RIP George Floyd

These parents deserve all of the blame as to what happened to their daughter. Ain't no way in hell they should have been spectators to their daughter fighting outside of their house. It sounds like some of yall in here are trying to strip away accountability for their inactions. I am in no way, shape, or form pro-cop, but this situation is not on the cop. The cop saw a threat and had to neutralize the threat. I am deeply sorrowful that this teenage girl had to lose her life. And I wish she had the opportunity to live her life to the fullest.
How you were raised or what you saw as a kid should have nothing to do with the way you raise your kids bro. You don’t teach your kids the same BS people taught you growing up .
Be a parent not a friend to your kids buddy.

:lol: Okay Parent of the Year.
How you were raised or what you saw as a kid should have nothing to do with the way you raise your kids bro. You don’t teach your kids the same BS people taught you growing up .
Be a parent not a friend to your kids buddy.

Word....I grew up in a single parent household living off government assistant, fending for myself on the streets of the bronx....unless I didn’t find a way to get out and better my situation there is no way I will purposely put my own kids through the struggles I myself went through growing up, now this doesn’t apply to parents that never outgrew that mentality or their environment...obviously they simply won’t know any better than to repeat the vicious cycle, but if you are now an adult that made good choices with very little as a kid, do well for yourself and can afford to provide your kids with a better life than you yourself had, how you look exposing them to that survival of the fittest mentality from your childhood?...can’t outrun a fight...lmao cmon man, LETS DO BETTER.
Survival of the fitness? :lol: Not that serious.

Ya’ll be the same people running to the school complaining because your kids getting bullied and picked on throughout school.

Some of y’all making opinions about parenthood when you’re not even parents.

And I’m starting to see who used to run to the teacher when it was time to fight :lol:
Keep in mind one of these girls is family as I stated. I’m not letting her get jumped or jump anybody I’m sorry
There's no justification in shooting her especially when there was what? 3 other cops there. I know he I saw a little lounging at my sister w/ knife I'm not gonna think of shooting her. I'm either gonna grab for her or punch/kick her in ****, & I'm not letting my sister get in free licks either. The fight is over after that.

I'm gonna do my best to prevent either from ending up dead or jail though. I'm definitely not thinking "shoot her", that's like some **** I can't comprehend.
Ya do understand a fight can result in a death?
One wrong push, your kid falls the wrong way, hits their head and is curtains, all while YOU watched, wtf is wrong with yall?? There are better ways to ensure your kid has some fighting skills, put them in Boxing or MMA....but a parent should be teaching their kids how to de escalate situations and minimizing risks while still being able to defend themselves if it came down to it, not on some...aight who wants to fight you, let’s pull up, I’ll make sure no one jumps you, but if the other kid catches you fair square in the jaw, your head hits the pavement and now you are dead or a vegetable, then that’s on you b! You were not about that life OBVIOUSLY 🙄🤣
Survival of the fitness? :lol: Not that serious.

Ya’ll be the same people running to the school complaining because your kids getting bullied and picked on throughout school.

Some of y’all making opinions about parenthood when you’re not even parents.

And I’m starting to see who used to run to the teacher when it was time to fight :lol:

Some of ya ARE parents and I feel terrible for ya kids, because the level of maturity ya displaying on this topic is sad....GROW UP.
If that's the go-to way to handle those kind of situations, then there would a lot more deaths in America right now.
Survival of the fitness? :lol: Not that serious.

Ya’ll be the same people running to the school complaining because your kids getting bullied and picked on throughout school.

Some of y’all making opinions about parenthood when you’re not even parents.

And I’m starting to see who used to run to the teacher when it was time to fight :lol:
Dumb comparison
I have a daughter the exact same age as the girl in the video. It’s a difference between being ignorant and defending yourself .
If I’m home and 3 or 4 teenage girls knock on my door trying to fight my daughter I’m handling that myself I’m not going to get my daughter and have her catch no fade lol wth is wrong with y’all. And o the other side of the situation my daughter damn sure ain’t knocking on nobody door looking to fight they kid either.
Herschel Walker’s son, the streets need to catch this dude.

I can't believe how brainwashed or manipulated some people really are. I mean you can talk back and forth here on NT and change opinions. But some of these people out there are really not understanding.
Do whatever you want, acting like you can assess how dangerous a street fight can be and it’s limits, all it takes is one

Because I been in those fights and can attest - but, so can driving, walking down the street - only takes one time.

Again, you can’t tell someone they’re a terrible parent because they want their kids to defend themselves. Especially, when you’re not a parent.
Dumb comparison
I have a daughter the exact same age as the girl in the video. It’s a difference between being ignorant and defending yourself .
If I’m home and 3 or 4 teenage girls knock on my door trying to fight my daughter I’m handling that myself I’m not going to get my daughter and have her catch no fade lol wth is wrong with y’all. And o the other side of the situation my daughter damn sure ain’t knocking on nobody door looking to fight they kid either.

