Signs that shorty is a %*% / pizzle plow/ skie skie / jump off

Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

Originally Posted by HighMan

Originally Posted by North Dade Represent

According to yall, most girls are JO's. Some of the signs are legit, but the 3 date rule, c'mon. Almost every woman has at least one dude that they would let smash right away.

I don't care how innocent a chick is, if she meets a dude that's 6'6" 260, 4% bodyfat, pretty boy with swag, 4.0 GPA, great sense of humor, that plays D-1 basketball, she ain't trying to make dude wait.
This is but one sign… and in that case she still a jo..
most girls is jo… this is something i have accepted...

You know that women as human beings are sexual beings too and have natural instincts to want to have sex and enjoy it, right? They are just like you and like to have sex.

As for your generalized definition of a +%#+, you surely have a skewed and misygonist view of women. You look down on women and generalize their sexual prowess. But, as feeble-minded as you are, I would expect nothing but ignorance from you.
Sounds like your a jumpoff and i hit a nerve…  If your out %%$%#*% guys the first time ya chill your clearly a $+*...
also i never said women couldn’t have plesure in sex… you bought something into the arguement that had nothing to do with what we were talking about…

And insulting me because of the truth… pish posh...
also i never said women couldn’t have plesure in sex… you bought something into the arguement that had nothing to do with what we were talking about…

And insulting me because of the truth… pish posh...
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Not every girl that is promiscuous has gotten raped. The generalizations in this thread are

Reading is fundamental bro...
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Not every girl that is promiscuous has gotten raped. The generalizations in this thread are

Reading is fundamental bro...
Originally Posted by HighMan

 Sounds like your a jumpoff and i hit a nerve…  If your out %%$%#*% guys the first time ya chill your clearly a $+*...

I am a jumpoff? 
Ok, believe whatever you want to validate your ignorance and that feeble hypocritical mind of yours.

If you chill with a girl the first time, and you both had consensual sex, did you not agree to it too? So, she is a jumpoff, and what does that make you?

As I see it, so you are leaving the decision to her to agree to have sex with you, yet then you complain about the decision she makes and call her a @#*%. Like I said, women enjoy it too and sometimes they do not want to be rational about it. Sometimes women get caught up in the moment and just want to do what feels right at the moment, especially if they get really horny. Sometimes a woman doesn't want to do things (or not do things) just because that's not what a woman "should" be doing due to social conditionning and double standards. Sometimes she just wants to get some with no strings attached just for the same reason YOU are smashing her on the first night.

So, if you actually care about a woman having sex on a first date (and by care I mean it changes the way you perceive her) then don't act like you don't care when you are smashing her the first night.

Your answer will probably be something along the lines of that men won't ever turn down sex, but if you don't speak up then it's not fair to use it against a woman, right?

Edit: Sorry guys, don't know how to take away the white background highlight.

Originally Posted by HighMan

 Sounds like your a jumpoff and i hit a nerve…  If your out %%$%#*% guys the first time ya chill your clearly a $+*...

I am a jumpoff? 
Ok, believe whatever you want to validate your ignorance and that feeble hypocritical mind of yours.

If you chill with a girl the first time, and you both had consensual sex, did you not agree to it too? So, she is a jumpoff, and what does that make you?

As I see it, so you are leaving the decision to her to agree to have sex with you, yet then you complain about the decision she makes and call her a @#*%. Like I said, women enjoy it too and sometimes they do not want to be rational about it. Sometimes women get caught up in the moment and just want to do what feels right at the moment, especially if they get really horny. Sometimes a woman doesn't want to do things (or not do things) just because that's not what a woman "should" be doing due to social conditionning and double standards. Sometimes she just wants to get some with no strings attached just for the same reason YOU are smashing her on the first night.

So, if you actually care about a woman having sex on a first date (and by care I mean it changes the way you perceive her) then don't act like you don't care when you are smashing her the first night.

Your answer will probably be something along the lines of that men won't ever turn down sex, but if you don't speak up then it's not fair to use it against a woman, right?

Edit: Sorry guys, don't know how to take away the white background highlight.

I turned down p before… in fact alot of p…. Don’t generalize me to all men as you know nothing about me…

It is you who is the hypocrite...
I turned down p before… in fact alot of p…. Don’t generalize me to all men as you know nothing about me…

It is you who is the hypocrite...
Originally Posted by HighMan

I turned down p before… in fact alot of p…. Don’t generalize me to all men as you know nothing about me…

It is you who is the hypocrite...
Where did I say that men will not turn down $!**$? I was predicting what you might reply to me.

Where did I generalize you? 

You are the one here spewing misogynistic and sexist statements about women as the maker of this thread, yet I am the hypocrite and I am generalizing about men?


