SMH at profiling Vol. NYPD Cop tried to lie ...

Bro, I hate the cops just as much as the next guy but what you did wasnt a smart move. Just answer the questions and keep it moving, no need to try and befunny cause the joke's now on YOU
justhotkicks wrote:
elboricua 6 wrote:
he gave me attitude and was being smart ... I wasn't going to sit there and take it so I became belligerent as well - but by no means does that warrant the P.O. to lie and say I ate a red light and I was going to get a ticket and that was the reason for the stoppage ...

Weren't you the first to...

...not answer him
..."not remember" the name of the movie (I don't know how that happens)
...say you were molesting your girl instead of watching the movie
...answer a normal, everyday question with "yeah, some soda" when you should've answered no
...answer his breathalizer question with "are you testing for coke or pepsi"

before he said anything smart? Those are all smart-%++ answers. And yeah, I know I misread it the first time, because I honestly thought you got the ticket (which means this thread was worth creating).

And I know that area; there are always cops patrolling and pulling people over in Flushing/College Point at night because of drunk driving. It's right off the highway (people driving in from the city), and there are a few bars on Northern. Three of my boys got DUIs in that area in a span of a year, one got let go on a warning. I grew up in that area (and still live nearby) and if you're talking about that intersection in the underpass, people run reds there all the time. If you got the ticket and the officer described your childish behavior, I doubt you would win a dispute, especially in this economy (yes, the economy has an effect on the amount of tickets being given out).

I still don't get why you thought he was being "smart" because he was questioning you. You admitted that you should've handled the situation better, and for someone who sings songs about Marine discipline and P.O. conduct, you should've answered his questions in an adult manner. He was being a jerk to you because you were being a jerk to him. Period.
Well it's obvious that you have not read the entire thread ...

It's pretty crazy that you quoted everything I said and found it smart and everything he said justified ...

I'm wondering if I go to the movies to see a perticular movie and my girl buys a ticket for something else that I didn't even know was out - whycan't I forget the name of it!!! Hell, I have talk for hours with a girl and at the end of it I dont know her name ...

Once again for the last time - you can't compensate for the emotions, tone and domineer of the cop that was questioning me - so therefor you (I dont knowhow) might think he was being cool ..

He came out ask me for my liscense I pop my wallet and he saw my military ID in a very bad tone told me WHAT'S THAT? I DON'T WANT THAT? SHOW ME YOURLISCENSE! Like dude are you serious, dont you see me searching for it?? After that I was asked where I came from - the movies - what movie you seen - I forgotthe name .. again in a bad tone while looking at his partner with a "WHO THE HELL THIS GUY THINK HE IS - HE MUST THINK I'M STUPID, HUH" and thenlooks back at me and say "HOW YOU GOING TO GO TO THE MOVIES AND NOT KNOW THE NAME" and so on - so yeah - I took offense and it was clear to me and mygirl the cop was being an *!% - just because I'm typing this and you can't see his expression or gestures while interrogating me - does not mean he wasbeing a cool cat ..

LASTLY - Just because I went to the movies by Whitestone does not mean that I got stop by there ....
justhotkicks wrote:
Daonenonlyj wrote:
I dnt understand why ppl think its ok for cops to give you a hard time just because you show ur not afraid of them.
It's not about fear; it's about acting like an adult. And if he acted like an adult, then this would be a non-issue. If I were in the same situation, I would've answered his questions promptly. Immediately after, I would've asked him why I was pulled over. The officer would obviously have no explanation (and be exposed of being a jerk), or he might've mentioned that he thought I was drunk because I was dancing around in the car.

Dude seriously - you making assumptions on what you could of or would of have done, but you wasn't there!!!

this guy was not trying to hear anything - he was just pressing from the get - do you know how that feels? Like if someone is interrogating you and before youfinish answering something his hitting you with another question or before you start to say something they stop you and continue the assault ..

I mean dude - I been around - I know the deal and by no means was this guy showing me respect or letting me say anything - so screw it ----- you want to be an#*! you get smart #*! replies!

you have replied to everything except the real question --- have you ever had a cop tried or even lied to give you a ticket? no matter what your actions wereor what was you doing as long as it wasn't illegal??

they have no right to give you a ticket just because they want to "GET" at you .. that's wrong especially for someone that is there to serve andprotect us like you state ....
I don't how you can't even see how your actions could have been interpreted as disrespectful too...

forgetting to see name of the movie? could have at least said "oh..the one with 'so and so'"
I don't understand how you stand to disrespect an officer like that. From a previous reply am I to assume you disrespected your commanding officers in themarines in such a manner? And the title of the movie is the first thing that comes up so you were just asking for trouble by "forgetting" the name.Wisen up, there are police officers out there who will do more than threaten you with a ticket.
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

I don't how you can't even see how your actions could have been interpreted as disrespectful too...

