Scale 1-10 how bad did I mess up?


Nov 21, 2005
This girl begs me to come up for New Years, I get here and she's "sick" in some other town. Then her phone dies, which might be legit cuz I waschilling with one of her friends on New Years and she couldn't call her either. Last night she gets back, she's leaving 2morrow to go home til schoolstarts back up. Last night I said are you coming to see me? She was said she didn't feel like it, she was still kind of sick. She was like a 5 min driveaway. Then I said if you would have asked me to come see you I would have, but you didn't even ask so w/e. She asked to see me today, I told her idkI'll see I'm kinda busy, even though I have class from 6:30-9:00 and that is really all I have to do today. How bad did I mess up, or did I mess up atall?
Show up at her place with a gallon of orange juice and give it to her.

And splurge on the name brand stuff. Don't get the cheapo store brand.
Excuses. You didn't mess up. I wouldn't even bother. I could be feeling like utter trash...but if I really wanted to see someone and they had noproblem coming to me, no problem. basically, you went somewhere for New Years thinking you'd be with her...and she was MIA? Wrap. That, "My phone died." excuse is sobogus to me. If I'm planning to meet someone on a day that you and them will probably remember forever...because you WILL look back and remember what youdid to bring in 2008, I'm making sure my phone is charged. If my phone is even close to dead, at least remember the phone number that I need to call so Ican call from someone else's phone. Don't tell me there was no other phone to call from. Toddlers to bums have cell phones these days.
Yeah she is acting stupid sketchy right now. When school starts up I'm going to dead her. The crazy thing is she hates performing fellatio , so I told hershe didn't have to but right now I'm thinking that is about to change. then I'm out.
Originally Posted by MisterP0315 basically, you went somewhere for New Years thinking you'd be with her...and she was MIA? Wrap. That, "My phone died." excuse is so bogus to me. If I'm planning to meet someone on a day that you and them will probably remember forever...because you WILL look back and remember what you did to bring in 2008, I'm making sure my phone is charged. If my phone is even close to dead, at least remember the phone number that I need to call so I can call from someone else's phone. Don't tell me there was no other phone to call from. Toddlers to bums have cell phones these days.
P be speaking the truth
You didn't mess up... It's just she was out getting F'd by another dude on new years. You told her you didn't want to kick it when she askedagain, that was the right move. Now she thinks you're F'ing another girl... So sooner than later she will be begging for it.
Originally Posted by MisterP0315

Don't tell me there was no other phone to call from. Toddlers to bums have cell phones these days.


i saw a raggedy smelly hobo charging his phone at the subway once
Originally Posted by iG0TFRESHiN05


... and then we can judge if you really messed up or not !
Slipped my mind for a min. I forgot I was on niketalk. I usually don't do this but why not I'm blown @ her right now.
18th letter approves
is this just a platonic friend, or a friend that your smashing
i really don't think you messed up at all
Is she your girl?

I don't understand if she was your girl and you didn't spend New Year's with her and she was out somewhere else, you should've been caught on.
since u already hit it ...

no you didn't mess up !! [even if you hadn't hit it before, you didn mess up, trust me]

BUT if you WASN'T gettin any on new years and you couldda been gettin that ... then i suppose you did mess up !!
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