Ok, my job here is done.

Originally Posted by HighMan

I turned down p before… in fact alot of p…. Don’t generalize me to all men as you know nothing about me…

It is you who is the hypocrite...
Where did I say that men will not turn down $!**$? I was predicting what you might reply to me.

Where did I generalize you? 

You are the one here spewing misogynistic and sexist statements about women as the maker of this thread, yet I am the hypocrite and I am generalizing about men?


Ok, my job here is done.

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

Originally Posted by HighMan

Originally Posted by North Dade Represent

According to yall, most girls are JO's. Some of the signs are legit, but the 3 date rule, c'mon. Almost every woman has at least one dude that they would let smash right away.

I don't care how innocent a chick is, if she meets a dude that's 6'6" 260, 4% bodyfat, pretty boy with swag, 4.0 GPA, great sense of humor, that plays D-1 basketball, she ain't trying to make dude wait.
This is but one sign… and in that case she still a jo..
most girls is jo… this is something i have accepted...

You know that women as human beings are sexual beings too and have natural instincts to want to have sex and enjoy it, right? They are just like you and like to have sex.

As for your generalized definition of a +%#+, you surely have a skewed and misygonist view of women. You look down on women and generalize their sexual prowess. But, as feeble-minded as you are, I would expect nothing but ignorance from you.

You stop that, women are nothing but sperm receptacles to be used by us men whenever we please. And God forbid yall enjoy it, you're not allowed to enjoy it that would make you a skank. We need sex and lots of sex from multiple women, but you women are forbidden from having sex EVER. Virgins ftw.

hahahhahahahahahahahaha thats some king david type of s@!#$ right there
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

Originally Posted by HighMan

Originally Posted by North Dade Represent

According to yall, most girls are JO's. Some of the signs are legit, but the 3 date rule, c'mon. Almost every woman has at least one dude that they would let smash right away.

I don't care how innocent a chick is, if she meets a dude that's 6'6" 260, 4% bodyfat, pretty boy with swag, 4.0 GPA, great sense of humor, that plays D-1 basketball, she ain't trying to make dude wait.
This is but one sign… and in that case she still a jo..
most girls is jo… this is something i have accepted...

You know that women as human beings are sexual beings too and have natural instincts to want to have sex and enjoy it, right? They are just like you and like to have sex.

As for your generalized definition of a +%#+, you surely have a skewed and misygonist view of women. You look down on women and generalize their sexual prowess. But, as feeble-minded as you are, I would expect nothing but ignorance from you.

You stop that, women are nothing but sperm receptacles to be used by us men whenever we please. And God forbid yall enjoy it, you're not allowed to enjoy it that would make you a skank. We need sex and lots of sex from multiple women, but you women are forbidden from having sex EVER. Virgins ftw.

hahahhahahahahahahahaha thats some king david type of s@!#$ right there
Yo the one abt shorty rockin jays... I disagree. Some chicks have an incredible shoegame. Now if the coppin every j tht release thn u may have issues. But if she cops evry few months u may b good
Yo the one abt shorty rockin jays... I disagree. Some chicks have an incredible shoegame. Now if the coppin every j tht release thn u may have issues. But if she cops evry few months u may b good
Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

Originally Posted by HighMan

 Sounds like your a jumpoff and i hit a nerve…  If your out %%$%#*% guys the first time ya chill your clearly a $+*...

I am a jumpoff? 
Ok, believe whatever you want to validate your ignorance and that feeble hypocritical mind of yours.

If you chill with a girl the first time, and you both had consensual sex, did you not agree to it too? So, she is a jumpoff, and what does that make you?

As I see it, so you are leaving the decision to her to agree to have sex with you, yet then you complain about the decision she makes and call her a @#*%. Like I said, women enjoy it too and sometimes they do not want to be rational about it. Sometimes women get caught up in the moment and just want to do what feels right at the moment, especially if they get really horny. Sometimes a woman doesn't want to do things (or not do things) just because that's not what a woman "should" be doing due to social conditionning and double standards. Sometimes she just wants to get some with no strings attached just for the same reason YOU are smashing her on the first night.

So, if you actually care about a woman having sex on a first date (and by care I mean it changes the way you perceive her) then don't act like you don't care when you are smashing her the first night.

Your answer will probably be something along the lines of that men won't ever turn down sex, but if you don't speak up then it's not fair to use it against a woman, right?

Edit: Sorry guys, don't know how to take away the white background highlight.

Isn't highman the same dude that preaches in every religious thread? I guess adultery only applies to anyone with a uterus.

No one's brain is so vapid that they don't see the hypocrisy.

