I'd like to see what Tanner has. He was clutch last year, and he's a freak size/speed combo and can play multiple positions.
I guess they see more in Darboh long term and Tanner has height plus is a good special teamer. Happy for Kasen getting picked up even if it is the Browns.

Rawls seems to be the only game time decision

I also had no idea they removed probable from the injury reports until now lol
It's so hard to take Pete at face value when he talks about injuries.

But the Tyler Lockett news has me real excited.

If the line run blocks acceptably I have no problem with this RB-by-committee thing.
This is going to be a long season. With that wet paper bag strength of a O-Line, this offense is doomed. Can't even let the play develop or allow the receivers to run their routes.
Dont even want to mention the refs...the **** was so bad everyone on the telecast had to call it out

This Oline might be the worst we'd seen in a while

Would like to CJ get more involved

Carson looked really good, while Lacy couldnt do much...I'll put most of that on the line

Same with Russ..he didnt look good, he tries to overcompensate for the line and can makes things worse but...yet again that ****ty *** line

Defense was outstanding, pick 6*..ton of pressure, sacks...Shaq held his own as well

They better curb stomp the 9ers next week

And **** Tom Cable
Tom Cable gotta go. Yesterday.

Sucks to lose that game but it was week 1 in lambeau and we should have won. Packers always choke in the playoffs anyways.

Sad that it's the same old story with the offense and the line though.

Loved watching Sheldon today. He was fantastic.
Got hosed on the Lane ejection and the block in the back on that pick 6. OLine is still garbage but loved seeing Sheldon out there and the Defense played great. Had this game chalked up as one of our losses but still irked so they better curb stomp SF next week
That Graham endzone no call and the Pick6 were terrible. But whatever, we should expect it being the Seahawks and going to play in Lambutt. This OLine is terrible though, there's no excuse for how they played. Graham played like **** too.
That defense though. Holy **** that was impressive. Griffin looks like a damn Sherm clone out there. After this i would like to see Lane go back to Nickel and have Griffin play the sideline
I know the oline sux but the playing calling, damn.. sigh stuck with Bevell forever

Who thought it was good idea picking up fat Lacy smh

More CJ and Carson
Pete is too damn loyal. Bevell should've been gone after he threw lockette under the bus after his dumbass play call in SB49. Cable needs to go too. You spent a 2nd round draft pick and he can't break the starting line up in this o-line? Jesus ‍♂️
I would absolutely hate for my 2 year old daughter to grow up and ask me in the future, "Dad, why in the hell did the Seahawks waste away the talent of the LOB and Russell Wilson due to a turnstile offensive line?!?!"
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