Scariest thing that's ever happened to you?

Got shot a couple years back, it was like 6 of us on my stoop waiting for this one guy to dip so we can go play madden in my basement. Stayed out longer than we wanted to, we talking and a car passes by then reverses. All I hear is what up cuz, I turn around and dude starts firing, I try to jump over the garden and get hit in the air. While in the air I felt like I was in the Matrix, everything was in slow motion. 3 of my friends are on my steps frozen while 5 shots are fired at me but only 1 hit me, I'm on the floor hit actually chuckling this can't be happening. Get to the hospital and the doctors wanted to open me up for exploratory surgery, I'm like hell no. They still wanted to do it after the tests showed no organs hit or any leakage in me. Bullet is lodged in my spine and doctor says no way they can take it out. Looking back the main reason I didn't want to do the surgery was because I was going to have a scar from my chest to my waist
, made the right decision but damn. For a year I had the same dream every day of that day, it really ****** me up, I wouldn't go out or do anything. To this day I never turn my back to a street and at times real cautious. Last summer there was 2 parties me and friends went to, while in there I felt funny about party so I said lets dip, both parties get shot up.
why'd you get shot at?
I was 13 and vacationing in Israel at the Dead Sea. The Dead Sea is the saltiest body of water on the planet so your body floats on it. Keep in mind i cant swim here because you'll just be stuck in one place moving a foot at most. . So my dumb *** floats all the way to the middle of the ****** sea. I'm like ATLEAST 300-400 yards from shore now. I cant swim back cuz i just keep floating away. I just start screaming as loud as a could and they had to get this mini helicopter thing to pick me up. I thought for sure no one will hear from me again.
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I was 13 and vacationing in Israel at the Dead Sea. The Dead Sea is the saltiest body of water on the planet so your body floats on it. Keep in mind i cant swim here because you'll just be stuck in one place moving a foot at most. . So my dumb *** floats all the way to the middle of the ****** sea. I'm like ATLEAST 300-400 yards from shore now. I cant swim back cuz i just keep floating away. I just start screaming as loud as a could and they had to get this mini helicopter thing to pick me up. I thought for sure no one will hear from me again.

Wilsoooooon! :lol:
Couple years back, my wife was at work and I was out at her parents house with her fam havin a bbq. They live out in the country, big wide open yard, etc, nice place to hang out in the summer.

My little girl was playin with her cousins and such, no big, she'd just learned to walk/run and what not, at one point she just flat took off runnin down the pavement. Neighbor lives about a mile away down this pavement, and it's wide open, so no worry, let her run and run, no harm can come of it that direction.

That direction.

Finally, she tires, eventually makes her way back to where everyone else is. I'm sittin in a chair on the patio with fam, the kids playin on the pavement under the basketball hoop.

So we sittin there, and my daughter starts throwin rocks, and I call out her name, tell her to stop throwin rocks little girl, and BOOM, she takes off sprinting again.......the other direction....

the direction of the road/BACK, road.

In an instant, I am off and running.

In my head (we're talking split second thinking), i remembered her running forever the other direction, she didn't stop remember? That's what I pictured when she ran to the road this time.

Now, if she stopped after 12 feet, I'd look pretty stupid jumping up after her right? :lol:

Well.........I'm off the chair in an instant, I take maybe 3 steps at top speed already (that parental thing that gives you 4.1 speed you don't really have) and on step #4, I hear it..........of course, an engine. A truck, engine.

Maybe a Ford F-250, 150, 350, whatever, just a truck. Not a semi, but enough of a truck that a toddler ain't gonna take it in the grill too well.

Again, in my brain, split second, I have one single thought.........."really?" Really, this is happening, really? Really ************.

I am literally gritting my teeth, I am FULLLLLLLL speed sprinting as she gleefully runs as fast as her little legs will take her. I hear my sister in law SCREAMING her name, I am absolutely burning grass with my shoes, i swear to you. I was a good distance away, sort of a triangle from where she was, where I was, and where we would meet up.

As she's nearing the road, i do hear the engine is slowing up, not because they see her (they can't, there's a huge mound there where the pavement driveway meets the road) but i think they see me sprinting and wondering what the hell I am doing, just as we are about 3 steps from the road, with my left hand I get near her shoulder, and with my right I swing thru the back of her knees, swooping her up into my arms. I was afraid I would grab her shoulder, and in her "fun, being chased by daddy" moment might lunge forward or something out of my grasp so I wanted to sweep her legs out from under her.

As I sweep her up and squeeze the hell out of her, I turn and see my brother in law in full sprint about 6 steps behind me. He would not have made it if I wasn't on the ball. :frown:

The truck did slow, I waved at them a sort of thank you, sorry type wave, as I squeezed harder on my little princess.

My whole life, lfashed in that moment.

Last month, my wife and I were in the car and that subject came up. It tears her heart apart when her family tells her about how fast I ran, how scared they were, etc. I was desribing it to her, just as I did to you all just now.
In that instant of discussion, we were in a head on collision with an old man who pulled out in front of us, totalling our car. I was mid sentence when my wife slammed on the breaks and half a second later we slammed into him.

