Self-Hating Rich Kid Goes On Shooting Rampage, NTers Write Paragraphs Arguing About It

its not a factor because he said the reason he did this is because girls ignored him. is every person on risperidone out here wilding?

so the solution is to monitor everyones mental state 24/7 so the minute they decide to snap we'll already know about it right?  

obviously its about the person, but a person as volatile as he was with an option of a "tool" as easy and deadly as a gun to me simply means that we do something about every single person alive or we do something about the guns.
A mental ill person said he wanted to kill people because girls ignored him thus having a factor... Not sure why that's hard to understand. A mental ill person isn't going to say I want to kill people because I'm mental ill. He came up with an irrational reason which in his mind was rational.

Also I don't disagree with you about doing something about the guns (unless you're saying to get rid of them all). It just seems like some people are ONLY looking at the fact that he had a gun. 
Just because someone speaks clearly does not mean they are in a lucid state.

Anyone can develop mental illness though. PTSD for example is a mental illness that can effect anyone. People suffering do not have a choice in the matter.

Of course guns don't decide who picks it up and fires it. They are inanimate objects, that's exactly why we need to look further into the mental health aspect of preventing these incidents.

There are many means of killing that are just as, if not more effective at killing than guns. Timothy McVeigh killed nearly 200 and injured 500 more with fertilizer.

Guns do serve other purposed besides shooting people. They are shot for sport, used for hunting as well as self defense and a means of protecting livestock. Hell... some people even collect guns as a hobby, purely for their historical value.

You honestly blame people like me for allowing these kind of situations to happen ? Where are you going with this?

I don't understand where people who advocate gun restrictions train of thought comes from.

So are you saying criminals would follow any type of restriction or laws enacted?

Good men don't need laws to act responsibly, and bad men will find ways around them. Its a fruitless tactic.

So when unarmed victims are killed by a man with a gun we seek to create victim disarmament zones and make it harder for good people to defend themselves?

The U.S. was founded on the principle that good people have an unalienable right to defend themselves by any means necessary.

By enacting tough laws and regulations on objects and substances only creates a monopoly for criminals to use and abuse that illegal or restricted item/substance.

Have we not learned anything from alcohol prohibition and the current war on drugs?

Less freedom does not make for a moral and prosperous society.

he premeditated his attack, that means he was lucid and in full recognition of what he was doing

ptsd is not an example of someone developing a mental illness, it is a response to a traumatic, psychological event

my point about the ase of use guns wasnt to say that there are more effective means of killing a greater majority of people, but rather that a single individual with a gun in their hand thinks that they have the power to take a life with ease, the pull of a trigger.  something like oklahoma city takes planning, whereas this kid woke up one moring and started blasting.

as far as guns beings used for other purposes, surely there are ethical issues with hunting, sport, collecting and livestock which i don't agree with either

i blame people like you, "gun activists", for ignoring the dangers that guns presents based on the idea of "law abiding citizens".  this kid was a "law abiding citizen", until he wasnt.  

making it an issue of "criminals" and "law-abiding citizens" access to guns is only pandering to societal fears.  the "self defense" rhetoric used to justify the proliferation of guns is simply an appeal on a personal level to security and responsibility.  the gun industry wants you to think that you are "safe" because you have gun in the house and you are doing your "duty".  

as far as criminals having a monopoly on guns, can you explain how this black market would be created and function?  

drugs and alochol are vices, and can be created by unorthodox means, but how would one go about manufacturing guns?

You say he premeditated the attack, but later in your diatribe you state he :woke up one morning and started blasting"... Which one is it ? Either way, being aware of what he was doing does not mean he did not have a mental illness. Rodgers had a long history of seeing multiple therapists and was prescribed to Risperidone, a drug used to tread schizophrenia and bi polar disorder.

PTSD is a diagnosed mental illness. Like you said, it is a response to a traumatic event, and therefor can effect anyone. PTSD is not the only mental illness that effects people later in life. Schizophrenia, manic depression and other illnesses often develop in people at an older age.

