Ska its been going on long enough...time to lock....

Damn Computer. lol. In the long run of what I said: Kidd, Jefferson, M.williams for Anthony, Harris and Camby
Last year we got J. O'Neal or Zach Randolph for RJ and M.Williams.

Now its Melo and Camby. Why would you not trade RJ? VC would not draw that deal but maybe now Randolph or O'Neal.

Keeping VC is the right move for the Nets. I understand JapanAir 21's point but RJ's stock is so high and VC is luke warm that you try to make thedeal. Its speculation still and it may not happen but it is very intriguing,
Originally Posted by Paul Is On Tilt

I think the ideal situation for Artest is being on a veteran team that can control his craziness... his craziness wouldn't be as detrimental to a veteran team as oppose to a younger team.
Yep. Pistons for instance. I mean, he would never go there cuz Tayshaun has that spot on lock. Not to mention the history between Artest and thecity of Detroit.

Or another option: the Spurs. With Bowen getting older, I could see Ron-Ron sliding right into the 3 spot.

Originally Posted by Mamba MVP

Are you serious, that is an absolute steal for the Brooklyn Nets, getting Melo w/o having to give up VC, that would be fun to watch. Harris+Melo+VC=top 3 seed in the East. And if they get rid of VC in 2010 and land LeBron
Melo+Bron+Harris=wrap for the East

That's the best what-if scenario (that actually has the potential to happen) I've scene in a LONG time here on NT.

Oh, and I agree with JA. RJ is right on par with Vince imo. Of course HMHA is more explosive. But RJ is no slouch with the hops either. And his jumper issimilar to Vince's.
Why the hell would the Nuggets get rid of 'Melo? Not a good idea IMO. What they should do is see what kind of players they could get for AI, and try tobuild around 'Melo.

And if he does go to the Nets, I don't see them doing very well. Vince Carter and Carmelo Antony won't be much different that AI/'Melo.
Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

Why the hell would the Nuggets get rid of 'Melo? Not a good idea IMO. What they should do is see what kind of players they could get for AI, and try to build around 'Melo.

And if he does go to the Nets, I don't see them doing very well. Vince Carter and Carmelo Antony won't be much different that AI/'Melo.

The Nuggets don't have a speedy PG who can handle the ball, and is lightyears ahead of anyone on the Nuggets as far as the PG positions go for the past5 years. (I don't know who's been their PG all that time, but they haven't had a decent PG in a while).

As far as trading Carmelo, it's not a smart move, but it's a move towards the future if they believe they have no chance of winning with AI/Melo.The idea is to get either Rose or Beasley from this, I really don't see this deal happening UNLESS the Nets get the 1/2 pick,
[h3]Lakers interested in Ron Artest, Ron Artest interested in Lakers[/h3]
Published by LD2k on May 19, 2008 in News. 27 Comments

Some "crazy news" - pun intended. The Lakers were interested in Artest earlier this season, but now, it looks like there is some liking on both sides. From today's SacBee…
RealGM: Kobe Bryant has admitted that he wouldn't mind playing alongside Artest, and there is a growing belief that the strong personalities of Bryant and Coach Phil Jackson could help keep Artest in line.

As a restricted free agent, Ron would have to take a pay cut to the projected midlevel exception of approximately $5.6 million.

A sign-and-trade doesn't seem to make sense as the Lakers will likely be looking to unload a bad contract like Vladimir Radmanovic.
I gotta question who truly watches Nets games, for people to actually say there isn't much difference between RJ and VC. Richard Jefferson CANNOT create ashot whatsoever. He has no jumpshot at all, and he only scores if he is getting bailed out and getting sent to the freethrow line all game long. He cannotpass, he doesn't set up teammates... he just can get to the free throw line. I'm not sure what player yall are referring to, because Richard Jeffersonis nowhere NEAR a beast.
Just some insight to lend some grit to this "rumor" Melo actually WANTS to play in Brooklyn one day.

He is the only one of the Young Guns (Wade, Bron, Melo) to take the Max Years and Money, and Bron IS going to the Nets, because his Nike Gentlemans Contractdidn't stipulate WHICH New York team...

Just New York.

Don't look for AI to stay in Denver too long after Melo leaves if the Nets can give the Rich and Creamies what they want.

Jay Z has been working on this one for HuhWHILE. Stephen A wasn't talkin out of his butt today when he said Bron Bron was goin to New York... Don'tforget sign and Trades can happen and New York doesn't give a poop about a luxury tax if they can get Melo AND Bron and some other players who want to runan Uptempo style ... say like mmmm D'Antoni runs...

Wait for it.. Wait for it...
Artest would never go to the lakers...they wouldn't be able to afford him. He had a player option this year.
Originally Posted by ACBboyz84

No we don't want Artest. He's a cancer to any team

artest would not hurt one bit....


you might as well just hand the chip to them now...
Originally Posted by ACBboyz84

No we don't want Artest. He's a cancer to any team
F that, Artest is one of my favorite players in the League.
You have NO IDEA how awesome it would be to have him on the Lakers.

