Skins fans (if they exist) me on this Haynesworth/Shanahan situation

*and Deuce...for the love of God, SHUT UP. Mike Shanhan's character > your family tree. Despite what you may think, he's well-respected in the NFL.

Sorry champ but my family tree doesn't consists of liars or FRAUDS, your might especially given some of the comments you've made on here.  Which would explain alot, fruit doesn't fall far from the tree that bears it .  You got a coach that comes out and says his starting quarterback doesn't have enough cardiovascular endurance, only to back peddle the next day and try and come up with another excuse. How do you explain that??  Like Lebon James said, "we see the character of that man"  As if that wasn't bad enough you got fans like you and other that just eat up those lies and continue to believe in the lies that are spoon feed to you.  As far as the "he's well-respected in the NFL" comment goes, well even Sarah Palin is respected in certain circles so that's not really saying too much.

you the same dude saying laron landry has no "character" for talking @*++ before a game....cot dam you STAY on that holier-that-thou tip bro....

You still refuse to believe that Laron did more than just friendly trash talking don't you.  Not sure what else I can tell you, I provided you the statement from the Eagles, you saw the scene before the game and how both teams got up in each others face and you still choose to believe otherwise. "Come on DoubleJ's..........your better than that."  Well at least at one point in time before you were better than that brotha..............if I can call you that brotha

It's not even about who's to blame because it's probably Albert but at this point it's about being smart and being dumb, Mike chose the dumb route.

I agree.

It's %$+%*+# ridiculous.
Dude posts more in ********' threads than Gift, too.

 Who cares, your the same dude thats worried about what other nters thinks about you, so that lets me know all that I or others need to know about you.  Your too busy worried about the next man, and too busy brown-nosing.  Learn how to stand on your own two feet.

Started noticing this during the Vick game massacre...
It's so petty.
 You can thank DoubleJ's for that, dude had something to say about San Fran prior and I was going to let it slide but then the Vick massacre was started to place so it was only fitting that I speak my peace that game.
*and Deuce...for the love of God, SHUT UP. Mike Shanhan's character > your family tree. Despite what you may think, he's well-respected in the NFL.

Sorry champ but my family tree doesn't consists of liars or FRAUDS, your might especially given some of the comments you've made on here.  Which would explain alot, fruit doesn't fall far from the tree that bears it .  You got a coach that comes out and says his starting quarterback doesn't have enough cardiovascular endurance, only to back peddle the next day and try and come up with another excuse. How do you explain that??  Like Lebon James said, "we see the character of that man"  As if that wasn't bad enough you got fans like you and other that just eat up those lies and continue to believe in the lies that are spoon feed to you.  As far as the "he's well-respected in the NFL" comment goes, well even Sarah Palin is respected in certain circles so that's not really saying too much.

you the same dude saying laron landry has no "character" for talking @*++ before a game....cot dam you STAY on that holier-that-thou tip bro....

You still refuse to believe that Laron did more than just friendly trash talking don't you.  Not sure what else I can tell you, I provided you the statement from the Eagles, you saw the scene before the game and how both teams got up in each others face and you still choose to believe otherwise. "Come on DoubleJ's..........your better than that."  Well at least at one point in time before you were better than that brotha..............if I can call you that brotha

It's not even about who's to blame because it's probably Albert but at this point it's about being smart and being dumb, Mike chose the dumb route.

I agree.

It's %$+%*+# ridiculous.
Dude posts more in ********' threads than Gift, too.

 Who cares, your the same dude thats worried about what other nters thinks about you, so that lets me know all that I or others need to know about you.  Your too busy worried about the next man, and too busy brown-nosing.  Learn how to stand on your own two feet.

Started noticing this during the Vick game massacre...
It's so petty.
 You can thank DoubleJ's for that, dude had something to say about San Fran prior and I was going to let it slide but then the Vick massacre was started to place so it was only fitting that I speak my peace that game.
Damn, DJ's 1st post was like a Wikipedia reference.

It was on-point though.

Both men seem to have fault. But I'm definitely siding with the Superbowl winning coach as opposed to a loser who tried to stomp out another man while ON the football field.
Damn, DJ's 1st post was like a Wikipedia reference.

It was on-point though.

Both men seem to have fault. But I'm definitely siding with the Superbowl winning coach as opposed to a loser who tried to stomp out another man while ON the football field.
Originally Posted by Osh Kosh Bosh

You damage your own team by creating this distraction (you know how much coaches hate distractions) and this constant drama. Cutting off your nose to spite your face is dumb. Do you want Shanahan to do what's best for the team or do whats best for Shanahan's ego.

There is blame on both sides but they had a chance to trade him and Mike didn't do it because of this stupid pissing contest ENTERLY ORCHESTRATED by shanahan. Now you have sapped all the value out of him, you are not going to get anything in a trade and this was all the doings of the gm. IMO once they switched to a 3-4 they should have traded him.

It's unforgivably stupid and as I have followed the ******** my fears about Mike Shanahan being a bad coach are true, his ability to create pointless drama out of nowhere is crazy. It's not even about who's to blame because it's probably Albert but at this point it's about being smart and being dumb, Mike chose the dumb route.


Originally Posted by Osh Kosh Bosh

You damage your own team by creating this distraction (you know how much coaches hate distractions) and this constant drama. Cutting off your nose to spite your face is dumb. Do you want Shanahan to do what's best for the team or do whats best for Shanahan's ego.

