case then what?
You do know as an adult you’re responsible for all those kids right?
First question any logical adult will ask why would you let them fight in the first place.
Let’s see if that answer you Just gave me flies.

I would not allow either one to get beaten up or harm each other to that point. That’s the point of an adult being there.

I’m clearly aware.
Yo bro, you really have no clue wtf you talking can’t possibly know the type of damage a stab wound can cause before hand, let alone make that assessment in under 10 seconds to decide what your move

turn off the video games fam....I’ve dealt with stab wounds and gunshots...the victims were not any better off in either all depends on the strike point in most cases, the knife in this case was going straight to the mid section where a lot of vital organs reside, a collapsed lung is the first thing that will happen and that alone can kill you if you don’t act fast.

From the same trajectory and distance a gun shot wound packs a lot more penetrating velocity than a knife from a 16 year old. Basic physics.

If knives were as efficient in killing colonialism would have never existed and people with knives could have stood their own against gun fire. I'm taking my chances with a knife over a gun.

Either way less lethal methods could have been used in this situation to minimize the risk to everyone involved.
I would not allow either one to get beaten up or harm each other to that point. That’s the point of an adult being there.

I’m clearly aware.
It’s best to not have them fight at all in your presence one punch/kick can cause serious damage
Weak. Weak excuse to take the life of another. I was born in Los Angeles and have attended gang infested schools from 2nd grade to graduating high school. COUNTLESS COUNTLESS times I have either been involved(young&dumb) or seen with my own eyes SCHOOL SECURITY GUARDS handle tougher situations than this. With and without weapons.

With or without a weapon. Do you know how many people would be dead if a cop is trained and instructed to kill onsite on arrival per every fight they show up to? Granted in your words "neutralize the aggressor".

*Cops arrive to domestic violence call.* "KILL HER KILL HER, THE WIFE IS BEATING ON THE HUSBAND WITH A CROWBAR"......Since the wife is the aggressor, should she be shot and killed?


The only justifiable reason to shot is if she was coming at him and threatening the cops life. I'm not sure who called the cops but if your neighbors are having what looks to be an uncontrollable fight then yes the cops should be called. Living here as an US citizen you presume to think if cops are called they are looking to help/diffuse the situation instead of shooting to kill on arrival.

Is not an excuse, but you are ignoring the fact that there was no time to react in this case, if a security guard at school were allowed to carry, chances are they do the same, but they are not so they neutralize the threat any which way they can....if a cop arrives to a domestic violence call and when he/she arrives they have 5 seconds to stop a man from bashing his girls head with a crowbar and he decides using his gun to do so is the best method, he wouldn’t be others have said, he didn’t arrive to a situation where a girl was waving a knife in the air, he arrived in 5 seconds in a girl was charging another with a clear intent to harm or that point a gun would be the best choice tbh, even a taser is harder to aim at a moving target and if you miss is not like you can fire it again immediately, by that point the other girl would be leaking and the girl that got shot instead of the morgue, she’d be on her way to prison for attempted murder or murder.
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