Single Men/Women who purchase expensive clothing please enter.

Oh, my bad, I got the posters confused here.
It's you who I agree with and Kay who I don't.
Originally Posted by SEMLOH M

most people on NT have no mouthpiece, they use their money to get females... FTL!

cause they still too shy to even holla
Psssh...I'd come at beyonce like I was worth a billion and she was the ugliest thing on earth....Thats the type of person I am...Cocky...But forthe most part...I back it up
^^i agree, where im from, you see people who are lawyers, surgeons, doctors and you see them with normal cars and normal clothing.
These threads always expose a lot of nt'ers insecurities. There is nothing wrong with wearing "fill in the blank", but when it starts to definewho you are as an individual and how you feel about yourself
Originally Posted by nycknicks105

^^i agree, where im from, you see people who are lawyers, surgeons, doctors and you see them with normal cars and normal clothing.
Age has something to do with that probably...I have a friend bought a M6 as soon as he got hired at a law firm....

...Older heads usually stray away from flashy things....

If you see a young guy in a Ferrari...its to be flashy.....
If you see a older guy in a Ferrari...Its because he likes how it drives...
I'm single but the girls Im with seem to think Im not .. I dont love them and wouldnt miss if they aremt with me.

Anyways, to answer your question .. I buy expensive clothes just because I dont have any responsibilities per say, because brand clothes like someone statedseem to fit a lot better than no name brand and because at time YES it can make you feel a little bit better than the next person (I like to take pride in whatI wear, how I wear it and how it looks). But no matter what, I never think anything less of the person next to me because he is wearing kmart brand clothing.

Im an outcast, rebelious but I know whats OLD money being that my mothers side are borned into wealth, but you look at most of them and you never will thinkthey are worth a buck.

I also know plenty of cats that rock 500 dollars jeans and look like fools. Plenty of clothes thats over priced etc etc etc ...

Im a firm believer of "dont judge the book by its cover" ....

If you happen to have a banging chick and are broke there are plenty of reasons I will think about before I think the girl is crazy.
Maybe you pipe wame is of the chain, maybe you give her the attention she seeks, maybe you are funny and make her happy, maybe ya was friend and moved to thenext level, maybe you just look good .. u know I know plenty of woman that have been hurt by this so called pretty boys that look like models and dress"HIGH CLASS" and will not find themsellves daiting those guys again ..

Bottom line .. that means #%$# to me .. I dress like that once again because I have no responsibilities and because I need to do some stuff with my extra money...
Chicks like a dude who can dress but it ain't really a requirement for guys. Some cats b more high maintenance then they female which takes away from theirmasculinity. Cause when its all said and done you can be all dresses up wit no personality, just a mannequin and who wants that?

Now if you out at a club, party, or some #!! like that then yea you dress to empress cause a females gon go for what what appears the best. But other than thatnah....

And its usually the most flashy ppl that are the most insecure and weakest

but that my opinion.
"insert american gangster quote here" frank lucas to young cousin that wants to dress like nicky barnes
Originally Posted by Rawtoon

Chicks like a dude who can dress but it ain't really a requirement for guys. Some cats b more high maintenance then they female which takes away from their masculinity. Cause when its all said and done you can be all dresses up wit no personality, just a mannequin and who wants that?

Now if you out at a club, party, or some #!! like that then yea you dress to empress cause a females gon go for what what appears the best. But other than that nah....

And its usually the most flashy ppl that are the most insecure and weakest

but that my opinion.

Some of yall is still stuck in the 50's 60's....

Money Mayweather is wears designer clothes everyday and hes high "maintenance"...He'll beat the breaks off any NTer
People who feel they need to buy expensive clothes to pull females have serious insercuities. If your just buying them to buy them because YOU like them,there's nothin wrong with that.
Think about it this way though, if a girl is talking to you ONLY because your sneakers is 300 and your fit is worth 600, do you really wanna talk to that typea gold-digging broad??? No, cuz that one time you come up short on cash she gonna hit ghost, word to casper.

I say its always good to have a real nice fit here n there for special events (parties, clubs, etc) but in general a nice t-shirt/polo, jeans and some decentshoes will get you buy.
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