There is blame on both sides but they had a chance to trade him and Mike didn't do it because of this stupid pissing contest ENTERLY ORCHESTRATED by shanahan. Now you have sapped all the value out of him, you are not going to get anything in a trade and this was all the doings of the gm. IMO once they switched to a 3-4 they should have traded him.

It's unforgivably stupid and as I have followed the ******** my fears about Mike Shanahan being a bad coach are true, his ability to create pointless drama out of nowhere is crazy. It's not even about who's to blame because it's probably Albert but at this point it's about being smart and being dumb, Mike chose the dumb route.


Originally Posted by Deuce King

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Originally Posted by Deuce King

(if they exist)
I love it.  Anyway, I'm not a ******* fan but as far as the Haynesworth/Shanahan situation goes it's simply a matter of Shanahan being on a power trip in regards to Haynesworth ever since he didn't show up for OTA's for the Skins in the spring and summer time. Even though these weren't "mandatory" Shanahan wanted Haynesworth to be there since he was the new head coach, wanting to assess the new talent that he was in charge of and changing the defensive system from a 4-3 to a 3-4 scheme, which is difficult in itself.  To be fair on Albert, sure he could have and probably should have shown up for OTA's but for whatever reason he decided not to, maybe because he felt like no matter what he would never lose his starting job or maybe because he just cashed in that 40 million dollar check.  Either way as the season began Shanahan made it as difficult as possible for Haynesworth and even made up the excuse that he didn't pass training camp course, or whatever skill set test he didn't want Haynesworth to pass.  You would see futher lying like this on Shanahan's end later on in the season with the excuse he gave for McNabb saying that he didn't have enough cardiovasular endurance

At the end of the day, Albert is with the team.  He's the best defensive line player that they got and anybody who tells you differently is lying to you.  Also, as the saying goes, the check has been cashed, money is in the bank so the Skins might as well get their money's worth out of him.  With Shanahan and the Washington media around here it's simply a case of reality and perception.  The perception given by the Washington media and Shanahan is that Albert is just a fat, lazy, bum that only think about himself and not the team.  As of now, you have alot of people believing this and writing Albert off as bad debt.  A classic case of falling for the banana in the tailpipe.     
Aight, Gritty....lemme see if I can break this down. 

This is gonna be LOOOOOOOOONG

Spoiler [+]
There is fault on BOTH sides here.  However, at this point, I'm willing to side with Shanahan and some of the other players who spoke up about what Haynesworth has been doing to the team. 

before the summer of 2009, Haynesworth got PAID.  $100 million dollar contract w. $41 million guaranteed.  He showed up last season out-of-shape and not committed to the team.  Albert's "me-first" type of mentality is a stigma that has been with him since his days w. the Titans.  The talent is question.  When he's motivated, you see the dominance.  There isn't a guard in the NFL who can contain him.  However (going back to last year), every single game he had some sort of "injury" where he milked the situation. 

Case in point:


he would go off, only to return by an act of Jesus a few plays later....

whatever...well, we all know that the Zorn-era was a disaster.  Changes HAD to be made.  The only time the Skins had a coach w. the balls/ego to stand up to Dan Snyder was when we had Marty Schottenheimer on board back in 2001.  The team got off to a bad start, but turned things around at the end.  Snyder's personality didn't mesh well with Schotty, and he was ultimately fired.  Continuity is the key, and the skins lost that when they got rid of Marty.  I honestly believe he would have had this team back to a level of respectability had he been kept.  Although he was hard on his players, he had their respect and admiration.  Snyder didn't see that....and gave him the axe like I said before. 

There has been a coaching carousel in the Snyder era.  Norv, Marty, Spurrier, Gibbs, Zorn, Robiskie (interim),'s been some impulse hires, guys coming in past their coaching primes, etc....pretty much it came down to the working relationship between Dan Snyder and whoever was coaching the team. 

Snyder is an @%$...but at the end of the day no matter how much he fails, he DOES want to win.  He knows this team and organization as a whole has become a laughing stock.  The first MAJOR change that was made was Snyder hired Bruce Allen, as GM.  Yes...a GM!  In the Snyder years, there has never been a GM, and he's usually had a stooge (Vinny Cerrato) who "made" all the decisions. 

The next step after Allen was to find a coach.  You gonna go after, Cowher, Gruden, Shanahan, or someone else?  Turns out, it's Mike SHanahan.  He's a proven winner.  He's a guy who can HOPEFULLY get this team headed back on the right track.  He also has an ego thats just as large or LARGER than Dan Snyder.  How would this work?  Well...Dan Snyder amazingly admitted some of his past mistakes and said he would take a backseat.  That was good to hear.  With Shanahan/Allen in charge, this was now their team to mold. 

The roster (when cuts were allowed) in early 2010 was trimmed by 19 players I think.  Familiar names like Griffin, Cartwright, Smoot, Betts, Thomas, etc were all let go.  This was a GREAT sign, because under previous regimes these players may have been kept on because they were viewed as "core" ******** no matter how sub-par their performances were on the field.  You're not going to win games with the names of those who I mentioned above.  There is just no way.  The NFL is built on youth and speed, and the Skins were (and still are) lacking in all those areas. 

