RUN with US on INSTAGRAM #NTrunning (NikeTalkRunning)

Rained all day, but cleared enough when I got home from work to go out for a run.

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Regarding the #ntroct600 tag, it looks like there are plenty of runs out there already, but the mileage isn't registering except for those people posting in all lowercase. For example, if you tag with #NTrOct600, that mileage doesn't add to the total. And that might also be the case with any other tag. Anyone else seeing this?
Really?  I'm just going with the one that comes up as a suggested hashtag when I start typing.  So, we're going all lowercase?
this nike running app do I have to have nike running shoes to use it avid runner tired of using runkeeper

I have a garmin forerunner 230 also....
Really?  I'm just going with the one that comes up as a suggested hashtag when I start typing.  So, we're going all lowercase?
I'm not sure if it's a cached version I'm seeing within the app - I see posts under the tag, but not every posted run is reflecting in the leaderboard
Late night run


Additionally - anyone who hasn't updated the app noticed it's not recording properly?

5 runs in October and nothing is there. Not even any friends.

First warm evening for a long time. The bugs were out! Had to run with head down to keep them out of my eyes and mouth.

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This is why I don't use my Garmin vivoactive that much anymore...

I went on a shakeout run in preparation for a local 10K (I'm not racing) at RRS earlier today. I decided to track it with my vivoactive for a change. I thought that I wouldn't try much, but that feeling kicked in... I started to run pretty aggressively (which I thought), but it had me at about an 8min/mi pace! >: The rep that I ran in front of most of the time had her Garmin saying we were doing sub7s along the way... :smh: I've just about had it with this vivoactive. :smh: It's only good for telling time and counting my steps at work :stoneface:

What I saw on my VA

On hers

She told me that I pushed the pace hard because she was breathing pretty heavily. I SERIOUSLY CAN'T WAIT TO GET THE APPLE NIKE GPS WATCH! #endrant
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It might just be yours - I ran 7.3 with another guy with a different Garmin and we were dead on exact.
illustrayt illustrayt I'm with you on the apple watch!
On a different note, back to the NRC leaderboards, we only have a couple people on the #ntroct600 leaderboard, and I think it might be because others might not have their Friend Leaderboard turned on. Can someone who's using that tag (and their miles are NOT contributing to our total) check their setting for Friend Leaderboard?
Yeah it's confusing. For the NTroct I only see two other people and my data doesn't get logged. For NTrunning I get my data logged but only see myself and four other people on the leaderboard. Says I'm currently fourth.
This is why I don't use my Garmin vivoactive that much anymore...

I went on a shakeout run in preparation for a local 10K (I'm not racing) at RRS earlier today. I decided to track it with my vivoactive for a change. I thought that I wouldn't try much, but that feeling kicked in... I started to run pretty aggressively (which I thought), but it had me at about an 8min/mi pace! >: The rep that I ran in front of her most of the time had her Garmin saying we were doing sub7s along the way... :smh: I've just about had it with this vivoactive. :smh: It's only good for telling time and counting my steps at work :stoneface:

What I saw on my VA

On hers

She told me that I pushed the pace hard because she was breathing pretty heavily. I SERIOUSLY CAN'T WAIT TO GET THE APPLE NIKE GPS WATCH! #endrant

My Garmin forerunner 230 does that very often when I'm running at the outdoor track at my gym...maybe something to do with the gps
My Garmin forerunner 230 does that very often when I'm running at the outdoor track at my gym...maybe something to do with the gps

I really don't trust it anymore... I'm ready to abandon the Garmin ship. :smh:
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I really don't trust it anymore... I'm ready to abandon the Garmin ship. :smh:

Lol right only reason I still have it cause my wife bought it for my birthday...she does not like me replacing her gifts...I been throwing hints in upgrading

Oh the tracker is decent also lol
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32 straight with negative splits


I love how these 33s perform and look so much that I'm seriously considering purchasing another pair to stock... :smh:
Nice! Didn't you just run 20 this week?!

What is your goal time for your marathon? And what plan are you following?
When I first entered my name in the drawing I had no idea what I could run, so I estimated a 4:00:00 finish. After all this training though, I think I'm looking to hit sub 3:30:00. Tomorrow, I have my longest run of my 16 week training plan, 22 miles. Next week, I start to taper down. This journey has been pretty exhilarating. The journey is always what counts!

I'm not sure if I should make it a progressive run or keep at a steady pace. Any recommendations? This will be my longest run and I'm looking to go all out. Thanks!

EDIT: I am using the NRC plan on the Nike Running app. I altered my schedule a little bit. My days off work are Wednesdays/Thursdays, so I do my long run on Thursdays.
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My recommendation would be to run at the steady pace in which your goal time is. Towards the end if you feel like you could go faster, go for it. Like after mile 20-22

I'm assuming you got put into a late starting corral? The corral start is something that should be talked about way more by people :lol:. It will seriously make a marathon brutal

I was put into the last corral in the Berlin marathon, where I ran 3:40. ALL I was doing was passing people for 40kms out of the 42, I was only running low 8 minute miles as well. It was a lot of work passing people and I would get blocked so many times. I don't think my legs would've been as done at the end had I not been zig zagging/jumping on the sidewalks a lot to pass people all race.
Chicago for me was also extremely packed starting in the end, but I was injured and finished an hour later.
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