You said "having a gun in your hand gives you a power to kill that no other weapon outside of a tank can provide". That is simply not true and the notion that an individual with a gun in their hand thinks then can take a life with ease is a result of them being the only person with a gun. It's no coincidence that the vast majority of these mass shootings all happen in no gun zones.

I don't ignore the dangers that guns pose, but a guns are not the issue, they are only an object. They have no say in how or when they are used, so putting the blame on them is fruitless. You have to remediate why someone would want to kill another in the first place. On top of that you cant just suppress a technology that was formulated over thousands of years. People who want to have guns with the intention of killing people will still have those intentions regardless of accessibility; and they aren't that hard to make anyway.

I hope you see the irony of stating "issue of criminals and law abiding citizens panders to societal fears" in response to a tragedy like this, when these incidents make up an extremely minuscule portion of the gun deaths in the country. The FBI believes as many as 80% of annual firearms related homicides to be directly related to intercity gangs using illegally acquired firearms to begin with. The truth is I am safer with a gun in my house than I am without one.

The U.S. was founded with gun culture and was very successful under that model until people perverted and minimized its principles. Just look here in the U.S. the places with the highest gun crimes are those with the harshest gun laws and restrictions (Detroit, Camden, Chicago, NYC). This is because its harder for law abiding to protect themselves while criminals do what they want. Detroit has gotten so bad that the Chief of Police has begun to fight for citizens right to arm themselves because the police can do little to actually help them. Guns also have a high statistic for preventing crime, because the mere presence of one is enough the deter a criminal (i.e. the great equalizer).
its not a factor because he said the reason he did this is because girls ignored him. is every person on risperidone out here wilding?

so the solution is to monitor everyones mental state 24/7 so the minute they decide to snap we'll already know about it right?  

obviously its about the person, but a person as volatile as he was with an option of a "tool" as easy and deadly as a gun to me simply means that we do something about every single person alive or we do something about the guns.
A mental ill person said he wanted to kill people because girls ignored him thus having a factor... Not sure why that's hard to understand. A mental ill person isn't going to say I want to kill people because I'm mental ill. He came up with an irrational reason which in his mind was rational.

Also I don't disagree with you about doing something about the guns (unless you're saying to get rid of them all). It just seems like some people are ONLY looking at the fact that he had a gun. 
the factor isnt his mental illness tho, he didnt have a mental condition that made him dangerous and was compelled to kill, he did it of his own volition.  saying he had a mental illness and gave himself a reason is just an excuse to shift the blame off of him onto his mental health.
its not a factor because he said the reason he did this is because girls ignored him. is every person on risperidone out here wilding?

so the solution is to monitor everyones mental state 24/7 so the minute they decide to snap we'll already know about it right?  

obviously its about the person, but a person as volatile as he was with an option of a "tool" as easy and deadly as a gun to me simply means that we do something about every single person alive or we do something about the guns.
A mental ill person said he wanted to kill people because girls ignored him thus having a factor... Not sure why that's hard to understand. A mental ill person isn't going to say I want to kill people because I'm mental ill. He came up with an irrational reason which in his mind was rational.

Also I don't disagree with you about doing something about the guns (unless you're saying to get rid of them all). It just seems like some people are ONLY looking at the fact that he had a gun. 
the factor isnt his mental illness tho, he didnt have a mental condition that made him dangerous and was compelled to kill, he did it of his own volition.  saying he had a mental illness and gave himself a reason is just an excuse to shift the blame off of him onto his mental health.

How his brain functions = who he is...

We aren't blaming his "spirit" for his actions right?

You say he premeditated the attack, but later in your diatribe you state he :woke up one morning and started blasting"... Which one is it ? Either way, being aware of what he was doing does not mean he did not have a mental illness. Rodgers had a long history of seeing multiple therapists and was prescribed to Risperidone, a drug used to tread schizophrenia and bi polar disorder.