With the roster trimming that Shanahan did came some problems.  Remember, he's inheriting ALL of the mistakes made by Snyder/Cerrato.  He's essentially handcuffed by contacts that he just can't dump. 

Anyways, Shanahan needs a new defensive coordinator because it's announced the skins are moving from a 4-3 to a 3-4.  Statistically, the Skins had a top-10 defense for the past 3 seasons or so.  Statistics sometimes lie...or don't tell the whole story.  Their defense had a "bend but don't break" mantra.  They didn't generate any turnovers, which is a key component to the success of any defensive unit.  Jim Haslett was brought on board from the UFL and he was seen as the right guy to implement the 3-4.  Switching to the 3-4 isn't going to be an immediate success.  You still have guys who are familiar with playing in the 4-3, and there is going to be a HUGE learning curve. 

EVERYONE bought in to the 3-4 change....London Fletcher who has been playing MLB for 14 years in the league WELCOMED the challenge of switching to a 3-4.  Albert Haynesworth said from the jump that he was brought in to play DT in a 4-3.  Fool, you knew that as soon as you signed on the dotted line for that 100 million dollar contract, there would be some sort of turmoil when you put on that Skins jersey.  He didn't make things any easier by being a stick in the mud and not even ATTEMPTING to try to learn the system and help out his teammates.  When Haynesworth is on the field, he makes a difference. 

Ok...Haynesworth drew his line in the mud, and the team knew where he was standing.  This all led up to missing OTAs etc would think that it would be kinda important to show up to OTAs mandatory or not, to not only build that comradery with his teammates but understand some of the basics of playing in the 3-4.  He said he was working out w. his trainer on his own and would show up to mini-camp when he was mandated to be there.  This didn't sit well with Shanahan. 

Skipping ahead to the mini-camp, he repeatedly failed the conditioning test.  This is where I don't agree w. Shanahan as far as how he handled the situation.  It became a pissing contest.  He eventually passed, but because it took like 10 days for him to do so, he wasn't allowed to practice with the 1st unit.  He was behind the curve....His preseason wasn't anything spectacular, and Shanahan and him weren't seeing eye-to-eye on anything. 

Preseason eventually led to the regular season, and he was getting limited snaps or deactivated for whatever the reason.  He just didn't want to play in the 3-4.  At this point, you had other players on Twitter and other outlets saying that if they were paid $100 mil, they'd do whatever the team asked.  That's just the difference between guys who actually WANT to play (D.Dockett) and play hard and guys like Haynesworth, who are just out for themselves. 

This could have been avoided if Dan Snyder didn't sign the guy.  Free-agency is a crap shoot, but he's had some really bad luck over the years....Haynesworth had a rep, but it was ignored by the ******** and now they find themselves in this mess. 

I don't care what anyone says, but u got dudes over the course of the season who are his teammates who are not defending him...WHILE HE'S ON THE ROSTER!  That speaks volumes.

The last straw was on Friday morning, when he showed up to ******** Park late...doesn't matter if it's one minute, or 10 minutes...late is late.  Supposedly, he had alcohol on his breath and was hungover.  He's repeatedly denied being drunk, hungover, etc...but someone posted some photos of dude out and about around 1:30am that morning in some bar.  Not to mention, there are PLENTY of stories in the VA area of Haynesworth having a lil too much fun out in Reston/Ashburn...if you get my drift.  No, he hasn't gotten a DUI or arrested for public intoxication, but because you haven't been caught doens't mean you're innocent from what you did the night before. 

Because of what went down on Friday, he was deactivated for the Giants game by Jim Haslett and Mike Shanahan.  That was the straw that broke the camel's back.  He's done with the Skins.  It's too bad, because there are a lot of us here who wanted the guy to do well.  Albert wasn't Shanahan's guy, and Shanahan/Allen are now responsible for cleaning up the mess that was here before.  If Albert adhered to what Shanahan wanted, he could have been a vital cog in the defense.  There have been a lot of ups/downs, but there are guys like Laron Landry who have flourished in the new scheme.  It's going to take time for the Skins to get the ship headed in the right direction, but as long as you have HUNGRY guys on the roster...guys who want to compete....guys who will have their teammates back...guys willing to do ANYTHING to win, things will workout.

The Haynesworth saga is another "L" for the ********, but the sooner he's off the roster, the better....I've defended him in the past, but after hearing testimonials from other players around the league, his teammates, etc....I can't do it anymore. 

*Oh yeah...there was no point in releasing him.  Haynesworth didn't want to be here, so why grant him his wish and allow him to go wherever he wants?  Keep him on the roster and trade him when the time comes so you at least get something in return....

See, this is exactly what I'm talking about Gritts, you got a guy like DoubleJs that fell and more importantly continues to fall for the banana in the tailpipe regarding the ********.  Like I said, I'm sure he and fans like him mean well...........bless their hearts, but at the end of the day when it comes to the ******** fans like DoubleJs07 simply follow orders most of the time, and do and respond as their told when it comes to the ********.  Think of Republicans listening to Fox News and then believing that President Obama is a Muslim (see what I mean), it's the same way with alot (not all) ******** fans gather and get their information from regarding their team, they get feed false facts and then they go from there.  Simply put, Haynesworth is the best thing the Skins have going for them at the defensive line, to get rid of him would be asinine, but I wouldn't put it past the Skins cause trust me when I tell you they are known for doing asinine things.  It's in the Skins best interest to work with Haynesworth and to tell Shanahan to suck it up and quite power tripping.    
I'm A Skins fan, and I'm siding with Deuce on this one
1. Shanahan has been on a power trip ever since getting a job again (People keep looking at Shanny like this great coach forgetting he was FIRED in Denver for not winning a playoff game since Elway was there).