forgetting to see name of the movie? could have at least said "oh..the one with 'so and so'"

how is me forgetting the name of a movie is being disrespectful - please explain - not to mention right after I said I forgot and I was going to say somethingelse he stop and started with his BS

even if he found it disrespectful that I'm human and I forgot the name of the movie is no reason for him to make a stupid remark like "how am I goingto pay movie and not know the name of a movie" - how about "ok what movie theater did you guys come from"
Originally Posted by ElVaquero87

I don't understand how you stand to disrespect an officer like that. From a previous reply am I to assume you disrespected your commanding officers in the marines in such a manner? And the title of the movie is the first thing that comes up so you were just asking for trouble by "forgetting" the name. Wisen up, there are police officers out there who will do more than threaten you with a ticket.
Guess what - I haven't encounter a C.O. rank O-5 and above (I worked in Washington - so there are many Generals) that acted in such a manner.It's funny that you mentioned that because a lot of the General's - Colonels and even LtCol. that I have met are always curteouscourteous and treat every freakingrank with respect and many times better than the Enlisted SNCO's.

I can't say the same thing about some Senior SNCO that are complete jerks and walk around shoving their power left and right but guess what - thisSNCO's are neither liked or respected and most of the time they get stuff done because of their rank notbecause of who they are - meaning the quality from the Marines performing that duty is less than optimal and the moral around the work area is totally diminish ...
Dirtylicious wrote:
right...and I'm sure you were the perfect angel when it came to your tone and replies.

I was until the movie comment then although my tone didntdidn't change my answers were very smart ....
i just dont get it ... why didnt you just shut the !@%! up and let him do whatever tests he wanted to? you ever stop and think that maybe if you acted like anormal human being he wouldnt have been such a %#!#?

the dudes job is to enforce the law ... if he sees someone dancing around like an idiot in a car, why cant he think you could possibly be drunk?
You may not think your replies were disrespectful, but you were giving him smart-!%! answers, period. I run into smart-!%! people every day at work and I takeevery effort to give them a hard time, just like they gave me a hard time. You tried justifying your actions and disparaging those of the officer, but cops arecops. Not saying he was a saint, because no cop is. But an encounter with the police will go by smoothly and quickly if you cooperate, especially in your casesince you were guilty of nothing. If the cop continues to be a jerk while you're giving him mature, adult answers, then your beef is legitimate, and youcould've reported misconduct or whatever to a precinct if you were that serious about it.

The cop was pressing from the get-go, but what cop doesn't, especially NYC cops? But once he realized you were straight, he would've let you go. Do youfeel like less of a man by answering his questions? Did you feel the need to put him in his place? Giving smart-!%! answers to cops or any authority figurewill not alleviate any situation.

Six pages in and most opinions are the same. I have nothing else to say.
Originally Posted by elboricua 6

Dirtylicious wrote:
right...and I'm sure you were the perfect angel when it came to your tone and replies.

I was until the movie comment then although my tone didnt change my answers were very smart ....

that was the start of the conversation.

good lord.
Originally Posted by MarleysProtege

the dudes job is to enforce the law ... if he sees someone dancing around like an idiot in a car, why cant he think you could possibly be drunk?

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Originally Posted by elboricua 6

Dirtylicious wrote:
right...and I'm sure you were the perfect angel when it came to your tone and replies.

I was until the movie comment then although my tone didnt change my answers were very smart ....
that was the start of the conversation.

good lord.

Originally Posted by justhotkicks

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Originally Posted by elboricua 6

Dirtylicious wrote:
right...and I'm sure you were the perfect angel when it came to your tone and replies.

I was until the movie comment then although my tone didnt change my answers were very smart ....
that was the start of the conversation.

good lord.


My dude, although I know I need to learn how to write ... you seriously need to learn how to read .. just because Dirty said that was the start of theconversation - does not mean that was the start of the conversation - But if you would of have read, you would of have known that ..

once again you prove you CAN'T READ the same way I can't write ...

Dirty - the start of the conversation was

him "can I see your license"
me - "ok, sir" taking out my wallet popping it open in front of him
him "what's that, I didn't ask for that - I want to see your license"
me - thinking wth - I'm trying to get it relax
him "where you coming from"
me "the movies"
him " what movie did u see"
me - stayed quiet becuse I was thinking the name

then it all started -- but during the 1st line of questioning he already had an attitude and talking to me with a stupid as tone and all I was doing was beingcompliant .

But I will drop all this already because it's obvious you guys are firm believers that no matter what the cop is always right and if you ever decide totalk back you should get everything that the guys give you even if it means he lying to just "get back at you"

so I'll let you applaud the fact that the cop was willing to lie because he didn't like my attitude and I applaud all the cops around the US and theWORLD that think just because they are the law people should just automatically respect them and if they don't, the cops have the right to LIE about aviolation just to get back at you ... you are all my hero's

so yes Mr Rodney King you deserve the beating - you should of have never talked back to the cops even if you was drunk and unrudly and your beating wasJUSTIFIED because god knows that restraining you would have not done the JOB ... a little extreme to compare both but hey ... we just cant talk back to theLAW!
sorry buddy you still dont get any sympathy from me ... lmao at you trying to act like bringing up rodney king will get you some people in your corner ... ifyou got beat like rodney king then yeah the cop would be in the wrong ... but all your story did was make you look like an idiot ... in fact, the way you actedjust perpetuates the idea of "racial discrimination" ...

