San Antonio NT's Come in...

Originally Posted by Mister Friendly

Originally Posted by ca5perrr

mr friendly....tsk tsk tsk...
lets take a look at the day in the life of mr friendly aka mr AYO:
from the myspace tracker topic in the general thread...
Originally Posted by Mister Friendly

Originally Posted by Sick Ik 23

Originally Posted by Mister Friendly

Originally Posted by Sick Ik 23

Originally Posted by Mister Friendly

People still use Myspace?
You put a picture of yourself without a t-shirt as your avy on a site that consists of mostly straight (I hope) males?

That has nothing to do with myspace and plus its not me its Brady Quinn
Just because it's Brady Quinn doesn't make it right, or should I say straight? I understand if it was a pic like this:

Is this one ok for ya


Relax...its just a dude with his shirt off.... nothing be worried about unless you are getting turned on or something.



let me guess thats you with your hand on his BALLS
Originally Posted by Mister Friendly

Originally Posted by ca5perrr

Originally Posted by Mister Friendly

Originally Posted by T21D

Originally Posted by ca5perrr

arent you the dude that always OD's with ugly/fat/
chicks on all the appreciation threads??
Ca5perrr, just because you like young, blond, athletic types doesn't mean ugly/fat/
chicks don't need loving too!
Word because if you're in San Antonio you aint seeing to many young athletic hot blondes...thats for sure.

And y'all leave Brady Quinn alone
last time i saw one was when i woke up this morning
...They have to be hot too not just blonde

lolz doggie, everyone here in sa knows a few members of my roster, and i was bout to post some pics of my MVP, but why?

so you can gossip with your girlfriends about me while you watch the view? NAMBEEEEEEEEE GUEEEEEEY

go back to posting fat ugly girls on every appreication thread there is, while im here in sa slaying more than santa claus.

and to everyone else, i likem thick and wholesome but sometimes mr AYO post some land monsters,

oh and btw: TIM TEBOW > brady quinn > your life

....thats nice all but until I see pics its basically

I must've hit a nerve and what are you doing? Following me around?Do I know you?You watch me?You watch me?
Thats really AYO!I dont even care enough to look at your profile!

Go back to slaying
probably more like caking or tricking and your slang..."joto"?....ENGLISH PLEASE!

Also with the Brady Quinn thing ..If you cant see that its tongue and cheek you are really dense. Probably turned on by him or something

Ahh...maybe thats why we are compensating with girl bravo
Real playas dont brag

[size=3 pnts]lol...


theres alot where that came from...

and following you around? nahhh bro just was tryna figure out your fruity patterns, if someones gonna run their mouth about me, i kinda would like to know alittle about them,

and what i know is more than i need to know,

and you said english? let me remind you're in the San Antonio thread, this is not the "INDIANA FREAKING ROCKS" thread, here we speak englsih andspanish, if you dont like our vocab,

you can take it up to the Grand Wizard,

and on the brady quinn subject, you say its tongue and cheek? to have another man with his shirt off as your avatar
hmmm thats one man crush gone toofar,

im guessing you just want his tongue and cheeks, how do you explain that to your frat brothers??

dont really know what else to tell you,

here you go so you can add to your collection

The plot thickens

Please quit qouting the whole thing,
if you do quote, start with the breast

You shall continue

and ive heard both grand wizard or dragon....

ill be heading out to eagle pass , in a bit.


Originally Posted by ca5perrr

and you said english? let me remind you're in the San Antonio thread, this is not the "INDIANA FREAKING ROCKS" thread, here we speak englsih and spanish, if you dont like our vocab,

you can take it up to the Grand Wizard,

^^^ Word. Este esta el sur gavacho.....
Originally Posted by The Fresh Sole

The plot thickens

Please quit qouting the whole thing,
if you do quote, start with the breast

You shall continue
HAHAHA.... Cas I need tagged pics of those tatas!!!!!
lol at freds comment, billys brought up the movie like 10 times already and everyones like

jake u obviously know whos those r....

Hmmm since when did showing a picture of your girl's top count as being a hot? I missed that memo! For all I know it could betranny

Also tagged pics preferably with you in them.

And for the following me around part.This is how you first came at me all sideways

mister friendly, damn that is one real joto avy.

arent you the dude that always OD's with ugly/fat/
chicks on all theappreciation threads??

I have no idea who the heck you were but you knew me
You studyin meawful hard bro. Too bad you didnt study your school books that hard.

And about the english please part, I'm not dumb I know some people speak spanish in San Antonio. But you didnt use to spanish to convey something to used to say something you thought I wouldnt understand. To me that translates to you're not man enough to call me something to my face.

We were talking about Brady Quinn and you bring up Tim Tebow??

Does this look familar

But I have to ask you some questions why do you like Tim Tebow and Florida so much?

Did you go to University of Florida? No ok

Did you go to college?No ok

Have you been to you been to the University of Florida campus?No ok

Have you ever been to Gainesville?

Have you even been to the state of Florida before?

Have you even left the state of Texas outside the miltary?

Well then ladies and gentlemen it looks we have another bopper of Tim Tebow. You must be hoping he "saves" you from being such a lame.

And good luck with DJ thing in San Antonio thats real career there
Originally Posted by jwdanklefs

Mr Friendly - You took it too far and now its old... You can leave now...

Ok I'm sorry I just wanted to know about some sneakers and ole boy came at me all sideways.
Originally Posted by Mister Friendly

Originally Posted by jwdanklefs

Mr Friendly - You took it too far and now its old... You can leave now...

Ok I'm sorry I just wanted to know about some sneakers and ole boy came at me all sideways.
Cas - get his ***...
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