2. An out of shape Haynesworth last year still played THE MOST DEFENSIVE SNAPS of ANY of the ******** D-Line Man last year (and that was in playing on 12 games)

3. When he's in the game, GOOD THINGS HAPPEN... if you don't think so, how many sacks did Orakpo get last year, and how many does he have this year. How many of the ******** front 7 Defensive Players last year made it to the Pro Bowl and how many of them are going to make it this year? and an even bigger fact:

Last year, the ******** Defense was ranked 10th in the NFL, this year its ranked 32. Someone tell me who is ranked 33rd... Oh wait...

Say waht you want about Haynesworth, and no he's not completely free of blame, but the inconvenient truth is that sometimes the coach is wrong, and one of those times, is right now.
Originally Posted by Deuce King

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Originally Posted by Deuce King

(if they exist)
I love it.  Anyway, I'm not a ******* fan but as far as the Haynesworth/Shanahan situation goes it's simply a matter of Shanahan being on a power trip in regards to Haynesworth ever since he didn't show up for OTA's for the Skins in the spring and summer time. Even though these weren't "mandatory" Shanahan wanted Haynesworth to be there since he was the new head coach, wanting to assess the new talent that he was in charge of and changing the defensive system from a 4-3 to a 3-4 scheme, which is difficult in itself.  To be fair on Albert, sure he could have and probably should have shown up for OTA's but for whatever reason he decided not to, maybe because he felt like no matter what he would never lose his starting job or maybe because he just cashed in that 40 million dollar check.  Either way as the season began Shanahan made it as difficult as possible for Haynesworth and even made up the excuse that he didn't pass training camp course, or whatever skill set test he didn't want Haynesworth to pass.  You would see futher lying like this on Shanahan's end later on in the season with the excuse he gave for McNabb saying that he didn't have enough cardiovasular endurance

At the end of the day, Albert is with the team.  He's the best defensive line player that they got and anybody who tells you differently is lying to you.  Also, as the saying goes, the check has been cashed, money is in the bank so the Skins might as well get their money's worth out of him.  With Shanahan and the Washington media around here it's simply a case of reality and perception.  The perception given by the Washington media and Shanahan is that Albert is just a fat, lazy, bum that only think about himself and not the team.  As of now, you have alot of people believing this and writing Albert off as bad debt.  A classic case of falling for the banana in the tailpipe.     
Aight, Gritty....lemme see if I can break this down. 

This is gonna be LOOOOOOOOONG

Spoiler [+]
There is fault on BOTH sides here.  However, at this point, I'm willing to side with Shanahan and some of the other players who spoke up about what Haynesworth has been doing to the team. 

before the summer of 2009, Haynesworth got PAID.  $100 million dollar contract w. $41 million guaranteed.  He showed up last season out-of-shape and not committed to the team.  Albert's "me-first" type of mentality is a stigma that has been with him since his days w. the Titans.  The talent is question.  When he's motivated, you see the dominance.  There isn't a guard in the NFL who can contain him.  However (going back to last year), every single game he had some sort of "injury" where he milked the situation. 

Case in point:


he would go off, only to return by an act of Jesus a few plays later....

whatever...well, we all know that the Zorn-era was a disaster.  Changes HAD to be made.  The only time the Skins had a coach w. the balls/ego to stand up to Dan Snyder was when we had Marty Schottenheimer on board back in 2001.  The team got off to a bad start, but turned things around at the end.  Snyder's personality didn't mesh well with Schotty, and he was ultimately fired.  Continuity is the key, and the skins lost that when they got rid of Marty.  I honestly believe he would have had this team back to a level of respectability had he been kept.  Although he was hard on his players, he had their respect and admiration.  Snyder didn't see that....and gave him the axe like I said before. 

There has been a coaching carousel in the Snyder era.  Norv, Marty, Spurrier, Gibbs, Zorn, Robiskie (interim),'s been some impulse hires, guys coming in past their coaching primes, etc....pretty much it came down to the working relationship between Dan Snyder and whoever was coaching the team. 

Snyder is an @%$...but at the end of the day no matter how much he fails, he DOES want to win.  He knows this team and organization as a whole has become a laughing stock.  The first MAJOR change that was made was Snyder hired Bruce Allen, as GM.  Yes...a GM!  In the Snyder years, there has never been a GM, and he's usually had a stooge (Vinny Cerrato) who "made" all the decisions. 

The next step after Allen was to find a coach.  You gonna go after, Cowher, Gruden, Shanahan, or someone else?  Turns out, it's Mike SHanahan.  He's a proven winner.  He's a guy who can HOPEFULLY get this team headed back on the right track.  He also has an ego thats just as large or LARGER than Dan Snyder.  How would this work?  Well...Dan Snyder amazingly admitted some of his past mistakes and said he would take a backseat.  That was good to hear.  With Shanahan/Allen in charge, this was now their team to mold. 

