RIP Takeoff from the Migos


That’s wild as hell. :rofl:

I hate to be the “back in my day” guy… but back in my day you’d mess up in class and the teacher would have to call the house phone and leave a voice message on the ANSWERING MACHINE. That didn’t mean a damn thing because all I had to do was get home and delete it before moms got home. :lol:

Y’all f’ed the game up DC :lol:
Lmao did that a couple of times. Private school they used to trip on the stupidest things. I got detention for doing pull ups on a door ledge. Like y'all should be commending me for exercising and tryna stay in shape. Not punish me.
I didn't even know J Prince Jr. and Jas Prince were 2 diff people til now

And not to defend J Prince Jr or nothin cause he always seemed corny to me, but why is he catching so much flack when Take was supposedly hit by his own mans?
I didn't even know J Prince Jr. and Jas Prince were 2 diff people til now

And not to defend J Prince Jr or nothin cause he always seemed corny to me, but why is he catching so much flack when Take was supposedly hit by his own mans?

Cause it shouldn't have even got to that. You supposedly the "big homie" and got all this pull.
You supposed to shut stuff down before it escalates, especially when it involves your crew or affiliates.
Some folks that claim to be there said a member of the mob ties crew took a swing at quavo
Which I’m taking with a grain of salt until I see a video confirming that

But it’s still leaves the question on how a gun get involved when we see him arguing about basketball

And if the reports are true of someone with quavo was the one who was shooting the that just proves a theory I had for a while

Folks don’t need guns at all without training on them ****** don’t know how to fight
Don’t know how to conversate out of a situation
And don’t know how to shoot

You can’t even drive a damn forklift without being certified and trained on it but you can easily buy a gun

Also I get what Sauce is saying
It wouldn’t even got that far if they were with him
As far as mob ties that **** is only a thing in Houston that’s it that’s all
And it coming apart over there as well
It had its strong hood back in the 90’s until now

These young dudes don’t care about that **** like that and most of that is because of his corny son that stays on clubhouse
Some folks that claim to be there said a member of the mob ties crew took a swing at quavo
Which I’m taking with a grain of salt until I see a video confirming that

But it’s still leaves the question on how a gun get involved when we see him arguing about basketball

And if the reports are true of someone with quavo was the one who was shooting the that just proves a theory I had for a while

Folks don’t need guns at all without training on them ****** don’t know how to fight
Don’t know how to conversate out of a situation
And don’t know how to shoot

You can’t even drive a damn forklift without being certified and trained on it but you can easily buy a gun

Also I get what Sauce is saying
It wouldn’t even got that far if they were with him
As far as mob ties that **** is only a thing in Houston that’s it that’s all
And it coming apart over there as well
It had its strong hood back in the 90’s until now

These young dudes don’t care about that **** like that and most of that is because of his corny son that stays on clubhouse

Theres a video of somebody throwing a punch in Quavo’s direction. Can’t verify who actually swung or if he even got hit, but definitely seen it on the TL. After the punch, shots fired.
Man, we got this program called "KInvolved" that allows us to send Text messages to their phones from our CPUs.

This one dude was sleep in class (right after lunch), I texted his mother that he was sleep and HAS been sleeping in class on and off for a few days.

She texted me, "I'm about to come up there. Don't tell him."

She knocked on the door, woke that fool up and he didn't know WHAT to think.

So yea man, it is funny as hell.
On a related note school starts too early. Not allowing the kids to be their best.
I think it starts early to get kids ready for that "9 to 5" life.

Pretty sure it’s to accommodate parents working, which is why so many parents were in an uproar when schools shut down during peak COVID. There’s a reason after school care is usually offered, but rarely do you see programs before school. Gotta make sure workers can work without having to worry about their kids.
On a related note school starts too early. Not allowing the kids to be their best.
I remember we had to be at that bus stop btw 6-6:15 or you was gettin left. Wild times…I vividly remember kids runnin down the street half nekkid tryna to get to bus. Our bus driver was fat and mean, legit think she hated kids. She would literally see the kids running and speed up.

I remember a kid was so sleepy he actually fell OUT of the bus as he was walking down the steps to get out. Bus driver gave no damns.

My kids go to school at 8 and are considered late at 8:45. They got it good imo.
sauce walks a real one. He said what he said but it’s how everyone feels in Houston. I know how he is too. He made his comment but if anybody from their camp says anything else about he’s gonna go all the way in speaking the truth no filter names and everythin.g.
if that happens there is a potential for a tsf rapalot beef in the streets fr, and that’s. north side/ south side kinda and there’s history behind that.
it’s time for rapalot to be humbled. It’s been gone too far but this one is just too bad and people are tired of being quiet.
One of the biggest and most influential rap labels in history and has NO support in the city. Wonder why and this is over 30 yrs not just starting with the youngins
I remember we had to be at that bus stop btw 6-6:15 or you was gettin left. Wild times…I vividly remember kids runnin down the street half nekkid tryna to get to bus. Our bus driver was fat and mean, legit think she hated kids. She would literally see the kids running and speed up.

