Ronda Rousey has become extremely annoying TITLE CHANGE

This is why I think the scientific method needs to be hammered into kids' head at schools.

Until you apply it to EVERYTHING in life, don't go around making unverified claims.

Speculation is fine, saying "I think I can" is fine. To state as fact in the absence of EMPIRICAL evidence, is not.
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This thread reminds me of this one. High school athletes and 9-5ers talking about how a few weeks of practice will allow them to compete in the NBA.


....i'd just hit corner 3's lol 

nervousness the only thing that might stop me...ima deadly shooter 

Like 15. Before I blew my knee out I was a beast. Lived in Panama for high school and played for the national H.S. champs 3 years (Instituto Justo Arosemena). As well as representing my country in countless tournaments

who said straight off the couch though dummy.

If you gave NT'ers 2 weeks of an NBA practice and conditioning than im sure we can get a few pts. Not applying to people who have no basketball experience.

Some people are in great shape on here. Boris Diaw out of shape. Lots of NBA players are out of shape.

This is the crowd you're arguing with :lol:
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That aside, while Kimbo allowed his opponent to hit him flush it's not as cut and dry as even that.

Thing about brain injuries is this, once you get put to sleep once, there's evidence that you're more susceptible to getting knocked out again.

It's why we see prizefighters lose their chin so to speak after getting knocked out. We've seen it time again, from Roy Jones Jr to Chuck Liddell.

Even Kimbo, he looked to have a solid chin in that video, it got checked numerous times after that and really after his fight with Sean Gannon (another of his street fights), his chin was markedly worse.

This matter is far more nuanced than simple sex. Kief may indeed have a ******* insane chin, but to assume every man of his size just outright has a chin just because they're big is just faulty logic.

Plus solid chins get turned to mush in a split second all the time. It's not a static situation there, it's far more fluid and nuanced than a lot of people are considering.
When boxers go up in weight the majority of the conversations is ALWAYS if they have enough to hurt naturally bigger opponents. It's not normal to be able hurt naturally larger men even a few pounds off. You talking 100lbs and a gender difference. You understand that even blocked body shots are breaking ribs right?

When boxers go up in weight the majority of the conversations is ALWAYS if they have enough to hurt naturally bigger opponents. It's not normal to be able hurt naturally larger men even a few pounds off. You talking 100lbs and a gender difference. You understand that even blocked body shots are breaking ribs right?

You do know why that is right?

B/C THEY lack the mass their TRAINED opponent does. Their opponent not only is BIGGER but is every bit as seasoned a pro fighter as he is.

You vs Manny Pacquiao isn't the same as Wlad Klit vs Manny Pacquiao.

You're NOT a world class prize fighter. It's not an apt analogy man. It's ******* ridiculous that you fix your fingers to type such a BS rebuttal and you can't consider why that is yourself.

Why do I have to spell that out for you?

I guarantee Ann Wolfe could break more ribs than you can, why? B/C she knows how to perfectly place her shots. She knows where the liver is, she knows where the floating rib is, do you? No, you have a general idea. She has over 10K hours finding out firsthand.
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It's like ******* idiots on sherdog saying they'd do this and that in a street fight, they watch Bas Rutten talk about livers for a day and suddenly think they can go down to their local bar and start putting down bouncers b/c they "know" where the liver is.

Come on man....Do better. You're not making much in the way of a compelling argument.
You do know why that is right?

B/C THEY lack the mass their TRAINED opponent does. Their opponent not only is BIGGER but is every bit as seasoned a pro fighter as he is.

You vs Manny Pacquiao isn't the same as Wlad Klit vs Manny Pacquiao.

You're NOT a world class prize fighter. It's not an apt analogy man. It's ******* ridiculous that you fix your fingers to type such a BS rebuttal and you can't consider why that is yourself.

Why do I have to spell that out for you?

