Ska its been going on long enough...time to lock....

The warriors have to keep Ellis I feel that it will be a good look for them and with Baron Davis situation up in the air they need to keep Ellis. I still thinkthey have to get another big man that can run the floor. I like Andris but he is a liability on offense.

It would be smart for the Grizzlies to make a run at Ellis.

Elton Brand and Corey need to stay in LA. Fro there own benefit. Corey is not going to get money from any other team but LA.
^How is Biedrins a liability on offense? Granted he's not going to hit a midrange jumper or anything, but he is money on the screen and roll. 63% from thefield is hardly a liability. I know he doesn't beast on people down low, but he is far from Ben Wallace.
Originally Posted by FRANCHISE 55

^How is Biedrins a liability on offense? Granted he's not going to hit a midrange jumper or anything, but he is money on the screen and roll. 63% from the field is hardly a liability. I know he doesn't beast on people down low, but he is far from Ben Wallace.

Originally Posted by djkaos23

^^ Johnny Red what u smokin. LOL Trade Brand for billups. NO way. How about my clippers keep brand and add biliiups via trade of some other player. I believe the draft is going to play a big role in Brand's decision to saty in LA. Hopefully we select the right person and he stays. I want Magette to stay also but I would be willing to let him go pr do a sign and trade to get something in return. Better yet (I hate saying this because he's my boy) let magette go and make Agent Zero an Offer.

Agent Zero

Draft DJ Augusyine or Mayo for Backup PG Duties

I like the way you're thinking. That lineup (if they stayed healthy) would at least get us back to a playoff team in the West, if not a legitchampionship contender. I'm not totally sold on Arenas though. I think going after Billups might be a better idea. He's more of a true PG and mightfit in better with a team that going to be really low post oriented because of Brand and Kaman.

I wonder if Brand would consider going to Orlando for less money? Brand, Howard and Lewis would be a pretty formidable front line. If the Magic could thenalso find and upgrade over Jameer Nelson, I think they would have a real shot to win the East.
Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

If I'm Elton Brand, I opt out and take less money to go elsewhere... He's almost 30, if he really wants to win, he needs to find a new home. The Clippers aren't going to be contenders in the foreseeable future while he's still in his prime.

elton is one of my favorite players in the league and i feel the exact same way.
Originally Posted by FRANCHISE 55

^How is Biedrins a liability on offense? Granted he's not going to hit a midrange jumper or anything, but he is money on the screen and roll. 63% from the field is hardly a liability. I know he doesn't beast on people down low, but he is far from Ben Wallace.

To win a championship you need low post scoring. The warriors are a jump shooting team they have to get some stuff inside to open up more shots. I likeBiedrins he grabs boards and works hard on every play. I never see him take a play off. But in a seven game series once a team identifies the pick and rolesituation with Biedrins those buckets will be eliminated. He also gets a lot of put backs which you really can't count on every night.

On another note I like seeing them play but I hope that the warriors find some defense this year.
Yeah no doubt. I agree with that. The Warriors definitely need a legit low post scoring threat that grabs boards and plays D. I just don't think Biedrinsis a liability on the offensive end.
The Warriors definitely need help down low, but Biedrins isn't part of the problem. Neither is Wright.
I think Warriors fans will agree with me in that sometimes it's because of the way Nellie coaches. Biedrins sometimes doesn't get enough touches downlow because Nellie doesn't like posting players up because it "slows down the tempo" of the game.
However, Andris obviously isn't the greatest offensive center and we could still use bodies down low that can score. I'd love to have Elton Brand but Iknow that it's not realistic.
Monta Ellis is about to get overpaid....
...Good for him.
i actually like biedrins catch in the middle of the lane, drop step into a half lefty hook, always after a timeout. and he MAKES IT. he's also shownglimpses of a post game where he catches it on the low block and banks it off the glass, very rare though, because nellie never calls his number.
Mark my words, EB will not leave the clipps.

We really need to acquire a star PG/SG, and Maggette needs to be traded.
Originally Posted by CityByTheSea

Mark my words, EB will not leave the clipps.

We really need to acquire a star PG/SG, and Maggette needs to be traded.

I hope you're right about Brand not leaving. With him, I really think the Clips are only a solid PG from being back in the playoffs.

I agree about Maggette too. Thornton makes him expendable, since they're pretty much the same player, except I think Thornton has more upside. Might aswell get something for Maggette now, while he's still young and has some trade value.
Isn't Orlando interested in Maggette? That would be a nice lineup of Howard, Lewis, Turkoglu, Maggette, and Nelson. They desperately need a true powerforward though. Vazquez?

A two-year contract for Hawks coach Mike Woodson has been extended and awaits only his signature to be completed, according to two people familiar with the situation.
Woodson's current deal expires June 30, as do the contracts of his entire staff. But after two weeks of evaluations, new Hawks general manager Rick Sund has decided to stick with Woodson by offering him the new deal.

