San Antonio NT's Come in...

f'in jake....
^^^ damn this is getting good.. you guys have to much time on your hands . now back to some real $#!T so who's going to the movies tommorrow !!! lol j/ when are we meeting up again???
Originally Posted by SPURFAN21

^^^ damn this is getting good.. you guys have to much time on your hands . now back to some real $#!T so who's going to the movies tommorrow !!! lol j/k. so when are we meeting up again???
lol toooo much time. and no more meetups, dont remember who but its almost feb and we gots nuttin. sneaksup 3 is dead. how bout we just talk aboutcarvaning to the dallas show?
^^^great...another mesican added to the san antonio thread. guess that means more spanish is coming. welcome to the mr friendly and killa kas show.
Originally Posted by balinonabudget210

Originally Posted by SPURFAN21

^^^ damn this is getting good.. you guys have to much time on your hands . now back to some real $#!T so who's going to the movies tommorrow !!! lol j/k. so when are we meeting up again???
lol toooo much time. and no more meetups, dont remember who but its almost feb and we gots nuttin. sneaksup 3 is dead. how bout we just talk about carvaning to the dallas show?

I wouldn't write off the show just yet. Sometimes the best things happen while under pressure.
But i totally feel where you're coming from. Having an excuse to "meetup" with the fellas
is great, but we can't lose sight of what brought us together in the first place. I'm not trying to
call anybody out because we're all in this together. Bottom line is, we need to get our a55es
in gear. I've discussed a few rough ideas for the flyer with Ucasta, but without a location, date and time
there is no flyer. So if you claim "sneaks up" or rep it in your "sig", please bring something to the table.
if not, kill yourself.
Originally Posted by crushgruve

^^^great...another mesican added to the san antonio thread. guess that means more spanish is coming. welcome to the mr friendly and killa kas show.

Oye, porque me tieres debajo de autobus, jaja- Just waiting for next meetup, or lunch so I can meet everyone else
Originally Posted by bl4ze11

Originally Posted by balinonabudget210

Originally Posted by SPURFAN21

^^^ damn this is getting good.. you guys have to much time on your hands . now back to some real $#!T so who's going to the movies tommorrow !!! lol j/k. so when are we meeting up again???
lol toooo much time. and no more meetups, dont remember who but its almost feb and we gots nuttin. sneaksup 3 is dead. how bout we just talk about carvaning to the dallas show?

I wouldn't write off the show just yet. Sometimes the best things happen while under pressure.
But i totally feel where you're coming from. Having an excuse to "meetup" with the fellas
is great, but we can't lose sight of what brought us together in the first place. I'm not trying to
call anybody out because we're all in this together. Bottom line is, we need to get our a55es
in gear. I've discussed a few rough ideas for the flyer with Ucasta, but without a location, date and time
there is no flyer. So if you claim "sneaks up" or rep it in your "sig", please bring something to the table.
if not, GO F yourself.

the classic T21D "Go F yourself"
i might be going back to eagle pass this sat, so well see

how bout bww on 151 and 410 (they got a back patio) on sunday???
yeah we really need to start doing something cause i want this show to happen!!! cant do it this sunday , there is something going down on sunday already.someone set a date so we can get this $#!T on the road!!!! i know aaron looked at a place and they were offering to let us have it for free so i know that isone option the other places we came up with , we need to start calling and start getting prices. and get the bbq plate sale date set also so we can sell tix!!!just my opinion anyone else add yours!!!
Originally Posted by jwdanklefs


Whats your name?
George-another BALD FLUFFY MEXICAN from SA

I'm the one who sat next to Billy cheering him on when he ate the COW at Lord's Kitchen
Welcome George! What's been going on since Lord's kitchen?

Tip- don't start a thread by asking stupid questions like "san antonio niketalkers- where's some good shops" and or " barbershops inSan Antonio". This is what you'll get-
, and
we should just take it back to the gym off ingram...eff the dumb shizz.......just 10 of us...and to determine the 10 we can do a cookoff/battle royale/flam3war just to make it interesting...just a suggestion
SNeaks Up 3 is going to be on May 23

a saturday, youll get a bigger crowd

talked with dallas and kixpo is july 25, separated nicely.

Sneaks Up 3 is going to be on May 23, 2009

Date Done now work on the place!
Originally Posted by T21D

Welcome George! What's been going on since Lord's kitchen?

Tip- don't start a thread by asking stupid questions like "san antonio niketalkers- where's some good shops" and or " barbershops in San Antonio". This is what you'll get-
, and

^^^yeah, trying working on getting some of these guys


- And to answer your questions...... Hit up "Rios Supercuts"
a saturday? lets take a vote saturday or sunday? i say sunday its hard for some of us to get saturdays off. that weekend is good tho. 23rd or 24th?
I saw we switch up it for a change...

Fri - Pre-party
Sat - SneaksUp 3
Sun - Recover/Relax. (out of towners have a full day to drive home)
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