Self-Hating Rich Kid Goes On Shooting Rampage, NTers Write Paragraphs Arguing About It

But collectively, us, the people could do a whole lot. Look at the Bundy Ranch incident. Armed militia sent the alphabet boys packing.
Well their "they" is more than a handfull of people. So again, "they" vs. "us" how can we realistically believe we will have a chance?

Yea that ranch situation was fine and all but in a more serious scenario, they could have easily been taken care of.

Just be realistic about things man.
Well their "they" is more than a handfull of people. So again, "they" vs. "us" how can we realistically believe we will have a chance?

Yea that ranch situation was fine and all but in a more serious scenario, they could have easily been taken care of.

Just be realistic about things man.

In the event of a full-on revolution, for IDK what reason, who knows. But if our government went tyrannical on us, we'd actually outnumber and outgun them. There are approximately 270 to 310 MILLION guns in the US, approximately one for every individual in America. Unless they plan on dropping bombs on US cities g'luck taking on millions of Americans.

Even our armed forces would have defectors fighting on OUR side. That is OUR men and women, not robots, not a clone army. Those are our families out there. The armed forces would be divided, and the fed government would be insanely outgunned.

Why do you think many in the government are pushing for a gun ban? Why do you think so many media outlets are spinning this story a certain way? A nation disarmed is much easier to handle for a tyrannical government.
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I just think of a Desert Strike situation. I doubt they would attack us from the ground if they really wanted to make us take them serious.
I just think of a Desert Strike situation. I doubt they would attack us from the ground if they really wanted to make us take them serious.

So they're going to drop bombs on us? Maybe chem warfare? They're going to shoot at us with tanks?

With what army? The same men and women that serve us?

The same men and women who the fed gov shafts time and again on benefits? Same men and women who face homelessness, drug abuse, poverty after coming home? Yeah right, be real man. Those are our boys, not theirs. They ride for us.

And either way, you'd lay down and just let a tyrannical government rise? Really DC ALL AMERICAN?

Not very ALL AMERICAN of you at all. Our forefathers would be saddened. Didn't we gain this land from a tyrannical government? Isn't that how we came to be? For fighting for our rights and sovereignty?
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There needs to be more workshops/classes provided to young men about how to develop relationships with the other sex. This is an unfortunate reason to go off like that. We have to look out for our young men.
Social skills in general should be taught, for both men and women.

Understanding social dynamics and where you fit in the grand scheme of things is more important than "how to pick up women".  This kid never found a zone, and had poor social skills. That led to him being deranged when it came to his expectations of women.
I just think of a Desert Strike situation. I doubt they would attack us from the ground if they really wanted to make us take them serious.

So they're going to drop bombs on us? Maybe chem warfare? They're going to shoot at us with tanks?

With what army? The same men and women that serve us?

The same men and women who the fed gov shafts time and again on benefits? Same men and women who face homelessness, drug abuse, poverty after coming home? Yeah right, be real man. Those are our boys, not theirs. They ride for us.

And either way, you'd lay down and just let a tyrannical government rise? Really DC ALL AMERICAN?

Not very ALL AMERICAN of you at all. Our forefathers would be saddened.

You are the one that implied guns would protect us from a tyrannical government. Now you are saying the government(our boys) serves us and that wouldn't happen? Which one is it man.
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You are the one that implied guns would protect us from a tyrannical government. Now you are saying the government serves us and that wouldn't happen? Which one is it man.

No fool, I'm saying that that our armed forces would be compromised. You think they'd all march to the tune of a tyrannical government?

Hell no. Look at Ukraine, you've got those in the army siding with the separatists and those that still fight for Ukraine.

Same thing, you'd have a large number of soldiers fighting for the people and more than likely a minority fighting for the fed government.

The men and women of the armed forces are not going to allow their own families to be hurt, be real man. Some ya'll try to nitpick at my argument but end up looking foolish.

And furthermore, ey, you paying attention son? Furthermore there are plenty of soldiers already unhappy with their treatment. Who already feel that the government misleads them. Yeah, they'll definitely be oblige if for any reason the gov turns on its own people. Yeah right.
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Why are people against keeping guns out of the hands of crazy people?

I haven't perused this thread, as such I'm unaware of the arguments being used by both sides of the gun-control debate. I'm only responding to you because your post caught my attention--nothing more.

I personally in favor of gun control measures. When you can go to Walmart and buy a gun as easily as you would a loaf of bread, you have a serious problems within the system. I do think restrictive measures are necessary, but that still wouldn't stop "crazies" from getting a hold of guns.

Seriously, think about it. How exactly do you identify a crazy person from a non-crazy person?

The point that I am trying to make is that you have no way of ever targeting the "crazies". A mentally stable and healthy fellow can buy a gun today--snap next week because he was fired from his job or dumped by his fiance, and go on a shooting rampage. There's no way you can predict something like that and take measures to curtail it.

Crazy people were once normal people. No one is against keeping guns out of the hands of crazy people, but to accomplish what you are proposing, we would have to keep guns out of the hands of normal and otherwise upstanding citizens, and well...that would be a clear and absolute violation of constitutional rights.