2 of the best perimeter defenders on the same team


I can only dream...
Originally Posted by RockDeep

Just some insight to lend some grit to this "rumor" Melo actually WANTS to play in Brooklyn one day.

He is the only one of the Young Guns (Wade, Bron, Melo) to take the Max Years and Money, and Bron IS going to the Nets, because his Nike Gentlemans Contract didn't stipulate WHICH New York team...

Just New York.

Don't look for AI to stay in Denver too long after Melo leaves if the Nets can give the Rich and Creamies what they want.

Jay Z has been working on this one for HuhWHILE. Stephen A wasn't talkin out of his butt today when he said Bron Bron was goin to New York... Don't forget sign and Trades can happen and New York doesn't give a poop about a luxury tax if they can get Melo AND Bron and some other players who want to run an Uptempo style ... say like mmmm D'Antoni runs...

Wait for it.. Wait for it...


And all of this is based on what exactly?

When was the last time a mega-star in the NBA left their team as an unrestricted free agent to sign with another team? It NEVER happens.
Originally Posted by RockDeep

Just some insight to lend some grit to this "rumor" Melo actually WANTS to play in Brooklyn one day.

He is the only one of the Young Guns (Wade, Bron, Melo) to take the Max Years and Money, and Bron IS going to the Nets, because his Nike Gentlemans Contract didn't stipulate WHICH New York team...

Just New York.

Don't look for AI to stay in Denver too long after Melo leaves if the Nets can give the Rich and Creamies what they want.

Jay Z has been working on this one for HuhWHILE. Stephen A wasn't talkin out of his butt today when he said Bron Bron was goin to New York... Don't forget sign and Trades can happen and New York doesn't give a poop about a luxury tax if they can get Melo AND Bron and some other players who want to run an Uptempo style ... say like mmmm D'Antoni runs...

Wait for it.. Wait for it...

The only way Lebron goes to the Nets is when his contract is up and he wants to be traded.

The Cavs aren't stupid enough to trade him for whatever it may be anytime soon.

He's the franchise.
Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

Originally Posted by RockDeep

Just some insight to lend some grit to this "rumor" Melo actually WANTS to play in Brooklyn one day.

He is the only one of the Young Guns (Wade, Bron, Melo) to take the Max Years and Money, and Bron IS going to the Nets, because his Nike Gentlemans Contract didn't stipulate WHICH New York team...

Just New York.

Don't look for AI to stay in Denver too long after Melo leaves if the Nets can give the Rich and Creamies what they want.

Jay Z has been working on this one for HuhWHILE. Stephen A wasn't talkin out of his butt today when he said Bron Bron was goin to New York... Don't forget sign and Trades can happen and New York doesn't give a poop about a luxury tax if they can get Melo AND Bron and some other players who want to run an Uptempo style ... say like mmmm D'Antoni runs...

Wait for it.. Wait for it...


And all of this is based on what exactly?

When was the last time a mega-star in the NBA left their team as an unrestricted free agent to sign with another team? It NEVER happens.
Im not in the habit of blowing smoke just for the sake of it.. unless its about Fruity Pebbles being released and certain people rescind the onlinerelease and sell them underground instead...
The Nets are in win now mode. Now, The knicks will eventually be the ones that push the hardest for Lebron but the Nets have Jay-z in their corner who isfriends with both bron and melo.

Also Rock, My sources both from the nets ticket sales and from ratners building in Metrotech (Brooklyn facility for FDNY/911 operations and Ratners firm) Isthat the funding for the arena is not happening at the moment and they might be going to Newark and the devils (Hockey) might move back to Izod or re-up theirlease when it is done by the time the Nets are ready to "move".

Ratner is a business man and as much as Jersey wants to get rid of that arena, ratner has seen that the arena has been great for concerts (Jay-z and Mary weresuppose to go to Newark but they turned them down. that shows you how bad Newark has been hurt just by having the devils there) and they have the liberty topick and choose when the Nets play (No afternoon games last year, even on weekends)

I still think they will move but it will be interesting to see if Ratner/Jay-z are still in the fold or if the state of New Jersey buys the team as they aretrying to do right now. Not trying to take away anything from what you said rock (with the knowledge that I KNOW YOU HAVE.....) just trying to give some infoout that many aren't hearing press wise or from what is going on with the $550,000 a month condos going on sale this past week before they are built yet atthe atlantic yards site that the Nets arena would be built on in Brooklyn.
Originally Posted by NobleKane

Originally Posted by ACBboyz84

No we don't want Artest. He's a cancer to any team

artest would not hurt one bit....


you might as well just hand the chip to them now...
That team would win a championship for the next 3 years.

But there is no way you can get Artest without giving up Odom or Bynum.
I too agree ALL this can only happen if the Arena is built and I don't think Bron will get traded there... it can ONLY happen when his contract is up...AND thats why Bron DIDN"T take the Max years and money like Melo did...

Wade is another one who saw the light and took less years in order to make more money...
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