This is a different situation. And is justifiable and clearly I can see it from that point. Would do the same.

However, you was not there and don’t know what lead up to the situation. And you’re basing judgement on the parents from a 1 min clip after everything escalated.

Some circumstances are different.
Because I been in those fights and can attest - but, so can driving, walking down the street, one take one time.

Again, you can’t tell someone they’re a terrible parent because they want their kids to defend themselves. Especially, when you’re not a parent.
Sending your kid outside to fight is not defending yourself that’s plain stupid.
Then you get in front of a camera and say oh well she was the one that call the police?
Where tf was you as her parents?
why are you outside chillin while your child is inside getting a knife?
You do your job as a parent so the cop doesn’t have to do his period.
Because I been in those fights and can attest - but, so can driving, walking down the street, one take one time.

Again, you can’t tell someone they’re a terrible parent because they want their kids to defend themselves. Especially, when you’re not a parent.

this bull**** reasoning that a non-parent can’t critique a parent is so played, like you join some type of club the second you do become a parent and automatically gain some new found wisdom, here you have a PARENT and me and Non-Parent telling you the same ****, so havin for not having a kid is irrelevant, you need to be a better parent if you think is cool to organize a fair one with your kid, ill accept that mentality if you never left the hood and are trapped raising your kid with the same disadvantages you had as a kid yourself, otherwise, YOU SHOULD KNOW BETTER.

answrr me this, how can you guarantee a fair one between two kids can’t possibly turn deadly? Is there 0 chance one wrong push can’t result in the death of one of the kids under your supervision? What then? How would you explain yourself? Blame the streets? The environment? You’d consider yourself a good parent that just watched your kid kill another kid during a fight or get killed? Is this really good parenting? Do I need to be a parent myself to understand this concept of parenting?

inb4 you claim “NT Extremes”
Sending your kid outside to fight is not defending yourself that’s plain stupid.
Then you get in front of a camera and say oh well she was the one that call the police?
Where tf was you as her parents?
why are you outside chillin while your child is inside getting a knife?
You do your job as a parent so the cop doesn’t have to do his period.

Again, you’re passing judgement and you was not there. You’re basing your moral judgement off of a 1minute body cam.

Either way, I disagree with you to a certain point. Totally understand your stance.
This is a different situation. And is justifiable and clearly I can see it from that point. Would do the same.

However, you was not there and don’t know what lead up to the situation. And you’re basing judgement on the parents from a 1 min clip after everything escalated.

Some circumstances are different.
I can only base it on what I see and what her mother said.
I saw 2 adults watching kids fight when the officer arrived 2 separate fights were happening. He asked what’s going on next thing a female has a knife looking like she’s about to attract another female. He’s not aiming at her legs or pulling out a taser bro that’s not what cops do.
Again, you’re passing judgement and you was not there. You’re basing your moral judgement off of a 1minute body cam.

Either way, I disagree with you to a certain point. Totally understand your stance.

Yet here you are basing the cops moral judgment off a 3 second window to figure out wth was going on before deciding who the threat was and how to neutralize her.
The Forster parents had wayyyyyyyy more time to assess the entire situation, pinpoint the threat and de escalate the situation long before the cops arrived, instead they chose to be expectators.
Yall all hold this L for taking over this great day and ruining the joy out of what happened last night......

Smh make another thread.
If those are truly the parents I don’t get why the father went to kick the girls head off at the end of the video instead of just grabbing your child or taking your damn child in the house man .

im Not blaming the parents for the officers actions but in hindsight it shouldn’t of got to this point . Im removing my daughter , girl , etc from the situation if I can .
this bull**** reasoning that a non-parent can’t critique a parent is so played, like you join some type of club the second you do become a parent and automatically gain some new found wisdom, here you have a PARENT and me and Non-Parent telling you the same ****, so havin for not having a kid is irrelevant, you need to be a better parent if you think is cool to organize a fair one with your kid, ill accept that mentality if you never left the hood and are trapped raising your kid with the same disadvantages you had as a kid yourself, otherwise, YOU SHOULD KNOW BETTER.

answrr me this, how can you guarantee a fair one between two kids can’t possibly turn deadly? Is there 0 chance one wrong push can’t result in the death of one of the kids under your supervision? What then? How would you explain yourself? Blame the streets? The environment? You’d consider yourself a good parent that just watched your kid kill another kid during a fight or get killed? Is this really good parenting? Do I need to be a parent myself to understand this concept of parenting?

inb4 you claim “NT Extremes”

Nothing in guaranteed in life.

How often, have you seen someone die from a fight? One punch - that’s not a boxer/mma fighter. In the ER?
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