I remember a kid was so sleepy he actually fell OUT of the bus as he was walking down the steps to get out. Bus driver gave no damns.

My kids go to school at 8 and are considered late at 8:45. They got it good imo.
Yeah so that means children had to be up at least some time after 5 am. That's nuts. Good on some places that move the times to 8-9 etc.
people keep going at j prince jr really just makes people look like a fool for even conversing with him. he’s just a spoiled kid running around living off his pops legacy. people really don’t pay him no mind.

but all the tough talk should stop. no one is coming to houston and coming for jr. that’s just how it is and that’s why he walks around like he does.
You’re right. But what I see potentially happening is these dudes still moving the same and it’s hot right now. Just gonna create more situations. It really is the sons fault.

BIG J Prince prob been on the phone with Atlanta since it happened.
ATLANTA is a big homie city. Any city in the souththat has been a major cartel hub has old heads that have been around since the crack era. And still know and talk to each other. TIG and QC have REAL ogs in their camps. Old dudes.

like there could be politics involved in this. Not this stupid la gang and prison politics that people talk about on YouTube. But politics affecting routes and groups of people and big money business. The kind that actually fuels rap music that everybody thinks is so real.
Anyone with opposable thumbs and half a brain can google that nonsense and see that it was a desperate claim. The prosecutors didn’t waste time on it because there was nothing there, and the civil suit wasn’t going anywhere.
Well even if she lied, the circumstances were still kinda foul. Offering weed as bait, tryna steal a chick off his DJ (whose party it was in the first place)
Man, we got this program called "KInvolved" that allows us to send Text messages to their phones from our CPUs.

This one dude was sleep in class (right after lunch), I texted his mother that he was sleep and HAS been sleeping in class on and off for a few days.

She texted me, "I'm about to come up there. Don't tell him."

She knocked on the door, woke that fool up and he didn't know WHAT to think.

So yea man, it is funny as hell.

Yea it’s a new day tho…I get messages thru an app AND email follow ups from my daughter school …The only thing that won’t change is there will be parents that still ignore all these alerts like the voice n snail mails when we were coming up :lol: :smh:

Goes both ways too, though. We still have a ton that ignore everything, but for every one of those, we also have a super aggressive helicopter parent that demands to know what we're doing every second of every day haha.
69 sonned you. FOH.

You my boy but I’m disappointed… 69??

69 belongs in the same BREATH as a J Prince?? J Prince Sr or Jr??? WTF

Fool who rocked rainbow hair and clearly was a phony? Nah bruh? I can’t let that rock. Prince and Prince Jr did wayyyyy more for rap than a dude like him.

That dude can’t “son” anyone:lol: :lol: :lol:

I just don’t understand it, but maybe it ain’t meant for me to understand the appeal that cross dresser had…

Sauce Walka the same dude that lied about the robbery situation in LA a few months back?

Y’all quick to call people a “real one” and don’t even know these people. I hate that terminology.

J Prince, Jr could also be a “real one” to some people. People have different relationships and experiences with people. Which is OK.

Again, rap is the SAME culture that from 2018-2020 let 69 be a “thing”. Let that marinate. Hip hop fans are fickle and idiotic. Don’t know ANYTHING about the culture or history.

The same people who have hostility towards J Prince, allowed guys like 69 and Akademiks a voice in hip hop. A dude with rainbow hair, and a tubby slob who looks like he could’ve been a character on a Disney or Nickelodeon show. There are very few upstanding people in the world, let alone the music industry.

People may hate J Prince Jr but his dad laid the foundation so his son could maneuver in the way he does. It’s no different than Marcus Jordan with Jordan Brand, or Bronny and Bryce James. That’s the point.

J Prince may have grown up “privileged” but I bet he’s wayyyyy more street and thorough than a dude like 69… who NYers crowned as the KONY.

Modern rap has allowed so many posers lately that dudes have foggy memories.
On a related note school starts too early. Not allowing the kids to be their best.

Man I was just thinkin this the other day. I been waking up at 5:30am for work and out the door at like 6am, and its kids outside standin waiting for the bus. Mind you its still dark outside and all. Then I remembered the first bell when I was in highschool was t 7:15am. Thats kinda wild.
Kids being raised soft these days. They get wayyyyy more off days then we had. They need to be in school year round IMO. They don’t need 2.5 months off during the summer.

School should be mandatory year round until like 9th or 10th grade. Or, get a week off every couple months.

7am in the morning is too early but half these knuckleheads don’t even want to take the trash out or wash dishes. Video games and tik tok is all they know….
yeah it’s way too early but it’s necessary.

school year round would mean earlier graduation. as a parent, i’m not against that. the problem is kids in school used to mean they were safe nowadays that’s not always the case.
I think the problem with saying “school starts too early” is that it doesn’t account for the fact that kids can easily just adjust their sleep schedules by staying up later if school starts to later, which results in something of a net-neutral.

Also school should be preparing you for the workforce and adult life. Hearing about 45 minute lateness windows is wild to me considering that stuff doesn’t fly in the vast majority of jobs. At some level we’re failing children by doing these things.
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