Ronda Rousey has become extremely annoying TITLE CHANGE

Gabi Garcia would beat any dudes *** on this board.  Cyborg probably would as well.  Ann Wolfe would knock out any nter
I was more looking for this humbling experience you guys speak of. I really just wanted to fight somebody because I have this same argument with friends all the time about trained vs untrained. They have never had the audacity to bring small females into the equation tho lol I'm more than confident that I could be competitive in my weight class against trained men. I wanted to see for myself. Really cool guys in there but they were slammed. I'll definitely take advantage of the free sessions that were offered and I'm sure i can find a better opportunity to fight someone

Good on you, take advantage of the opportunity.

You still not seeing pro UFC batamweights regardless of sex. Period. Confidence is good, but overconfidence always sinks the ship.
Good on you, take advantage of the opportunity.

You still not seeing pro UFC batamweights regardless of sex. Period. Confidence is good, but overconfidence always sinks the ship.
Bro I'm knocking out any female walking this earth in seconds. I probably have around double the amount of "I might die today" fights than any professional woman's fighter. I'm as comfortable scrapping as I am making a sandwich. I've been completely wiped down plenty of times and it's always been underestimating them so you're definitely right about that. I went years thinking no sub 200lb man had the strength to hurt me until it happened.
That Cody dude couldn't even reach my chin. No damn 135lb man or woman would beat me. Damn size of a middle schooler.
Bro I'm knocking out any female walking this earth in seconds. I probably have around double the amount of "I might die today" fights than any professional woman's fighter. I'm as comfortable scrapping as I am making a sandwich. I've been completely wiped down plenty of times and it's always been underestimating them so you're definitely right about that. I went years thinking no sub 200lb man had the strength to hurt me until it happened.

I just think you're grossly underestimating some of the women that walk this earth.

If Ann Wolfe hits any man, even pro male boxers flush on the button they're probably going out. Your brain doesn't go "wait, that overhand right was from a female, I'm staying conscious".

Same thing with female grapplers, strength can take you only so far. Just like you thought no sub 200 pound male could hurt you until it happened, you're unlikely to believe that a female can hurt you until happens and it certainly can/will happen if you find the right one.
That Cody dude couldn't even reach my chin. No damn 135lb man or woman would beat me. Damn size of a middle schooler.

:lol: I can't with y'all.

Demetrius Johnson would beat you up in ways you didn't even think were possible and he's even smaller than Cody.
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:lol: I can't with y'all.

Demetrius Johnson would beat you up in ways you didn't even think were possible and he's even smaller than Cody.
That ****** would get washed by me. I am 6'3 with Thai hands I would knock him out in less than 5mins. Don't get me started on my grappling level.
I just think you're grossly underestimating some of the women that walk this earth.

If Ann Wolfe hits any man, even pro male boxers flush on the button they're probably going out. Your brain doesn't go "wait, that overhand right was from a female, I'm staying conscious".

Same thing with female grapplers, strength can take you only so far. Just like you thought no sub 200 pound male could hurt you until it happened, you're unlikely to believe that a female can hurt you until happens and it certainly can/will happen if you find the right one.
I'm familiar with Ann Wolfe and granted she has tremendous power for a female but she's not hurting a lot of men my size. Of course there's exceptions but the power just isn't there to knock out someone that much heavier. Top level men at her weight would have trouble knocking out someone that much heavier. And I'm not even talking fighting I mean letting them straight t off on your chin like that classic kimbo video in the backyard
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I'm familiar with Ann Wolfe and granted she has tremendous power for a female but she's not hurting a lot of men my size. Of course there's exceptions but the power just isn't there to knock out someone that much heavier. Top level men at her weight would have trouble knocking out someone that much heavier. And I'm not even talking fighting I mean letting them straight t off on your chin like that classic kimbo video in the backyard

How is she not hurting men "your size"?

Force doesn't consider sex. If you get hit hard enough that it causes your brain to be violently shake inside your cranium you're going out. That's all it takes, force.

Doesn't matter how heavy you are, you get caught on the chin and your head jerks with enough velocity it's going to send your brain shaking.

That's my point. You don't possess better head movement than her, or hand speed for that movement. Maybe you move better laterally and back and forth than her, but she's going to set up her shots and look to unload.

Even better for her that you have this false sense of security. This convoluted idea that having more mass somehow makes you less susceptible to concussions.

That's a new one. Do you have any scientific evidence that would corroborate such a claims?
for you dudes that don't know what a fight looks like when your opponent doesn't have the power to hurt you.
Kimbo is CLEARLY the better boxer in that video.

That points to technique as much as "strength".
for you dudes that don't know what a fight looks like when your opponent doesn't have the power to hurt you.

