Chargers game was awesome.

Glad to be a witness to history.

Got to the game with about a minute 30 left in the first half.

Got stuck in Big Bear because of the snow so I was late for the first half.

AFC West Champs. Holding the Rights to Homefield Advantage in the Playoffs. LT making history. =




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"It's the length of one day, one half, one shot clock. This number is my promise, to dominate every moment." -Kobe Bryant​
The Lord is my light and my salvation; Whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life; Of whom shall I be afraid? Psalm 27:1​
I cant believe Im saying this, but I EXPECT the Chargers to win now!! :nerd:

6 in a row, Wow...I do think they need to lose a game before the post season.. The Colts did and it didnt turn out well but the Chargers have a better defense. Seriously thats about 11 games in a row if they win out... :wow:

And who the hell does LT think he is? :D
3 more games to go with the TD record already..

Shhh..I couldnt stand Drew Brees as a Charger but whoa at the game tonite! 5td passes, he's makin a strong case for MVP too....He's on pace to beat Marino's record..Nooo :wow:
City of SDClack Clack Clack Clack Clack"
nambeezy, LT is that guy for MVP. Drew Brees, even though i think we whousa kept him,. he isnt as good, he's real good., but not as good as LT. bye hte wya, im drunk as hell and i wanne dgety ill. lol. take my words \as nothing. peace SD.
NEED LIST: Undefeated Dunk, Pinstripe Blazer, De La Soul Hi Dunk, GM Vandal (size 9.5 or 10)
For Sale: Purple Patent Avenger Dunk sz10, Reebok Answer V sz10 blk/blk, Jordan XIV blk/red sz8
.I couldnt stand Drew Brees as a Charger but whoa at the game tonite!

I guess we have something in common.

"It's the length of one day, one half, one shot clock. This number is my promise, to dominate every moment." -Kobe Bryant​
The Lord is my light and my salvation; Whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life; Of whom shall I be afraid? Psalm 27:1​
^ whats wrong with Brees...just wondering?
4 8 15 16 23 42
Good bye K-Fed...I bet Britney will do that PLAYBOY photoshoot...or maybe some VIVID Videos.
does anyone know the price of the journey hemp dunks and the jordan 3 dunks? going down south for christmas and i need to get a gifts for my friends. thanks
^ whats wrong with Brees...just wondering?

You would have had to sit through that 8-8 and 4-12 seasons to understand where I'm coming from. He was just

I mean, yeah, dude had a phenomenal season in 04. But we didn't make the playoffs again in 05.

All in all, it worked out for both sides. Brees is playing like a champ and Rivers is playing like a Champ.

Doesn't really matter, all I know, is that we're a better team, than when Brees was at the helm.

"It's the length of one day, one half, one shot clock. This number is my promise, to dominate every moment." -Kobe Bryant​
The Lord is my light and my salvation; Whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life; Of whom shall I be afraid? Psalm 27:1​
Brees is a G.

Quit hatin'!


We were a few bad choices away from being 10-6 that first Marty 8-8 season and last season we could have easily been 12-4.

I'm glad we can win close games this year.
All of your twelve are belong to us.
Brees is a G.

Quit hatin'!


He's a G...in NO.

But 5 years in SD and one wildcard playoff appearance with an early exit is not G status in SD to me.

We were a few bad choices away from being 10-6 that first Marty 8-8 season and last season we could have easily been 12-4.

The 8-8 season was nothing more than a choke Job. Our highlight of that season was beating the Patriots.

As far as last season, yeah, we could have easily been 10-6, but nope. Choke job against Dallas. Choke job against Denver. Choke job against Philly. Choke job against Pittsburgh. Choke job against Miami. Choke job against KC. And on top of that, we got annihilated in SD, in the rain, against Denver. Drew played extremely horrible that game and he got hurt. I clearly remember that game, I was the only idiot from my group of friends that sat out in the rain watching the game until the last tick.

