Ska its been going on long enough...time to lock....

The talk in Las Vegas continues to be about the future of Ron Artest. Dallas reportedly has had internal discussions about the Kings mercurial power forward and may be willing to part with their own enigmatic forward, Josh Howard, to get him. The Lakers -- who have dangled Lamar Odom -- continue to be regarded as the favorites, with their willingness to swallow the remaining two years and $16.5 million of Kenny Thomas's contract considered the only holdup.
Give me Ron Artest and Francisco Garcia and I'll take back Kenny Thomas' contract... Josh Howard, Eddie Jones (expiring), Stackhouse (onlypartially guaranteed after this year), and cash to compensate for Jerry's buyout next year... Maybe a pick? I dunno... I'm not sure I'd do Howardand Stackhouse for Artest and Thomas alone, though...
"I am certainly not coming to replace Elton Brand," Camby said. "Our games are completely different. The Clippers have had some ups and downs over the last few years and hopefully the team is headed in the right direction."
why can't he? it's not saying much when Brand only led his team to the playoffs once the whole time he was there...he never wanted theball in clutch time either. I would go as far as to say he was overrated, in terms of what he did for the clips success--- NOT ability. One playoff appearancethe whole time he was there.
Yea we were gonna send MWill, Nenad, & Boone out there for Camby.

hope someone signs Livingston, i hope he does well.
Nets have shown some interet in him & Kareem Rush. We'll see. In general, I hope the injury didn't kill his NBA career.
Originally Posted by dyyhard

"I am certainly not coming to replace Elton Brand," Camby said. "Our games are completely different. The Clippers have had some ups and downs over the last few years and hopefully the team is headed in the right direction."
why can't he? it's not saying much when Brand only led his team to the playoffs once the whole time he was there...he never wanted the ball in clutch time either. I would go as far as to say he was overrated, in terms of what he did for the clips success--- NOT ability. One playoff appearance the whole time he was there.

Basically saying don't expect 20 10 from him
The Pistons are interested in acquiring Golden State center Andris Biedrins and they would offer Chauncey Billups in the deal, the Oakland Tribune reported.

Who are the pistons not rumored to be interested in ? Everyday they are in a new rumor
Originally Posted by WILLINC

The Pistons are interested in acquiring Golden State center Andris Biedrins and they would offer Chauncey Billups in the deal, the Oakland Tribune reported.

Who are the pistons not rumored to be interested in ? Everyday they are in a new rumor

joe's probly just tryin to psych teams out
, but dude willprobly pull off the deal of the summer with all this trade talk
Originally Posted by tupac003

As I previously reported in Sports Illustrated, league sources say Josh Smith is not interested in returning to the Hawks if Mike Woodson, who just signed a new two-year contract to remain with Atlanta, is the head coach.

I wonder where dude'll end up... Are the Clippers still able to offer the MLE to a player? I know it's not enough to pull Smith, but I was justcurious if they were able to...
Originally Posted by LamarOwnsem

If the Biedrins-Billups deal happens, Detroit better be getting someone else out of that.

No way GS deals a 22 yr old Biedrins for a 33 yr old Billups, and GSW having to add someone else lol get real
Mavs fans? JapanAir? Nowitness? How do you feel about this Josh Howard for Artes trade if it actually went down?
Personally, I don't know as of now.
I was shocked the Hawks re-signed Woodsen in the first place, I was hoping they went after Avery Johnson. Ideally it would be nice to see Josh stay in Atlantaand see how this team develops. Wouldn't mind seeing him on the Bulls or Cavs, through a sign and trade.
Originally Posted by you big dummy

I was shocked the Hawks re-signed Woodsen in the first place, I was hoping they went after Avery Johnson. Ideally it would be nice to see Josh stay in Atlanta and see how this team develops. Wouldn't mind seeing him on the Bulls or Cavs, through a sign and trade.

More than likely he is going to take his qualifying offer and become unrestricted next season, so the Grizzlies can get him.
Originally Posted by PLAYOFF12

Mavs fans? JapanAir? Nowitness? How do you feel about this Josh Howard for Artes trade if it actually went down?
Personally, I don't know as of now.

You have to like it.
The Mavs for the most part are a finesse team, and Artest automatically brings 'toughness,' especially down on the blocks.
^ True. He'd bring some major D to the team also.
Just hope he has consistent scoring nights to help out Dirk and Jet.

BTW, Mavs need a deeper bench.
I don't want JJ Barea as the backup PG when Terry or Kidd isn't running it.

Get rid of these bums Eddie Jones and Juwan Howard.

Come to Dallas Posey.
I wish.
Originally Posted by PLAYOFF12

Mavs fans? JapanAir? Nowitness? How do you feel about this Josh Howard for Artes trade if it actually went down?
Personally, I don't know as of now.

It doesn't work straight up... They'd have to throw in some salary filler (Sheldan Williams or Francisco Garcia, just for example) to make thesalaries match up... I'd really consider it if that were the route the trades went through...

But I can't see them trading him without packaging Kenny Thomas' contract... And in that case, if it's Josh Howard and, say, Jerry Stackhouse forArtest and Kenny Thomas, I really wonder if Artest is enough an upgrade over Howard to take back that contract without some type of extra incentive... WithStackhouse's contract only being partially guaranteed next year, is it really worth taking on all of KT's contract to go from Howard to Artest? I'mnot sure...

And that's where we get into the scenario I mentioned above, in that I'd be willing to take it on if they threw in Francisco Garcia or someone alongthose lines to sweeten the deal for Dallas... I've still gotta believe that even with Josh talking out his %@+ last year, he's still got even bit asmuch, if not more value than Artest does on the open market, given the baggage of his past and all the whining he's now doing seemingly trying to get outof Sacramento...
Originally Posted by nyk buc

Originally Posted by CP1708


Who plays D on that team now?

West playoff teams is interesting as hell. imo I see

Spurs, Hornets, Jazz, Lakers in barring terrible run of injuries. Suns get in, maybe Blazers too. Followed by the Rockets, and then maybe the Clips.

rockets are a lock bro. their D is too damn good. 5th seed at worst once again.
I didn't mean to knock them or anything, I am just waiting to see if they move T-Mac and the health of Yao and all that. So rather then includethem in the locks, I just went with the mention only.

Thinking about it, the Suns should prolly be a lock too, I don't see how that lineup can't at least make the playoffs. They a year older, more miles,but still more then enough to make the playoffs.
Originally Posted by belle155

get josh smith on the cavs now asap ferry...snow, wally, damon jones for J smith straight up!

Yeah, because that crap is gonna get it done...

The Cavs arepretty much stuck with what they've got for now, until some team gets desperate to dump salary at the trading deadline... Expiring contracts don'tcarry much value until then...
Originally Posted by belle155

get josh smith on the cavs now asap ferry...snow, wally, damon jones for J smith straight up!

I'm sure the Hawks would be all over that deal.
Nowitness, yeah those are some valid points you pointed out.
I don't wanna let go of Stackhouse either.

Anyone still believe Josh Howard can redeem himself? I don't know what our problem is, is it the depth of the bench?
Nowitness, yeah those are some valid points you pointed out.
I don't wanna let go of Stackhouse either.

Anyone still believe Josh Howard can redeem himself? I don't know what our problem is, is it the depth of the bench?
Originally Posted by PLAYOFF12

Nowitness, yeah those are some valid points you pointed out.
I don't wanna let go of Stackhouse either.

Anyone still believe Josh Howard can redeem himself? I don't know what our problem is, is it the depth of the bench?

josh has been working hard this off season
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