Ska its been going on long enough...time to lock....

This will be my last post about Artest and the Lakers.

I wanted Kidd sooo badly, so I stopped posting about him, because I didn't want to jinx the possibility of him wearing the purple and gold.

I will say this, though: NobleKane, from the looks of it, it appears that you and... are FINALLY... on the same page.
It seems like you would supportArtest on our squad, and I would ABSOLUTELY support it; dude is one of my favorite players in the league. I have said on here quite a few times that I thoughtArtest to the Lakers would work, like Rodman to the Bulls worked. Because of what? Phil Jackson. Phil is the ONLY coach in the 90's NBA that could havehandled Rodman, because he just let Rodman do whatever the hell he wanted off court, so long as he showed up to practice, learned his role, studied the plays,and basically... played top-notch basketball. It was basically like 'Dude, you want to go dress in drag, do naked photoshoots for your book, and go marryyourself? Fine; knock yourself out, buddy. Just be at practice when we're practicing, and play the way we know you can play after every tip-off.'

And that's how it would work with Artest. 'Dude, do whatever you want off the court. Go sign your terrible artists to your terrible label. I don'tcare. As long as you show up to practice, learn your role, study the plays, and play your heart out after every tip-off, I really don't care what else youdo.'

I can not possibly explain how happy I would be if we got Artest. I seriously love this dude's game.

So no more posting about him (yes superstitious).

Actually, that didn't work out so well for me with Kidd. I stopped posting about him, and then he went somewhere else.

Hmmm... ... ... ... ...

... ... ... ... ... on second thought, I will be posting about Ron Artest and the Lakers every hour, on the hour.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

... ... ... ... ... on second thought, I will be posting about Ron Artest and the Lakers every hour, on the hour.

I will join you on your quest Ska...
One of my favorite players in the League.


It felt good to say that again
That Melo to New Jersey deal would be

At the same time the Nuggets need to get rid of Kiki or whoever is running that team.

What number would Melo wear, 23?
Bynum isn't going anywhere unless his knee is that hurt that the lakers think he will not become anything special and they will rob any team that dares togo for him.

Odom is still an option especially the way he is playing (think rj/melo trade we are also discussing and how RJ played this year). Laker fans also have torealize that the kings may not do a deal with the lakers because they are the lakers. Yeah for the right price any team would do a deal but rivals are rivals(even if it hasn't been the same as it use to be)

Artest is also crazy enough to come off the bench. Imagine if it took a pick, walton and any other bench players who money might equal the contracts COUGHradmanovic COUGH. He has said he would do it other times but again, I don't think the kings would deal with the lakers.
^^^ Kiki is no longer with the Nuggets he is with the Nets, which is a major reason this rumor was started.
I don't know about LA's interest in Artest; they'd be overpacking the squad. It's like asking for too much.

Plus I don't know why you guys are bringing up trades... Artest can leave for nothing if he really wants to play in LA (or NY for that matter, wherehe's said he'd take the MLE). Bynum? In your dreams. If anything it'll be a sign-and-trade to get rid of some scrubs... if not then it's awaste on behalf of the Lakers
Artest to the Lakers
I don't think so.
Our squad should be competitive for the next 4-5 years, and if he would come, the Lakers would be over packed. If he said this before this year, I woulddefinitely be like "Do It Mitch!'

I just realized that a current Sacramento King says he likes the Lakers. Not a good look for Kings fans.
a Cheaper Ariza>>>>>>Artest. if im a laker fan i wouldnt want artest to touch my team. for someone that ant that great of a offense threat heball hogs to much and doesnt move the ball around. in a offense the requires you to move the ball around he would kill it.
My number one complaint is our lack of defense, and Artest would answer that concern all by himself.

I have 100% confidence that Artest would buy whatever Phil would sell him. And Phil would probably sell him something like 'Look, we don't need you tobe Jordan and Wilt; we're fone on the point-scoring aspect of basketball. You're here to play defense, and because we appreciate that you can playdefense and still nail 3s, make the right passes, leak out on turnovers, and basically play an offensive game. But playing an offensive game is not whyyou're here. You're here to give Kobe another premier defender, because that's what we need. Steals, defensive rebounds, frustrating opposingguards, 'No Layups', that's why you're here.'

If it were to happen, I doubt Artest would come in and try to tell The Lakers (Phil, Kobe) how he's going to play and what he's going to do; I doubt hewould come in trying to run things.
Ska I don't think the Lakers need another sf, especially since Bynum's return means Lamar is probably going to the #3 spot....

That leaves:


I think the Lakers are better off just finding an athletic 1 who can defend, and really just hope that Ariza can stay healthy because he can be that bigperimeter defender to handle the melo's and Lebrons of the league
since when did a Laker trade Rumor actually became reality?( Bynum/KG, Kobe/Bulls/Knicks/Suns, Marion/Odom,Odom / J.Oneal ETC>)....

again if this was a couple of years ago i would have been in favor of it but i like this team now dont break it up ...Let's just develop Ariza (he'sonly like 23) i like his potential
Ska I don't think the Lakers need another sf, especially since Bynum's return means Lamar is probably going to the #3 spot....

That leaves:


I think the Lakers are better off just finding an athletic 1 who can defend, and really just hope that Ariza can stay healthy because he can be that big perimeter defender to handle the melo's and Lebrons of the league
Well, the first thing is that Artest plays a 2/3. I'd love to see him start games at the 3, then as the game went on, play the 2 sometimeswhen Kobe's resting.