I won't comment, because I'd probably say something to get myself banned.
I really wish Lamar for Artest would happen. I would love to see a balanced offense/defense 5 of Fish, Kobe, Artest, Pau, and Bynum.
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

If Gilbert went to LA Clips..

PLEASE let that happen....S&T for Elton

Here's a excerpt from a WaPo article this morning from Mike Wilbon

Though Arenas spurned the Clippers for the Wizards a few years ago, sources here in Los Angeles indicate the Clippers are interested in making one more run at Arenas. It makes sense, provided the Wizards could find a sign-and-trade to their liking.

Of course, there could be better options up the road north, in Oakland, where the Warriors have to figure out what they'll do with both point guard Baron Davis and defensive-minded center-power forward Andris Biedrins. Davis could also opt out, and Biedrins is a restricted free agent. Package them in a deal to Washington with Arenas as the centerpiece? If I'm Grunfeld, I'd do it in a heartbeat if the option was signing Arenas to a max contract. The Warriors are said to still have some regret over the way they lost Arenas to the Wizards after they selected him in the draft. The Warriors also have to figure out what to do about free agents Monta Ellis and Kelenna Azubuike.

The Warriors have attractive players and unlike the Chicago Bulls, who have attractive and tradable players but a paralyzed GM, are much more decisive.

Miami's Shawn Marion would be, by a thousand miles, the Wizards' best defensive player, but the Heat wouldn't have any interest in Arenas (though perhaps it would be interested in Antawn Jamison).

But what any team would wonder about, even more than Arenas's flamboyance, is his health, coming off two injury-plagued seasons. Arenas, largely because of his unique skills and the way Grunfeld has acquired players who complement him, is still more valuable to the Wizards than to any other team, even if they have to overpay him for a player who has only once led his team out of the first round of the playoffs.

The bottom line isn't whether the Wizards can keep Arenas, but whether keeping him ultimately facilitates getting any closer to every team's ultimate goal of playing in June.

Paying Arenas Hardly Guarantees Playing In June
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

I really wish Lamar for Artest would happen. I would love to see a balanced offense/defense 5 of Fish, Kobe, Artest, Pau, and Bynum.

There is no way that trade will happen. Artest and Kobe on the same team you got to be
that good good...
Obviously Artest on the Lakers would be great for them...but I don't see what that deal does to attract the Kings

Artest would be a wonderful defensive asset + he's a lot more consistent than Odom would be
^ Artest for Odom, Vladdy, and Mihm. And the other Gasol (Marc).


Artest for Odom and Vladdy.

I'd do it.

I love Odom, man. But he's too inconsistent, he doesn't demand the ball, he doesn't have a killer instinct. In games like last night, whereHE'S the one that has started off hot, he needs to be more aggressive in maintaining his success. Heck, Sasha was hot the other night, and he NEVER lookedto stop being aggressive. But when Lamar is hot, he eventually defers to someone else. He needs to have that attitude of 'Tonight's my turn to take ushome, boys.' But he doesn't. His attitude is more like 'Yeah, I'm hot! Tonight's my turn to tak... oh, wait, you want to take us hometonight? Alright. That's cool. You go ahead.'
The Lowa:
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

I really wish Lamar for Artest would happen. I would love to see a balanced offense/defense 5 of Fish, Kobe, Artest, Pau, and Bynum.

There is no way that trade will happen. Artest and Kobe on the same team you got to be
that good good...

Why not? You don't think they would get along? Or you don't think the trade would be fair?

I can't really tell, because you didn't really say.
Odom for Artest is a lateral move for the Kings in terms of talent... And they'd have to add a contract in to make the salaries match... Maybe if you getthe Lakers to eat one of the Kenny Thomas/Abdur-Raheem contracts, it'd be worth it, but a one-for-one swap won't work financially and I don't seehow it really makes sense for the Kings unless they can unload one of those crappy deals...

Hawks coach Mike Woodson signed his new contract Friday, cementing his return to the bench for at least the next two seasons.
The Hawks did not include the terms of the deal in their announcement Friday. The Journal Constitution reported Thursday that the contract is for two years.

"We are happy to have reached agreement with Mike on a new deal that signals his return to the Hawks bench," Hawks general manager Rick Sund said in a statement released by the team. "Even though I came to my new position after their exciting playoff run, I have spent a great deal of time familiarizing myself with Mike's philosophy, direction and strategies since taking the job, and I'm comfortable he will help this team reach its potential and build upon the success they enjoyed this past season."

Woodson's first four years with the Hawks resulted in a 106-222 regular-season record. He punctuated his tenure with a playoff berth this season, the Hawks' first postseason bid in nine years. The Hawks took Boston to a Game 7 in their first-round series.

"I want to thank Rick for this opportunity, and to express my gratitude to the fans for the unbelievable support they've shown during my time here," Woodson said in the statement released by the team. "I've watched these players grow individually and collectively, and am excited to continue coaching them and building on the momentum from last season. The playoff experience we had was invaluable as we look to reach the next level as a team."




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