I'm all for gun control, but what you're implying is illogical. It's certainly not the way to go about this whole situation/problem.

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You are the one that implied guns would protect us from a tyrannical government. Now you are saying the government serves us and that wouldn't happen? Which one is it man.

No fool, I'm saying that that our armed forces would be compromised. You think they'd all march to the tune of a tyrannical government?

Hell no. Look at Ukraine, you've got those in the army siding with the separatists and those that still fight for Ukraine.

Same thing, you'd have a large number of soldiers fighting for the people and more than likely a minority fighting for the fed government.

The men and women of the armed forces are not going to allow their own families to be hurt, be real man. Some ya'll try to nitpick at my argument but end up looking foolish.

And furthermore, ey, you paying attention son? Furthermore there are plenty of soldiers already unhappy with their treatment. Who already feel that the government misleads them. Yeah, they'll definitely be oblige if for any reason the gov turns on its own people. Yeah right.

So why do you need guns to fight a tyrannical government if according to you, the armed forces would be "compromised"?
You believe the guns that the government allows us to have are protection from our government? You are joking right?

The governement allows us to have guns now?

Im certain the end of the US reign is near :/

100 yrs ago civilians had better armament than the military practically. Now the pendulum has swung and were to be grateful were "allowed" to have guns now. Man i could go on a serios tangent right now but im going fishing... And then after that im gunna shoot my guns and im goin out on a limb here but i dont forsee anyone getting shot besides paper. Cans and maybe a small bird or squirrel
Any word on drug/scrip use ? Dude seemed like a heavy amphetamine/adderall user.

His aunt says he was on medication, didn't say what it was.

He had Aspergers syndrome apparently. So since there aren't any medications for aspergers specifically, there are medications given to those with Aspergers/ASD to treat the anxiety commonly found in individuals with spectrum disorders.

Adderall is for those with ADHD, not generally given to those with aspergers unless they have an accompanying ADHD diagnosis..
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Any word on drug/scrip use ? Dude seemed like a heavy amphetamine/adderall user.

His aunt says he was on medication, didn't say what it was.

He had Aspergers syndrome apparently. So since there aren't any medications for aspergers specifically, there are medications given to those with Aspergers/ASD to treat the anxiety commonly found in individuals with spectrum disorders.

Adderall is for those with ADHD, not generally given to those with aspergers unless they have an accompanying spectrum disorder diagnosis.

Ah ok... his mannerisms remind me of a lot of the adderall users I knew in school.

Ill be interested to find out what he was on.

Seems like scrips are almost always involved in these scenarios.
So why do you need guns to fight a tyrannical government if according to you, the armed forces would be "compromised"?

because in events like the Bundy ranch incident, guns are necessary to even the playing field. Had there been no armed militia, the feds would've been able to go in and assert their will.

W/o even firing off a shot, you can stand up for yourself. But you still need the ability to fire off a shot.

And in a large scale event, we'd still need guns to protect ourselves from those who remain loyal to the tyrannical government. How is that a hard concept to grasp?
Ah ok... his mannerisms remind me of a lot of the adderall users I knew in school.

Ill be interested to find out what he was on.

Seems like scrips are almost always involved in these scenarios.

Sorry in that last part I meant to say "unless they have an accompanying ADHD diagnosis" (those on the spectrum).

Will edit that. But I think you got what I meant :lol:.
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Well I guess I'll go ahead and get both sides of the fence upset w/ me.

Yes, we need stricter gun laws. Miss me with the "Guns don't kill people; people kill people." Yes, people kill people. Got it. But if you HAD to kill as many people as you possibly could today, would you want a toothpick, or an AR-15? C'mon, man. And don't quote this and answer w/ "Oh, I would never be in a position where I had to kill as many people as possible." That's not what I asked.

NOW on the OTHER hand...

I'm glad drugs have been brought into the discussion, because nearly EVERY SINGLE ONE of these mass killings has a common element: prescription drugs. We need less prescription drugs on the streets, FOR REAL. And not even on the streets, but in the general population. I know prescription drugs are not going anywhere anytime soon (Big Pharm gotta pay for their Bentleys somehow), but that all these dudes on psychotropic drugs w/ gun in hand, there's our problem.
Well I guess I'll go ahead and get both sides of the fence upset w/ me.

Yes, we need stricter gun laws. Miss me with the "Guns don't kill people; people kill people." Yes, people kill people. Got it. But if you HAD to kill as many people as you possibly could today, would you want a toothpick, or an AR-15? C'mon, man. And don't quote this and answer w/ "Oh, I would never be in a position where I had to kill as many people as possible." That's not what I asked.

NOW on the OTHER hand...

I'm glad drugs have been brought into the discussion, because nearly EVERY SINGLE ONE of these mass killings has a common element: prescription drugs. We need less prescription drugs on the streets, FOR REAL. And not even on the streets, but in the general population. I know prescription drugs are not going anywhere anytime soon (Big Pharm gotta pay for their Bentleys somehow), but that all these dudes on psychotropic drugs w/ gun in hand, there's our problem.
Agree 100%.

