RIP George Floyd

You not answering my question tho, was letting off gun shots the only way to stop her? ...Did he have to arrive on the scene with the gun out without even assessing the situation ? If the answer is yes to these questions the they can really shoot **** up whenever they want then, which they already do

He didn’t arrive with his gun drawn, he drew it after the first girl hit the ground, thats on video, he approached the girl in pink asking what was going on so he was trying to assess the situation, from the time the 16 year old lunged at the first girl till she’s was about to stab the one in the pink, neither of which were threats when the officer arrived, it was literally like 5 seconds, what other method would have ensured that shorty in pink wasn’t left on the floor with multiple stab wounds? So yes, with pepper spray, a baton, a taser and a gun, the gun was the best chance the girl in pink had at not getting stabbed.
A teenage girl with a knife means you gotta have a gun out as a trained policeman ?
Cops don’t take age into account it’s either
Black Male or Female that’s all that matters and it’s sad it’s that way, but we know that cops ain’t coming to ask questions and be mediators.
If these were girls in they 20s would it be any better? Would his actions be more acceptable?
This really all that needs to be said, shouldn’t be hard to understand or support this

ya can’t pin this up with all the other clear acts of police over reaction or brutality, regardless of how bad ya want to, this is not the same, this is honestly a cop doing his job, as bad as it sounds, girl in pink is breathing because of him....he neutralized the aggressor and potentially saved her Life....if I had someone lunging at me to stab me, this is the type of scenario where I would hope a cop is around to “protect” me....not sure why this is so hard to accept
This is one of the main problems with policing the lack of training on descaltion tactics and the whole shoot first and ask questions later. There's a protocol for how to do stuff, I've seen the handbook. A lot of these officers are just trigger happy no matter what.
I get that emotions are on edge, but logically speaking the cop had no other choice. We can sit here and say that the cop should have shot her in the arm or leg or wherever but given the circumstances that was a split second decision. If he didn't shoot and the girl got stabbed what would the outcome have been?
Absolutely nothing could have been done, it had to go that way, and it does every time. Cop is an hero.

Cops don’t take age into account it’s either
Black Male or Female that’s all that matters and it’s sad it’s that way, but we know that cops ain’t coming to ask questions and be mediators.
If these were girls in they 20s would it be any better? Would his actions be more acceptable?

On the audio - did he shout freeze or stop?
Watch the show Hasan Minhaj Patriot Act episode on police. It’s very very interesting and super relevant to this thread. On Netflix
The choice of excessive force is just ridiculous. Like the Black military man in his truck with his hands out the window - get pepper sprayed? :smh:

Once again, NOT the same thing, that army lieutenant posed no threat to anyone, clearly the cops overstepped their boundaries and violated his rights, what right did this cop violate?
Cops don’t take age into account it’s either
Black Male or Female that’s all that matters and it’s sad it’s that way, but we know that cops ain’t coming to ask questions and be mediators.
If these were girls in they 20s would it be any better? Would his actions be more acceptable?
Nope, don’t matter who they were...The 1st action being shoot is unacceptable to me in this situation, just my opinion
Absolutely nothing could have been done, it had to go that way, and it does every time. Cop is an hero.

Knife wielding man arrested vs girl with knife ACTIVELY stabbing or close to stabbing other actively
ya can’t pin this up with all the other clear acts of police over reaction or brutality, regardless of how bad ya want to, this is not the same, this is honestly a cop doing his job, as bad as it sounds, girl in pink is breathing because of him....he neutralized the aggressor and potentially saved her Life....if I had someone lunging at me to stab me, this is the type of scenario where I would hope a cop is around to “protect” me....not sure why this is so hard to accept

Just a random question: seriously curious.

If you go out with your friends drinking, something happens where things escalate to fighting - are you staying to fight? Run for help?
On the audio - did he shout freeze or stop?
He got out the car with his hand out asking what’s going on multiple times, somebody hits the ground and he yells for everybody to get down more than once he then sees a dangerous weapon getting ready to be used.
Knife wielding man arrested vs girl with knife ACTIVELY stabbing or close to stabbing other actively

I think that’s the point a lot of dudes are missing, one thing is to “wield” a knife, another is to be actively engaged in the act of gives room for deescalation...there was no margin for error here....any hesitation on the cops part and the girl in pink would have been stabbed....wether ya like it or not, that’s the fact
Those are horrible comparisons, and that’s assuming you are within their reach, this cop wasn’t close enough to where he could physically stop the victim from stabbing the other.

no one is excusing the blue lives matter chant, that was wild disrespectful and antagonizing AF and those cops should be fired before the dude that shot.
You love saying some dumb. You love being on straight bum dumb ****. His went to a protest, antagonized a protest, shout the 3 people and killed 2, and then walked towards the cops w/ a big *** AR-15. I want you to shut the **** up. He walked up to the 12 car damn near had to force them to detain him b/c the other cops was right ****ing past him, so shut the **** up. Like I'm deadass just shut your ****ing mouth. You always on some **** ****. I can't stand yo ***. The protesters shouldn't have been protesting too huh? Man, shut the **** up.
From my understanding they have tasers, pepper spray, batons etc ...You need a gun to break up a knife fight? Especially the so called “training” and “skills” these fools supposed to have and brag about

The cop came onto the scene with the gun out , even before shorty was going at the other girl with the knife...his solution that day was to shoot no matter what happened...That’s not how it should be, you think it’s ok for guns to be drawn in every situation?

This is what im saying, he grabbed his gun as the tool he would use for whatever happens, and it just happens he had to use that to diffuse the situation. If he had a taser in his hand whatever he probably woudve used that.

BUT, he did grab his gun though so thats what he was gonna use.
Just a random question: seriously curious.

If you go out with your friends drinking, something happens where things escalate to fighting - are you staying to fight? Run for help?
2 different scenarios bro
You can’t compare adults out in public to kids knocking on your door looking to fight your daughter.
Knife wielding man arrested vs girl with knife ACTIVELY stabbing or close to stabbing other actively
Can't tell when you're cosplaying, but there are multiple examples, including where the cops themselves were actively stabbed (vs inactively?). Still alive. Not saying that's the correct way, but stop with the "had no other choice".
Just a random question: seriously curious.

If you go out with your friends drinking, something happens where things escalate to fighting - are you staying to fight? Run for help?

I’m 38 years old bro, I don’t go out anymore and when I do, I hang out with other responsible mature adults not looking to engage in any drama, those years are far behind all of us, people have families now.

back in the day, clearly I would stay and fight/get beat with my boys, thinking back I’m grateful none of those situations went further south because they could have.
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