San Antonio NT's Come in...

Idk if imma be able to make it out to soul tonight fellas gotta work...what time does it end??
Idk if imma be able to make it out to soul tonight fellas gotta work...what time does it end??
sorry didnt make it out got out of work late and was to tired to go out there.. congrats to IGGY ON THE ANNIVERSARY!!!!!! ALSO VERY NICE POWDERS THE BEST 9THAT WAS PUT OUT!!! BESIDES THE COOL GREY!!!IMO
I thought "lol" means kidding....

why is everyone so sentive on NT nowadays.

I'm not hating on be honest I didn't even know he was involved in the show....if he helps cool. I don't have a problem with it. I justthought the flyer looked funny...i didn't think I was stepping on anyones feathers....but if I did.. Ill let you all be...
so jo how was the turn out sorry i didnt make it out no excuses for me im been a lazy f*#$ lately dont know why think its my meds hope all went well outthere
good too see everyone out there...remember there is enough pie for errbody...its all love.
Let me start off by saying that I have been real quiet lately just peeping the situation and I have nothing bad to say about sb or the owners.I hope theycontinue to do well and be successful especially in this time. I'm fair with everybody and I call it how I see it.

I now can see why some people on the gsa forums feels awkward around "sneaks up"
People have been feeling themselves too much.

Joe I feel you're the last person to call out anybody about some ho@ shhh. I remember distinctly you telling me "don't worry manny we got you,!$*@ the other store" but now I find it extremely odd and funny that your pushing them so hard recently.

A few people forget so quickly about the donations from gsa and select. So I guess you got everything taken care of for the show. I can tell all my reps tocancel all the stuff I was going to donate. I guess in your world money rules over so called friendship and loyalty.

With all this talk about contributions to the show what have you exactly contributed besides your mouth. I honestly want to know. Also please get off your highhorse about being at the first show. Its sad that you have been at the first show and haven't contributed as much as art, norm or jai jai has.( Just toname a few)

This is not beef and I'm nowhere being mad. It is amusing how some people act though. I still got love for you joe so its good.

Norm I have nothing but respect for you, but is evolution part of the pie too?
(yet again im not involved)
good seeing yall,
had a goodnight after i saw yall, went to play, free drinks/shots. couldve got a bottle BUT someone said "ill be right back" and never returned...
some random dude tipped me $20 to play "beat it"
[alot of the music form late 80s-early 90s has a simple drum pattern, its easy to mix, so i dint sweat it]

BTW. flock of seagulls haircut told me she was gonna call me, real talk... she can cook thats a third of the qualifications,
and norm sorry for the comment, after i said it i was like
....waitnorm is married ....and shes standing next to him

btw. feb 24th

cas-dont even sweat wife busts my b@lls all the time about those kinda chicas and I have to convince her thats not my steez!!!

manny-If lalo from evo was to approach us about being involved in the show I would have no problem with that even though conventional wisdom says that I shouldbe salty because he runs a business down the street from where I work and is a competitor.I have the shows best interest in mind and thats all.Manny you arefam and nothing will change that.our past success has always been a direct result of the sum of our parts.we wouldnt be able to do this without thecontributions ans support from ERRBODY involved.thats the way it has always been..from the OGs that were in that gym to all the young heads just lurking onforums.we have always and hopefully will continue to be welcoming to whoever is down for the show or our culture...and before anyone chimes in about any know the ones on the southside that make money selling fakes......thats just ROCK BOTTOM and have no place at our table.all we can do is hope toeducate those that shop there about legitimacy....anyway lets have fun with this...I love you all. FULL ROMO.

UPDATE: the GSAxSNEAKS UP first ever skate deck graphic should be ready by the end of the week.As soon as it is finalized I will post it!!!!!!!!The board willofcourse be LIMITED and sold at GSA and also at the show......

joe you told me (over the phone) when we last fought over a damn date, that a lot of people read our thread. and not to air out all of our laundry for theworld to read......but that's exactly what your doing! pm or call each other and try to work it out...

to be honest. this thread lost its wheels about 10 pages ago.

I got into this because it was all fun and at times, so fun that sneakers often came second.

true everyone wants a bigger and better show everytime but everyone has to know....not just verterans like fred ucasta....everyone newbie and even freshnewbies....even I don't anything about the show other than the date.

so I know josuf you have good intentions but man, easy relax and let everything fall into place....goes for everyone.

Sneaks Up Fam ftw
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