Yes people can kill more than one person with a knife, a car, a bomb, fire...but guns are the #1 most efficient means of carrying out a mass killing any time, any where. 
Well I guess I'll go ahead and get both sides of the fence upset w/ me. :lol:

Yes, we need stricter gun laws. Miss me with the "Guns don't kill people; people kill people." Yes, people kill people. Got it. But if you HAD to kill as many people as you possibly could today, would you want a toothpick, or an AR-15? C'mon, man. And don't quote this and answer w/ "Oh, I would never be in a position where I had to kill as many people as possible." That's not what I asked.

NOW on the OTHER hand...

I'm glad drugs have been brought into the discussion, because nearly EVERY SINGLE ONE of these mass killings has a common element: prescription drugs. We need less prescription drugs on the streets, FOR REAL. And not even on the streets, but in the general population. I know prescription drugs are not going anywhere anytime soon (Big Pharm gotta pay for their Bentleys somehow), but that all these dudes on psychotropic drugs w/ gun in hand, there's our problem.

Agree 100%.

Yes people can kill more than one person with a knife, a car, a bomb, fire...but guns are the #1 most efficient means of carrying out a mass killing any time, any where. 

They are also the most effective way of defending oneself from an attacker with the least amount of danger posed to the user. Take note of the stats I posted a page back. The notion that arms restrictions would keep people safer is a fallacy based on emotions, not logic. The White House just released a study entitled "Priorities for Research to Reduce the Threat of Firearm-Related Violence". The objective of this study was to assess the dangers of guns in America and see what kind of regulations could be implemented to keep people safer. The study revealed consistently lower injury rates among gun carrying crime victims; ie guns keep decent law abiding citizens safer than they would be without one. It was indicated that defensive gun uses by victims are at least as common as offensive uses by criminals; ie criminals don't care about the law in the first place and will always carry guns therefor it is only logical to allow law abiding citizens to legally carry as a form of self defense.
Gun control is a made up term

Again there are roughly 310 million and counting weapons alrdy here. If anyone has a good idea to keep guns away from criminals/the disturbed im all for it

But as long as we use blanket terms like gun control and gun bans ill be in direct opposition
Gun control is a made up term

Again there are roughly 310 million and counting weapons alrdy here. If anyone has a good idea to keep guns away from criminals/the disturbed im all for it
I'm with you. When I originally brought up my anti-gun sentiment, I said I wish I could wave a magic wand and eliminate guns off the face of the earth completely which of course is pure fantasy.

Getting guns off the streets is another beast in and of itself.
So this is all about gun control now?  I'll pass on that.

In terms of this kid, I skimmed through a lot of the manifesto this morning.  I like reading in general but there was no way I could read every word of that.  I don't know if he had a journal growing up but damn, either he was making things up or it was remarkable how many details he remember even from a young age, down to the day.

Seems a lot of his issues stemmed from his parents divorce at a young age and then his father remarrying, according to him his step-mom treated him like she wanted nothing to do with him and his father did everything she said.  In terms of those who said he should've been involved in team sports which could've helped, apparently he tried those, specifically basketball and soccer but he was awful at them and only got made fun of, he was always one of the smallest kids and was often bullied.  He got into skateboarding which he loved and finally felt an identity with until he felt he was terrible at it.  Those who believe he was repressing homosexuality, it doesn't seem to be the case at all...he details sexual desires towards females throughout and has an extremely strong lust towards blonde females who are the object of his desire and ultimately who he targets his hatred towards because he feels none are interested in him and treat him like dirt.

On the mental health aspect, it does appear that at a minimum he has narcissistic personality disorder and severe social anxiety which is why a lot of these issues were so overwhelming.  He felt like he was deserving of females coming to him and he lacked the ability to speak to them on his own, seeing them out socially was a huge issue for him and he was tortured by the fact that it was other boys he would see talking, dating, kissing them, etc.  He mentions having to see a psychologist and casually mentions having seen on previously but that one visit in particular was with his mom, dad & stepmom and it focused on his mom & stepmom's issues, the doctor prescribed a drug which he looked up and decided he did not want to take.  I'm sure it'll come out one way or another whether he was on meds.

Anyway, I don't see any of this as an excuse but I personally believe that mental health issues need to be looked at differently.  Not the social stigma that they are and that people can just get over them but as severe health issues that need to be treated like any physical health issue.  I've never dealt with them myself but I've known too many people who have and while some are more severe in degrees, you can most definitely see the difference when those have been treated.  It doesn't always have to be with meds and turning someone into a zombie isn't the easy solution but for some it can be helpful to determine avenues to deal with it...but either way it needs to start at awareness.  Cultural awareness and personal awareness, most people don't want to believe something's "wrong" with them because of that word alone and the way society views mental health and that they're "crazy" which is unfortunate.  Like many other things, these are very real issues that need to be looked at more seriously.

Doubt anyone reads all this. 
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definitely interested in what meds dude was on. been trying to find out, might be undisclosed like some of these other cases.
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