San Antonio NT's Come in...

u know mike your right i should have called you im sorry i didnt call you. but as for manny there isnt nothing to talk about he thinks i talk to much and ithink that he dont know how to watch his mouth so we will def be working things out .. just in a diff way
Originally Posted by tellyjesko1023

but please think b4 u post some stupid **** like that...remember your sig dont just repersent u.. it repersents sneaks up..

The Fresh Sole wrote:

A conversation over the phone or in person will go a long way. Don't leave it up for everyone else to interpret whats going on. You guys are more maturethan all of this.

Your loyal friend,
I texted you this morning and I didn't get a response. So I don't know what else you want me to do. As far as you saying f me that's cool. Comingfrom where I come from I would usually take it serious but I've been through too much in my life to mess with petty sht. I have always showed you andeverybody else in the crew nothing but love but I guess I that's not good enough. I apologize to everyone for this even getting like this. Plus I'mpissed arod got tested for steriods
A-Rod is a bum. So much for him going down as the "greatest baseball player ever", huh Jaijai?
damn you guys just need to calm down !!!! we are all friends and we do have lots of lurkers that come into our thread. manny dont worry about it, you tryin toget vendors to help out with donations that would help out alot. imo. i do believe a phone call would be the best bet instead of airing out all the dirtylaundry!!! joe you just need to calm down theres no need to be fffing anyone on here. all donations from anyone would be great for the show. we need all thehelp we can get. i feel if it wasnt for all of us as a group this show would not go on! this is not just one persons show, there is a group of us and we allchip in !!! speaking of that, are we gonna start pitching in each a month to help with the cost and giveaways????? and one more thing A-FRAUD!!!!! LOL
Originally Posted by ucasta

A-Rod is a bum. So much for him going down as the "greatest baseball player ever", huh Jaijai?
^^^^I guess he will now go down as the greatest baseball player in the steroid era. Look's like theres no clean athletes these days. So muchfor looking up to some one..
Wow, whats going on in here? I hope you guys get over whatever it is, cause i want this years show to be badass....
Where can we donate to the show btw?
Originally Posted by MHT214

Wow, whats going on in here?

A bunch of grown men acting like females, thats what.

As far as donations, come to the next meetup and im sure we
can discuss how and where contributions will be applied. Thanks
for your support.
The highlight of my day was when ESPN broke that A-Rod got busted, the best part of it all was that even though he did it as a member of the Texas Rangers, allof his highlights were in Yankee pinstripes!!!

cool about the donations.....

consider everything squashed...
joe and manny try to work on it...if you all can't, then that just the way it is! we are all not going to pick sides..

Look guys I'm close to hitting 30, and believe me life is way too short for bickering.

on a side note..... no one to look up to! "danny almonte" google it! soon to be a legend!
Originally Posted by SPURFAN21

Originally Posted by n2tha0

can we delete the last couple pages.....FROM OUR LIVES???!!!!!

I think for lurkers sake, the people that made the hasty posts in the last few pages should go back
and edit their posts and put pictures of pastel colored balloons, care bears and daisies in there place...

Happy thoughts 100% romo...

Side note: the world is over, Phelps smokes and has the munchies!!!!

just wanted to say whats up SA ! it will be my first shoe show outside the dfw area. im an old "sneakerhead" but hope to learn much about the sneakerculture in SA. i've heard alot about you guys and look forward to meeting each of you. you guys are building a great legacy and i appreciate theoppurtunity you're giving others. PEACE!
Originally Posted by akuma471

just wanted to say whats up SA ! it will be my first shoe show outside the dfw area. im an old "sneakerhead" but hope to learn much about the sneaker culture in SA. i've heard alot about you guys and look forward to meeting each of you. you guys are building a great legacy and i appreciate the oppurtunity you're giving others. PEACE!
thanks for the props akuma.....welcome to the funhouse!we got much love for our dfw deadstock fam up there.....good people..try to make it out toone of our meet ups soon!
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