If anything, the only thing good about last season was whooping the Giants and the Colts.
"It's the length of one day, one half, one shot clock. This number is my promise, to dominate every moment." -Kobe Bryant​
The Lord is my light and my salvation; Whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life; Of whom shall I be afraid? Psalm 27:1​
Brees is a better QB right now then Rivers is in my opinion. Rivers throws everything on a line with no loft on the ball and will never throw the deep route very well because of this. There is no way to lead your receiver on a fly pattern when you throw it on a line. Brees can make every throw. It may not really matter. The Chargers may win it all regardless, but I think they would be better with Brees at the helm. I'm not a Charger fan, but that's just my opinion from the outside looking in.
Rivers throws everything on a line with no loft on the ball and will never throw the deep route very well because of this. There is no way to lead your receiver on a fly pattern when you throw it on a line. Brees can make every throw.

The Deep Ball was non-existant for Brees during his tenure in SD.

Merriman must have hooked him up because for some magical reason, Brees can throw bombs now in NO.

I'm telling you, Brees is ballin' because he's got a chip on his shoulder.

I give credit where credit is due, but while he was a Charger he didn't come into the league ballin' off the bat until he knew his job was in jeopardy.

"It's the length of one day, one half, one shot clock. This number is my promise, to dominate every moment." -Kobe Bryant​
The Lord is my light and my salvation; Whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life; Of whom shall I be afraid? Psalm 27:1​
That playoff loss was not Brees' fault, in fact he went buckwild in the 3rd and 4th quarters to get us back in the game.

Unfortunately Nate missed the kick, but we also had a defensive let down that could have saved the game in the early 4th quarter. We ended up leaving that game sad and wet (the Trolley ride sucked!), but this year we wont!

Rivers has inherited a great arsenal (including an OL that is playing WAYY above the expectations) and a great call making OC who is just getting into his stride (Cam >>>>> Norv Turner). Marty has also let the reigns loose a bit on both sides as he now has complete trust in his coordinators. The defense this year is much better than any before it, even Jammer (who everyone on here knows I have despised forever) is making smart plays on the BALL (not the receiver for once).

I am so excited that after so many years (Friesz was the first QB I remember actually watching as a kid) I don't have to make ANY excuses for my team. I am glad Brees is doing well, and I am equally glad we have a talented, confident up and coming slinger of our own.

All of your twelve are belong to us.
anyone in SD want mars, black caro Vs, black/red IVs, beat XI black/red, nubuck xiis, purple pigeons?
That playoff loss was not Brees' fault, in fact he went buckwild in the 3rd and 4th quarters to get us back in the game.

Unfortunately Nate missed the kick, but we also had a defensive let down that could have saved the game in the early 4th quarter. We ended up leaving that game sad and wet (the Trolley ride sucked!), but this year we wont!

Rivers has inherited a great arsenal (including an OL that is playing WAYY above the expectations) and a great call making OC who is just getting into his stride (Cam >>>>> Norv Turner). Marty has also let the reigns loose a bit on both sides as he now has complete trust in his coordinators. The defense this year is much better than any before it, even Jammer (who everyone on here knows I have despised forever) is making smart plays on the BALL (not the receiver for once).

I am so excited that after so many years (Friesz was the first QB I remember actually watching as a kid) I don't have to make ANY excuses for my team. I am glad Brees is doing well, and I am equally glad we have a talented, confident up and coming slinger of our own.

I'm not saying it was Brees' fault, but you know damn well we dodged a bullet with that roughing the passer call against the Jets. If that was never called, it would have been done and not as exiciting as it ended.

Talk about wet, Elite had to kick me and my homies out of our seats after the stadium cleared. We sat there in the rain the whole time, depressed.

It's true, Rivers did inherit a great arsenal, and he has played above expectation playing with that arsenal. And in regards to Cam, big big big difference on play calling since 03.

