Self-Hating Rich Kid Goes On Shooting Rampage, NTers Write Paragraphs Arguing About It

Far as I'm concerned dude was a terrorist wanna go out and inflict harm on others because YNS. ******* loser.
And people think gun control is derogatory.

It's not an idea to give chemically balanced people a hurdle, but to give these ******s another obstacle from trying to continually commit heinous and uncalled for acts. Just stupid. Stupid, stupid, stupid. This needs to stop and not handing over the guns is the first act in doing so.

What if I told you....... Treating the mentally unstable like people and helping them BEFORE they snap, instead of calling them ******s and making fun of them, could reduce the occurrence of things like this?

What if we actually helped these people instead of making fun of them in real life and on the internet?

weebey.gif, right?

Okay...I'll play, because I'm sorry that I was insensitive to these severe problems that plague many individuals, but what white horse are you trying to ride in on? If you're so intune with this demographic and have pinpointed all those that are 'mentally unstalbe' then make sure you control this problem. Not only that, but monitor their activity so as they don't end up going down this route.

Suddenly your pageantry doesn't seem sustainable, does it? Forget that there's people out there with unstable characteristices for a second..and figure out why those same people have such easy access to firerams that can kill by impulsively pulling a trigger. Makes no damn sense...NO MATTER HOW YOU SPIN IT. I'll be the bad guy here because I said '******s,' which is stupid of me, but how does that give this issue an equilibrium?...It doesn't.

One thing I MUST point out....So many folks give a lot of these killers easy outs such as: "mentally unstable, chemically inbalanced, just not right."...You're probably providing a cop out for a large majority of these people that commit these crimes for unsubstantial reason and quite frankly, when they just don't deserve that justification.

No white horse over here.

I'm not claiming to be in tune with anything, I don't even know where that came from. Simple logic can tell you that helping someone with issues in the proper environment can do wonders for them. But it's not my job to monitor anything other people are doing, there are doctors and people trained for that.

In no way am I saying all mentally unstable people can be saved. Not sure anyone would say that.

A person that gets to the point that they want to kill people is likely going to kill people gun or not. Had his issues been taken seriously, this thread may not exist.

What further gun control should we enact?

Also I'm not one of those people giving these dudes easy outs. But there is a clear disturbance in many of these people, and if others would take the CLEAR warning signs seriously, there would be less blood shed.
What were the "clear disturbances" in these people that you speak of though? And I'm not talking about after the fact...I'm talking about those "clear" signs that make you say, "yep, this dude gonna kill some people." Again, it's not so easy to decipher anymore...

I can talk ad nausea here tonight about normalcy in people, gun control or disturbances in people and have everyone repping thinking I'm on to something, yet tomorrow, walk into a school and kill handfuls of students. People will say of me exactly what you hear on the news..."Oh, this guy would never hurt a soul as far as I knew him"..."He was always so astute and sociable, it just never occured to me he was capapble of somthing like this." And then someone like you will come along and say.."Nah, he was disturbed...He had to be."

To me...that's a cop out and not digging into the underlying issue. This generation is so force fed the BS of a decrepid culture that it gives excuses to our youth on behaving a certain way and by extension, neglecting responsibility and personal growth...It's pathetic.
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What were the "clear disturbances" in these people that you speak of though? And I'm not talking about after the fact...I'm talking about those "clear" signs that make you say, "yep, this dude gonna kill some people." Again, it's not so easy to decipher anymore...

I can talk ad nausea here tonight about normalcy in people, gun control or disturbances in people and have everyone repping thinking I'm on to something, yet tomorrow, walk into a school and kill handfuls of students. People will tell you exactly what you hear on the new..."Oh, this guy would never hurt a soul as far as I knew him"..."He was always so astute and sociable, it just never occured to me he was capapble of somthing like this." And then someone like you will come along and say.."Nah, he was disturbed...He had to be."

To me...that's a cop out and not digging into the underlying issue. This generation is so force fed the BS of a decreped culture that it gives excuses to our youth on behaving a certain way and by extension, neglecting responsibility and personal growth...It's pathetic.

which generation are you comparing the current one to?
I'm not comparing. I'm staking claim to some deficiencies in our generation. Whether they existed before now, I don't care. It seems to have plateued to a level where I don't feel it acceptable. I'm not into comparing for the sake of saying ____ generation is > this generation...I'm saying it because collectively, people need to own up to what's going on in current affairs and start accepting that they can do something about it instead of finger pointing or blaming something/someone. It's ridiculous.