The roster (when cuts were allowed) in early 2010 was trimmed by 19 players I think.  Familiar names like Griffin, Cartwright, Smoot, Betts, Thomas, etc were all let go.  This was a GREAT sign, because under previous regimes these players may have been kept on because they were viewed as "core" ******** no matter how sub-par their performances were on the field.  You're not going to win games with the names of those who I mentioned above.  There is just no way.  The NFL is built on youth and speed, and the Skins were (and still are) lacking in all those areas. 

With the roster trimming that Shanahan did came some problems.  Remember, he's inheriting ALL of the mistakes made by Snyder/Cerrato.  He's essentially handcuffed by contacts that he just can't dump. 

Anyways, Shanahan needs a new defensive coordinator because it's announced the skins are moving from a 4-3 to a 3-4.  Statistically, the Skins had a top-10 defense for the past 3 seasons or so.  Statistics sometimes lie...or don't tell the whole story.  Their defense had a "bend but don't break" mantra.  They didn't generate any turnovers, which is a key component to the success of any defensive unit.  Jim Haslett was brought on board from the UFL and he was seen as the right guy to implement the 3-4.  Switching to the 3-4 isn't going to be an immediate success.  You still have guys who are familiar with playing in the 4-3, and there is going to be a HUGE learning curve. 

EVERYONE bought in to the 3-4 change....London Fletcher who has been playing MLB for 14 years in the league WELCOMED the challenge of switching to a 3-4.  Albert Haynesworth said from the jump that he was brought in to play DT in a 4-3.  Fool, you knew that as soon as you signed on the dotted line for that 100 million dollar contract, there would be some sort of turmoil when you put on that Skins jersey.  He didn't make things any easier by being a stick in the mud and not even ATTEMPTING to try to learn the system and help out his teammates.  When Haynesworth is on the field, he makes a difference. 

Ok...Haynesworth drew his line in the mud, and the team knew where he was standing.  This all led up to missing OTAs etc would think that it would be kinda important to show up to OTAs mandatory or not, to not only build that comradery with his teammates but understand some of the basics of playing in the 3-4.  He said he was working out w. his trainer on his own and would show up to mini-camp when he was mandated to be there.  This didn't sit well with Shanahan. 

Skipping ahead to the mini-camp, he repeatedly failed the conditioning test.  This is where I don't agree w. Shanahan as far as how he handled the situation.  It became a pissing contest.  He eventually passed, but because it took like 10 days for him to do so, he wasn't allowed to practice with the 1st unit.  He was behind the curve....His preseason wasn't anything spectacular, and Shanahan and him weren't seeing eye-to-eye on anything. 

Preseason eventually led to the regular season, and he was getting limited snaps or deactivated for whatever the reason.  He just didn't want to play in the 3-4.  At this point, you had other players on Twitter and other outlets saying that if they were paid $100 mil, they'd do whatever the team asked.  That's just the difference between guys who actually WANT to play (D.Dockett) and play hard and guys like Haynesworth, who are just out for themselves. 

This could have been avoided if Dan Snyder didn't sign the guy.  Free-agency is a crap shoot, but he's had some really bad luck over the years....Haynesworth had a rep, but it was ignored by the ******** and now they find themselves in this mess. 

I don't care what anyone says, but u got dudes over the course of the season who are his teammates who are not defending him...WHILE HE'S ON THE ROSTER!  That speaks volumes.

The last straw was on Friday morning, when he showed up to ******** Park late...doesn't matter if it's one minute, or 10 minutes...late is late.  Supposedly, he had alcohol on his breath and was hungover.  He's repeatedly denied being drunk, hungover, etc...but someone posted some photos of dude out and about around 1:30am that morning in some bar.  Not to mention, there are PLENTY of stories in the VA area of Haynesworth having a lil too much fun out in Reston/Ashburn...if you get my drift.  No, he hasn't gotten a DUI or arrested for public intoxication, but because you haven't been caught doens't mean you're innocent from what you did the night before. 

Because of what went down on Friday, he was deactivated for the Giants game by Jim Haslett and Mike Shanahan.  That was the straw that broke the camel's back.  He's done with the Skins.  It's too bad, because there are a lot of us here who wanted the guy to do well.  Albert wasn't Shanahan's guy, and Shanahan/Allen are now responsible for cleaning up the mess that was here before.  If Albert adhered to what Shanahan wanted, he could have been a vital cog in the defense.  There have been a lot of ups/downs, but there are guys like Laron Landry who have flourished in the new scheme.  It's going to take time for the Skins to get the ship headed in the right direction, but as long as you have HUNGRY guys on the roster...guys who want to compete....guys who will have their teammates back...guys willing to do ANYTHING to win, things will workout.

The Haynesworth saga is another "L" for the ********, but the sooner he's off the roster, the better....I've defended him in the past, but after hearing testimonials from other players around the league, his teammates, etc....I can't do it anymore. 

*Oh yeah...there was no point in releasing him.  Haynesworth didn't want to be here, so why grant him his wish and allow him to go wherever he wants?  Keep him on the roster and trade him when the time comes so you at least get something in return....

