Originally Posted by finnns2003

at this entire thread. it's always so interesting when race is brought up on the net, people say stuff they would never say in person.

you not lyin my man
how come when a white person decides to kill his family or shoot up a church or committ a white collar crime you dont see various threads saying "dangwhen will white people learn. black related incidents are always magnified..... idk if its because news organizations always magnify crimes committed by blacksor what. its not a shocker that their ignorant black people just as ignorance is a characteristic shared by every race
When will black folks stop making these type of +@**%@ threads?

Do you see white people making threads like this after a Caucasian serial killer is arrested for killing 32 people for no good reason?
Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

When will black folks stop making these type of +@**%@ threads?

Do you see white people making threads like this after a Caucasian serial killer is arrested for killing 32 people for no good reason?

A serial killer is an isolated incident..Im sad to say that 90 percent of the times people of our young black generation can't gather together OUTSIDE OFCOLLEGE RELATED EVENTS without someone getting stabbed, shot, beat down or murdered.. Comparing a serial killer to these types of happenings just doesn'tfit...I mean, we are always stereotyped as dangerous in large groups, stereotyped as rowdy gang bangers..surely we aren't but its this stigma thats beencarried through the 80s and 90s to the new millenium. If i recall someone was shot and killed in line or while attending the 50 cent movie...a movie where theclimax is a guy being shot 9 times...and now we have a movie celebrating a very influential person from our generation..who was GUNNED down and look whathappens at the event...Notice a pattern? Like im saying...WHEN will we learn? You don't know how maany of my friends told me that they would wait to gosee Notorious in 2 or 3 weeks because "black folks in large groups dont know how to act"..Now if we ourselves KNOW THIS..why not do somethingdifferent and act CIVILIZED...Lol i dont remember people gettin shot and killed at "No Country for Old Men" or "The Departed"..Lol.. Sorryfor the long rant, i hope most people see where im coming from..
Nah, you're still generalizing and horribly over exaggerating.

90%? Sure, you didn't just pull that one out of your %#+.

You could name plenty of socially negative things of which black people aren't the main offender, and none of them are ever covered or looked at as a"____ people's problem," but rather just a problem with the individual(s) who perpetrated them. But let a black person do something negative,ANYTHING, and it's always, "Oh my God! Look at black people again! SMH!"
every race has their educated and un-educated... un-educated blacks tend to stick out the most that's why everyone thinks they are all like that. There areeducated blacks but no one ever talks about them.
Originally Posted by ridikuloz

every race has their educated and un-educated... un-educated blacks tend to stick out the most that's why everyone thinks they are all like that. There are educated blacks but no one ever talks about them.

agreed. but the term "'black on black crime'' is where black folks take a hit. shows how much ya just dont get along generally. all my blackfriends get along with me but for some reason always plot amongst themselves its weird.
I happend to be one of those educated blacks and I call it like i see it..You think im overgeneralizing? Truthfully? I can take that..cuz its what i have seentime and time again.. Call me a product of my environment for over-generalizing.. As the saying goes it takes one bad apple to spoil a bunch.. Go over to theNotorious thread and look at the people talk about which theatres they are avoiding and why...Im not trying to justify my view on the subject, or say that imright and you are wrong, im just saying its shame we continue to reinforce these stereotypes that have been passed down to us.
Im black and educated and I do find it disheartening to see black on black crime but God forbid I generalize the whole race as being ignorant. However there isa large percentage of our race that is ignorant and I believe their ignorance stems from our history. Some of us have overcome but some are still stuck in theslave mentality, truth be told. Word to 'Souls of Black Folk' by WEB Dubois.
I happend to be one of those educated blacks and I call it like i see it..You think im overgeneralizing? Truthfully? I can take that..cuz its what i have seen time and time again.. Call me a product of my environment for over-generalizing.. As the saying goes it takes one bad apple to spoil a bunch.. Go over to the Notorious thread and look at the people talk about which theatres they are avoiding and why...Im not trying to justify my view on the subject, or say that im right and you are wrong, im just saying its shame we continue to reinforce these stereotypes that have been passed down to us.