and just a fyi, ive been in situations on both ends of the spectrum ... ive been pulled over because my car looked "suspect" and the cop even told mestraight to my face that he "wasnt expecting someone like me to roll down the window" ... i have been pressed out by police where i shut mymouth and my black friend acted like you and he got slammed, then he tried to claim they were just discriminating ... i told him to stop being an idiot andshut his mouth once in a while ... i hated cops as much as you probably do, but after working in a bar and seeing the stuff that they put up with on a dailybasis i definitely respect them ... 98% of cops just need respect and they wont do a damn thing to you ... so shut that @+%@ up
Dirty - the start of the conversation was

him "can I see your license"
me - "ok, sir" taking out my wallet popping it open in front of him
him "what's that, I didn't ask for that - I want to see your license"
me - thinking wth - I'm trying to get it relax
him "where you coming from"
me "the movies"
him " what movie did u see"
me - stayed quiet becuse I was thinking the name

then it all started -- but during the 1st line of questioning he already had an attitude and talking to me with a stupid as tone and all I was doing was being compliant .
.so you got angry and sarcastic b/c of his tone.
got it.

btw. you didn't include that in your OP

so I'll let you applaud the fact that the cop was willing to lie because he didn't like my attitude and I applaud all the cops around the US and the WORLD that think just because they are the law people should just automatically respect them and if they don't, the cops have the right to LIE about a violation just to get back at you ... you are all my hero's one said that the cop was right...

you're confusing the issues...

1. is your conduct
2. is the cops conduct

so just b/c we disagree with yours, does not mean we agree with the cops..that's not how logic works.

but ....apparently you think there was absolutely NOTHING wrong with your be it....that's your opinion..... the "He started it"defense you're using seems a bit childish though.
Groveling to cops.

Folks like you people that have made it possible for cops to harass citizens regularly.

OMG, he has a shiny pin and a gun! He can do whatever he wants! Here Officer take the money in my wallet and my gf to boot!.

Personally for me cops aren't any different than other citizens. Probable cause works both ways. When you're right it's great. When you'rewrong either be prepared to apologize for harassing a fellow citizen and infringing on his rights or keep on being in the wrong and prepare for a confrontation.
MarleysProtege wrote:
sorry buddy you still dont get any sympathy from me ... lmao at you trying to act like bringing up rodney king will get you some people in your corner ... if you got beat like rodney king then yeah the cop would be in the wrong ... but all your story did was make you look like an idiot ... in fact, the way you acted just perpetuates the idea of "racial discrimination" ...

and just a fyi, ive been in situations on both ends of the spectrum ... ive been pulled over because my car looked "suspect" and the cop even told me straight to my face that he "wasnt expecting someone like me to roll down the window" ... i have been pressed out by police where i shut my mouth and my black friend acted like you and he got slammed, then he tried to claim they were just discriminating ... i told him to stop being an idiot and shut his mouth once in a while ... i hated cops as much as you probably do, but after working in a bar and seeing the stuff that they put up with on a daily basis i definitely respect them ... 98% of cops just need respect and they wont do a damn thing to you ... so shut that @+%@ up
my dude you talking about idiot .. lol .. you still don't get the concept or point or what I'm trying to say!

I cant careless how the cop behave or how I behave - my problem at the end of this was/is that no matter what - the cop do not have the right to lie just toget you .. if you think they do then you are just plain dumb and if you think your actions can and should persude the cop to lie just to get you - you are abigger idiot than I thought ...

the fact of the matter that I broght Rodney King into this was not to get people on my corner as I don't need em -- but then again you seem like you areone of those that need a million people on your back to make your case or chage others minds .. not me - if you agree with what I have to say fine if youdon't fine - you are your own person, but just like you thinking I'm a idiot for my actions - I also think you are a bigger idiot for thinking copshave the right to act a certain way because you decide to talk back ...

everyone have rights and I be damn if a cop or anyone is going to supress mines - but then again this post was not about that - it was about the fact of asworn officer of the law willing to lie to make a case - that's shady business and I don't approve

lastly you should stop talking because everytime you type you assume %#+$ that it's just not right - I never said I dislike or hate the cops I just saidthis wasnt right - I like cops and I have a lot of friends/relative that are cops - so I should know how one should act and this guy was not acting that way....

so yes, just because a cop take %#+$ from all angles everyday is not an excuse for them to treat everyone like %#+$ because every case is a new case - youaren't starting a new case with evidence of the last case .... but you my friend just don't get it .. thanks for your humble words - just like you Ialready formulated my opinion about you ...

P. S. Glad to know that you think it was right for your friend to get slammed because he had an attitude - especially if he didn't do anything to warrantthat and no attitude or talking back is not one - freedom of speech look it up - its very important and what many have died for ... goodbye!
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