Like mother would always say:
"If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all."
Have people never heard of this? Or does it not apply on the internet?
this thread has become similar to youtube comment section lol it's amusing, but yet shocking how people are able to troll so much and how people allow the trolling to get to them.

Side note; How bright are the soles on the tarps?

They're brighter than I thought they would be. Pictures don't do them justice. They very vibrant.
I have nothing to be mad at post ten times a pg & most of its bs one liners & dbl posts on purpose.... you have 249 posts & 248 of them are more than likely troll food
To top things off, he only joined NT about a week ago.  269 posts divided by 7 days, that over 38 post a day....
Lol OUCH...a little harsh...but he does post too much. haha

Harsh?  Hardly.  This guy was a complete d-bag to another member on here.  This is what one poster said....

my girl just called my red sails swim shoes, so disrespectful. 

NureResh0r responds with "sometimes you gotta smack a ho"

This dude crossed the line completely.  It appears he edited his response but it's already been quoted by someone else.  People don't really get on my nerves here, but I think that if anyone calls someone's girlfriend or wife a "ho" then they need to seriously learn about boundaries.  This is completely unacceptable.
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So back on the 21M topic, did someone manage to cop a pair or they just hold the fort down on you guys?
On my way home, I walked pass 21 Mercer about an hr ago. A bunch of hypebeasts are posted up outside waiting for something.




Just thought i'd share these customs i did. I am a heavy fan of roshe runs & i have tons of ideas to be done to this simple design that has potential for alot more than what is offered. All feedback is welcome.

Wouldn't personally wear, but the artwork is fantastic.

Great job.
Cold City holds it down in here, so I do not have a problem with what he's doing. But if you just started posting in this thread after the mints dropped and and are asking questions like if your finishline carries pairs in store and you do not own a single pair of roshes you should probably lay off a bit.
Seattle peeps: Only size 11 or 14 available for the FB Mints at NT. Too far for me to drive. GL
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