And I could still just as easily name all white or any other race/classification locations to avoid, but of course it's just because the people there arecrazy or whatever adjective, not because their entire group as a generalization are. Hell, I live in formally the crystal meth capital of the country (Vegas isnow), obviously an overwhelmingly predominantly non-black drug. It's a talking point daily here, just had a huge statewide film/documentary on it thatsimulcasted throughout the state. You think they ever called it a "white people" problem, or a "suburban people" problem or anything of thesort? Nah, it was just an individuals who do the drug problem.

You're creating a stupid standard where you act like all black people should have to could even be perfect, because anytime one isn't it's areflection of the whole collective, when no other group can even boast that level of perfection. They just have to worry less about being stereotyped andjudged on the negative actions of others who share no more relation to them than same skin color, or religion, or sex.
You cant just talk about black folks, how you gonna say is black people etc. when we got this going on.......
Originally Posted by 360wavesandxbox

Excuse me NT I jus had to vent a lil bit.. My girl and I just went out to the movie theater to see my bloody valentine 3d..I went and got this tickets earlier today for the midnight show so we decided to show up earlier with Notorius showing and all..anyways we arrive to find the lot FULL of cop cars..the theater is shut down and an investigation is underway..apparently some1 was murdered..this sucks..thanks for settin us back another 50 yrs... And Gravy was supposed to be there tonight too.. I'm glad I DIDN'T wanna see that movie earlier...coulda been me..but still why are BLACK FOLKS..some, not all, just so ignorant? I mean..we in NORTH CAROLINA...NORTH CAROLINA! NOT NYC...FAKE HOOD NEGROES....SMH.....
you're in greensboro? i was up there too
I don't really know what to say..

That one murder setting us back 50 years? Definitely not. What do you think about when you hear about daily murders on the news or something?..

Don't generalize all blacks for this one murder by the way...your title is
And again..look back..i never generalized all blacks as ignorant..but people pick and choose what they want to read...Those who understand what i was sayingknow where im coming from.. I said some, not ALL.. We could go back and forth all day, perhaps yall were right about me over generalizing about black people,but the fact still remains that last night will not settle well in the media..I see that they are Suspending the Notorius Movie in that theaterindefinitely...they have no way of knowing that it was related to the movie.. They haven't even found the shooter yet..As a matter of fact why not suspendthe movie about a killer on a bloody rampage in 3D as well? Some towns aren't even gonna show the film due to "the types of crowds they attract".
Originally Posted by 360wavesandxbox

And again..look back..i never generalized all blacks as ignorant..but people pick and choose what they want to read...Those who understand what i was saying know where im coming from.. I said some, not ALL.. We could go back and forth all day, perhaps yall were right about me over generalizing about black people, but the fact still remains that last night will not settle well in the media..I see that they are Suspending the Notorius Movie in that theater indefinitely...they have no way of knowing that it was related to the movie.. They haven't even found the shooter yet..As a matter of fact why not suspend the movie about a killer on a bloody rampage in 3D as well? Some towns aren't even gonna show the film due to "the types of crowds they attract".
I feel you dog....I agree for the most part...but you also got to realize the only reason you notice or care is because you are also Black.
If you looked at the situation impartially, you wouldnt say those things. We got to do better, but so does every race. No race is better than any other, andif one doesnt agree, they are just dumb.

People care to much about what others think about them. So what if the media says x y z about black follks...whats that gonna change? We used to be slavesdog, in some folks eyes we will never be equal to them...SO WHAT...whatever John Doe thinks and feels aint got nothing to do with my life....The man dont livehere no more.
This post just proves two things.

1. If OP never would have posted this, the NT world would have never known about this and therefore there would be that one less incident that you guys saymess up the whole perception of black people.

2. Whoever said that line about them being glad they're not black. Thank you, for again proving ignorance comes in many colors, not just black folks. Getit all out on NT and go back to living your closet racism life knowing that if you slipped like that offline, the situation won't be as easy as loggingoff.

This stuff is ridiculous. I'm an incurable optimist and will keep posting in most of these dumb threads to let people know that not all peoples perceptionis based on actions by a few bad eggs, but of the common good in all people.
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