See, this is exactly what I'm talking about Gritts, you got a guy like DoubleJs that fell and more importantly continues to fall for the banana in the tailpipe regarding the ********.  Like I said, I'm sure he and fans like him mean well...........bless their hearts, but at the end of the day when it comes to the ******** fans like DoubleJs07 simply follow orders most of the time, and do and respond as their told when it comes to the ********.  Think of Republicans listening to Fox News and then believing that President Obama is a Muslim (see what I mean), it's the same way with alot (not all) ******** fans gather and get their information from regarding their team, they get feed false facts and then they go from there.  Simply put, Haynesworth is the best thing the Skins have going for them at the defensive line, to get rid of him would be asinine, but I wouldn't put it past the Skins cause trust me when I tell you they are known for doing asinine things.  It's in the Skins best interest to work with Haynesworth and to tell Shanahan to suck it up and quite power tripping.    
I'm A Skins fan, and I'm siding with Deuce on this one
1. Shanahan has been on a power trip ever since getting a job again (People keep looking at Shanny like this great coach forgetting he was FIRED in Denver for not winning a playoff game since Elway was there).

2. An out of shape Haynesworth last year still played THE MOST DEFENSIVE SNAPS of ANY of the ******** D-Line Man last year (and that was in playing on 12 games)

3. When he's in the game, GOOD THINGS HAPPEN... if you don't think so, how many sacks did Orakpo get last year, and how many does he have this year. How many of the ******** front 7 Defensive Players last year made it to the Pro Bowl and how many of them are going to make it this year? and an even bigger fact:

Last year, the ******** Defense was ranked 10th in the NFL, this year its ranked 32. Someone tell me who is ranked 33rd... Oh wait...

Say waht you want about Haynesworth, and no he's not completely free of blame, but the inconvenient truth is that sometimes the coach is wrong, and one of those times, is right now.
Interesting you bring up Orakpo....if you take away the 4 sacks he got in Oakland (WITHOUT Haynesworth playing), does he get to the Pro Bowl? No.

When he's playing hard...GOOD THINGS HAPPEN. He's only played hard in 2 of his professional years. One, was in his year when he got the franchise tag....two, was in the year when he was a UFA. Other than that, when else can you say that he's been dominant?

This is what you get when he plays:

I'm sorry, but that's pathetic....

Skins made this bed....and honestly there is no right/wrong answer....foks are gonna have to agree to disagree (like OKB said)
Interesting you bring up Orakpo....if you take away the 4 sacks he got in Oakland (WITHOUT Haynesworth playing), does he get to the Pro Bowl? No.

When he's playing hard...GOOD THINGS HAPPEN. He's only played hard in 2 of his professional years. One, was in his year when he got the franchise tag....two, was in the year when he was a UFA. Other than that, when else can you say that he's been dominant?

This is what you get when he plays:

I'm sorry, but that's pathetic....

Skins made this bed....and honestly there is no right/wrong answer....foks are gonna have to agree to disagree (like OKB said)
I'm A Skins fan, and I'm siding with Deuce on this one

Thank you.  Also, that's a great point that you bring up regarding where the Skins defense is ranked this year compared to years prior.  Sure Laron Landry is playing better in this new defensive scheme but at the expense of the Skins defense overall and their previous Top 10 ranking, so the current change truly isn't worth it.  At the end of the day, there aren't many Albert Haynesworth in the league, he's still one of the best defensive lineman in the game, be it based on his size or actual skill set, given the record that Coach Shanahan has now with the Skins it's safe to say that there are plenty of Mike Shanahan out there, so with that being said the best suggestion IMO would have been for the Skins to work it out with Haynesworth.  Of course this is all hindsight but these are corrections that the Skins can make be it with Haynesworth now or in the future with another key player.

This is what you get when he plays:
No doubt about it DoubleJ's, you bring up a good point regarding that play during the Eagles game.  Albert just rolled over and played dead, I or anyone else cant condone that.  However, if your going to talk about his bad plays, why don't you also bring up his good plays.  Like how bout that goal line stop on 4 and inches against the Bears when Cutler tried to sneak it in and Haynesworth single-handedly stopped Cutler from scoring and even caused a fumble giving the Skins the ball............but yeah nobody wants to talk about.

Also, the Skins could have really used Haynesworth this past weekend against the Giants.  Jacobs and Bradshaw cut open the Skins defensive line and ran threw and over them like they weren't even there.  Haynesworth in the game would at least had an impact and maybe slowed down the Giants running attack.
I'm A Skins fan, and I'm siding with Deuce on this one

Thank you.  Also, that's a great point that you bring up regarding where the Skins defense is ranked this year compared to years prior.  Sure Laron Landry is playing better in this new defensive scheme but at the expense of the Skins defense overall and their previous Top 10 ranking, so the current change truly isn't worth it.  At the end of the day, there aren't many Albert Haynesworth in the league, he's still one of the best defensive lineman in the game, be it based on his size or actual skill set, given the record that Coach Shanahan has now with the Skins it's safe to say that there are plenty of Mike Shanahan out there, so with that being said the best suggestion IMO would have been for the Skins to work it out with Haynesworth.  Of course this is all hindsight but these are corrections that the Skins can make be it with Haynesworth now or in the future with another key player.

