SMH at profiling Vol. NYPD Cop tried to lie ...

as long as you obey the law, what is the big deal? a couple minutes out of your day? why couldnt he have said im sorry officer i was jamming to my favoritesong ... ... ... ...

but that goes with any situation ... if you go into any circumstance thinking the worst or witha grudge or with a pre conceived notion that its going to turnout for the worse, it probably will ...
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Dirty - the start of the conversation was

him "can I see your license"
me - "ok, sir" taking out my wallet popping it open in front of him
him "what's that, I didn't ask for that - I want to see your license"
me - thinking wth - I'm trying to get it relax
him "where you coming from"
me "the movies"
him " what movie did u see"
me - stayed quiet becuse I was thinking the name

then it all started -- but during the 1st line of questioning he already had an attitude and talking to me with a stupid as tone and all I was doing was being compliant .
.so you got angry and sarcastic b/c of his tone.
got it.

btw. you didn't include that in your OP

correction I didn't get angry - I was like ok the guy doesnt give me a break and is busting my chops - I can do the same - I guess since he is a cop isright

no - I got it

btw, I did mentioned several times during the thread ...

Dirtylicious wrote: one said that the cop was right...

you're confusing the issues...

1. is your conduct
2. is the cops conduct

so just b/c we disagree with yours, does not mean we agree with the cops..that's not how logic works.

but ....apparently you think there was absolutely NOTHING wrong with your be it....that's your opinion..... the "He started it" defense you're using seems a bit childish though.


Dirtylicious wrote:
you earned that ticket by being a jerk.

no sympathy for you

Can you please explain what you meant by that then???????????????
you deserve a ticket ... i wish he gave you one for resisiting arrest or something COMPLETELY ERRONEOUS and detrimental to your livelihood ... maybe that wouldteach you to stop being such a !++%
Originally Posted by MarleysProtege

you deserve a ticket ... i wish he gave you one for resisiting arrest or something COMPLETELY ERRONEOUS and detrimental to your livelihood ... maybe that would teach you to stop being such a !++%

Just be happy that you got no ticket while being a smart-%%!. You feel like you're owed sympathy because a cop pulled you over? Are your feelings hurtbecause we're laughing at your attempts at justifying your actions?

And I still don't understand how you or your girlfriend, who bought the tickets, couldn't remember the name of the movie, or at least attempt to give adescription. Pretty dumb in my opinion.
elboricua 6 wrote:


naw i could care less because youre the one with the ticket, not me ... so for that im

and i think in the back of your mind, part of you knew that the cop couldnt woop you for no reason, so as long as you just talked #%#+ instead of actuallydoing something, you would be fine ... my guess is if yall saw each other off the clock, you wouldnt have been talkin that wreckless #%#+ ...
MarleysProtege wrote:
elboricua 6 wrote:


naw i could care less because youre the one with the ticket, not me ... so for that im

and i think in the back of your mind, part of you knew that the cop couldnt woop you for no reason, so as long as you just talked #%#+ instead of actually doing something, you would be fine ... my guess is if yall saw each other off the clock, you wouldnt have been talkin that wreckless #%#+ ...



Oh yeah, of the clock the cop was going to beat me - I fear no man right now my dude - I been in combat I have a few combat action ribbons for severalincidents in OIF and OEF - I have seen many of my fellow Marines die - I think I'm beyond being afraid of what a cop could do to me -- BTW, I'm donereplying to you because you are furthering my point of being and IDIOT!

I'm not trying to justify anything - some think I was wrong some think I did nothing wrong at the end of the day it's not about who isright or wrong but about what could of have happen because of a lie - you still don't get it so I'm going to drop you ... either you still don'tknow how to read or comprehend what I'm trying to get to or I just don't know how to express myself better for you to understand - regardless of myactions or me being a %@@ like you said I was being - why would that be a good reason for a cop to try and lie to give me a ticket? ok
OP: you deserved it. why didnt you just show him the movie stub to begin with? SMH....
Originally Posted by rtask

OP: you deserved it. why didnt you just show him the movie stub to begin with? SMH....