I guarantee Ann Wolfe could break more ribs than you can, why? B/C she knows how to perfectly place her shots. She knows where the liver is, she knows where the floating rib is, do you? No, you have a general idea. She has over 10K hours finding out firsthand.
With that much of a weight difference it doesn't matter. I'm breaking bones whenever I hit you wherever I hit you if you're 135. What is trained? I have well over 100 fights against men around my size. That means nothing because I didn't have an instructor? Foh getting wiped down is training enough
With that much of a weight difference it doesn't matter. I'm breaking bones whenever I hit you wherever I hit you if you're 135. What is trained? I have well over 100 fights against men around my size. That means nothing because I didn't have an instructor? Foh getting wiped down is training enough

I'll refer you to my previous post because now I'm just repeating myself.


the one biggest thing he's overestimating is the cardio factor. These batamweights are used to a frenetic pace, science just tells us larger people's bodies have to work a lot harder to sustain.

They've got a lower center of gravity and will undoubtedly move better than you.

They're not stationary targets, they know you're the larger person, and they'll be looking to mitigate that advantage by picking their spots, picking their shots, and picking you apart slowly and methodically.

It's far more scientific and strategic than you're considering. Doesn't matter what you've experienced on the streets, professionals and even just high level practitioners just see things average folks can't.

Best analogy is like this, I can't imagine playing football at the speed Antonio Brown does and reacting and adjusting to the ball in the air the way he does. Doesn't matter how much football any of us here played previously, doesn't matter how athletic any of us are currently. It's just a different speed than what you're accustomed to and you can't appreciate that until you're in there firsthand.
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With that much of a weight difference it doesn't matter. I'm breaking bones whenever I hit you wherever I hit you if you're 135. What is trained? I have well over 100 fights against men around my size. That means nothing because I didn't have an instructor? Foh getting wiped down is training enough

And wait, let me just ask outright....

With that much weight difference it doesn't matter?

So are you saying you can beat Manny Pacquiao or even the smaller Guillermo Rigondeaux?
Bro I pulled up at the gym thinking it's mid day and I'd catch it empty with a couple serious guys. I don't know what else you want. I rarely have to put effort into men my own size. I'm more than happy to bang out anyone anywhere period. I've always felt like real fighters never took mma seriously
Bro I pulled up at the gym thinking it's mid day and I'd catch it empty with a couple serious guys. I don't know what else you want. I rarely have to put effort into men my own size. I'm more than happy to bang out anyone anywhere period. I've always felt like real fighters never took mma seriously

So, real fighters aren't in the UFC?


You pulled up, were offered free lessons, didn't take the opportunity right there to put on a gi and get into the scrum.

Maybe take that opportunity?
Lol Ann Wolf would sleep you in the first round.

Girl who just whooped Ronda will get y'all under a minute.

Hell even old *** Mayweather Sr. Would put the beatings on you EASILY and he's a old man.
Lol Ann Wolf would sleep you in the first round.

Girl who just whooped Ronda will get y'all under a minute.

Hell even old *** Mayweather Sr. Would put the beatings on you EASILY and he's a old man.

IDK about Sr, Charlie Zelenoff got a couple shots on him even though Zelenoff clown *** ultimately lost and cheap shotted him.

I think he's not healthy neurologically :frown:.
I have well over 100 fights against men around my size. That means nothing because I didn't have an instructor? Foh getting wiped down is training enough

Ok....somebody's gotta take the bait.

"well over 100 fights"?

No instructor?

Please elaborate.
So, real fighters aren't in the UFC?


You pulled up, were offered free lessons, didn't take the opportunity right there to put on a gi and get into the scrum.

Maybe take that opportunity?
It was a kickboxing class play fighting with full gear. No I view mma fighters like boxers that couldn't make it but still need to pay the bills. You go to the ground in real life then you better hope you guys are fighting alone or you're getting your head stomped out. You don't see random celebrities hopping in the Super Bowl for a few games. You don't see untrained amateurs to televised pros in a few years in any other sport. Let's be real
This is why I think the scientific method needs to be hammered into kids' head at schools.

Until you apply it to EVERYTHING in life, don't go around making unverified claims.

Speculation is fine, saying "I think I can" is fine. To state as fact in the absence of EMPIRICAL evidence, is not.

This, irritating that people think they can just say "science bro".
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