Sean Taylor dead at the age of 24.

and thats why the media playin it out like Sean had some major problems was some horse @%!*, now people are questioning simple silly @%!* like 'why would arobber have a gun. '
'WHy WOULDNT a ROBBER have a gun is a more valid question' dnt u think?

the facts are coming out and yall and still wanna fight it, why, mostly because it was played up so much that it was Someone plotting on sean's life ...

thanks ESPN and Co. for that Garbage
so it was some punk@*@$ 17 yr old kids, that caused tragedy for an entire nation

there are 2 suspects, Eric Rivera and Wardlow. one of the two confessed, we just aren't sure which one. i know it doesn't matter but here isRivera's myspace:

Kiddin, these kids drove 100 miles across Florida, in the middle of the night. whatever it was they were planning to do, you KNOW they would be gettingsomething out of it.

now what would some 17 year old kids get out of murdering Sean Taylor? not like they were beneficiaries to his NFL trust fund.

look at the kid's myspace quote and his pictures. "get money %#!% b******" and pictures of him flaunting cash. to me it looks like they were init for $$$ that they heard about from his sister and her boyfriend bragging to them. actually, we KNOW that's what happened because the facts have alreadycome out from the police. read the articles posted.
and if they were trying to kill ST, do you really think they would aim for his femoral artery? look at these guys:


think they were AP Anatomy experts in high school? they all had priors as well

from what i can gather, i think it was definitely a premeditated burglary that was botched
So do you think they knew it was Sean Taylor's house, or was that just a random selection? And are these the same dudes that tried to break into his housebefore?
that fool's myspace even has a friend with ST's pic on it...

so great at making a nation grieve, if only they were so good at doing things the right way....ya slipped, and it's time to reap the consequences of yourimmaturity and bad decisions.
to me it looks like they were in it for $$$ that they heard about from his sister and her boyfriend bragging to them. actually, we KNOW that's what happened because the facts have already come out from the police.

Same thoughts from me and like Gunna said:
Maybe they may have bragged and unknowingly set off this tragedy but I hope to God they didnt have a hand in setting up a burglurary that ended up killing their Brother

If it does turn out to be a botched robbery as all the evidence is indicating, there are several people that owe Sean's family an apology in my opinion.
So do you think they knew it was Sean Taylor's house, or was that just a random selection? And are these the same dudes that tried to break into his house before?
They knew it was Sean's house they didnt expect him to be home. They knew he had money there from the sister. They went in the first timedidnt get what they were lookin for probably couldnt get into the safe. came back expecting him not to be home. They bust the door down in his room where imassuming the safe was and they see a man 6'2 220 pounds wilding a machete they shoot him to keep from gettin their own heads knocked off and they ran. Thefact that he got shot in the groin and that a bullet hit the wall tells me that there was a struggle of some sort cause no way they were aimin for there. theend

The fact that it was more then one person makes this easy for me to believe. I had a hard time believing one person was gonna bust through the door draw a gunand shoot Sean before he got thrown across the room but multiple people makes it make a ton of sense.

I wouldnt be suprised if some of these kids were fans of sean its a damn shame
So do you think they knew it was Sean Taylor's house, or was that just a random selection? And are these the same dudes that tried to break into his house before?

it seems they knew and targeted him in advance, and they said they confessed to breaking in earlier as well... well, at least thats what police are saying asof right now

but i believe they said they heard about STs paper from his sister and her boyfriend (he was giving them money), and they also scoped out the house because theone kid used to cut STs grass or something. and they were at a birthday bash earlier in the year that ST had for his sister.

Just R.I.P. Sean. Your family will be taken care of.

As for these fools
Never mind....won't even wish it on them.
Alright, I guess my question now would be how the
couldyou be dumb enough to try and rob the same person twice? Even if they thought the home was vacant, does it really seem like a good idea to try again after they"failed" the first time and it was made very public?
Alright, I guess my question now would be how the
could you be dumb enough to try and rob the same person twice? Even if they thought the home was vacant, you obviously can't take chances.

Hence the guns. The fact that Sean is going to be burried Monday shows those chumps WERENT taking any chances. But my personal opinion is theydidnt have what ever they needed to bust the safe or to get into what ever they thought they needed to get into so they came back another time better prepared.

But man knowing what actually happened makes me feel worse about this whole thing.
does it really seem like a good idea to try again after they "failed" the first time and it was made very public?

They dont look like valedictorians to me
I wouldnt be suprised if some of these kids were fans of sean its a damn shame

that's fine, but they were really only true fans of the greed of the $$$, which wasn't theirs. what they needed Christmas money or didthey need cash proprs they could take more photo-ops on myspace? great gameplan. FAIL.

They bust the door down in his room

Why bust a door down when you're assuming no one is home? I'd like to hear more about this because that'll tell us a lot about the situation. If they're busting the door down with force, they're assuming someone is in the bedroom and they want to get to that person. If they casually openedthe door and saw Taylor standing there, it would be a whole different story - but I doubt that is the case. If they heard the door shut and locked from theinside, and they STILL broke the door down, that's just cold blooded murder.
they were looking for money, door locked, they bust it down, why not if you think no one is home.

and u get in and now u got a diesel 230 lb monster comin at you with a machette.

cold blooded murder? why shoot a dude in the leg? why not make sure no one else in the house that may have witnessed ?

these lil chumps prolly panicked and got scared after shots went off in the struggle and dipped
why not make sure no one else in the house that may have witnessed ?
Were his fiancee and baby in the same room?

At least, thankfully they are still alive

@ those dudes
They bust the door down in his room where im assuming the safe was and they see a man 6'2 220 pounds wilding a machete they shoot him to keep from gettin their own heads knocked off and they ran.
yeah I would side with this take....and I think they had no idea it was Sean until the next day if this all took place in the dark or dimlighting, prob thought it was a house guest of the family or Sean's.

Question - was Sean on probation which didn't allow him to carry/own a gun?
yea dyyhard, in florida, U on probation, U can not legally own a firearm

and yea Allen, the wife and child were in the same bedroom hiding under the covers
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

why shoot a dude in the leg?

I don't think they were aiming for his leg, much less his artery. Only two shots were fired in total, so either there was a scuffle or they were runningdown the hall scared as hell firing off two shots.
And I said cold blooded because they probably knew someone was inside that room after finding out thatdoor was locked. I mean, they were inside the house thinking it was empty only to discover a bedroom is locked. And to break in because you know someone isin there, and then shoot them, that's just animal-like behavior.
yea dyyhard, in florida, U on probation, U can not legally own a firearm
which shows that he was still abiding by the terms of the probation, IF all he had was the machete(which I'm assuming doesn't violateprobation if you own one). I don't know if he still owned a piece at all, or had one around the house and couldn't retrieve it, but you wonder if hecould have deterred what was going on if he was able to fire shots at the door....
My bad, 715, I had misunderstood where you were going.

I wish Sean woulda had a firearm around.

I dont know if yall know, but in Florida they have what is known as "castle" law. with that, if there is an intruder in your home, armed or unarmedyou have the absolute right to shoot and kill the intruder, even if they are trying to flee the scene. you will face no legal reprecussions

I know in NY if someone is in your house they must be armed a a ominous threat in order for you to "legally" kill them.
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