I'm still pissed we let Houck go which probably explains our horrible play at o-line last season. Not to mention that gi-normous peace of trash aka the human turnstile Leander Jordan. So glad he's on the IR and Marcus McNeil is ballin.

Way to go on bringing up the original number 17 though, Friez was that dude during my childhood also.

But back to Brees, no doubt, I'm happy for him. I'm glad he's doing well. But the only thing that leaves a sour taste in my mouth is, he's ballin' in NO without any superstars like LT or Gates. So where the hell was that when he was in SD?

So it is best, that he's in NO and is starting over, but like someone mentioned in the Brees S&T thread, I just didn't feel like he could take SD over the top.
"It's the length of one day, one half, one shot clock. This number is my promise, to dominate every moment." -Kobe Bryant​
The Lord is my light and my salvation; Whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life; Of whom shall I be afraid? Psalm 27:1​
Brees' arm does seem a lot stronger in NO. Maybe it was the off season rehab or maybe Merriman did "hook" him up. lol. I agree that he did not start balling until his job was in jeopardy also.
anyone in SD want mars, black caro Vs, black/red IVs, beat XI black/red, nubuck xiis, purple pigeons?

ooohhh Nubuck XII's what size? email me [email protected]. been looking for those for a while.

4 8 15 16 23 42
Good bye K-Fed...I bet Britney will do that PLAYBOY photoshoot...or maybe some VIVID Videos.
in regards to hellaheats comment about brees making everypass...

lets not undermine brees adequate arm at best. not to mention he isnt your ideal height for a qb. he was highly regarded as your average quarterback, however he was a GAME MANAGER more than a qb when he was a charger. his tenure as a charger there is no way in hell brees makes every throw. you cant really say rivers had a better receiving corp cuz brees had the same people basically. brees used the dump off to lt multiple times to save himself. i cant find the link but there are countless of analyst stating that rivers is making throws that brees can only dream of making. and you must also put into the equation that rivers is in his FIRST year of actually playing in the nfl and he adapted well. brees on the other hand didnt do anything amazing as a charger. remember this is the same brees that was PULLED from a game for DOUG FLUTIE!!! now i dont see rivers being pulled for lets say billy volek now do we? but i will give the benefit of the doubt and say this its still too early to tell whether which qb is better but by the looks of it rivers has WAY MORE potential and most people in the league regard rivers as a pretty damn good quarterback being that it is his first year. yes the chargers dont have many holes this season but i cant say we would be better with brees at qb. and to think of it, if it wasnt for conservative play calling and a last drive breakdown by the defense we would be undefeated. and in no way do i think wed be sitting as afc leaders with brees as qb. just my two cents
remember this is the same brees that was PULLED from a game for DOUG FLUTIE!!!

Vikings game anyone?

I remember Brees got benched that game, and Flutie was at the helm.

We murdered the Vikings. Too bad that was our first home win that season.

"It's the length of one day, one half, one shot clock. This number is my promise, to dominate every moment." -Kobe Bryant​
The Lord is my light and my salvation; Whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life; Of whom shall I be afraid? Psalm 27:1​
If you look at my comment I said Brees is a better QB then Rivers right now. No doubt Rivers has more potential, but I'm talking this season hence right now. I'm not talking about what Brees did as a Charger and if I were the Chargers I would have gotten rid of him also. As a Raider fan, when Brees was a free agent, I didn't even want the Raiders to sign him because I thought he sucked. When he was with the Chargers he had what appeared to be a little pop gun arm. Obviously he has proven a lot of people wrong this year. He has always been a smart QB and as mentioned a game manager, but now he seems to have a pretty strong accurate arm to go with it.
ohhh man do I remember that 4-12 season. haha. I bought my LT jersey that year, win or lose baby! I was talking about that Vikings game for a long time after. haha Flutie magic! See you guys @ the tailgate for the playoffs!

Any purple pigeons in SD? Can some1 PM some info. Cause if they're here in SD I won't go and get em' on Ebay. Thanx guys.
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