SNOWFALL THREAD. (tv series)

Good episode. confused on a few things tho.

1) Why Claudia blow up on Louie like that ?

2) When did it get revealed that Lucia saw a relative get murdered ?? I dont remember that and I Havent missed an episode

3) Who did Franklin get to pay for his Moms house ? I gathered she went to the bank to pay off the debt only to find out it was already payed

Lucia cold as ice. Gotta be stone bone killer to kill someone you love. Gotta wonder what Oso gonna do with the DEA agent since Lucia offed Pedro.

Reed's brother might be in some deep **** with them Cartel boys. Hope he dont get offed.

This ninja Kevin sold out. Knew he was gon do it. Cant say I blame him tho at least from his perspective. As a viewer we say he sellin out cuz we can see the big picture. But from his vantage point his cousin was killed and Saint and the crew aint hit the streets and do damage like most crews would.
Lucia been killing family members throughout the entire show lol. Only person she hasn’t shot is her mother. Destroying her own cartel smh
Good episode. confused on a few things tho.

3) Who did Franklin get to pay for his Moms house ? I gathered she went to the bank to pay off the debt only to find out it was already payed

This ninja Kevin sold out. Knew he was gon do it. Cant say I blame him tho at least from his perspective. As a viewer we say he sellin out cuz we can see the big picture. But from his vantage point his cousin was killed and Saint and the crew aint hit the streets and do damage like most crews would.

3) Franklin paid it off. I think it was the fake name Saint used to set up those bank accounts at the bank Reed brought him to.

His vantage point is still suspect though because they told Kevin to get his cousin off of that corner and to stay out of that territory. He seems like the type of dude that thiks violence is the solution to every issue.
Yeah I also gotta admit Reed and his barely backed the CIA, and Lucia's stories this season sure have shaoed up and gotten better.

:lol: @ scenes fresh out of Pose all up in this ep.

Female on female domestic violence sure is something else.

Pedro didnt need to get all that talk before catching the bullet.

On the really Franklin aint strict enough with these fools. Like if he wanna run a tight ship he better stop with thw every now and then stern talking to hissy fits. Need to beat some common sense in these fools so they act right.
Lucia :emoji_broken_heart::emoji_broken_heart: never thought it would be you...

What type of **** is Franklin on? Talk about making a bad situation worse.

Leon a simp *** *****

Man that Lucia **** really bothering me, them scenes with her cooperating made me uncomfortable.
Franklin talking bout shooting in broad daylight then gon let a shot off at his mans :lol: :smh:

Without knowing the DEA was there, Saint shooting Kev in broad daylight was a better outcome then Kev shooting a bunch of innocent kids and moms

Kev was talking all that mess but can't shoot in a straight line :smh:

Kev is the dumb criminal who gets everything put in his name and doesn't realizes the IRS exists
i dont really think kev was trying to hit anybody

if so why not just walk the few feet more he had to walk and do it point blank?
Another great episode.

Unc manned up and did right by Louie. This fool stole a whole bench from a park had me crying. I was like what the hell he dragging on to the porch.

Reed doing what he got to in order to get his brother back. I almost forgot his haby momma work for the CIA too. She kinda remind me of Miss Piggy tho. All dat coke they was feeding his brother, there aint no way he normal again

Lucia snitching aint a good look for her but I dont know if just abandoning Oso would have been either

Kev really gonna pull a 187 in broad daylight. This ninja aint got no g about himself. He shoulda took that opportunity to follow his cousins killer and find out were he stay and were his loved ones stay and then make a move.

Cant beleive Franklin shot Kev. Couldnt tell where tho. Hopefully not in the back. If so Franklin lost a whole lotta points with me.
"this ***** in love with a crackhead!"


Kev a *****. A 100% fully ***** made mark *** *****. Talking about dont trust Franklin when betrayal steady course through his veins.

He deserved to die. Franklim definitely shot him from behind but given what Lorena did with the belt Franklin shot Kev in the leg :lol:

Leon need to sack up. I was hoping he was gonna put 2 in her and end it. Son trying to detox a junkie.

Didnt think they'd leave Reed high and dry with the stonewalling. I feel Reed should've been more communicative with his partners. Should've told Lucia he'd handle it or at least inform Franklin a little bit. Cuz look at all the mayhem going on.

All those DEA cops are gonna need to be killed. Lorena especially. Acting all high and mighty. Mad ******* arrogant just cuz she got Lucia and Oso detained.
Does the DEA really just hang out all casually with their arrested detainees like that?
Does the DEA really just hang out all casually with their arrested detainees like that?
Forget that.

You screen a call. Get alerted of a possible murder/shootout in a park and you send one ONE undercover DEA agent to take care of it.

Its like their entire detail is wild underfunded :lol: Before Reed even did anything. Like 2-3 cops including the dude in charge stay back with Oso when Lorena leaves with Lucia but they sent like 4 cop cars to pick up Lucia :lol:

Just caught the episode.
A whole lot of Tom FOolery going on.
THese have to be the worst Drug dealers in America, and the show is on point with the writing because this is EXACTLY how new Dealers act when they aren't put on right.

Lucia is new to being in charge, she mucking up.
Reed is new to being in charge, he mucking up.
Franklin is new to being in charge, he mucking up.
Kevin, now that boy is just Jelly, he better get that hate out his heart, or he's a dead man.

Franklin shooting him the leg though was just, man I don't know how you come back from that one, shoot your mans and then leave him for the COps to pick up(of course he had to leave him but had he not shot him, they'd all be on foot free)

Show is legit man.
Wild episode man.

Kev wyling try to shoot at those kids. From a moral standpoint, Franklin did the right thing.

It's going to be glorious when the DEA chick sees her ending.
The DEA chick is dead meat.
Not sure if Lucia pops her for dragging her to the Park in broad daylight where she can be seen cuffed in a Fed Car as she gets made...

Not sure if Peaches pops her to kill the only “real” witness...

Not sure if Reed pops her instead of taking her for lunch...

One way or the other, she’s dead
This show just keeps getting better week after week. I’m honestly impressed but I shouldn’t be, this what John Singleton does..

Kev got that Sean Taylor smh that’s a terrible way to go out.

*** *** neighbor cop snitching, he just mad Franklin hitting his daughter

Look like Oso outta there

All this **** going on is Lucia’s fault

That last scene with his moms at the car :emoji_cry::emoji_cry:

This **** had my chest feeling tight several times during the episode
Nice episode but did y’all see the preview for the next?!? My boy Franklin going to jail and getting beat the F down. Can’t wait to see the reason behind that.

I don’t have any respect for that Spanish chick. Shorty killing her own family members that had an established cartel. Now she’s a full blown snitch which makes you want to yell “what was the freaking purpose of it all”.

Franklin handled it the right way. His crew is full of one trick ponies that wouldn’t know what to do against real competition.

Oops I’m an epsiode behind y’all lol. Let me play catch-up
Damn. I was hoping when Franklin wanted a car it was to go kill Lucia.

Oso got what he got though. Snitch by association.

Dont see how Franklin gets back on track with the business. Like I dont see Reed swooping in to save hm somehow.

Next season may be a timeskip. No way Franklin running the business from prison.
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