San Antonio NT's Come in...

Smokin on that Grandaddy, make you want to smack ya Grandmammy..." �
^^^ yeah missed out on it tried but then the site crased and then came back up and then they were sold out!!sux!!! i think joesuf was able to get a pair
Originally Posted by ucasta

11/12 pack = yawn

u smad jumpman loyalist?

lol, nah but i remember hoopin' in both those exact shoes
in 8th grade. ah, memories...

David - The GSA forum is still up, its just that SneaksUp members
are banned.
jk, I don't know whats up with it.

See all you on Sunday!!
yeah thank god i got a pair ...called nike to make sure.....but said they wernt gonna ship out till bout 7-8 biz days.............then another 3-5 for theactuall shipping....................but just happy i got 1
As for the white elephant gift exchange...Lets do a $30 limit...
Or we could do it with gag-gifts...
The white elephant game played with gag-gifts, is played the same way except you bring an informal term for a practical joke device, comedic present, somethingyou wouldn't want to be caught dead with or something that would just keep people rolling with laughter after unwrapping. It could be something you like orsomething that would just tick someone off...

This Sunday, the 21st, at 7pm, we will be having a nice Christmas dinner at Iggy's house...
(Iggy sent out the address, if you did not get the memo, let us know)

I will update it regularly until Sunday...

Lets bring less pies and more sides this time. We ended up with a lot of leftover pies and needed more mac n' cheese and casseroles and stuff...

Joesuf -
Jai Jai -
Jake - Some beer and dinner rolls and gravy...
Mikey - Not gonna make it...
Edmund -
Norm -
Ignacio - Pumpkin roll (Dessert)
Fred -
Ronnie - Chopped liver... I mean mashed potatoes and Heinekens!!!

David - Sodas and Water and a card table and 4 chairs
Manny - 6ft table
Damien - The world famous mac n cheese or bust... Not gonna make it...
Aaron - Forks, Knives, Spoons, Plates
Billy - Honey Baked Ham, Sweet Potatoes, Broccoli Salad...
Gabe - Green Bean Casserole
Shawn - Mac n Cheese...
Art - Not gonna make it...
Casper - Soda Ice and Beer
Aris - possibility...
Mike -
Omar/Erica - Potstickers aka Gyoza
Matt - Not gonna make it....

Tamales, Queso, Turkey, Stuffing, Big Red????
Joesuf git at me, got a word on the 6 Rings. And for those who care, stores will be carrying the last (color?) of the Spizikes.
Jus like Mikeys says, I thinks it time we talk bout sneakers a lil more. Hopefully not all of us forgot that was the main thang at one time>
I have on concern... We are a few days away from our dinner and we have no main course.

We could either do a turkey or we could cancel all side dishes and start over and do something economical like a Italian dish (spaghetti or something.)

Just throwing this out there... If anyone knows how much a turkey costs, and doesn't mind doing it, we can all pitch in for the cost just to get it done...

Ruben's tamales would be good, but like Jai Jai said, "During the holidays, Ruben's are a hyperstrike. You would be better off finding a Kid RobotAM1!"
Originally Posted by jwdanklefs

I have on concern... We are a few days away from our dinner and we have no main course.

We could either do a turkey or we could cancel all side dishes and start over and do something economical like a Italian dish (spaghetti or something.)

Just throwing this out there... If anyone knows how much a turkey costs, and doesn't mind doing it, we can all pitch in for the cost just to get it done...

Ruben's tamales would be good, but like Jai Jai said, "During the holidays, Ruben's are a hyperstrike. You would be better off finding a Kid Robot AM1!"

I don't think it's the cost of the turkey but more the time it takes to prepare, cook, etc. As far as tamales go they don't have to be fromRuben's to be good. I know of a few molinos in the southside that have very good tamales. We can just buy some from one of these molinos for Sunday night.I would be willing to buy 3 or 4 dozens but I don't think this would be enough for everyone. If we switched to spagehetti, burgers, etc. it doesn'tmatter. We are just getting together to have some fun amongst friends.
Maybe we should just have a vote or something
before people buy the stuff they've commited to bring.
I think an Italian dish sounds good, but how exactly would
we do that? just pitch in? I'm down for whatever.

If all else fails, there's always Taco Sunday...
im bring some tamales..........................but im also down for what eva tacos ice dont mater 2 me
jwdanklefs wrote:
As for the white elephant gift exchange...Lets do a $30 limit...
Or we could do it with gag-gifts...
The white elephant game played with gag-gifts, is played the same way except you bring an informal term for a practical joke device, comedic present, something you wouldn't want to be caught dead with or something that would just keep people rolling with laughter after unwrapping. It could be something you like or something that would just tick someone off...

This Sunday, the 21st, at 7pm, we will be having a nice Christmas dinner at Iggy's house...
(Iggy sent out the address, if you did not get the memo, let us know)

I will update it regularly until Sunday...

Lets bring less pies and more sides this time. We ended up with a lot of leftover pies and needed more mac n' cheese and casseroles and stuff...

Joesuf -
Jai Jai -
Jake - Some beer and dinner rolls and gravy...
Mikey - Not gonna make it...
Edmund -
Norm -
Ignacio - Pumpkin roll (Dessert)
Fred -
Ronnie - Chopped liver... I mean mashed potatoes and Heinekens!!!

David - Sodas and Water and a card table and 4 chairs
Manny - 6ft table
Damien - The world famous mac n cheese or bust... Not gonna make it...
Aaron - Forks, Knives, Spoons, Plates
Billy - Honey Baked Ham, Sweet Potatoes, Broccoli Salad...
Gabe - Green Bean Casserole
Shawn - Mac n Cheese...
Art - Not gonna make it...
Casper - Soda Ice and Beer
Aris - possibility... if he could get the address

Mike -
Omar/Erica - Potstickers aka Gyoza
Matt - Not gonna make it....

Tamales, Queso, Turkey, Stuffing, Big Red????
Youre crazy...

Lets just keep it set with the tamales and all our side dishes we have... It will be a hodge podge but thats ok...

Iggy, if you want, buy a couple dozen for yourself and buy a couple more dozen on my behalf, I will pay you at your place.

Joesuf, go on ahead get a couple dozen as well...

This way we have 6 dozen tamales....

Can we get someone to make a nice big steaming bowl of queso????

I think this way would be best, but if anyone thinks differently, let it be known with a good idea on how to plan out another idea....
Originally Posted by jwdanklefs

Youre crazy...

Lets just keep it set with the tamales and all our side dishes we have... It will be a hodge podge but thats ok...

Iggy, if you want, buy a couple dozen for yourself and buy a couple more dozen on my behalf, I will pay you at your place.

Joesuf, go on ahead get a couple dozen as well...

This way we have 6 dozen tamales....

Can we get someone to make a nice big steaming bowl of queso????

I think this way would be best, but if anyone thinks differently, let it be known with a good idea on how to plan out another idea....
Jake I will pick up 2 dozen from myself and 2 on your behalf.
man blaze i'm a novice lol and i couldnt even get a pack last night but im feelin like coppin' the carolina 23's and probably the air max 97PS3's???? i couldnt even get on a site last nite tryin to buy a pack and thats never happenend to me b4!!!!!! i guess everybody wanted to re-live theirmiddle/high school basketball days!!!!
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