Secondly, your response makes 100% sense, except... it leaves Artest out of the purple and gold. Sooooooo... [immature kid] I'm not listening. [/kid]

Originally Posted by G00NIE GOO GOO

[h3]Lakers interested in Ron Artest, Ron Artest interested in Lakers[/h3]
Published by LD2k on May 19, 2008 in News. 27 Comments

Some "crazy news" - pun intended. The Lakers were interested in Artest earlier this season, but now, it looks like there is some liking on both sides. From today's SacBee…
RealGM: Kobe Bryant has admitted that he wouldn't mind playing alongside Artest, and there is a growing belief that the strong personalities of Bryant and Coach Phil Jackson could help keep Artest in line.

As a restricted free agent, Ron would have to take a pay cut to the projected midlevel exception of approximately $5.6 million.

A sign-and-trade doesn't seem to make sense as the Lakers will likely be looking to unload a bad contract like Vladimir Radmanovic.

Do It Mitch!!!!!!!!

If the Queens want Vlad's contract....GIVE HIM UP! and a Draft Pick.
Think About it

Starting 5


at least 3 Chips in 6 or 7 years.
Originally Posted by VC3FAN

Bynum isn't going anywhere unless his knee is that hurt that the lakers think he will not become anything special and they will rob any team that dares to go for him.

Odom is still an option especially the way he is playing (think rj/melo trade we are also discussing and how RJ played this year). Laker fans also have to realize that the kings may not do a deal with the lakers because they are the lakers. Yeah for the right price any team would do a deal but rivals are rivals (even if it hasn't been the same as it use to be)

Artest is also crazy enough to come off the bench. Imagine if it took a pick, walton and any other bench players who money might equal the contracts COUGH radmanovic COUGH. He has said he would do it other times but again, I don't think the kings would deal with the lakers.
Never gonna happen. Like you said, the Kings don't want to do anything to help a western conference team out let alone one in their division andespecially the Lakers. And if the kings do trade Artest (which I hope they do) they aren't doing it for a late first rounder and walton. Also, Artest hassaid he would play for the midlevel exception for various teams, but come on in the end he is gonna want to get paid and he will opt for the team with thehighest bid. My guess? The kings do a sign and trade for some young player with a bit of potential (example-Williams from ATL although he didn't play much)or try and get some draft picks or move up in the draft. All I know is Artest is gone whenever his contract ends as there is no point in keeping him insacramento. We need to rebuild, and no team wants to rebuild around artest.
Originally Posted by VC3FAN

Bynum isn't going anywhere unless his knee is that hurt that the lakers think he will not become anything special and they will rob any team that dares to go for him.

Odom is still an option especially the way he is playing (think rj/melo trade we are also discussing and how RJ played this year). Laker fans also have to realize that the kings may not do a deal with the lakers because they are the lakers. Yeah for the right price any team would do a deal but rivals are rivals (even if it hasn't been the same as it use to be)

Artest is also crazy enough to come off the bench. Imagine if it took a pick, walton and any other bench players who money might equal the contracts COUGH radmanovic COUGH. He has said he would do it other times but again, I don't think the kings would deal with the lakers.
sorry for the double post guys.
Originally Posted by Kookcle

since when did a Laker trade Rumor actually became reality?( Bynum/KG, Kobe/Bulls/Knicks/Suns, Marion/Odom,Odom / J.Oneal ETC>)....

again if this was a couple of years ago i would have been in favor of it but i like this team now dont break it up ...Let's just develop Ariza (he's only like 23) i like his potential


Very true.

AK47, Peja, etc. etc.
Dammit, will you guys stop talking about anything that does NOT involve Artest coming to the Lakers?

It's going to happen.

So let's discuss it.



You know I'm playing.

Let me go ahead and quit before some new sports fan stumbles in this forum, reads this thread, and thinks Artest is the GOAT just because of how I've beengassing him the last hour.
Yall being silly, The Maloofs are NOT idiots like the FO peeps in Memphis.

If you guys get Artest for anything close to Vladamir Radmanovic, I'll be so !#%**#$ mad I might protest in San Francisco. Please excuse my language, butyou guys got the deal of the century a few months ago now you're saying you want Artest for a golden piece of dookie?! Come on!
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Yall being silly, The Maloofs are NOT idiots like the FO peeps in Memphis.

If you guys get Artest for anything close to Vladamir Radmanovic, I'll be so !#%**#$ mad I might protest in San Francisco. Please excuse my language, but you guys got the deal of the century a few months ago now you're saying you want Artest for a golden piece of dookie?! Come on!

I JUST went to this Rockets site I frequent and details were released today saying Memphis caught too much flack for the Gasol trade, ie, basically givingup for nothing/expiring contract.

As a result, to get Mike Miller, they're asking for a King's ransom.

Rockets inquired about Miller at the trade deadline, but, they wanted Scola in the package.

Remember, Maloofs... a golden piece of dookie... is still gold.



How about Artest for Vladdy, Walton, Sasha, AND Mihm?

FOUR golden pieces of dookie.
Originally Posted by franchise3

Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Yall being silly, The Maloofs are NOT idiots like the FO peeps in Memphis.

If you guys get Artest for anything close to Vladamir Radmanovic, I'll be so !#%**#$ mad I might protest in San Francisco. Please excuse my language, but you guys got the deal of the century a few months ago now you're saying you want Artest for a golden piece of dookie?! Come on!

I JUST went to this Rockets site I frequent and details were released today saying Memphis caught too much flack for the Gasol trade, ie, basically giving up for nothing/expiring contract.

As a result, to get Mike Miller, they're asking for a King's ransom.

Rockets inquired about Miller at the trade deadline, but, they wanted Scola in the package.


, they should just hook the rest of the West up just to be fair, send Rudy Gay to Houston, send Mike Miller to Dallas, send JCN, and Mike Conley toPortalnd, sell off all their picks to the Suns for Pat Burke S&T, and Darko to LA for Kobe.
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