Sells $20k Worth A Month........... Gets 6 Months? TF!?!

:lol: at half the responses being about race. I love how so many people like to bring race in to play when its to their own self-pity. Others involved got more time (didnt see pics but what color were they?). I dont know how well-versed some of you are in this. But i know many people that have gotten busted- mostly hispanic, and only a couple even got 6 months (let alone more, and most were involved and busted with more than just herb). They usually get off with a little jail time and a lot of probation. Plus the state takes all of your possessions that you cant prove you paid for without drug money. They make more money off you outside of jail than they do with you inside. If you're good and keep them paid, its usually all good. Yall always trying to throw the race card- so much built up hatred and negativity towards white peple. I know , i know- we all are to blame, right? :smh:

I'm white and I feel like if he was black or Latino and was the same kid other that his skin color, his sentence might've been different. To what extent? That's pure speculation but you don't want to face reality if you can't admit that race doesn't frequently play a role in court/sentencing. Not all of the time but too often.
What is there to not get? You all do drugs MORE than us, yet we're almost 10 times more likely to receive prison sentences. These are FACTS, so don't come in here with your "why does it have to always be about race ********" because RACE is exactly what this is about. Feel free to look up any US drug arrest & conviction data within the past 30 years and LEARN. Just because you live in a bubble unaware of racial disparities, doesn't mean that the rest of the world does.

Miss me with the self pity act. The data is there.
Thank you.  Dude stays babbling out his backside

"You know, I think you're probably a pretty fine young person that went down a bad trail here," Lipps told Pagenstecher.

After the sentencing, prosecutor David Fornshell said he hopes the case sends a message to other young adults.

"I think that probably when people originally heard this story they thought this guy was a hero or a rock star," Fornshell said. "I think any juvenile who would come in here today and see somebody go through what this juvenile went through today, and the fact that (if) he doesn't cooperate in the Department of Youth Services, he's going to be in there until his 21st birthday - I hope that sends a strong message."
I haven't taken the American injustice system seriously in years, but the fact that the judge is saying this made me laugh.

And I guarantee that either while giving that quote or directly after giving it, the prosecutor burst into laughter, talmbout " I hope that sends a strong message".
@Scars, I didnt say it wasnt more likely- but there are factors that play into that- location, diversity (or lack thereof) of known drug areas, and so on.

@Jubilant outlier, dont rep me.... bro

But you did state it was an unjust reaction due to "self-pity" and I believe that it's very real to see a pretty heavy drug dealer who's white get a fairly lenient sentence while a minority would not be viewed in the same light. Yes, there are a lot of variables involved but discriminatory sentencing and how a criminal is viewed (even the words used to describe them & ther involvement) occurs every day. It's sad but true.
Double standard 'cause he a white kid. Had it been my Latino *** or a black kid, they would've thrown the book at us
In my city he'd get probation, all the old heads would get jersey numbers. System mad that a youngin can get more money than them under the radar.
Off subject but I was flipping thru channels one night n came across that new talk show on bet..he had a segment on something like this but he was showing how in nyc they have been more black males arrested in the city than their are black males in city..which I can kinda see..but still that's wild
Moving 20k a week definitely warrants more than 6 months. But him being a good kid otherwise definitely helped him out with getting off that easy
6 months is too much IMO.. Don't see the problem in selling green to anyone... This guy is doing time? Yet every block in Cali you can walk in a store and buy the same thing he's selling :smh:
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These threads always full of
"If he was black..."

So wait...thats not the case????

20k/month is a big deal. 240k/yr non taxed. kid is 17 yrs yet not tried as an adult??? and yet its all legal, excuse me i mean FAIR to you??? :smh:

blacks never get this type of generous from the legal system. THE KID IS A BIG TIME DEALER making 20k a month and to only have to serve 6 months means he paid an ARM and a LEG, and some toes for a lawyer worse case scenario. THAT is a serious FELONY. and all NT is saying that african americans dont get that treatment from the cops all the way to the DA. that kid is LUCKY son...LUCKY B.

white Nicky Barnes and only 6 months STOP PLAYIN.
:lol: well damn..

High grade tree in Ohio, yea, because they were indoor operations.
And it's funny how they always inflate the estimated value, they'd have be doing a lb per plant for 600 of em to be $3 mil :lol: :smh:
Which is HIGHLY unlikely growing indoors...
i have a real hard time believing that this kid was selling 20k a month and only had 6k in cash.

definitely on the low side for a punishment although i've seen this type of thing happen before.
These threads always full of
"If he was black..."
So wait...thats not the case????

20k/month is a big deal. 240k/yr non taxed. kid is 17 yrs yet not tried as an adult??? and yet its all legal, excuse me i mean FAIR to you???

blacks never get this type of generous from the legal system. THE KID IS A BIG TIME DEALER making 20k a month and to only have to serve 6 months means he paid an ARM and a LEG, and some toes for a lawyer worse case scenario. THAT is a serious FELONY. and all NT is saying that african americans dont get that treatment from the cops all the way to the DA. that kid is LUCKY son...LUCKY B.

white Nicky Barnes and only 6 months STOP PLAYIN.
I'm saying. SolexSup is wilding. 

Toss this his way:
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You can sell a pound a week and be selling 20k worth a month. 6 months sounds pretty average to me, nothing light at all about that.
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