Ronda Rousey has become extremely annoying TITLE CHANGE

Bro Tyson was my weight and would absolutely wipe me down. Watch an interview of him talking about prison. There's guys that would scrape him effortlessly. There's savages out there bro lol

Seen it, no where does he say there was anyone that would beat him in a scrap.

Being a jail bird doesn't grant you magical fighting abilities. Yes they can craft a mean shank out of toilet paper, they can beat the piss out of one another, there isn't an inmate in the world that could see prime Mike Tyson in the fight unless they themselves have extensive boxing/martial arts experience.

Nobody wanted it with Mike in fact.
All this ****** talk.

Mayweather is a ******, 140lbs.... we would wash you bro!
Contrary to popular belief I think I would wash mayweather in a fight. I think every single one of his 300lb bodyguards could kill him bare handed anytime they wanted. Also he's not a ****** he's completely proportional
Contrary to popular belief I think I would wash mayweather in a fight. I think every single one of his 300lb bodyguards could kill him bare handed anytime they wanted. Also he's not a ****** he's completely proportional
If we are going bare knuckle one of us is going to die tonight I wouldn't even consider a wager on mayweather. It's not even a contest
Why have we never heard of you if you can whoop all these world class fighters?

Because these world class fighters aren't really fighters.

Just regular people that couldn't make it and need a way to pay bills.
This thread reminds me of this one. 9-5ers talking about how a few weeks of practice will allow them to compete in the NBA.

Bruh, I got friends who SWEAR they can kick field goals as well or better than NFL kickers just b/c they could hit a 50 yarder in high school.

:lol: :smh:

The male ego man.

Pros vs Joes needs to make a comeback.
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Mayweather can't hurt men his own size. In a fight in the back of the Yukon it's curtains for that little guy
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