Self-Hating Rich Kid Goes On Shooting Rampage, NTers Write Paragraphs Arguing About It


im not trolling u breh just tell me you dont think black people are dangerous.

then tell me what would make a white person dangerous?

in society but your own opinion preferably.

im not trolling u breh just tell me you dont think black people are dangerous.

then tell me what would make a white person dangerous?

in society but your own opinion preferably.
No one race is more dangerous than another. It has nothing to do with skin color. It has to do with environmental factors. I never said otherwise.
I wish it were me that he heard plunging their penis into his sister's vagina :smokin
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No one race is more dangerous than another. It has nothing to do with skin color. It has to do with environmental factors. I never said otherwise.
so your perception of danger is based on your environment, not the actual person in question?

or your perception of danger is based on what you believe to be their environmental factors?
Since he was half Asian and white, dude could've smashed plenty of fine Asian and Latina girls if he wasn't busy worshiping blonde AWGs walking down Del Playa. Minority girls that don't really like white guys but still want something different from themselves love those mixed "racially ambiguous" looking dudes
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He could have smashed plenty of girls but it really sounds like he had narcissistic personality disorder

The top shelf women that he thought he deserved aren't going to want a skinny short awkward guy just because has a BMW.

He was simply aiming way too high based off superficialities and didn't have the personality to make up for it
Since he was half Asian and white, dude could've smashed plenty of fine Asian and Latina girls if he wasn't busy worshiping blonde AWGs walking down Del Playa. Minority girls that don't really like white guys but still want something different from themselves love those mixed "racially ambiguous" looking dudes

Dude was racist he thought Asian, Black, Indian, Latino people were beneath him.
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He could have smashed plenty of girls but it really sounds like he had narcissistic personality disorder

The top shelf women that he thought he deserved aren't going to want a skinny short awkward guy just because has a BMW.

He was simply aiming way too high based off superficialities and didn't have the personality to make up for it

Pretty much. I was 5'8 135 with acne when I got into UCSB and I still got more women then than I do 7 years and 30 pounds later (not fat :lol:) now just cause I was a lot more social and outgoing.

And yeah, his extreme racism really limited what he could get even if he was social. Most of the women he thought he deserved seem to be the white "I only date guys who might look homeless and have bad hygiene, but they're in frats and therefore are alpha males" type. And from my experience at UCSB, the majority of those girls were average as hell; the best looking girls in SB were always the dimes you'd see showing up to random house parties and make you think "where the hell did she come from??"
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Since he was half Asian and white, dude could've smashed plenty of fine Asian and Latina girls if he wasn't busy worshiping blonde AWGs walking down Del Playa. Minority girls that don't really like white guys but still want something different from themselves love those mixed "racially ambiguous" looking dudes
Dude was racist he thought Asian, Black, Indian, Latino people were beneath him.
Exactly.  Although this kid was half Asian and half white, he viewed himself as a white kid and in that regard felt entitled (white privilege) that blonde white chicks should flock to him just because.  When he saw that these same white chicks went to males of other races, ones that he personally felt where inferior to him for whatever reason he couldn't understand it and took action out of on it.  He also didn't have any game, which is another reason chicks didn't look his way, and rightly so. 
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The term "AWG" comes from NTers not being able to bag white chicks?

I learn something new everyday.

No it comes from looking at a white chick who's average. His sister has a decent body but she's not exactly stunning in the face.

Edit: Actually, taking another look, her body is just average as well.
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The term "AWG" comes from NTers not being able to bag white chicks?

I learn something new everyday.

No it comes from looking at a white chick who's average. His sister has a decent body but she's not exactly stunning in the face.

Edit: Actually, taking another look, her body is just average as well.

It comes from NT thinking any non black chick without an enhanced body = AWG even when the chicks ain't white :lol:
That's what I was thinking. I'm not here to judge, though.

Just making an observation.

Reach on the "minorities" part, though. I never said that.

Observe that this girls face prolly look like the bottom of your big toe without makeup on. You're buggin if you think she's not an AWG.
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