Hopefully the ceiling doesn't collapse on me as I hit send on this here now. :lol:

The two scariest moments of my life, years apart, are forever joined at the hip.
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had a bad trip one time with k2. smoked it and boom felt like time was going super slow, start seeing crazy stuff like old video games in person, and felt like a 5min walk to car was hours. got in the car and some guy was walkn his dog, boom i saw him shoot at us and boom i felt like i was dead at that moment.(he didnt shoot at us) got home and felt the same way for like a month, feeling as if i was dead or not... and the first day i wanted to off myself to check if i was dead or not smh. nvr again
Just happend a few hours ago
I decided to step outside to listen to music and think and ****
A pontiac bonneville drives past my house
I don't think anything of it
Car came back around again
Didn't trip
I pause my music and the car comes around the corner again driver turns the lights off and pulls over across the street from where I am

I'm not fina stick around and see what happends
Ran my *** in the house turned off all the lights and grabbed my "****"
Called the cops also
almost died in a car accident in 2007. Didn't really feel a thing, I was sleeping in the back seat, homey fell asleep at the wheel and smashed into a tree. I remember the ride in the ambulance and some of the surgeries. I was in the hospital for about 2-3 months. On life support and a ventilator for the first 2 days from what i was told. Thank God I ain't too cool for the safe belt.
Man those ventilators suck! I had a trach put in and was always coughing the grossest crap out my neck.
the scaries thing to me was when I went to my grandmas house and I just happened to stumble across a witchcraft book.:smh:
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Yo son, that sleep paralysis is legit scary ****.

Im an atheist and was almost 100% convinced the one time I had sleep paralysis someone was standing over me. I couldn't see anything, no weird distortions, no silhouettes, but I could just feel someone was literally standing over me looking down on me.

Tried to yell for help, my voice was gone, tried to move my body, couldn't. All I remember is getting pissed that I could literally do nothing while I was absolutely shook. Nothing has come close to putting that type of fear into me. Closed my eyes and hoped whatever it was would kill me and get it over with or get the hell out of my room.. Then it was over.

This was about 2-3 years ago and still remember it in vivid detail to this day. Again, im atheist, and I swear on everything something was ******g with me that day. I've never snored, and have no sleep disorders, so I doubt it was a screw up on my bodies behalf.
Just happend a few hours ago
I decided to step outside to listen to music and think and ****
A pontiac bonneville drives past my house
I don't think anything of it
Car came back around again
Didn't trip
I pause my music and the car comes around the corner again driver turns the lights off and pulls over across the street from where I am

I'm not fina stick around and see what happends
Ran my *** in the house turned off all the lights and grabbed my "****"
Called the cops also

So what happened? Sounds like someone was just parking their car
My bad homie

The house across the street is empty
I stay out side and I just about know every car in my neighborhood
That car I haven't seen before and as soon as I footed in the house the car took off and bent the block
The scene was just too suspect man

I was home alone too I was riskin **** brodie
Sawzall blade snapping off and cutting my face just below my eye.....thought I was blindin my right eye and was afraid to take my hand off my face.
Couple years back, my wife was at work and I was out at her parents house with her fam havin a bbq. They live out in the country, big wide open yard, etc, nice place to hang out in the summer.

My little girl was playin with her cousins and such, no big, she'd just learned to walk/run and what not, at one point she just flat took off runnin down the pavement. Neighbor lives about a mile away down this pavement, and it's wide open, so no worry, let her run and run, no harm can come of it that direction.

That direction.

Finally, she tires, eventually makes her way back to where everyone else is. I'm sittin in a chair on the patio with fam, the kids playin on the pavement under the basketball hoop.

So we sittin there, and my daughter starts throwin rocks, and I call out her name, tell her to stop throwin rocks little girl, and BOOM, she takes off sprinting again.......the other direction....

the direction of the road/BACK, road.

In an instant, I am off and running.

In my head (we're talking split second thinking), i remembered her running forever the other direction, she didn't stop remember? That's what I pictured when she ran to the road this time.

Now, if she stopped after 12 feet, I'd look pretty stupid jumping up after her right?

Well.........I'm off the chair in an instant, I take maybe 3 steps at top speed already (that parental thing that gives you 4.1 speed you don't really have) and on step #4, I hear it..........of course, an engine. A truck, engine.

Maybe a Ford F-250, 150, 350, whatever, just a truck. Not a semi, but enough of a truck that a toddler ain't gonna take it in the grill too well.

Again, in my brain, split second, I have one single thought.........."really?" Really, this is happening, really? Really ************.

I am literally gritting my teeth, I am FULLLLLLLL speed sprinting as she gleefully runs as fast as her little legs will take her. I hear my sister in law SCREAMING her name, I am absolutely burning grass with my shoes, i swear to you. I was a good distance away, sort of a triangle from where she was, where I was, and where we would meet up.