This is what you get when he plays:
No doubt about it DoubleJ's, you bring up a good point regarding that play during the Eagles game.  Albert just rolled over and played dead, I or anyone else cant condone that.  However, if your going to talk about his bad plays, why don't you also bring up his good plays.  Like how bout that goal line stop on 4 and inches against the Bears when Cutler tried to sneak it in and Haynesworth single-handedly stopped Cutler from scoring and even caused a fumble giving the Skins the ball............but yeah nobody wants to talk about.

Also, the Skins could have really used Haynesworth this past weekend against the Giants.  Jacobs and Bradshaw cut open the Skins defensive line and ran threw and over them like they weren't even there.  Haynesworth in the game would at least had an impact and maybe slowed down the Giants running attack.
DoubleJ's you can't talk about his bad without his good...

Our run defense in this new 3-4 has been something horrible, and people aren't running outside on us...

Let me just make this point.

Joe Gibbs was the Offensive Coordinator in the Air Coryall system in San Diego, a pass first offense with Dan Fouts and an abundance of weapons.

When he came to Washington, he did not run the same system. Why? Because he looked at what situations would put the players he had in the best position to be effective.

Instead of a pass first offense, he implemented a Run first system led by John Riggins, mostly because he didn't have a QB the caliber of Fouts.

And guess what? He won, with three different QBs, and made his way to the HoF because he was known for adjusting to the strengths of his players.

Shanahan can't make a square (Hayneworth) fit into a circle (3-4 Nose Tackle) just like he needs to get over the fact he won't find Elway playing again.
DoubleJ's you can't talk about his bad without his good...

Our run defense in this new 3-4 has been something horrible, and people aren't running outside on us...

Let me just make this point.

Joe Gibbs was the Offensive Coordinator in the Air Coryall system in San Diego, a pass first offense with Dan Fouts and an abundance of weapons.

When he came to Washington, he did not run the same system. Why? Because he looked at what situations would put the players he had in the best position to be effective.

Instead of a pass first offense, he implemented a Run first system led by John Riggins, mostly because he didn't have a QB the caliber of Fouts.

And guess what? He won, with three different QBs, and made his way to the HoF because he was known for adjusting to the strengths of his players.

Shanahan can't make a square (Hayneworth) fit into a circle (3-4 Nose Tackle) just like he needs to get over the fact he won't find Elway playing again.
Originally Posted by RamZs8906

DoubleJ's you can't talk about his bad without his good...

Our run defense in this new 3-4 has been something horrible, and people aren't running outside on us...

Let me just make this point.

Joe Gibbs was the Offensive Coordinator in the Air Coryall system in San Diego, a pass first offense with Dan Fouts and an abundance of weapons.

When he came to Washington, he did not run the same system. Why? Because he looked at what situations would put the players he had in the best position to be effective.

Instead of a pass first offense, he implemented a Run first system led by John Riggins, mostly because he didn't have a QB the caliber of Fouts.

And guess what? He won, with three different QBs, and made his way to the HoF because he was known for adjusting to the strengths of his players.

Shanahan can't make a square (Hayneworth) fit into a circle (3-4 Nose Tackle) just like he needs to get over the fact he won't find Elway playing again.

Let me ask satisfyed were you with our defense over the past 5 years or so?  I mean, once you get past their ranking, they REALLY weren't that good.  As many bumps as our 3-4 has endured this year, they (defense) has been responsible for at least 3 wins that I can think of off hand.  How many games can you remember under Greg Blache that you thought "damn, our defense sealed the win!"  Not too many...or any, if at all.  

I do have some issues with the 3-4, so I'm not going to sit here and pretend that I'm all that happy about the switch.  It might have been easier to keep the 4-3, but find a coordinator who had an aggressive approach with blitzes, etc (like what we had w. Gregg Williams) to replace Blache.  Making a change from a 4-3 to a 3-4 is going to have it's ups and downs.  The one thing that I am happy about is that for a while, the skins were generating a TON of turnovers.  That was the knock on our defense for the longest time.  They were ranked high statistically, but where were the sacks and TOs? 

This brings me back to Haynesworth.  Honestly, he is the embodiment of EVERYTHING that is wrong with the Washington ******** franchise.  Skins aren't the first team or the last who have made a switch to a 3-4.  Players conform.  Don't give me the BS that you were brought in to play the 4-3 and that's why you won't play the 3-4, when you were ##%$% about the way you were being used in the first place when the 4-3 was being run by Greg Blache.  If you're out there busting your %!% on every play, then maybe I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and really question the way you were being used.  When Haynesworth played in his 12 games or whatever it was last year, how satisfyed were you with his play?  Did you think his contract was being justified?  Again, this is ALL Snyder/Cerrato's fault.  They didn't do their homework, and once bites them in the %!%.  

There are plenty of guys around the league, on the team, former players in the the media, etc who openly laugh at the absurdity of how Haynesworth didn't even try to make an effort to do his best with the team.  He took his money and ran.  I take the words of Darnell Dockett, Warren Sapp, London Fletcher, etc. etc. to heart.  They played the game professionally....they put their blood, sweat, and tears in to it.  Haynesworth made a mockery of himself and also made the Skins franchise even more of a laughing stock.  He could have made it work, but he didn't.  The effort was NEVER there.  Yeah, we had glimpses of what he can do when somewhat engaged in the game he was playing in, but it was too few and far between.

