The defense stepped all the way up. Im good with these boys when the torch gets passed to the young bucks.
Hard to believe that Tyler Lockett's TD on Sunday was his first of the year. Got this from his Twitter. Will always love this style jersey. I'm old school, I just can't seem to get down with the last two jersey designs.


I think the current uniform will forever be the iconic Seahawks uniform (and its by far the most successful of Nike's new-wave designs in any sport). I do love the old school blue jersey though.
For reals. All these dudes who work on these sports shows along side females best be keeping their hands to themselves.
Ugly game all around

Another piss poor offensive start

I can deal with a slow start but one with turnovers, naw sorry Russ cant let that slide

DLine seemed non-existent most of the game on the pass rush, where were they?

Jimmy non existent

Even more injured bodies

And Bennett needs to check pride man, idk if a Jags player was doing some dirt to him but he's teetered the line a few times

And NFL "fans" are some of the biggest ******* I've seen
Hawks need to learn how to accept a loss and move on. This isn’t the first time they get whooped in the trenches and then pull this crap at the end of the game.

Thankfully the rams lost too so next game is going to be massive but good lord if Bobby and KJ are out and possibly losing Bennett and Jefferson to suspensions :sick:
Tough loss, aside from what was already brought up I thought Doug going out of bounds a couple yards short of the first during that last drive was not a smart move. There was still over 2 mins left and he might have been able to get the first there if he made a move inside.

Next week is huge, hope Wagner is ok.
Walsh is beyond garbage! Adam Vinateri at age 44 is more accurate than this dude. Kicked a 41 yd extra point on 2 ft of snow.
Doug was absolutely hot garbage last night. Both interceptions to him he didn't even try to fight for the ball. Then he ran out of bounds looking like Christine Michael. You could honestly put the L on him yesterday.
Also once again our defense is getting lit up. Our team can't defend a cross to save their life
Feel like that game has been lived 1000 times the last few years. Horrible offensive start with good defense. Second half the offense goes off (how is it possible that this keeps happening) and the defense gives up plays every time we score. Then we fall short.
Feel like that game has been lived 1000 times the last few years. Horrible offensive start with good defense. Second half the offense goes off (how is it possible that this keeps happening) and the defense gives up plays every time we score. Then we fall short.
That's what happens when you want to script the first however many plays.
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