Is this man serious? Video is not loading for me for whatever reason but I'm going to go ahead and assume it's his first backyard fight. There's a point where Kimbo puts his hands down and lets his opponent hit him and he walked right through it.

So what? So Kimbo ate a couple shots from a gassed opponent. He's been slept numerous times before by far smaller men, men even smaller than the gent who failed to hurt him in the video.

Doesn't validate your outlandish claims.
Kimbo is CLEARLY the better boxer in that video.

That points to technique as much as "strength".
I'm just saying he let him t off on his chin with not a care in the world. Bare knuckles you're gonna get opened up and spit out a few teeth but if the power isn't there to really hurt you it's a wrap
It really seems like you underestimate everyone else and overestimate yourself

That's a losing recipe pa
Kimbo is CLEARLY the better boxer in that video.

That points to technique as much as "strength".

That aside, while Kimbo allowed his opponent to hit him flush it's not as cut and dry as even that.

Thing about brain injuries is this, once you get put to sleep once, there's evidence that you're more susceptible to getting knocked out again.

It's why we see prizefighters lose their chin so to speak after getting knocked out. We've seen it time again, from Roy Jones Jr to Chuck Liddell.

Even Kimbo, he looked to have a solid chin in that video, it got checked numerous times after that and really after his fight with Sean Gannon (another of his street fights), his chin was markedly worse.

This matter is far more nuanced than simple sex. Kief may indeed have a ******* insane chin, but to assume every man of his size just outright has a chin just because they're big is just faulty logic.

Plus solid chins get turned to mush in a split second all the time. It's not a static situation there, it's far more fluid and nuanced than a lot of people are considering.
Kimbo is CLEARLY the better boxer in that video.

That points to technique as much as "strength".
I'm just saying he let him t off on his chin with not a care in the world. Bare knuckles you're gonna get opened up and spit out a few teeth but if the power isn't there to really hurt you it's a wrap

But you are basing a lot of your assumptions on size.

Does that guy that Kimbo is fighting seem like a small dude?

Does he lack "power"?

Or does he not know how to throw/land a proper punch?

Tough to say when looking at that video in a vacuum but it really could go either way.
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It really seems like you underestimate everyone else and overestimate yourself

That's a losing recipe pa


the one biggest thing he's overestimating is the cardio factor. These batamweights are used to a frenetic pace, science just tells us larger people's bodies have to work a lot harder to sustain.

They've got a lower center of gravity and will undoubtedly move better than you.

They're not stationary targets, they know you're the larger person, and they'll be looking to mitigate that advantage by picking their spots, picking their shots, and picking you apart slowly and methodically.

It's far more scientific and strategic than you're considering. Doesn't matter what you've experienced on the streets, professionals and even just high level practitioners just see things average folks can't.

Best analogy is like this, I can't imagine playing football at the speed Antonio Brown does and reacting and adjusting to the ball in the air the way he does. Doesn't matter how much football any of us here played previously, doesn't matter how athletic any of us are currently. It's just a different speed than what you're accustomed to and you can't appreciate that until you're in there firsthand.
But you are basing a lot of your assumptions on size.

Does that guy that Kimbo is fighting seem like a small dude?

Does he lack "power"?

Or does he not know how to throw/land a proper punch?

Tough to say when looking at that video in a vacuum but it really could go either way.
I think a lot of people would have gone right to sleep so no I don't think it is exclusively about power. Kimbo didn't have the endurance to compete at a pro level but I never saw his jaw as weak. I think a lot of the chin talk has to do with confidence and self doubt and there's other situations where your opponent is just physically unable to hurt you.
I'm just saying he let him t off on his chin with not a care in the world. Bare knuckles you're gonna get opened up and spit out a few teeth but if the power isn't there to really hurt you it's a wrap

Again you're looking at that video in a vacuum like illphillip illphillip said.

For all we know those shots did hurt Kimbo and he had a major headache the rest of the day. His adrenaline was obviously pumping, he was obviously in a frenzy and none of those shots were well executed. Guy was slipping and sliding all over the place. Seemed like even the one shot Kimbo walked was a bit glancing.

Video loaded for me, yep it was def a glancing blow and not at all flush like I had thought previously. I've probably watched that fight 30 or 40 times now :lol:. Love when old fights can show you new things.

Anyways, yeah the guy he was fighting was not a proper fighter. He had no technical boxing ability and was fighting scared from the outset. How is that an apt example of what you want to illustrate?

If anything, it detracts from your point. Someone should do a breakdown on that video and title it "what not to do in a street fight". First thing is first, never keep your head stationary.

Also always keep your hands up, when you throw a punch or combo your hands need to immediately return and your chin is to be tucked behind them at all times.

That's boxing 101. Hallmark of a novice fighter is dropping their hands after getting hit with a big shot. Unless you're looking to defend the takedown there's absolutely no reason for your hands to drop that low.
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