We ##%$% and moaned over the years about how Snyder/Cerrato were too hands on....Snyder has taken a backseat, and Cerrato is gone.  Let's give Shanny a little bit of time to see what he can do.  There is a TON of pressure on him to get this ship headed in the right direction.  Expectations weren't high going into the season, and I think most (objective) skins fans just wanted to see the team win more than 4 games....which they did.  Remember, Shanahan is still using about 70% of the roster that was constructed before he got here.  Next year (after moves are made), we'll hopefully get a better look as to which direction this team will go. 
Originally Posted by RamZs8906

DoubleJ's you can't talk about his bad without his good...

Our run defense in this new 3-4 has been something horrible, and people aren't running outside on us...

Let me just make this point.

Joe Gibbs was the Offensive Coordinator in the Air Coryall system in San Diego, a pass first offense with Dan Fouts and an abundance of weapons.

When he came to Washington, he did not run the same system. Why? Because he looked at what situations would put the players he had in the best position to be effective.

Instead of a pass first offense, he implemented a Run first system led by John Riggins, mostly because he didn't have a QB the caliber of Fouts.

And guess what? He won, with three different QBs, and made his way to the HoF because he was known for adjusting to the strengths of his players.

Shanahan can't make a square (Hayneworth) fit into a circle (3-4 Nose Tackle) just like he needs to get over the fact he won't find Elway playing again.

Let me ask satisfyed were you with our defense over the past 5 years or so?  I mean, once you get past their ranking, they REALLY weren't that good.  As many bumps as our 3-4 has endured this year, they (defense) has been responsible for at least 3 wins that I can think of off hand.  How many games can you remember under Greg Blache that you thought "damn, our defense sealed the win!"  Not too many...or any, if at all.  

I do have some issues with the 3-4, so I'm not going to sit here and pretend that I'm all that happy about the switch.  It might have been easier to keep the 4-3, but find a coordinator who had an aggressive approach with blitzes, etc (like what we had w. Gregg Williams) to replace Blache.  Making a change from a 4-3 to a 3-4 is going to have it's ups and downs.  The one thing that I am happy about is that for a while, the skins were generating a TON of turnovers.  That was the knock on our defense for the longest time.  They were ranked high statistically, but where were the sacks and TOs? 

This brings me back to Haynesworth.  Honestly, he is the embodiment of EVERYTHING that is wrong with the Washington ******** franchise.  Skins aren't the first team or the last who have made a switch to a 3-4.  Players conform.  Don't give me the BS that you were brought in to play the 4-3 and that's why you won't play the 3-4, when you were ##%$% about the way you were being used in the first place when the 4-3 was being run by Greg Blache.  If you're out there busting your %!% on every play, then maybe I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and really question the way you were being used.  When Haynesworth played in his 12 games or whatever it was last year, how satisfyed were you with his play?  Did you think his contract was being justified?  Again, this is ALL Snyder/Cerrato's fault.  They didn't do their homework, and once bites them in the %!%.  

There are plenty of guys around the league, on the team, former players in the the media, etc who openly laugh at the absurdity of how Haynesworth didn't even try to make an effort to do his best with the team.  He took his money and ran.  I take the words of Darnell Dockett, Warren Sapp, London Fletcher, etc. etc. to heart.  They played the game professionally....they put their blood, sweat, and tears in to it.  Haynesworth made a mockery of himself and also made the Skins franchise even more of a laughing stock.  He could have made it work, but he didn't.  The effort was NEVER there.  Yeah, we had glimpses of what he can do when somewhat engaged in the game he was playing in, but it was too few and far between.

We ##%$% and moaned over the years about how Snyder/Cerrato were too hands on....Snyder has taken a backseat, and Cerrato is gone.  Let's give Shanny a little bit of time to see what he can do.  There is a TON of pressure on him to get this ship headed in the right direction.  Expectations weren't high going into the season, and I think most (objective) skins fans just wanted to see the team win more than 4 games....which they did.  Remember, Shanahan is still using about 70% of the roster that was constructed before he got here.  Next year (after moves are made), we'll hopefully get a better look as to which direction this team will go. 
Originally Posted by The Natural Mystic

Originally Posted by bijald0331

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

cot dam you STAY on that holier-that-thou tip bro....
It's #**@!!% ridiculous.
Dude posts more in ********' threads than Gift, too. He has hatred in his heart and he's letting it all out. 

The thing is, I don't understand his hatred. His team sucks just as much as the ******** but he got so much %#!@ to say about the skins. He is in every and I mean EVERY skins thread.

this is how EVERY cowboys fan in the "dmv" is smh
Originally Posted by The Natural Mystic

Originally Posted by bijald0331

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

cot dam you STAY on that holier-that-thou tip bro....
It's #**@!!% ridiculous.
Dude posts more in ********' threads than Gift, too. He has hatred in his heart and he's letting it all out. 

The thing is, I don't understand his hatred. His team sucks just as much as the ******** but he got so much %#!@ to say about the skins. He is in every and I mean EVERY skins thread.

this is how EVERY cowboys fan in the "dmv" is smh

How you feel about giving Shanahan time now... You know, with him making the "intelligent" decision to bench McNabb this week in playing Dallas and starting Rex Grossman instead...

How you feel about giving Shanahan time now... You know, with him making the "intelligent" decision to bench McNabb this week in playing Dallas and starting Rex Grossman instead...
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