San Antonio NT's Come in...

Originally Posted by The Fresh Sole

Originally Posted by akuma471

whats up SA? i have a question. who from SA won the sole collector world championship and what year? i remember the blk/gold jordan one (only 10 known to exist) that took best in show.

I knew his chick and she would always talk about this,

i still dont know what he looks like

he is a bald mexican guy!! does that narrow it down!!! all of those 1's they are still in his possesion!! they are
. and other og stuff also.... see you guys on sunday. hey norm put me down for atable.
Heys guys we should take the meet up to Brackenridge Park...'

We had our first softball practice there wednesday and the weather was perfect! And there was this kick @*+ family cheering us on. We are shooting for anotherpractice on Sunday and we can turn it into a Sneaks up Picnic/BBQ Thing!

But if you all want to BBW @ the forum, Im still down!
^^^not a bad idea, it gets pretty packed at the park on the weekend. But maybe someone can go early enough to get a nice spot.
Hey guys, good too see yall out the at gym, especially Art and Jake...both controlling the paint.... but real quick,
after the game I was told that something that I need to apologize for and I stand corrected. I apologize to especially Brandon
and to others for being an A#$$#. I wasted time and was a jerk. It wasnt cool and hope to see everyone back out at the gym next time.

We do it again in two weeks or so.
Thanks for having us Nick...

I had a blast out there...

My everything hurts right now...

Shawn's voice.... "GIVE IT TO JAKE!!!!!"
^^ its all good Nick, its good to keep it competitive. Had fun tonight fellas.
Also, I've mentioned it to a few of you guys tonight...
Theres a basketball league coming up 1st or 2nd week of April. Westside YMCA.
about 9-10 game season.
I figured since there's already a softball team, why not make a bball team?
just throwing it out there to see how many peeps would be interested.

As far as the meetup goes...Mikey thats a good idea. weather should be good.
I think the BWW meetups have
run their course, lol. But I'm cool with whatever. Majority wins
If we do indeed take this next meet up to the park, will we be barbequing on one of the grills? If so we should start a list of items that we all intend tocontribute for the feast. With that said put me down for.

Jai Jai: Sodas, Water, Napkins.

Feel free to add on additional items fella's. We only got two days to get this thing organized.
If it is at the park, I will bring a pack of fajitas, 1 chicken and 1 beef, and some tortillas too. Please let me know ASAP so I can acquire these items.
Also, isnt there a driving range near by? We can go hit some buckets while you guys are practicing. So if you golf, bring your sticks. Hopefully I get mydriver back from Nike in time.
it's offical then.....sundays meet up moved to brackenridge park. shoot for the spots near the baseball field and ducks ponds...yes a driving range is with5 mins away....start saying what you can bring...if you can't don't trip your still welcome and everything is still available to all.

I will have my son this weekend, so bring the kiddies too...


but most of all another meet up means more goodtimes!!!
thanks for setting up some time on the court for us nick. i'm down to play again in a few weeks.

g - great idea, but there's no way in hell the "mailman" would make it thru a 10 game season!
G- I would be down for a basketball league given certain circumstances.

A.) No interference with the current softball schedule.
B.) We play in the lowest league level possible. Many of us haven't played a full 4 quarters of ball in ages.....
im down for sunday,

casper- ice , plastic utensils, plates

here you go jake (before you ask):
Brackenridge Park
3700 N Saint Marys St, San Antonio

and just wanna inform yall i finally got a job,
just faxed the formal offer letter back to them
need to talk to the dude and get more info, its on lackland (security hill) doing what i was doing back in the military,
we'll see whutp, so im staying here after all.... and making better money than the military/djing soooo there will be some pick up for SU3

(once mi settled ill see what i can do for you omar no romo)
Originally Posted by UrSoleProvider

Hey guys, good too see yall out the at gym, especially Art and Jake...both controlling the paint.... but real quick,
after the game I was told that something that I need to apologize for and I stand corrected. I apologize to especially Brandon
and to others for being an A#$$#. I wasted time and was a jerk. It wasnt cool and hope to see everyone back out at the gym next time.

We do it again in two weeks or so.

thanks again nick ...and its not your fault ....i think it should be mine,g, horeman, shawn, and damiens homeboy.............fault for not losing......
and art is the truth when it comes to passing..............those passes were all dope
and jake is the truth....

im down with the park but i agree with aaron ........brack is gonna be hell of packed.........getting a spot ishard on sunday.....and i think you kan also forget about getting that field we have tried manny of times on sundays and

why dont we go to that park were we practiced at one time when we went to norms after
im not sure of the name ...but the field was dope and i think we have a better shot there with getting a table aswell
Well i think the time of day plays a big factor in getting a table(s).
What time were you all looking to practice? All of us that are
not practicing can get there early.

Jai Jai - games would on Sundays, maybe a few saturdays (evenings).
Whatever park/field is decided on make a decision quick so people can plan accordingly with regrads to schedule and what to bring.

Also what is the pitch in for the skate decks? This is the first I have heard of this.
Originally Posted by bl4ze11

Well i think the time of day plays a big factor in getting a table(s).
What time were you all looking to practice? All of us that are
not practicing can get there early.

Jai Jai - games would on Sundays, maybe a few saturdays (evenings).

we can try to get there early but im talking early there are a bunch of parties , bike crews, and car crews, its kind of like milatary but with bbq ...if weare gonna try to get a spot 7 i think is the latest... fred told me about this one park that is nice and not paked...
havent posted in this thread in a while, but if yall start up a basketball league, count me in!
yeah I remember that park, its out toward the forum!!

Fred what's the name of that park....remember that field doesn't have lights

But I was thinking more like 5pm.

You are losing an hour tomorrow so the light will shine more and later now!

I guess ill be cooking since you all make me anyway!

Also Fred got the package from TOKYO today!!!!!!
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