PTSD is a diagnosed mental illness. Like you said, it is a response to a traumatic event, and therefor can effect anyone. PTSD is not the only mental illness that effects people later in life. Schizophrenia, manic depression and other illnesses often develop in people at an older age.
i didnt say he woke up one morning and started blasting, i said the gun could provide him with that opportunity.

i also never said he didnt have a mental illness, i said it wasnt the factor for this event.  

the point of ptsd was to say that he didnt have any traumatic event to give him ptsd so i dont see the relevance.  even if they do develop, like you said the kid was seeing psychiatrists so it wasnt as if he went undetected.
You said "having a gun in your hand gives you a power to kill that no other weapon outside of a tank can provide". That is simply not true and the notion that an individual with a gun in their hand thinks then can take a life with ease is a result of them being the only person with a gun. It's no coincidence that the vast majority of these mass shootings all happen in no gun zones.
I don't ignore the dangers that guns pose, but a guns are not the issue, they are only an object. They have no say in how or when they are used, so putting the blame on them is fruitless. You have to remediate why someone would want to kill another in the first place. On top of that you cant just suppress a technology that was formulated over thousands of years. People who want to have guns with the intention of killing people will still have those intentions regardless of accessibility; and they aren't that hard to make anyway.

I hope you see the irony of stating "issue of criminals and law abiding citizens panders to societal fears" in response to a tragedy like this, when these incidents make up an extremely minuscule portion of the gun deaths in the country. The FBI believes as many as 80% of annual firearms related homicides to be directly related to intercity gangs using illegally acquired firearms  to begin with. The truth is I am safer with a gun in my house than I am without one.

The U.S. was founded with gun culture and was very successful under that model until people perverted and minimized its principles. Just look here in the U.S. the places with the highest gun crimes are those with the harshest gun laws and restrictions (Detroit, Camden, Chicago, NYC). This is because its harder for law abiding to protect themselves while criminals do what they want. Detroit has gotten so bad that the Chief of Police has begun to fight for citizens right to arm themselves because the police can do little to actually help them. Guns also have a high statistic for preventing crime, because the mere presence of one is enough the deter a criminal (i.e. the great equalizer).
the blame is placed on guns precisely because they are just a tool.  the fact is you cant "remediate" every person on the planet, and you can't do it every minute of the day. that would be a bigger undertaking than just outlawing guns outright.  as you say, people who have that intention will still have them, but the accessibility is key because it just makes that decision that much easier.

torture was at one time in demand for technology for centuries, but do we still develop medieval torture devices today?

also, its not about how many people die in these kind of tragedies.  gang violence and illegal guns are problems, but how does you keeping a gun in your house relate to that?  You may feel safer, and im sure statistics would show a majority that have them in the home have never used them or had a reason to. Compare that to the amount of accidental shootings in the home and im sure theres a greater disparity then people who have had to defend themselves from an intruder.  

and im not one to idealize american founding principles, so the perversion and minimization of principles regarding guns probably had something to do the pursuit of life, liberty and freedom being infringed upon by a gun.

do you think its an accident that those cities you listed have high crime rates and high gun legislation?  how do you think those lawmakers make a living and stay elected if not by letting guns in and then prosecuting the criminals?

as far as the great equalizer, there are alternatives to guns that can deter criminals as well
How his brain functions = who he is...

We aren't blaming his "spirit" for his actions right?

im saying whatever mental issues he had, they werent the motivating factor behind his actions. 

so brain function = personality/identity now?