So if you're walking out of a grocery store and a cop asks to see your receipt you'll gladly provide it to him?
First off this isn't profiling. The cop may have lied but since you were a complete ##%, I'd do the same. The cops aren't here to be your friends,they're here to weed out people who act up. Honestly, if someone just said they came out the movies and I asked them what movie they saw and they told me"I don't know," I'd give them the stoneface of the decade. I can already picture you saying to the cop with an attitude I don't know.Cops can be the biggest a-holes but I'm pretty sure if you had shown respect and given straight answers with a sir at the end of it, he wouldn't havesaid that red light part.
Originally Posted by elboricua 6

Dirtylicious wrote:
you earned that ticket by being a jerk.

no sympathy for you

Can you please explain what you meant by that then???????????????

I meant what I said...I thought you got a ticket....which you easily wouldn't have gotten if you were polite.
but you didn't get alas the point it moot. sympathy for you.
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by rtask

OP: you deserved it. why didnt you just show him the movie stub to begin with? SMH....

So if you're walking out of a grocery store and a cop asks to see your receipt you'll gladly provide it to him?

Not the same but I know what you mean - if you came out the grocery store with bags and the cops questions you and you are like are you serious don'tyou see the bags and his like oh really want to be a smart @%# - well let me give you a ticket for jail walking and you are like I haven't even cross thestreet I'm on the sidewalk ... to bad I'm the law and you should #+!! and respect me ..


The cop may have lied but since you were a complete ##%, I'd do the same
and that my friend is wrong and I truly and honestly do not respect you - because after its all said and done you are paid to enforce the law, notbreak it

The cops aren't here to be your friends
my friend you seem to amaze me - the cops should be as friendly an as approachable as possible at the very least have some courtesy and beunderstanding .. no matter how much of a jerk a person cant be - that alone is not an excuses to right unjustified tickets ...
Dirtylicious wrote:
Originally Posted by elboricua 6

Dirtylicious wrote:
you earned that ticket by being a jerk.

no sympathy for you

Can you please explain what you meant by that then???????????????

I meant what I said...I thought you got a ticket....which you easily wouldn't have gotten if you were polite.
but you didn't get alas the point it moot. sympathy for you.

Short and simple - do you put food on my table? do you pay my bills? do I care what you feel for me?

you contradicting yourself

the cop gave me a attitude I didnt approve
I acted like a dumb @%%
he lied to give me a red light ticket
lucky I mentioned a few things and he reconsider

bottom line - you think is right if the cop had gave me a ticket because of my actions - then you will say I'm mixing stuff up and that's not what youtrying to imply - but then you stand behind the

"you earned that ticket by being a jerk.

no sympathy for you "

so what are you saying? you confused?
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Groveling to cops.

Folks like you people that have made it possible for cops to harass citizens regularly.

OMG, he has a shiny pin and a gun! He can do whatever he wants! Here Officer take the money in my wallet and my gf to boot!.

Personally for me cops aren't any different than other citizens. Probable cause works both ways. When you're right it's great. When you're wrong either be prepared to apologize for harassing a fellow citizen and infringing on his rights or keep on being in the wrong and prepare for a confrontation .
I agree but I think thats irrelevant to this story. And if you have an issue with the police, there's better ways to handle it than havingpsuedo-intellectual/rebellious exchanges with them...and getting a ticket for it. If you want to do something or take action, at least do it in a productive,intelligent way...
Originally Posted by elboricua 6

TrueBlack88 wrote:
You didn't act mature or like a grown-man. The last line pretty much sums it up, "don't come in here and say I acted like a kids or i whatever - I did the same thing he did" right off the bat, you're admitting you were acting just as stupid as he was. What does that say about you?
what does that say .. hmmm

that I'm not going to sit there and take it - the point of this thread was not so much about what happened conversation wise - but what followed ...

he gave me attitude and was being smart ... I wasn't going to sit there and take it so I became belligerent as well - but by no means does that warrant the P.O. to lie and say I ate a red light and I was going to get a ticket and that was the reason for the stoppage ...

As stated, if you wanted to protest or 'make a point', you should have done it in an adult-manner like any rational, mature grown manwould do. You are a grown-man, aren't you? Justifying your actions by saying, "he started it!" doesn't work in favor of your judgment orthought-process..
and that my friend is wrong and I truly and honestly do not respect you - because after its all said and done you are paid to enforce the law, not break it

Wait, so did he give you the ticket or not? He broke the law by lying? And guess what he is enforcing the law. He see's a potential suspect giving smart@!* remarks.
my friend you seem to amaze me - the cops should be as friendly an as approachable as possible at the very least have some courtesy and be understanding .. no matter how much of a jerk a person cant be - that alone is not an excuses to right unjustified tickets ...

