RUN with US on INSTAGRAM #NTrunning (NikeTalkRunning)

I'm loving the cold air and drizzle!


My recommendation would be to run at the steady pace in which your goal time is. Towards the end if you feel like you could go faster, go for it. Like after mile 20-22

I'm assuming you got put into a late starting corral? The corral start is something that should be talked about way more by people
. It will seriously make a marathon brutal

I was put into the last corral in the Berlin marathon, where I ran 3:40. ALL I was doing was passing people for 40kms out of the 42, I was only running low 8 minute miles as well. It was a lot of work passing people and I would get blocked so many times. I don't think my legs would've been as done at the end had I not been zig zagging/jumping on the sidewalks a lot to pass people all race.
Chicago for me was also extremely packed starting in the end, but I was injured and finished an hour later.
Yes, I did get placed in a later corral. I didn't really think about that. I hope it won't be too much of an issue.
Well that was that. From here on out, I start tapering my long runs before NYC starting with an 18 mi. next week. On a serious note, today was the first time I've experienced anything close to chafing. I didn't bleed, but boy did it start hurting around mile 19. I'm not sure if it because the weather got colder. And the Dri-Fit shirt I ran in has been washed over 5 times. The last thing I want during a marathon is for my chest to start bleeding. Any recommendations on how to avoid this? Do they have bandaids that will cover the nips? Will any type of ointment help? The thought of bandaids is just awful though. I try to keep what I wear minimal.

Thanks for the support NT fam. Y'all make this marathon so much more meaningful! Follow me at @andrewccastro on IG to see my journey.
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A Sub3:30 for you seems like it'll be in the bag! The adrenaline on Race Day will definitely quicken your pace. :smokin
anaturalwonder anaturalwonder good luck! With a 22 mile run at that pace, I think you'll do fine to stick with a sub-8 pace, then maybe pick it up for the last few miles. I was training at 8:45 - 9 min to get my PR of 3:29.

I'll be pacing the 3:58 group one month from today in Bakersfield. Not sure whether I'll use my Clifton 3s or Vomero 10s, but I just got some mail today after finding a new pair of Clifton 1s at a good price...


Well that was that. From here on out, I start tapering my long runs before NYC starting with an 18 mi. next week. On a serious note, today was the first time I've experienced anything close to chafing. I didn't bleed, but boy did it start hurting around mile 19. I'm not sure if it because the weather got colder. And the Dri-Fit shirt I ran in has been washed over 5 times. The last thing I want during a marathon is for my chest to start bleeding. Any recommendations on how to avoid this? Do they have bandaids that will cover the nips? Will any type of ointment help? The thought of bandaids is just awful though. I try to keep what I wear minimal.

Thanks for the support NT fam. Y'all make this marathon so much more meaningful! Follow me at @andrewccastro on IG to see my journey.

Nip guards and body glide
Yes, I did get placed in a later corral. I didn't really think about that. I hope it won't be too much of an issue.

Oh man, it will..And it'll suck if you are really feeling it :lol:

At least Chicago and Berlin. I would imagine New York would be just as bad, although Berlin had a lot of small side streets.

Try to get there as early as you can and if they don't let you sneak into a different coral, try to be at the very front at least. Also, just use some nip guards. You won't feel them at all, have to be safe than sorry
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I kid you not I was about to **** myself on my run this evening. Had to run at a faster pace then I'm used to because I was about to blow. I made it though and got the run done for NT...
I'm looking to get the 42 when it comes out. I want to try it out before I buy it though. A little pricey in Canada for a sports watch.

Getting ready for my first 5km race tomorrow. Hope to do a half marathon early next year.

Going to try to get to the front of the corral to avoid zigging and zagging through the crowd

First Half Marathon is four weeks away. I have three more long runs between now and then. I feel pretty good.
Non-stop 8miler on the track again. The Peg33 is like the LeBron of Nike Running, imo. #allaround :smokin

No negative splits, but I liked how I finished.

ANyone run in the zoom structure 20 yet? If you have. Any pros or cons? Looking to pick up a new pair off stability shoes and these caught my eye
Anyone have any recommendations for hydration packs or running backpacks? I'm looking for at least a 2L bladder and a few pockets to store phone/wallet/snacks. But most importantly, I want it a tight fit so it doesn't bounce around. 
Anyone have any recommendations for hydration packs or running backpacks? I'm looking for at least a 2L bladder and a few pockets to store phone/wallet/snacks. But most importantly, I want it a tight fit so it doesn't bounce around. 
I have a camelbak with no complaints. It doesn't bounce on me but then again at my fastest I was running low 9 minute miles
Really want to get new shoes. But I also want to get a new running jacket :nerd:. Going to see how the new flash jacket looks. I really wish I had last years, the color was so sick.

I have a $200 Nike gift card that I want to use, really wish I could've used it overseas. Peg33s might just get bought real soon though

When I was in Berlin, the Nike store was a having 30% off sale on EVERYthing. I would only see people wearing adidas only, Nike must really be desperate for sales over there :lol:
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