mental ******ation = stupid?
Speaking of mental illness sir...
[h1]The Worst Internet Trolls Might Be Mentally Ill[/h1]
In two online studies (total N  = 1215), respondents completed personality inventories and a survey of their Internet commenting styles. Overall, strong positive associations emerged among online commenting frequency, trolling enjoyment, and troll identity, pointing to a common construct underlying the measures. Both studies revealed similar patterns of relations between trolling and the Dark Tetrad of personality: trolling correlated positively with sadism, psychopathy, and Machiavellianism, using both enjoyment ratings and identity scores. Of all personality measures, sadism showed the most robust associations with trolling and, importantly, the relationship was specific to trolling behavior. Enjoyment of other online activities, such as chatting and debating, was unrelated to sadism. Thus cyber-trolling appears to be an Internet manifestation of everyday sadism.
troll  (/ˈtroʊl//ˈtrɒl/) is a person who sows discord on the Internet by starting arguments or upsetting people,[sup][1][/sup]  by posting inflammatory,[sup][2][/sup]  extraneous, or off-topic  messages in an online community (such as a forum, chat room, or blog) with the deliberate intent of provoking readers into an emotional response[sup][3][/sup]  or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion.[sup][4][/sup]
ding ding ding. In other words, quoting and inserting your thoughts into someone else's text fits the bill. Now unless you have something positive to add, piss off. All you're attempting to do is provoke. And no offense, I've seen better.
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troll  (/ˈtroʊl//ˈtrɒl/) is a person who sows discord on the Internet by starting arguments or upsetting people,[sup][1][/sup]  by posting inflammatory,[sup][2][/sup]  extraneous, or off-topic  messages in an online community (such as a forum, chat room, or blog) with the deliberate intent of provoking readers into an emotional response[sup][3][/sup]  or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion.[sup][4][/sup]
ding ding ding. In other words, quoting and inserting your thoughts into someone else's text fits the bill. Now unless you have something positive to add, piss off. All you're attempting to do is provoke. And no offense, I've seen better.
im engaging in a discussion, just because you dont like what i have to say or how i say it doesnt mean im intentionally trying to start an argument with you.

i stayed on topic and tried to ask you to explain what you meant by what you said.  i didnt post gifs, or insult your intelligence by making jokes about rocket science.  

and i wasnt trying to an emotional response out of you, i wanted a personal response as in what you believe, not what you believe society thinks.
im engaging in a discussion, just because you dont like what i have to say or how i say it doesnt mean im intentionally trying to start an argument with you.

i stayed on topic and tried to ask you to explain what you meant by what you said.  i didnt post gifs, or insult your intelligence by making jokes about rocket science.  

and i wasnt trying to an emotional response out of you, i wanted a personal response as in what you believe, not what you believe society thinks.
Pretty sure everyone sees what you're doing...changing someone's quote is trolling and pretty immature. Grow up.
The only problem with getting rid of guns is that there are already so many out there. Secondly, it invites cartels from down South to have a reason to come into America. I'll take one white mental kid shooting up a school (my alma matar) in fact over the progressive increase in crime, gangs, death, economic instability that having a black market gun trade would bring upon America. It's not like this is Asia where the government is ruthless about this sort of stuff. The people in America are too nice about criminals. There is no real deterrent.
Pretty sure everyone sees what you're doing  Someone, anyone please come to my defense. ..changing someone's quote is trolling and pretty immature. Grow up.  what I said into what i really mean is embarrassing and i dont like it. let me belittle you one more time.
The only problem with getting rid of guns is that there are already so many out there. Secondly, it invites cartels from down South to have a reason to come into America. I'll take one white mental kid shooting up a school (my alma matar) in fact over the progressive increase in crime, gangs, death, economic instability that having a black market gun trade would bring upon America. It's not like this is Asia where the government is ruthless about this sort of stuff. The people in America are too nice about criminals. There is no real deterrent.
guns arent the real issue in that case, if we're getting rid of guns, its ammunition.  

your second point i dont agree with, i need an explanation of this hypothetical black market for guns.

cartels arent waiting for gun laws to change before they "increase crime, gangs etc."

they here now and our govt knows all about it
He was prescribed Risperidone which is an anti-psychotic, so how is mental illness not a factor?

Never said picking a different weapon was a solution. The point I was getting at was judging by the video the psycho posted, he clearly wanted people dead and he picked a gun to follow through with his plan. Yes one can argue that guns make it, for lack of a better word simpler to follow through with mass murders like this, but my point is he would have killed people regardless of having a gun. I agree with your point of making it harder for people like to obtain firearms to reduce shootings, but for cases like this one where psychos want to kill people by any means necessary, then we need to focus more on the person and their mental state and not the tool he decides to use to kill.
its not a factor because he said the reason he did this is because girls ignored him. is every person on risperidone out here wilding?

so the solution is to monitor everyones mental state 24/7 so the minute they decide to snap we'll already know about it right?  

obviously its about the person, but a person as volatile as he was with an option of a "tool" as easy and deadly as a gun to me simply means that we do something about every single person alive or we do something about the guns.
its not a factor because he said the reason he did this is because girls ignored him. is every person on risperidone out here wilding?

so the solution is to monitor everyones mental state 24/7 so the minute they decide to snap we'll already know about it right?  

obviously its about the person, but a person as volatile as he was with an option of a "tool" as easy and deadly as a gun to me simply means that we do something about every single person alive or we do something about the guns.
A mental ill person said he wanted to kill people because girls ignored him thus having a factor... Not sure why that's hard to understand. A mental ill person isn't going to say I want to kill people because I'm mental ill. He came up with an irrational reason which in his mind was rational.