P.S. - I accidently repped you...Don't go getting false confidence thinking you made a point or anything with that...It was me. :lol: My bad.
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I'm not comparing. I'm staking claim to some deficiencies in our generation. Whether they existed before now, I don't care. It seems to have plateued to a level where I don't feel it acceptable. I'm not into comparing for the sake of saying ____ generation is > this generation...I'm saying it because collectively, people need to own up to what's going on in current affairs and start accepting that they can do something about it instead of finger pointing.

P.S. - I accidently repped you...Don't go getting false confidence thinking you made a point or anything with that...It was me. :lol: My bad.

but when homicide and violent crime is at a 30 year can you feel like things are getting worse..?

I dont think elliot rodgers thought he was mentally ill... i don't think he used that as a cop out for his actions... I don't think any suicidal/homicidal person beleives they are mentally ill...

the terms that you dislike are used to define people in an attempt to categorize and help them...

The medical diagnosis given are not causing a surge in violence...
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What were the "clear disturbances" in these people that you speak of though? And I'm not talking about after the fact...I'm talking about those "clear" signs that make you say, "yep, this dude gonna kill some people." Again, it's not so easy to decipher anymore...

I can talk ad nausea here tonight about normalcy in people, gun control or disturbances in people and have everyone repping thinking I'm on to something, yet tomorrow, walk into a school and kill handfuls of students. People will say of me exactly what you hear on the news..."Oh, this guy would never hurt a soul as far as I knew him"..."He was always so astute and sociable, it just never occured to me he was capapble of somthing like this." And then someone like you will come along and say.."Nah, he was disturbed...He had to be."

To me...that's a cop out and not digging into the underlying issue. This generation is so force fed the BS of a decrepid culture that it gives excuses to our youth on behaving a certain way and by extension, neglecting responsibility and personal growth...It's pathetic.

You're assuming a lot. I didn't really imply every single person who kills people randomly is a saint with a messed up brain. I said helping disturbed people, instead of just blaming weapons and trying to further control them, could do much more good.

There are plenty of signs in many cases. You should read some psychological profiles of spree killers sometime. Easy ones to find, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold.

In no way am I removing responsibility or giving excuses. Dude was clearly disturbed, killed people and took his own life and you're sitting here saying "well uh duh we need more gun control" like that's going to exercise the insanity out of people.

Help them.

I'm not sure but it seemed like you implied someone randomly murdering a bunch of people isn't disturbed. Its not really a cop out to say hey, some people are criminally insane.

Dude was just an idiot

Do we have to label every white shooter as mentally ill???

To me, if you're mass shooting you're either mentally ill, really angry, or just a piece of **** regardless of color.
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No words.

Hope his booty loses its vcard by getting raped everyday in hell.
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My assumptions are based on what I read from your posts. Because I don't understand it any other way. I can read about spree killers all day long...What's that got do with the average Joe's commiting crimes? Or the the average Joey's shooting up schools every month? Not everyone is psycho...Medically.
Gun control won't stop things like this.

People just have to accept the fact that certain ppl are a little crazy and unfortunately situations like this just happen.
What a ******* piece of ****.
Pretty much sums up my thoughts on dude.

RIP to the victims
My assumptions are based on what I read from your posts. Because I don't understand it any other way. I can read about spree killers all day long...What's that got do with the average Joe's commiting crimes? Or the the average Joey's shooting up schools every month? Not everyone is psycho...Medically.

So the average Joe is shooting up schools and malls now. All right.

Psychological profiles exist for a reason. Its how we know that kid throwing puppies against a wall, or the intense obsession with violence, or inability to emphasize with others might need a little bit of special attention.

The excuses are worse...Especially, as YeezusDisciple said, white males. It's beyond annoying.

Its not an excuse. Dude was mentally ill.

How do you know?

And if he is...Does that mean all killers are?

Why would that mean all killers are mentally ill? :lol:

If he's not, does that mean none of them are?
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