Maybe in your ideal world. Who said the cops should be friendly? Should he haven given you a lollipop at the end for being so courteous? Like I said copsare going to give you a hard time in your life, but he's not going to arrest you/ticket for absolutely no reason. They have the power to do that and youtaking one for the team showing you won't back down won't change a damn thing. Show respect to the cop at all times during that altercation and thistopic wouldn't even exist.
Originally Posted by Dips3tRydah

and that my friend is wrong and I truly and honestly do not respect you - because after its all said and done you are paid to enforce the law, not break it

Wait, so did he give you the ticket or not? He broke the law by lying? And guess what he is enforcing the law. He see's a potential suspect giving smart @!* remarks.
my friend you seem to amaze me - the cops should be as friendly an as approachable as possible at the very least have some courtesy and be understanding .. no matter how much of a jerk a person cant be - that alone is not an excuses to right unjustified tickets ...

Maybe in your ideal world. Who said the cops should be friendly? Should he haven given you a lollipop at the end for being so courteous? Like I said cops are going to give you a hard time in your life, but he's not going to arrest you/ticket for absolutely no reason. They have the power to do that and you taking one for the team showing you won't back down won't change a damn thing. Show respect to the cop at all times during that altercation and this topic wouldn't even exist.


Cops are people. Serve and protect.

I imagine cops deal with a lot of scum and have built up an attitude because of it.


No one deserves to be pulled over by a cop and then talked to in anything but a professional matter.

This cop had nothing and he knew it.. He did what a majority of cops do (huge stereotyping i admit) and got frusturated when he didn't find anything andflexed his long arm of the law.

It disgusts me how easily people hand over their rights to some guy with a high school education and a gun. Get a grip. Were people too, always keep youreyes open and question everything.
Originally Posted by elboricua 6

Dirtylicious wrote:
Originally Posted by elboricua 6

Dirtylicious wrote:
you earned that ticket by being a jerk.

no sympathy for you

Can you please explain what you meant by that then???????????????
I meant what I said...I thought you got a ticket....which you easily wouldn't have gotten if you were polite.
but you didn't get alas the point it moot. sympathy for you.

Short and simple - do you put food on my table? do you pay my bills? do I care what you feel for me?

you contradicting yourself

the cop gave me a attitude I didnt approve
I acted like a dumb @%%
he lied to give me a red light ticket
lucky I mentioned a few things and he reconsider

bottom line - you think is right if the cop had gave me a ticket because of my actions - then you will say I'm mixing stuff up and that's not what you trying to imply - but then you stand behind the

"you earned that ticket by being a jerk.

no sympathy for you "

so what are you saying? you confused?

Obviously. Why would you be posting this story asking for sympathy?
Originally Posted by elboricua 6

Dirtylicious wrote:
Originally Posted by elboricua 6

Dirtylicious wrote:
you earned that ticket by being a jerk.

no sympathy for you

Can you please explain what you meant by that then???????????????
I meant what I said...I thought you got a ticket....which you easily wouldn't have gotten if you were polite.
but you didn't get alas the point it moot. sympathy for you.

Short and simple - do you put food on my table? do you pay my bills? do I care what you feel for me?

you contradicting yourself

the cop gave me a attitude I didnt approve
I acted like a dumb @%%
he lied to give me a red light ticket
lucky I mentioned a few things and he reconsider

bottom line - you think is right if the cop had gave me a ticket because of my actions - then you will say I'm mixing stuff up and that's not what you trying to imply - but then you stand behind the

"you earned that ticket by being a jerk.

no sympathy for you "

so what are you saying? you confused?
Why did you post the story then? If you don't care what any of us feel about you and your situation, sit your #%% down and stop replying. Youwere looking for people to either feel sorry for you or congratulate you for what you did. You got neither. Now you're crying about it.
this reeks heavily of chappelle's show "when keeping it real goes wrong".. many times in my life there have been situations that could have endedworse off than they have if I didnt give in alittle. some would call it selling yourself out of what you truly believe in. but you have to weigh your night I was going home from a friends house around 3am. not many cars out that time of night. cop pulls a uturn on me and pulls me over. tells me that thefront of my car was passed the white line. IT wasnt. I drive in that intersection daily and have been at that light thousands of times over my lifetime. Do Iargue with the cop and his assumptions that I was drinking? no. a quick talk later and I'm out.
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