Also I don't disagree with you about doing something about the guns (unless you're saying to get rid of them all). It just seems like some people are ONLY looking at the fact that he had a gun. 
the factor isnt his mental illness tho, he didnt have a mental condition that made him dangerous and was compelled to kill, he did it of his own volition.  saying he had a mental illness and gave himself a reason is just an excuse to shift the blame off of him onto his mental health.
You're either trolling or...

Do you believe a person who is of sane mind (no sign of mental illness) and gets rejected by their entire life decides to carry out these types of crimes?  Records those videos and writes 141 page manifestos?  A sane person considers killing their younger brother so that he won't have the opportunity to experience the success (popularity & relations with females) that he lacked?  In terms of Risperidone or any other meds, do you know that he was actually taking them...he does say in his manifesto that he was prescribed something that he didn't take.

This killer sought out those guns and endless rounds of ammunition, they weren't put in his hand and he just decided it'd be a good idea to go kill as many people as he could.  If this was strictly about those sorority girls and the guys they loved who he clearly despised, he would've given up when he couldn't get into the sorority house.  He would've strictly shot couples that he saw who were the focus of his jealousy.

You and the other couples who think people looking at the mental health aspect as as "shift(ing) the blame off of him, a pity party or another excuse for a white guy killer have such misplaced thoughts.  Once again, I'd like to see you (or the other poster) show where anyone has said anything close to being not his fault or poor him, anyone who'd feel if he hadn't killed himself he shouldn't be held fully accountable.

It's like you're twisting reality to fit your agenda and it's kinda sad.  The kid was a murderer.  It's also pretty clear he suffered some severe mental health issues.  If you're arguing that those issues didn't play a factor in all of this, I have no idea what to tell you and I'll hope you can open your eyes.
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How his brain functions = who he is...

We aren't blaming his "spirit" for his actions right?

im saying whatever mental issues he had, they werent the motivating factor behind his actions. 

so brain function = personality/identity now?

mental ******ation = stupid?

it's 2014... if you don't know which organ controls what you speak, do, and think then there is no point to this conversation..

straight troll status
You're either trolling or...

Do you believe a person who is of sane mine (no sign of mental illness) who gets rejected by their entire life decides to carry out these types of crimes?  Records those videos and writes 141 page manifestos?  A sane person considers killing their younger brother so that he won't have the opportunity to experience the success (popularity & relations with females) that he lacked?  In terms of Risperidone or any other meds, do you know that he was actually taking them...he does say in his manifesto that he was prescribed something that he didn't take.
i never said he totally sane, i said he was lucid in that he was aware of his actions and the consequences.  
This killer sought out those guns and endless rounds of ammunition, they weren't put in his hand and he just decided it'd be a good idea to go kill as many people as he could.  If this was strictly about those sorority girls and the guys they loved who he clearly despised, he would've given up when he couldn't get into the sorority house.  He would've strictly shot couples that he saw who were the focus of his jealousy.
thats exactly my point. he sought out the guns and the victims so he knew exactly what he was doing.  i like how u know exactly how he was thinking and what he would or wouldnt do too.
You and the other couples who think people looking at the mental health aspect as as "shift(ing) the blame off of him, a pity party or another excuse for a white guy killer have such misplaced thoughts.  Once again, I'd like to see you (or the other poster) show where anyone has said anything close to being not his fault or poor him, anyone who'd feel if he hadn't killed himself he shouldn't be held fully accountable.