As she's nearing the road, i do hear the engine is slowing up, not because they see her (they can't, there's a huge mound there where the pavement driveway meets the road) but i think they see me sprinting and wondering what the hell I am doing, just as we are about 3 steps from the road, with my left hand I get near her shoulder, and with my right I swing thru the back of her knees, swooping her up into my arms. I was afraid I would grab her shoulder, and in her "fun, being chased by daddy" moment might lunge forward or something out of my grasp so I wanted to sweep her legs out from under her.

As I sweep her up and squeeze the hell out of her, I turn and see my brother in law in full sprint about 6 steps behind me. He would not have made it if I wasn't on the ball.

The truck did slow, I waved at them a sort of thank you, sorry type wave, as I squeezed harder on my little princess.

My whole life, lfashed in that moment.

Last month, my wife and I were in the car and that subject came up. It tears her heart apart when her family tells her about how fast I ran, how scared they were, etc. I was desribing it to her, just as I did to you all just now.
In that instant of discussion, we were in a head on collision with an old man who pulled out in front of us, totalling our car. I was mid sentence when my wife slammed on the breaks and half a second later we slammed into him.

Hopefully the ceiling doesn't collapse on me as I hit send on this here now.

The two scariest moments of my life, years apart, are forever joined at the hip.
Good instincts bruh.

Scariest moment of my life was tripping hard the first time I smoked too much. Smh, it was like a dream that I wanted to end.
- First time I experienced Sleep Paralysis. Both my parents work at night so I was in the house all by myself, probably went to bed around 12. Time passes and all of a sudden I'm awake but I can't move and I hear this demented laughter all around me. Now I'm really trying to move and scream but nothing is happening.

I then notice two things. One, there's a dark, creepy female figure standing next to me on my left side and two, there's a head coming out of my stomach. I can't make out faces on either of the two, they are just entirely cloaked in black. The head on my stomach starts laughing while the crazy broad next to me says she's going to take my soul. That's when I fortunately wake up and everything's back to normal as if nothing happened. Was scared out of my mind, couldn't go back to sleep for about 2 hours.

- Driving on I-84 coming from NY. Sunday morning, everything is all normal. I'm driving minding my business and decided to switch lanes. Look in my sideview mirror, don't see anything, hit the signal, start switching lanes and I hear the LOUDEST horn ever. That's when I noticed the car right beside me that I almost smashed right into. I jerked the wheel back to the right really fast and the car starts swinging like crazy, got me sitting there thinking the car is about to flip but I somehow manage to regain control.

Somehow moment #2 wasn't as scary as moment #1.
My scary stories aren't really worth writing about.  However, I have two stories from people I know that are insanely scary/messed up.  I'll type the first one and come back later to post the second one when I have the mental energy:

I used to smoke weed with this kid named Billy.  He was a really nice kid, but he had tons of problems.  His family was full of drug addicts, he had a drug problem, anger problem, you name it.  He had gotten a job at a bagel place by our house a few years back.  At the end of his shift one day, he apparently had a ziploc bag of some xanax already crushed up.  He emptied out most of the bag and blew a huge rail, then went home and started drinking.  After about an hour, he went to go pick up one of our friends so they could go to another friend's house to pick up some weed.  Immediately our other friend tells him he's way too messed up to drive, but Billy is angry and belligerent, and the other friend of mine is an absolute idiot, so he gets in the car and they head over.  After almost crashing his car about 4 times on the way over there, they make it in the house and our weed dealer friend refuses to let him leave.  He tells him to stick around, smoke a blunt, sleep it off, and arranges a ride for our other friend.  After about two hours of Billy being there, the weed dealer friend goes to take a shower figuring that Billy is knocked out cold.  When he gets out of the shower Billy is gone from where he was and his car isn't outside.  Shook, he calls his phone over and over to no avail.

The next morning my friend Kyle wakes up to over 20 missed calls from Billy, all from about 7:00 AM to 8:00 AM.  Kyle finally calls him back and Billy can't even talk.  He's crying hysterically and tells him to meet him at the bagel place as soon as possible.  Kyle goes and meets Billy out back.  As soon as Billy sees him he drops to his knees and breaks down in tears.  He tells Kyle that he woke up covered in blood and that the knife that he usually carries with him was on his dresser completely red.  He went out to his car to find that the steering wheel and dashboard had blood all over them.  He went in his backyard, buried the knife, burned his clothes, and cleaned up his car then went to work not knowing what had happened the night before.  To this day no one has any idea what happened between the time he left the weed dealer's house and the time he woke up.

Needless to say, I don't hang out with Billy anymore.
1) lie detector/interrrogation test
ol dude took my soul that day :smh:

2) Me and my bro were walking to the liquor store; i was 12 at the time and my bro 14
some mexican dealers pulled up to us in a green tahoe and all of a sudden started asking us where our cousin was (he pushed weight)
pulled out some guns for us to look at and said hel be coming back
man was scared for my life but thank god my bro kept it cool
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