SNOWFALL THREAD. (tv series)

I saw the Fed thing coming a mile away. I don't think she'll succeed though.

Franklin's Pop will probably be the one who gets him out of a major situation later on. I think he beats the drug habit.

Am I the only one who feels like Franklin sent ole boy on a dummy mission on purpose? I think he knows the Mexicans will murk him since he's so emotional.

Another good episode.
Franklin definitely playing chess this season. 10 steps ahead, he's learned. The way he kept asking them questions "You good, I know times is hard" to find out who stole the money. :lol:

What the hell Reed's brother think they digging up? I thought it was he knew what was up.

Dudes girl being a undercover was a nice surprise. I don't know how mamcita gon get outta this. She's on her good side now too, matter of time til she gets some solid evidence.
He did think that. He didn’t know the Agent was the killing type until he told him. I mean look at how the Agent froze up when he went to go meet his suppliers. His brother had to keep both of them from being killed over there. The only thing the Agent is good at is tracking people down.
Oso finds out
Makes pedro kill her
Now there's blackmail to keep him out

How teddy dont know she undercover and he supposed to be the know it all
Pretty solid episode.
Didn’t expect them to take out the Mexican gang racer like that but I’m glad they did.

The fact that the cartel boss lady figures out that ol girl is a undercover cop based on how she held/shot her gun was nice attention to detail.

Feel like ol boy going to turn on Franklin soon. I think he might take the product and start a rival drug crew.

Power should take notes.
They sniffed that FED ***** out quick as hell, she definitely shot her gun like a cop

Lucia :pimp:

Oso and Lucia look like they gone have to put them bodies on Franklin and crew and act like it was get back for that earlier ****
Pretty solid episode.
Didn’t expect them to take out the Mexican gang racer like that but I’m glad they did.

The fact that the cartel boss lady figures out that ol girl is a undercover cop based on how she held/shot her gun was nice attention to detail.

Feel like ol boy going to turn on Franklin soon. I think he might take the product and start a rival drug crew.

Power should take notes.

Soon as she shot that gun, i knew Lucia knew.... All i was thinking instantly was she blew her cover...
But her playing it off/exposing it at the end is A1.... Didn't see that coming.

I think DeRay or Kev going to betray him too...

Dumbass undercover easily blown her spot. Shooting like a damn pro in that situation. Easily found out. Then that bull **** excuse shw gavw Lucia :smh:

Snitching *** Pedro.

:rofl: @ homey smashing and getting caught by Peaches

Damn Franklin's mom is stubborn.
i think it woulda been better had oso saw her shoot

like how lucia get shot and still simultaneously see and pay attention to how she shot

also i think franklins homie gets his girl pregnant and asks franklin to let him out the game
Maybe I missed it, but I want to know what the father did that was so bad. Seems like he fail on hard times and didn't recover. Don't see why they resent him for that. Seems like Franklin would take that money and try to help his father get back on his feet.
I love the PACE.
NO filler.
Like I fully expected this episode to go nowhere after last week they showed us Pedro's Girl was DEA>
Figured they'd blow her cover in the finale but nope, the very next week she's blown.
Show is making moves, wasting no time.
Great Episode.
Maybe I missed it, but I want to know what the father did that was so bad. Seems like he fail on hard times and didn't recover. Don't see why they resent him for that. Seems like Franklin would take that money and try to help his father get back on his feet.
franklin said it in the episode... watching his momma cry EVERYNIGHT as a child over his deadbeat pops. im sure that clouds any rational thinking you would have otherwise.
Maybe I missed it, but I want to know what the father did that was so bad. Seems like he fail on hard times and didn't recover. Don't see why they resent him for that. Seems like Franklin would take that money and try to help his father get back on his feet.

They got into it last season, remember Franklin bailed him out of jail after seeing them Black Panther pics and he showed up to that BBQ and walked off when Frank was getting choked out by the cops
I remember all of that. I'm saying what did the father do way back in the day to fall off and make the family hate him.
All we know now is that he went from being a Black Panther to a bum.
the CIA supplier is gonna have to work something out as far as officer shorty is concerned. He can't afford for her to bring down lucia/oso because that also implicates Franklin/ ties him into the whole thing. My guess is he takes her out or helps with the cover up
This show is definitely starting to pick up steam on social media. Starting to see a lot more people post about it. Singleton is really doing his thing with it right now.
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