It's like you're twisting reality to fit your agenda and it's kinda sad.  The kid was a murderer.  It's also pretty clear he suffered some severe mental health issues.  If you're arguing that those issues didn't play a factor in all of this, I have no idea what to tell you and I'll hope you can open your eyes.
to put it all on his mental health is to truly ignore the threat that he and others pose.  the fact is these killers can hide in plain sight because people dont want to see kids like him as a threat until its too late.  

im not twisting reality, this is the reality.  he was allowed to go unchecked because of who he was.
it's 2014... if you don't know which organ controls what you speak, do, and think then there is no point to this conversation..straight troll status
oh so its not his fault, its his brains?

he had control over his brain, so its his fault? or he didnt have control, since he was insane, so its not his fault?
I don't think Elliott Rodger was crazy
I don't relate at all to anyone who thinks he's "pure evil"
I've seen too many examples of people who were "normal" and then they just "snapped"
it's 2014... if you don't know which organ controls what you speak, do, and think then there is no point to this conversation..straight troll status

oh so its not his fault, its his brains?

he had control over his brain, so its his fault? or he didnt have control, since he was insane, so its not his fault?

lol@control over your brain

what do you mean "fault"...are you trying to define this in legal terms or just being emotional?
[thread="594611"]Ucsb Student Goes On Shooting Rampage Upset At Being A Virgin/930#post_20751387​[/thread]
it's 2014... if you don't know which organ controls what you speak, do, and think then there is no point to this conversation..straight troll status
oh so its not his fault, its his brains?

he had control over his speaking, doing and thinking so ? or he didnt have control, since he was insane, so its not his fault?
lol@control over your brain

what do you mean "fault"...are you trying to define this in legal terms or just being emotional?
wait you introduced the idea of his mental state being equivalent to his "personhood"

so if he was "crazy" then he wasnt responsible (at fault) for his actions because his brain wasnt functioning properly

or his brain was functioning properly, he was "sane" and he was responsible (at fault) for actions

i guess you thought u were being funny but "fault" wouldnt really define what he did emotionally
it's 2014... if you don't know which organ controls what you speak, do, and think then there is no point to this conversation..straight troll status

oh so its not his fault, its his brains?

he had control over his speaking, doing and thinking so ? or he didnt have control, since he was insane, so its not his fault?

lol@control over your brain

what do you mean "fault"...are you trying to define this in legal terms or just being emotional?

wait you introduced the idea of his mental state being equivalent to his "personhood"

so if he was "crazy" then he wasnt responsible (at fault) for his actions because his brain wasnt functioning properly

or his brain was functioning properly, he was "sane" and he was responsible (at fault) for actions

i guess you thought u were being funny but "fault" wouldnt really define what he did emotionally

You're trying to make a distinction that only a psychologist and a judge can make. (guilty/not guilty due to insanity)

but it's already clear that his mental illness led him to this end...whether or not that would absolve him from prosecution is anyones guess
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[thread="594611"]Ucsb Student Goes On Shooting Rampage Upset At Being A Virgin/930#post_20751387​[/thread]
it's 2014... if you don't know which organ controls what you speak, do, and think then there is no point to this conversation..straight troll status

oh so its not his fault, its his brains?

he had control over his speaking, doing and thinking so ? or he didnt have control, since he was insane, so its not his fault?

lol@control over your brain

what do you mean "fault"...are you trying to define this in legal terms or just being emotional?
wait you introduced the idea of his mental state being equivalent to his "personhood"

so if he was "crazy" then he wasnt responsible (at fault) for his actions because his brain wasnt functioning properly

or his brain was functioning properly, he was "sane" and he was responsible (at fault) for actions

i guess you thought u were being funny but "fault" wouldnt really define what he did emotionally
You're trying to make a distinction that only a psychologist and a judge can make. (guilty/not guilty due to insanity)

but it's already clear that his mental illness led him to this end...whether or not that would absolve him from prosecution is anyones guess
so now its up to a judge and a psychologist.  you brought up the issue of legality/emotionality.

you say his mental illness led him here i disagree.  narcissitic personality disorder, not disease.  what disease did he suffer from that made him sick?

i dont think if this went to a jury there would be any guess as to how he would get off.
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