Serious question, Why do girls like taller men???

Originally Posted by Mr Jordan04

Originally Posted by backpacker23

i'm 5'7 and i hate my height i wish i was atleast 6'0
my girl said when she met me she wasn't sure just cuz of my height, till this day i say my height bothers her cuz she's into tall guys

Give her my number
Originally Posted by Mr Jordan04

Originally Posted by backpacker23

i'm 5'7 and i hate my height i wish i was atleast 6'0
my girl said when she met me she wasn't sure just cuz of my height, till this day i say my height bothers her cuz she's into tall guys

Give her my number
Originally Posted by Dwele Farooq Al Suleed Afzul

Bill Lambier %+# just blasting through the NYC sidewalk traffic with no effort

More of the same conclusions and experiments (they made 5'0 Stu a millionaire and still no buns) (short men, Harvard survey, implicit association test, subconscious bias against shorter people, it's normal)

Here yall go, the men equivalent to pushup bras and booty shapers, corsets for women. 6'2 here I come. And I'm going to try to hoop in them


My roommate has these. He is like 5'5" and it's hilarious, I saw them randomly one day.
Originally Posted by Dwele Farooq Al Suleed Afzul

Bill Lambier %+# just blasting through the NYC sidewalk traffic with no effort

More of the same conclusions and experiments (they made 5'0 Stu a millionaire and still no buns) (short men, Harvard survey, implicit association test, subconscious bias against shorter people, it's normal)

Here yall go, the men equivalent to pushup bras and booty shapers, corsets for women. 6'2 here I come. And I'm going to try to hoop in them


My roommate has these. He is like 5'5" and it's hilarious, I saw them randomly one day.
Most say it's because they feel protected.

Although height never saved someone from getting mobbed on...
Most say it's because they feel protected.

Although height never saved someone from getting mobbed on...
Originally Posted by Murda He

It's the inverse of why we like big breasts. Tall men seem more masculine/protective, as far as primal urges go. Big breasts seem more feminine/nurturing. Of course with the advent of society and all, all of that is null and void. It's not like only tall men have a 2nd Amendment right and only big breasted women get health benefits. I'm an %@# man any way

I'm 5'9. can't help that. Play the cards ur dealt
Originally Posted by Murda He

It's the inverse of why we like big breasts. Tall men seem more masculine/protective, as far as primal urges go. Big breasts seem more feminine/nurturing. Of course with the advent of society and all, all of that is null and void. It's not like only tall men have a 2nd Amendment right and only big breasted women get health benefits. I'm an %@# man any way

I'm 5'9. can't help that. Play the cards ur dealt
Originally Posted by Murda He

We do?

I'm 5'8'' on a good day.. I've never worked out OR felt short OR compensated in any other way for my height. I just do me. I guess I just always landed the types of girls that never thought height was an issue. I mean, I've never felt like that was why I didn't get the one I wanted. So it probably wasn't...

 My advice to some of ya'll -- grow some confidence. No one is perfect anyway, but if you think HEIGHT is what is keeping you from getting it in..
. Step your demonstration up. Play to your strengths
.  I've hit 6'2'' women as well as a few < 5ft girls. It can be done, whatever your preference if you play YOUR cards right and stop worrying about what the dealer got. 


Originally Posted by Murda He

We do?

I'm 5'8'' on a good day.. I've never worked out OR felt short OR compensated in any other way for my height. I just do me. I guess I just always landed the types of girls that never thought height was an issue. I mean, I've never felt like that was why I didn't get the one I wanted. So it probably wasn't...

 My advice to some of ya'll -- grow some confidence. No one is perfect anyway, but if you think HEIGHT is what is keeping you from getting it in..
. Step your demonstration up. Play to your strengths
.  I've hit 6'2'' women as well as a few < 5ft girls. It can be done, whatever your preference if you play YOUR cards right and stop worrying about what the dealer got. 


Originally Posted by gatorad3

Originally Posted by WISEPHAROAH

Women and what they say NEVER go hand and hand. The sooner you realize that the better off you will be.

as soon as the fellas start realizing this...

the better off alot of yall will be...






Originally Posted by gatorad3

Originally Posted by WISEPHAROAH

Women and what they say NEVER go hand and hand. The sooner you realize that the better off you will be.

as soon as the fellas start realizing this...

the better off alot of yall will be...






Originally Posted by neverflopped

Originally Posted by eight2one

I noticed short dudes are habitual liars...

I don't kno if you're serious but I thought I was the only one that's analyzed this over the years.
This made me laugh out loud, I haven't noticed the lying but I've noticed they try harder than others and seem to overcompensate all the time
Originally Posted by neverflopped

Originally Posted by eight2one

I noticed short dudes are habitual liars...

I don't kno if you're serious but I thought I was the only one that's analyzed this over the years.
This made me laugh out loud, I haven't noticed the lying but I've noticed they try harder than others and seem to overcompensate all the time
Originally Posted by Murda He

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by AF92

Originally Posted by Murda He

Originally Posted by RedMan

Originally Posted by Ballerific703

Originally Posted by FDUB

I am 6'4" and I don't have the best luck with females

You must be ugly, I'm 6'3" and it's not hard at all 

I was about to say the same thing. short men workout to make up for their lack of height.
We do?

I'm 5'8'' on a good day.. I've never worked out OR felt short....
good execution.

how is that good execution? Im 6'1"
Originally Posted by Murda He

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by AF92

Originally Posted by Murda He

Originally Posted by RedMan

Originally Posted by Ballerific703

Originally Posted by FDUB

I am 6'4" and I don't have the best luck with females

You must be ugly, I'm 6'3" and it's not hard at all 

I was about to say the same thing. short men workout to make up for their lack of height.
We do?

I'm 5'8'' on a good day.. I've never worked out OR felt short....
good execution.

how is that good execution? Im 6'1"
Originally Posted by derventa

Any average height dudes in here? 
Im 170 lbs, Chillin 5'9, so i can give off the illusion that im actually 5'11", 6'  with Air Max 90s/Timbs so im straight game not worried bout a thing 

my girlfriend is 5', so im almost a whole foot taller than her. It kills me inside when she gets on her tippy toes to kiss me 

....never had trouble with my height and girls 
Same here. 185/5'9" my girl is just 3 inches shorter than me so im comfortable with it and she is too.

I seem taller if i stand up straight and as AL AUDI said with the V shape body it helps. 

Originally Posted by derventa

Any average height dudes in here? 
Im 170 lbs, Chillin 5'9, so i can give off the illusion that im actually 5'11", 6'  with Air Max 90s/Timbs so im straight game not worried bout a thing 

my girlfriend is 5', so im almost a whole foot taller than her. It kills me inside when she gets on her tippy toes to kiss me 

....never had trouble with my height and girls 
Same here. 185/5'9" my girl is just 3 inches shorter than me so im comfortable with it and she is too.

I seem taller if i stand up straight and as AL AUDI said with the V shape body it helps. 

Originally Posted by Dwele Farooq Al Suleed Afzul

Bill Lambier %+# just blasting through the NYC sidewalk traffic with no effort

More of the same conclusions and experiments (they made 5'0 Stu a millionaire and still no buns) (short men, Harvard survey, implicit association test, subconscious bias against shorter people, it's normal)

Here yall go, the men equivalent to pushup bras and booty shapers, corsets for women. 6'2 here I come. And I'm going to try to hoop in them

I could be 6ft6
...........copped just to see what it feels like
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