Don't bother arguing with Highman, there is an ocean separating both your levels of intellect.
Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

Originally Posted by HighMan

 Sounds like your a jumpoff and i hit a nerve…  If your out %%$%#*% guys the first time ya chill your clearly a $+*...

I am a jumpoff? 
Ok, believe whatever you want to validate your ignorance and that feeble hypocritical mind of yours.

If you chill with a girl the first time, and you both had consensual sex, did you not agree to it too? So, she is a jumpoff, and what does that make you?

As I see it, so you are leaving the decision to her to agree to have sex with you, yet then you complain about the decision she makes and call her a @#*%. Like I said, women enjoy it too and sometimes they do not want to be rational about it. Sometimes women get caught up in the moment and just want to do what feels right at the moment, especially if they get really horny. Sometimes a woman doesn't want to do things (or not do things) just because that's not what a woman "should" be doing due to social conditionning and double standards. Sometimes she just wants to get some with no strings attached just for the same reason YOU are smashing her on the first night.

So, if you actually care about a woman having sex on a first date (and by care I mean it changes the way you perceive her) then don't act like you don't care when you are smashing her the first night.

Your answer will probably be something along the lines of that men won't ever turn down sex, but if you don't speak up then it's not fair to use it against a woman, right?

Edit: Sorry guys, don't know how to take away the white background highlight.

Isn't highman the same dude that preaches in every religious thread? I guess adultery only applies to anyone with a uterus.

No one's brain is so vapid that they don't see the hypocrisy.

Don't bother arguing with Highman, there is an ocean separating both your levels of intellect.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

Originally Posted by HighMan

 Sounds like your a jumpoff and i hit a nerve…  If your out %%$%#*% guys the first time ya chill your clearly a $+*...

I am a jumpoff? 
Ok, believe whatever you want to validate your ignorance and that feeble hypocritical mind of yours.

If you chill with a girl the first time, and you both had consensual sex, did you not agree to it too? So, she is a jumpoff, and what does that make you?

As I see it, so you are leaving the decision to her to agree to have sex with you, yet then you complain about the decision she makes and call her a @#*%. Like I said, women enjoy it too and sometimes they do not want to be rational about it. Sometimes women get caught up in the moment and just want to do what feels right at the moment, especially if they get really horny. Sometimes a woman doesn't want to do things (or not do things) just because that's not what a woman "should" be doing due to social conditionning and double standards. Sometimes she just wants to get some with no strings attached just for the same reason YOU are smashing her on the first night.

So, if you actually care about a woman having sex on a first date (and by care I mean it changes the way you perceive her) then don't act like you don't care when you are smashing her the first night.

Your answer will probably be something along the lines of that men won't ever turn down sex, but if you don't speak up then it's not fair to use it against a woman, right?

Edit: Sorry guys, don't know how to take away the white background highlight.

Isn't highman the same dude that preaches in every religious thread? I guess adultery only applies to anyone with a uterus.

No one's brain is so vapid that they don't see the hypocrisy.

Don't bother arguing with Highman, there is an ocean separating both your levels of intellect.
Do you even know what adultery is?
And i don’t preach… i simply answer questions…
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

Originally Posted by HighMan

 Sounds like your a jumpoff and i hit a nerve…  If your out %%$%#*% guys the first time ya chill your clearly a $+*...

I am a jumpoff? 
Ok, believe whatever you want to validate your ignorance and that feeble hypocritical mind of yours.

If you chill with a girl the first time, and you both had consensual sex, did you not agree to it too? So, she is a jumpoff, and what does that make you?

As I see it, so you are leaving the decision to her to agree to have sex with you, yet then you complain about the decision she makes and call her a @#*%. Like I said, women enjoy it too and sometimes they do not want to be rational about it. Sometimes women get caught up in the moment and just want to do what feels right at the moment, especially if they get really horny. Sometimes a woman doesn't want to do things (or not do things) just because that's not what a woman "should" be doing due to social conditionning and double standards. Sometimes she just wants to get some with no strings attached just for the same reason YOU are smashing her on the first night.

So, if you actually care about a woman having sex on a first date (and by care I mean it changes the way you perceive her) then don't act like you don't care when you are smashing her the first night.

Your answer will probably be something along the lines of that men won't ever turn down sex, but if you don't speak up then it's not fair to use it against a woman, right?

Edit: Sorry guys, don't know how to take away the white background highlight.

Isn't highman the same dude that preaches in every religious thread? I guess adultery only applies to anyone with a uterus.

No one's brain is so vapid that they don't see the hypocrisy.

Don't bother arguing with Highman, there is an ocean separating both your levels of intellect.
Do you even know what adultery is?
And i don’t preach… i simply answer questions…
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