San Antonio NT's Come in...

Originally Posted by tellyjesko1023

lets just say jay whouldnt be the only person we would have a reason to visit a certan place...

Originally Posted by kedabowl

Congrats Ant, for whatever you did....

And if you guys go out this weekend, be careful and have fun without me. Ill be in Louisiana hopefully winning some money!!!
Hey KEDA if you stop at n en convenience stores and or a WALMART, PLEASE pick up sum cans of Delaware Punch. yes for real! I will gladly pay uback!!!
Originally Posted by ucasta

Stay in school Aris. Nice nonetheless.
please cut the school crap. sometimes moves need to be made to get where you wanna be. sacrifices needa be taken. no one said im done w/ school. iwas trying to get some stuff done....personal stuff.
..... but obviously it backfired. thats life. please. please. and please. thanx.
aris happy bday and very dope pic ups...and mike i hate you for that pick up i have tryed to win those dqms like 8 times and always lose by nomore than 5dollars..good pick up mike goo pick up
Originally Posted by JaiJai84

Happy Birthday Aris.
Nice Pickup's Fred and Mikey...
Here's Mikey:

Those PE's are for Aris. A birthday present to himself. BTW- everyone mind their own dam business about OdomCity. Enjoy YOUR day sir.
This one is dedicated to Ucasta
happy birthday of the best days of my life was when I got up and walked out of my critical discourse(english) class at uiw....I never looked do you kinfolk. eff the dumb izzh.
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